Teka-teki Kerangka dan Hilangnya Menantu Perempuan Pemilik Septic Tank di Bantul

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Warga Bantul dihebohkan dengan penemuan kerangka manusia di dalam septic tank rumah milik Waluyo, Minggu (23/12) sore. Warga menduga, kerangka itu ada kaitannya dengan hilangnya menantu Waluyo, Ayu Selisa.

Ketua RT 07, Dusun Karangjati, Desa Bangunjiwo, Kecamatan Bantul, Suparno (50) bercerita bahwa Waluyo memiliki anak bernama Edi Susanto yang menikah dengan Ayu Selisa pada 2006 silam. Edi dan Selisa diketahui sempat tinggal di rumah Waluyo.

Tak pernah ada kabar berarti dari keluarga Waluyo hingga Ayu Selisa hilang pada 2009.

"Dari dulu ada polisi ngomong-ngomong 'saya dimintai tolong ibunya Mbak Seli untuk mencari Seli yang hilang sejak 2009'," ujar Suparno saat ditemui wartawan di Pasar Niten, Dusun Geneng, Desa Panggungharjo, Kecamatan Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul, Senin (23/12).

Belum jelas ke mana perginya Selisa, lanjut Susanto, Edi tewas bunuh diri. Edi meninggalkan surat wasiat yang di dalamnya menyebut tentang istrinya.

"Wasiat itu intinya berisi 'pak, mak, aku arep nyusul mbok tua' (pak, buk saya mau menyusul simbah) sama istri saya. Nah, itu kan jadi kecurigaan (maksud) 'nyusul istri saya itu', apalagi selama ini tidak ada yang tahu dia (Seli) di mana," sambung Suparno.

Selain itu, Suparno mengungkap pascameninggalnya Edi, keluarga Selisa sempat menanyakan keberadaan anaknya. Bahkan, beberapa hari kemudian orangtua Selisa mendatangi Waluyo untuk menanyakan keberadaan anaknya.

"Apalagi dari informasi, ibunya (Selisa) itu pernah mimpi kalau anaknya ada di daerah situ (septic tank milik Waluyo)," katanya.

Meski begitu, Suparno memilih menunggu hasil penyelidikan polisi.

"Tapi nunggu kepastian apakah itu kerangka Seli atau bukan kan belum tentu. Tapi kemungkinan besar, kan iya," sambung Suparno.

Polisi hingga kini masih menyelidiki dan memeriksa saksi-saksi terkait penemuan kerangka di septic tank yang terletak di Dusun Karangjati, Desa Bangunjiwo, Kecamatan Kasihan, Bantul ini. Waluyo menjadi salah seorang yang diperiksa sebagai saksi.

"Sementara di dekat lokasi penemuan ada rumah (milik Waluyo). Nah saat ini dilakukan pemeriksaan (terhadap Waluyo) oleh Polsek Kasihan," ujar Kasat Reskrim Polres Bantul, AKP Riko Sanjaya saat dihubungi wartawan, Senin (23/12).

Riko belum mengungkap berapa orang saksi yang sudah diperiksa polisi. Hasil autopsi kerangka juga belum didapat. Sehingga identitas dan penyebab kematian dari kerangka tersebut hingga kini masih misterius.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Riko menjelaskan posisi kerangka tersebut saat ditemukan. Selain kerangka manusia, polisi juga menemukan robekan kain yang diduga celana jins.

"Sudah tidak bisa diketahui posisinya terlentang atau telungkup, tapi kepala itu (tengkorak) hadapnya ke samping. Jadi kepala posisinya bukan telungkup, tapi menyamping," ucapnya.(detik.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/39dXzmv

Ustad Abdul Somad Dibuat Kesengsem dengan Kehadiran BMW R18. Begini Curhatannya

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - BMW telah membuka pre booking untuk penjualan motor klasik terbarunya BMW R18 .
Motor ini merupakan reinkarnasi dari desain motor BMW lawas R5 yang lahir sekitar tahun 1950-an. Motor cruiser klasik baru ini memang digadang-gadang menjadi pesaing Harley-Davidson dengan bermodalkan mesin boxer 1,8 liter.

Ternyata kehadiran motor klasik BMW di era modern membuat kesengsem salah satu ulama kondang, ustad Abdul Somad . Dalam unggahan UAS sapaan Ustad Abdul Somad pada 10 Desember 2019, terpampang gambar sepeda motor BMW Lawas dan juga gambar BMW R18. Saat itu, UAS berpose diatas salah satu BMW lawas yang diduga R35 dengan plat nomor D 3155 BR. UAS dengan kemeja rapi berwarna biru dengan tas warna cokelat menempel di bahu mengacungkan jari jempolnya.

Hanya saja dalam unggahan tersebut, UAS tidak secara lugas mengungkap kesukaannya terhadap model baru sepeda motor BMW ini. Ia bertutur tentang filosofi berkendara.

"@sahabatuasofficial. Gas, Rem dan Rambu-rambu. Hidup ini seperti naik motor. Ada gas, ada rem dan ada pula rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Gas itu hawa nafsu, rem itu akal. Rambu-rambu lalu lintas itu aturan halal haram dalam agama," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari akun ustadzabdulsomad_official.

BMW mempertimbangkan secara cermat setiap detail, seperti penggunaan knalpot fishtail hingga ketiadaan switchgear. Motor ini memang disiapkan untuk masuk pasar Amerika yang selama ini dikuasai Harley-Davidson dan Indian.

Motor ini memiliki roda yang mencolok dengan penggunaan 19 inci di depan dan 16 inci di belakang yang membuat tampilan dragster yang dinamis. Penggunaan cat merah permen dari fairing ke tailpiece sangat menarik dengan tangki teardrop kesan klasiknya sangat kental.

R18 mengandalkan mesin boxer silinder ganda 1800cc berpendingin udara-oli. Drive shaft juga membantu menjaga saluran tetap bersih, yang merupakan bagian penting dari upaya BMW untuk menciptakan apa yang mereka sebut sebagai kebiasaan modern.

"Anda tahu, kami selalu memiliki gagasan untuk memasuki segmen pasar cruiser Amerika," kata Karl Victor Schaller, Kepala Teknik di BMW Motorrad, kepada MCN.

Edgar Heinrich, Kepala Desain BMW Motorrad mengatakan motor ini bukan berorientasi power atau tenaga kuda. "Motor ini adalah tentang membuat motor analog di era digital. BMW memiliki sejarah yang kaya dengan sepeda motor ikonik dan mereka memiliki karakteristik desain yang sama."

Yang paling mengejutkan, kabar yang menyebutkan motor BMW ini akan dijual kurang lebih £20,000 atau sekitar Rp 363 juta di Inggris.

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/371lenW

Jadi Raja Judi di Amerika Hingga Menang Rp 28 Miliar, Pria Asal Medan Ini Akan Bangun Pengobatan Gratis

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Siapa sangka bahwa Indonesia memiliki seorang yang disebut sebagai raja judi.

Walaupun sebenarnya judi dianggap tidak baik.

Judi merupakan sebuah tindakan yang seharusnya dijauhi dan bahkan praktik perjudian dianggap tabu di Indonesia.

Namun, siapa sangka berawal dari sebuah hal tabu bagi pria asal Medan ini menjudi justru menjadi profesinya.

Dia adalah John Juanda, seorang profesional poker asal Medan.

Bagi pria asal Medan, Sumut, yang pernah menjadi ikon poker dunia tersebut, judi bisa jadi profesi bila dilakukan dengan profesional.

Nama John Juanda pada tahun 2014 lalu pernah menjadi pembicaraan hangat lantaran prestasinya menjuarai World Series of poker (WSOP).

Menurut Pokernews.com, John Juanda tak hanya sekali menjuarai WSOP tapi sudah lima kali, yaitu pada tahun 2002, 2003, 2008, 2011, dan terakhir 2014.

Dari prestasinya menjuarai lima kali WSOP, John mendapatkan hadiah total USD 2.330.926 atau sekitar Rp28 milliar.

Kuliah S2 di Seattle University

John Juanda pada tahun 1996 menamatkan pendidikan S2 di Seattle University, Amerika Serikat.

Semasa kuliah S2 itulah John mengisi waktu luang kuliahnya untuk berjudi poker di kasino yang berlokasi tidak jauh dari kampus Seattle University.

Pada tahun 1999, John Juanda mengikuti kejuaraan WSOP pertamanya, saat itu dia berhasil menduduki peringkat kesembilan dan mendapatkan hadiah uang sebesar USD 1.500.

Berawal dari sanalah, pria kelahiran 8 Juli 1971 ini memutuskan untuk menjadi penjudi profesional.

Nama John Juanda di dunia Poker sangat disegani, bahkan dalam World Series of Poker (WSOP) yang berlangsung di Inggirs tahun 2008 silam, dalam semalam John bisa mendapatkan uang senilai Rp 19 miliar, sebuah pencapaian yang bikin iri para penjudi-penjudi profesional lainnya.

Jauhi alkohol

Kartu remi dan permainan poker sudah membekas di ingatan John Juanda sejak kecil.

Sebab, sulung dari empat bersaudara ini sering melihat ayahnya bermain berjudi.

Seperti dikutip Goldsea.com, hal yang paling diingatnya adalah kebiasaan ayahnya yang selalu menenggak minuman beralkohol ketika sedang berjudi.

Akibatnya, sang ayah kerap menelan kekalahan.

Kenangan buruk tersebut membuat Juanda tidak pernah meminum alkohol saat bertanding poker.

Uniknya, meskipun tidak minum, pria yang memiliki sebutan 'JJ' ini tetap memesan minuman.

Minuman tersebut kemudian diberikan kepada lawannya.

Mengenal Poker saat Kuliah

Juanda mulai mengenal permainan poker saat dia menempuh perjalanan ke Amerika untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S1 pada 1990.

Di atas pesawat, teman sebangkunya mengenalkan permainan yang menggunakan kartu remi tersebut.

Setelah menamatkan pendidikan S1 di Oklahoma State, dia kemudian melanjutkan S2 di Seattle University.

Setelah mendapatkan gelar MBA pada 1996, Juanda memilih poker sebagai mata pencariannya.

Turnamen profesional

John Juanda tercatat mulai mengikuti turnamen poker profesional sejak 1999. Pada saat itu, dia mencatatkan namanya di urutan ke sembilan turnamen World Series of Poker (WSOP) di Amerika.

Di turnamen yang telah dimenangkannya sebanyak lima kali tersebut, Juanda berhak atas juara sebesar USD 15.000

Empat bulan kemudian, di turnamen yang sama, dia finish di urutan ke tujuh dan berhak atas hadiah USD 399.600.

Selama musim panas tahun 2000, Juanda menjadikan dirinya sebagai rising star dalam turnamen poker profesional saat dia berhasil finish sebanyak enam kali.

Pada turnamen US Poker Championship di Kota Atlantic, dia berhasil finish di urutan kedua dan berhak atas uang tunai sebesar USD 159 ribu.

John Juanda mengakui jika semua kemenangannya di turnamen poker seluruh dunia tidak lepas dari campur tangan Tuhan.

Karena itu pula, sebagai bentuk terima kasih, dia berencana menyediakan perawatan medis gratis bagi masyarakat saat dirinya pensiun bermain poker nanti.

Rencananya, uang yang didapatkan bisa membantu sesama umat manusia yang membutuhkan bantuannya terutama soal pengobatan gratis. (Sosok.Id/*)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/379aT9P

Nissan top executive Seki to resign in blow to turnaround plan - Reuters

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

Nissan top executive Seki to resign in blow to turnaround plan - Reuters

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - The executive tasked with leading a recovery at Nissan Motor Co Ltd (7201.T) said he had decided to resign just weeks into his new job, a move that could disrupt the automaker's push to turn the corner on scandal and slumping sales.

FILE PHOTO: Nissan Motor executive officer and vice-COO Jun Seki speaks during a news conference at Nissan Motor headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, December 2, 2019. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Jun Seki, Nissan's vice chief operating officer and a former contender for chief executive, told Reuters he was leaving to become the president of Nidec Corp (6594.T), a Kyoto-based manufacturer of automotive components and precision motors.

He will likely depart in January after three decades at Nissan, including a stint heading its China business.

"I love Nissan and I feel bad about leaving the turnaround work unfinished, but I am 58 years old, and this is an offer I could not refuse. It's probably my last chance to lead a company too," he said in a brief interview.

"It's not about money. In fact, I will take a financial hit since Nissan pays us well," Seki said. He declined to elaborate further.

Nissan and Nidec declined to comment.

Seeking to roll back some of the costly expansion under ousted chairman Carlos Ghosn, Nissan has embarked on wide-ranging turnaround plan.

That plan, which began in April, is now on track to generate a cumulative few hundred billion yen in cost cuts and operational efficiency gains by the year to March 2022, according to two Nissan sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. One hundred billion yen is roughly equal to $915 million.

Adding to concerns about disruption among Nissan's top management, the sources said that Seki, Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta and Chief Executive Makoto Uchida have so far failed to gel as a team after being named to their posts in October.

They officially took over on Dec. 1.

"There was no instant, cohesive chemistry achieved by those appointments," one of the sources said.

Gupta and Uchida were not immediately available for comment.

Seki's resignation could further complicate Nissan's relationship with top shareholder Renault SA (RENA.PA). Seki recently worked in Paris for a year and was seen as relatively close to the French automaker.


Asked if he was leaving Nissan because he was passed over for the role of chief executive, Seki said that was not the case but did not elaborate.

He and Uchida, most recently the head of the China business, had been seen as top contenders for the CEO job. Reuters reported in September that Uchida was seen as more favored by Renault.

Before being named vice-COO, Seki was a senior vice-president charged with leading the turnaround.

Nissan has been profoundly shaken over the last year, first with the downfall of long-term leader Ghosn, who is now awaiting trial on allegations of financial misconduct that he has denied. Former Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa then left in September.

One of the sources said Seki was contacted by a headhunter about a job at Nidec in April, after he returned from a year working in Paris.

Nidec's 75-year-old chairman, the brash and confident Shigenobu Nagamori, has been searching for an eventual successor to lead and expand its business.

Nidec, which sees electric vehicles as a key driver of growth, has a 40% global market share in automotive electric steering motors and has said it wants to boost its share in electric vehicle propulsion motors.

Slideshow (2 Images)

After April, Seki had no additional contact with Nidec until the recruiter called him again on Oct. 8 when Nissan announced the new management team, including Uchida as CEO.

After that second call, Seki agreed to meet Nagamori - to turn down the offer, the source said.

"Nagamori talked Seki into accepting his offer in the end," the source said.    

Reporting Norihiko Shirouzu; Additional reporting by Makiko Yamazaki; Editing by David Dolan and Edwina Gibbs

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2019-12-24 11:11:00Z

Video Shows Police Horse Refuse to Start Work Without Giant Mug of Sugary Tea, and It’s Hilarious - The Epoch Times

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:08 AM PST

For many regular employed people, it is impossible to conceive of starting the working day without a delicious mug of hot tea or coffee. A now-internet-famous, pampered police horse from the United Kingdom named Jake is no different.

Twenty-year-old Jake, who has been serving with England's Merseyside Police since 2004, has developed such a love for the classic British morning brew that he quite simply won't get up for work without one. Jake's morning beverage is even served to him in a jumbo-sized mug with two tasty sugars.

This is the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner with police horse Morrisey, also affectionately known as 'Jake' around the yard. #MerpolMounted

اس پر ‏‎Merseyside Police‎‏ نے شائع کیا جمعہ، 29 مئی، 2015

Jake has a better morning routine than us 😂

اس پر ‏‎Metro‎‏ نے شائع کیا جمعرات، 28 نومبر، 2019

Staff at the stable where Jake resides in Allerton, Liverpool, explained that Jake waits patiently for his morning brew before rising for his daily duties. Accordingly, all staff have been briefed to include Jake in their first tea round of the day.

Merseyside Police Mounted Section manager and trainer Lindsey Gaven described Jake to the Daily Mail: "Jake is one of twelve horses we've got at the stable working with us," she said. "I'd definitely describe Jake as a horse with a lot of character.

"We've all learnt his tea order, he'll deal with one sugar, but is definitely happier when you remember to give him two."

For the perfect morning pick-me-up, Jake preferences tea with skimmed milk, two heaped teaspoons of sugar, and a little cold water mixed in to create the ideal drinking temperature. Photos of the handsome horse waiting for his cup of tea, then sinking his huge tongue into the mug to slurp out the contents, quickly went viral after being shared in November 2019.

"If you're at the side of the stable and he sees you with a mug in your hand, you can guarantee he'll trot on over to try and steal a slurp," Gaven joked.

Police horses are still crucial to modern-day policing. According to Yahoo, the Mounted Section's specific skillset allows police officers and their horses to reach many spots that are harder for law enforcement vehicles to access. Mounted officers routinely participate in searches for missing persons and in the gathering of evidence for ongoing investigations.

Police horse Jake's role with the Merseyside Police often involves helping supervise security at football matches. In the past, Jake has also been employed as a police horse at Aintree Racecourse in Merseyside, overseeing the annual Grand National horse race.

Our #ProjectServator officers were out on patrol this afternoon ahead of the #championsleague2019 tomorrow ⚽️We use a…

اس پر ‏‎Merseyside Police‎‏ نے شائع کیا جمعہ، 31 مئی، 2019

At 20 years of age, however, veteran police horse Jake is due to retire in 2020. With a cleared schedule to look forward to, Jake will be able to enjoy his morning "cuppa," the nation's favorite beverage, at leisure.

Jake is not the only horse working for the Merseyside division with comedic characteristics. On Nov. 22, 2019, Merseyside Police posted a humorous video on their Instagram page of another horse named Beau.

"When you have hit the snooze button too many times," they wrote, beside a video of Beau refusing to get up despite his trainer's instruction. "Beau is not a big fan of the cold dark mornings," they added. "Just 5 more minutes."

The Merseyside Police regularly post amusing photos and videos of their off-duty equine employees on their Twitter page. The page has over 5,800 followers, and many comments attest to the myriad similarities between police horses and, well, the rest of us.

No matter what our day jobs are, though, sometimes even the best of us need a little boost to help us get up in the morning.

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"mug" - Google News
December 24, 2019 at 09:19PM

Video Shows Police Horse Refuse to Start Work Without Giant Mug of Sugary Tea, and It's Hilarious - The Epoch Times
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Nissan top executive Seki to resign in blow to turnaround plan - Reuters

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:41 AM PST

Nissan top executive Seki to resign in blow to turnaround plan - Reuters

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - The executive tasked with leading a recovery at Nissan Motor Co Ltd (7201.T) said he had decided to resign just weeks into his new job, a move that could disrupt the automaker's push to turn the corner on scandal and slumping sales.

FILE PHOTO: Nissan Motor executive officer and vice-COO Jun Seki speaks during a news conference at Nissan Motor headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, December 2, 2019. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Jun Seki, Nissan's vice chief operating officer and a former contender for chief executive, told Reuters he was leaving to become the president of Nidec Corp (6594.T), a Kyoto-based manufacturer of automotive components and precision motors.

He will likely depart in January after three decades at Nissan, including a stint heading its China business.

"I love Nissan and I feel bad about leaving the turnaround work unfinished, but I am 58 years old, and this is an offer I could not refuse. It's probably my last chance to lead a company too," he said in a brief interview.

"It's not about money. In fact, I will take a financial hit since Nissan pays us well," Seki said. He declined to elaborate further.

Nissan and Nidec declined to comment.

Seeking to roll back some of the costly expansion under ousted chairman Carlos Ghosn, Nissan has embarked on wide-ranging turnaround plan.

That plan, which began in April, is now on track to generate a cumulative few hundred billion yen in cost cuts and operational efficiency gains by the year to March 2022, according to two Nissan sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. One hundred billion yen is roughly equal to $915 million.

Adding to concerns about disruption among Nissan's top management, the sources said that Seki, Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta and Chief Executive Makoto Uchida have so far failed to gel as a team after being named to their posts in October.

They officially took over on Dec. 1.

"There was no instant, cohesive chemistry achieved by those appointments," one of the sources said.

Gupta and Uchida were not immediately available for comment.

Seki's resignation could further complicate Nissan's relationship with top shareholder Renault SA (RENA.PA). Seki recently worked in Paris for a year and was seen as relatively close to the French automaker.


Asked if he was leaving Nissan because he was passed over for the role of chief executive, Seki said that was not the case but did not elaborate.

He and Uchida, most recently the head of the China business, had been seen as top contenders for the CEO job. Reuters reported in September that Uchida was seen as more favored by Renault.

Before being named vice-COO, Seki was a senior vice-president charged with leading the turnaround.

Nissan has been profoundly shaken over the last year, first with the downfall of long-term leader Ghosn, who is now awaiting trial on allegations of financial misconduct that he has denied. Former Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa then left in September.

One of the sources said Seki was contacted by a headhunter about a job at Nidec in April, after he returned from a year working in Paris.

Nidec's 75-year-old chairman, the brash and confident Shigenobu Nagamori, has been searching for an eventual successor to lead and expand its business.

Nidec, which sees electric vehicles as a key driver of growth, has a 40% global market share in automotive electric steering motors and has said it wants to boost its share in electric vehicle propulsion motors.

Slideshow (2 Images)

After April, Seki had no additional contact with Nidec until the recruiter called him again on Oct. 8 when Nissan announced the new management team, including Uchida as CEO.

After that second call, Seki agreed to meet Nagamori - to turn down the offer, the source said.

"Nagamori talked Seki into accepting his offer in the end," the source said.    

Reporting Norihiko Shirouzu; Additional reporting by Makiko Yamazaki; Editing by David Dolan and Edwina Gibbs

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2019-12-24 11:11:00Z

Umat Kristiani di Dharmasraya dan Sijunjung Akhirnya Boleh Merayakan Natal

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:35 AM PST

Program Manager Pusaka Padang, Sudarto. ( Foto: dok pribadi / istimewa )

Beritaterheboh.com - Umat Kristiani di Jorong Kampung Baru, Kabupaten Dharmasraya, dan Jorong Sungai Tambang, Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat akhirnya bisa beribadah Natal tahun ini. Sedangkan tempat yang lebih permanen untuk umat beribadah akan dimusyawarahkan setelah 10 Januari 2020.

Hal itu disampaikan Program Manager Pusat Studi Antarkomunitas (Pusaka) Padang, Sudarto, melalui akun facebook, Senin (23/12) dan Selasa (24/12). Sudarto yang kemudian dikonfirmasi Beritasatu.com,  membenarkan apa yang ditulisnya.

Seperti diberitakan, umat Kristiani di dua kabupaten tersebut sudah bertahun-tahun dilarang melakukan ibadah minggu maupun perayaan Natal. Mereka hanya boleh beribadah dan meryakan Natal di rumah masing-masing tanpa mengudang orang lain.

Persoalan ini mengemuka setelah Pusaka Padang menyuarakan ke ranah publik dengan melaporkannya ke Komnas HAM dan Ombudsman serta melakukan jumpa pers di Setara Institute.

Akhirnya saya bisa tidur agak nyenyak malam ini. Selain yg di Jorong Kampung Baru Dharmasraya dan yg di Jorong Sungai Tambang umat Kristiani bisa merayakan ibadah natal 2019 dan tahun baru 2020. Selamat merayakan natal dan tahun baru semoga kalian lahir kembali membawa damai bagi kehidupam. Amitabha. Demikian status yang diunggah di akun Sudarto Toto pada Senin (23/12).

Status berikutnya pada Selasa (24/12), merupakan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak termasuk kepada Bupati Dharmasraya. Setelah terus menerus kita kawal, info terbaru untuk tahun ini umat Katolik bisa beribadah Natal dan Tahun Baru di Jorong Kampung Baru Nagari Sikabau.Untuk selanjutnya tempat yang lebih permanen akan dimusyawarahkan setelah 10 Januari 2020. Jika ini terjadi, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak. Dan apresiasi saya pada Bupati Dharmasraya Sutan Riska. Namun kami harus terus mengawal.

Kabar warga dua kabupaten di Sumbar itu bisa merayakan Natal dan Tahun Baru mendapatkan respons dari berbagai pihak. Sambutan hangat, terutama berupa ucapan terima kasih, disampaikan kepada Sudarto dan Pusaka Padang yang sudah menyuarakan persoalan warga Nasrani di dua kabupaten tersebut hingga akhirnya mendapatkan solusi.

Akun Gayatri Munthari misalnya memberikan ucapan dan harapan di semua tempat semua umat dapat merayakan ibadah hari raya masing-masing. Terima kasih berkat perjuangan dan kegigihan Sudarto, dan kawan-kawan, umat Kristiani di Jorong Kampung Baru Dharmasraya dan di Jorong Sungai Tambang, akhirnya dapat merayakan ibadah Natal 2019 dan Tahun Baru 2020. Semoga di semua tempat juga demikian, semua umat manusia bisa merayakan ibadah hari raya mereka dengan damai, aman dan sentosa. Semoga damai sejahtera selalu melimpahi dan merahmati bumi Indonesia dan seluruh tempat lain di muka bumi, sebagaimana Maryam 33, Yesus berkata, "Islam (damai sejahtera) saat aku dilahirkan, saat aku mati, dan saat aku dibangkitkan dari kematian.

Sumber: Suara Pembaruan

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2ZjOnIB

Top 10 albums of 2019: Miranda Lambert, Maggie Rogers, Lana Del Rey, more - Tampa Bay Times

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:11 AM PST

Top 10 albums of 2019: Miranda Lambert, Maggie Rogers, Lana Del Rey, more - Tampa Bay Times

The final year of any decade is often a table-setter for the one that comes after. Drake released his first EP, So Far Gone, in 2009, and he owned the 2010s. Billie Eilish dropped When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? this spring, and she might own the 2020s.

Sure enough, a handful of debuts made our list of the top 10 albums of 2019. But in the end, a decorated veteran took the top spot. Here's the best music from the past year.

10. Post Malone, Hollywood's Bleeding

Hollywood's Bleeding was the first album where it felt safe to take Post Malone seriously. It's a maturation from 2018′s (still pretty excellent) Beerbongs and Bentleys, yet Posty's vocal hooks are just as eclectic, melodic and memorable, even those that come courtesy of SZA (Staring at the Sun), Young Thug (Goodbyes), Ozzy Osbourne (Take What You Want). That it features the Swae Lee-featuring Sunflower — which came out in late 2018 but is one of 2019′s defining hit — is icing on the cake.

Post Malone accepts the award for "Hollywood's Bleeding" during the American Music Awards on Nov. 24 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. [CHRIS PIZZELLO | Invision/AP]

9. Durand Jones and the Indications, American Love Call

It's the strings. That's what makes this Bloomington, Ind., collective's sophomore album stand out from all the other retro soul LPs out there. Jones' smoky croon sounds like John Legend, but the lush instrumentation of Circles and Court of Love is all about the Impressions, the Stylistics and other stalwarts of early-'70s soul.

Durand Jones and the Indications will perform at Crowbar in Ybor City on Feb. 7. [Courtesy of Rose Cohe]

8. Lana Del Rey, Norman F--king Rockwell!

Lana Del Rey's sixth studio album doesn't so much change her aesthetic as perfect it. Never has her wistful poetry felt so in tune with the wistful California dreamscapes she's created in her mind, all gorgeous burnouts mourning the end of America as we know it. That it sounds like an earthier version of the album Taylor Swift tried to make in Lover is a testament to its delicate melodies and intricate songcraft.

Lana Del Rey speaks during a ceremony honoring Guillermo del Toro with a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Aug. 6 in Los Angeles. [WILLY SANJUAN | Invision/AP]

7. Vampire Weekend, Father of the Bride

The best indie rock band of the 2010s stuck the landing with the strange, stylistically loose Father of the Bride. Over 18 meandering (but pleasantly so!) tracks, Ezra Koenig gets jammier, more open and less concerned with how the world views him than how he's evolving into middle age. The album invites skipping around from vibe to vibe, but it's worth lingering on Harmony Hall, Sunflower and Stranger.

Ezra Koenig and Vampire Weekend released "Father of the Bride" on May 3. [Courtesy of Monika Mogi]

6. Stella Donnelly, Beware of the Dogs

"I've worked too hard for this chance to not be biting the hand that feeds the hate," Donnelly sings on Old Man, an opener that sets the confrontational tone of Beware of the Dogs. Over 13 songs — some folksy and meditative, others melodic and jangle-rocky — the Welsh-born, Australian singer-songwriter confronts the patriarchy and ruminates on cultural identity throughout her charming, wryly clever debut.

Stella Donnelly released "Beware of the Dogs" on March 8. [Courtesy of Pooneh Ghana]

5. Tyler, the Creator, Igor

It's a love letter, it's a therapy session, it's a complete hip-hop freakout. The Odd Future auteur's most personal and cohesive album is a perfectly dark comedown for any night that didn't go exactly as planned — and a brilliant bookend to a decade that began with Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

Tyler, the Creator performed at the Yuengling Center in Tampa on Sept. 28. [Courtesy of Sam Rock]

4. Lizzo, Cuz I Love You

This was the year of Lizzo, even when it wasn't — her No. 1 summer anthem Truth Hurts originally came out in 2017, and was only tacked onto deluxe editions of Cuz I Love You. Nevertheless, few artists brought the world more joy in 2019 than this force-of-nature singer-rapper. There's a maxed-out, dare-you-to-go-there infectiousness to singles like Juice and Tempo that made this the year's most unkillable Ladies' Night party-starter.

Lizzo performs during the 93.3-FLZ Jingle Ball at Amalie Arena in Tampa on Dec. 1. [JAY CRIDLIN | Tampa Bay Times]

3. Jamila Woods, Legacy! Legacy!

The Chicago poet and singer rose to fame through collaborations with Chance the Rapper, but she's carved out a lane as one of R&B's most thoughtful alternative voices. Legacy! Legacy! celebrates 13 of Woods' heroes, including Zora Neale Hurston, Nikki Giovanni, James Baldwin and Jean-Michel Basquiat, with a cool and evocative Afro-futurist palette. It may be a cultural history lesson, but it goes down so, so smoothly.

Jamila Woods released "Legacy! Legacy!" on May 10. [Courtesy of Bradley Murray]

2. Maggie Rogers, Heard It In a Past Life

Maybe it's too soon to call Heard It In a Past Life one of the decade's best pop albums — too soon, recency bias, yada yada — but it's absolutely one of the best pop debuts. Rogers' voice, a lilting yelp with Adele-like potential, is wrapped warmly in delightfully alternative production, making beautiful songs like Light On and Fallingwater feel wise beyond her 25 years. Rogers is one to watch in the decade to come.

Maggie Rogers released "Heard It In a Past Life" on Jan. 18. [Courtesy of Olivia Bee]

1. Miranda Lambert, Wildcard

Artistically and commercially, no country artist dominated the 2010s start to finish like Miranda Lambert. Wildcard proves she's been getting better this whole time. Lambert's first album with super-producer Jay Joyce revels in tracks that sound like '80s rock (Mess with My Head), '90s alt-pop (Pretty Bitchin'), acoustic blues (Holy Water), hell-raising cowpunk (Locomotive) and gauzy New Wave (Track Record). She bends each genre to her will, pulling each sound into a cohesive country album — a Miranda Lambert country album — without sacrificing her whimsical humor (It All Comes Out in the Wash), gorgeous songcraft (Bluebird) and unshakable Texas-ness (Tequila Does). It's her best album yet — which, for an artist who was named the Academy of Country Music's top female vocalist nine out of 10 years this decade — is astounding.

Miranda Lambert performs during the 49th annual CMA Awards at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn., in 2015. [CHRIS PIZZELLO | Invision/AP]

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2019-12-24 11:00:00Z

Glass jars, rentals, BYO mug: San Francisco cafes are banishing disposable coffee cups - Chicago Tribune

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:08 AM PST

Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.

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Top 10 albums of 2019: Miranda Lambert, Maggie Rogers, Lana Del Rey, more - Tampa Bay Times

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:41 AM PST

Top 10 albums of 2019: Miranda Lambert, Maggie Rogers, Lana Del Rey, more - Tampa Bay Times

The final year of any decade is often a table-setter for the one that comes after. Drake released his first EP, So Far Gone, in 2009, and he owned the 2010s. Billie Eilish dropped When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? this spring, and she might own the 2020s.

Sure enough, a handful of debuts made our list of the top 10 albums of 2019. But in the end, a decorated veteran took the top spot. Here's the best music from the past year.

10. Post Malone, Hollywood's Bleeding

Hollywood's Bleeding was the first album where it felt safe to take Post Malone seriously. It's a maturation from 2018′s (still pretty excellent) Beerbongs and Bentleys, yet Posty's vocal hooks are just as eclectic, melodic and memorable, even those that come courtesy of SZA (Staring at the Sun), Young Thug (Goodbyes), Ozzy Osbourne (Take What You Want). That it features the Swae Lee-featuring Sunflower — which came out in late 2018 but is one of 2019′s defining hit — is icing on the cake.

Post Malone accepts the award for "Hollywood's Bleeding" during the American Music Awards on Nov. 24 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. [CHRIS PIZZELLO | Invision/AP]

9. Durand Jones and the Indications, American Love Call

It's the strings. That's what makes this Bloomington, Ind., collective's sophomore album stand out from all the other retro soul LPs out there. Jones' smoky croon sounds like John Legend, but the lush instrumentation of Circles and Court of Love is all about the Impressions, the Stylistics and other stalwarts of early-'70s soul.

Durand Jones and the Indications will perform at Crowbar in Ybor City on Feb. 7. [Courtesy of Rose Cohe]

8. Lana Del Rey, Norman F--king Rockwell!

Lana Del Rey's sixth studio album doesn't so much change her aesthetic as perfect it. Never has her wistful poetry felt so in tune with the wistful California dreamscapes she's created in her mind, all gorgeous burnouts mourning the end of America as we know it. That it sounds like an earthier version of the album Taylor Swift tried to make in Lover is a testament to its delicate melodies and intricate songcraft.

Lana Del Rey speaks during a ceremony honoring Guillermo del Toro with a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Aug. 6 in Los Angeles. [WILLY SANJUAN | Invision/AP]

7. Vampire Weekend, Father of the Bride

The best indie rock band of the 2010s stuck the landing with the strange, stylistically loose Father of the Bride. Over 18 meandering (but pleasantly so!) tracks, Ezra Koenig gets jammier, more open and less concerned with how the world views him than how he's evolving into middle age. The album invites skipping around from vibe to vibe, but it's worth lingering on Harmony Hall, Sunflower and Stranger.

Ezra Koenig and Vampire Weekend released "Father of the Bride" on May 3. [Courtesy of Monika Mogi]

6. Stella Donnelly, Beware of the Dogs

"I've worked too hard for this chance to not be biting the hand that feeds the hate," Donnelly sings on Old Man, an opener that sets the confrontational tone of Beware of the Dogs. Over 13 songs — some folksy and meditative, others melodic and jangle-rocky — the Welsh-born, Australian singer-songwriter confronts the patriarchy and ruminates on cultural identity throughout her charming, wryly clever debut.

Stella Donnelly released "Beware of the Dogs" on March 8. [Courtesy of Pooneh Ghana]

5. Tyler, the Creator, Igor

It's a love letter, it's a therapy session, it's a complete hip-hop freakout. The Odd Future auteur's most personal and cohesive album is a perfectly dark comedown for any night that didn't go exactly as planned — and a brilliant bookend to a decade that began with Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

Tyler, the Creator performed at the Yuengling Center in Tampa on Sept. 28. [Courtesy of Sam Rock]

4. Lizzo, Cuz I Love You

This was the year of Lizzo, even when it wasn't — her No. 1 summer anthem Truth Hurts originally came out in 2017, and was only tacked onto deluxe editions of Cuz I Love You. Nevertheless, few artists brought the world more joy in 2019 than this force-of-nature singer-rapper. There's a maxed-out, dare-you-to-go-there infectiousness to singles like Juice and Tempo that made this the year's most unkillable Ladies' Night party-starter.

Lizzo performs during the 93.3-FLZ Jingle Ball at Amalie Arena in Tampa on Dec. 1. [JAY CRIDLIN | Tampa Bay Times]

3. Jamila Woods, Legacy! Legacy!

The Chicago poet and singer rose to fame through collaborations with Chance the Rapper, but she's carved out a lane as one of R&B's most thoughtful alternative voices. Legacy! Legacy! celebrates 13 of Woods' heroes, including Zora Neale Hurston, Nikki Giovanni, James Baldwin and Jean-Michel Basquiat, with a cool and evocative Afro-futurist palette. It may be a cultural history lesson, but it goes down so, so smoothly.

Jamila Woods released "Legacy! Legacy!" on May 10. [Courtesy of Bradley Murray]

2. Maggie Rogers, Heard It In a Past Life

Maybe it's too soon to call Heard It In a Past Life one of the decade's best pop albums — too soon, recency bias, yada yada — but it's absolutely one of the best pop debuts. Rogers' voice, a lilting yelp with Adele-like potential, is wrapped warmly in delightfully alternative production, making beautiful songs like Light On and Fallingwater feel wise beyond her 25 years. Rogers is one to watch in the decade to come.

Maggie Rogers released "Heard It In a Past Life" on Jan. 18. [Courtesy of Olivia Bee]

1. Miranda Lambert, Wildcard

Artistically and commercially, no country artist dominated the 2010s start to finish like Miranda Lambert. Wildcard proves she's been getting better this whole time. Lambert's first album with super-producer Jay Joyce revels in tracks that sound like '80s rock (Mess with My Head), '90s alt-pop (Pretty Bitchin'), acoustic blues (Holy Water), hell-raising cowpunk (Locomotive) and gauzy New Wave (Track Record). She bends each genre to her will, pulling each sound into a cohesive country album — a Miranda Lambert country album — without sacrificing her whimsical humor (It All Comes Out in the Wash), gorgeous songcraft (Bluebird) and unshakable Texas-ness (Tequila Does). It's her best album yet — which, for an artist who was named the Academy of Country Music's top female vocalist nine out of 10 years this decade — is astounding.

Miranda Lambert performs during the 49th annual CMA Awards at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn., in 2015. [CHRIS PIZZELLO | Invision/AP]

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2019-12-24 11:00:00Z

Polisi Tetapkan AF Tersangka dalam Kasus Penemuan Mayat Bayi di Ember

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Kasus penemuan bayi di dalam ember di pondok pesantren Kecamatan Plaosan, Kabupaten Magetan akhirnya menemukan titik terang.

Polisi akhirnya menetapkan AF (20) sebagai tersangka.

AF yang merupakan salah satu santri di pondok pesantren tersebut dinyatakan sebagai ibu dari bayi yang ditemukan telah tewas.

"Sudah (ditetapkan sebagai tersangka). Dan, ditahan di polres," ujar Kapolres Magetan AKBP Muhammad Riffai melalui pesan singkat Selasa (24/12/2019).

Riffai mengatakan, dari pemeriksaan terhadap tersangka, AF mengakui jika bayi tersebut merupakan anaknya yang telah dilahirkan secara normal pada Jumat (20/12/2019).

Sedangkan dari hasil autopsi, bayi berjenis kelamin laki-laki yang ditemukan telah meninggal di dalam ember itu karena disebabkan kekurangan oksigen.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, pada Sabtu (21/12/2019) pondok pesantren di Kecamatan Plaosan, Magetan digegerkan dengan penemuan jasad bayi.

Kejadian bermula saat AS, salah satu santri di pondok pesantren tersebut hendak membantu temannya AF yang sedang tidak enak badan untuk mencucikan pakaian.

Saat mengambil pakaian di dalam ember yang dimiliki AF itu, AS kemudian terkejut ketika melihat banyak pakaian yang berlumuran darah dan ditemukan jasad bayi.

"Ketika baju terakhir diambil dari dalam ember, saksi melihat bayi laki-laki dengan posisi tengkurap yang diperkirakan sudah meninggal dunia," kata Kasat Reskrim Polres Magetan Sukatni, Minggu (22/12/2019).

Melihat kondisi itu, AS kemudian melaporkan kepada pengurus pondok pesantren dan selanjutnya diteruskan kepada pihak kepolisian.(kompas.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3763x6K

Ini Alasan Pemprov DKI Bongkar Instalasi Batu Gabion

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:05 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Pemprov DKI Jakarta membongkar instalasi batu gabion yang berada di dekat Bundaran HI. Kepala Dinas Kehutanan DKI Suzi Marsita mengatakan pembongkaran tersebut dilakukan untuk sementara.

"Iya, (dibongkar) sementara," ujar Suzi saat dihubungi, Selasa (24/12/2019).

Suzi mengatakan pembongkaran instalasi gabion tersebut dilakukan tadi malam. "Tadi malam," tutur Suzi.

Pembongkaran dilakukan untuk penyelenggaraan acara tahun baru. Nantinya, usai perayaan tahun baru, instalasi gabion akan kembali dipasang.

"Untuk persiapan penyelenggaraan acara tahun baru, untuk warga Jakarta di Bundaran HI. Setelah itu, akan dipasang kembali," tuturnya.

Pantauan detikcom di kawasan Bundaran HI, Jakarta, Selasa (24/12/2019), fondasi batu gabion sudah tak tampak lagi. Di lokasi terlihat tumpukan besi-besi, papan, hingga bebatuan.

Terlihat sepuluh pekerja sedang menyusun besi-papan. Informasi yang dihimpun, lokasi instalasi batu gabion tersebut akan dijadikan panggung saat perayaan malam tahun baru.

Sementara itu, lalu lintas di kawasan Bundaran HI pukul 17.10 WIB terpantau ramai lancar. Warga juga terlihat berfoto-foto di kawasan HI.(detik.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/379hq4n

Leipzig top in Germany at halfway stage, but Bayern revived - USA TODAY

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

Leipzig top in Germany at halfway stage, but Bayern revived - USA TODAY

Is this the season when Bayern Munich's seven-year hold on the German title ends?

A poor start and a humiliating 5-1 loss to Frankfurt cost Niko Kovac his job as Bayern coach and gave teams like Leipzig and surprise title contender Borussia Mönchengladbach hope of victory.

Bayern has bounced back under interim coach Hansi Flick, though, and is third in the table, four points behind leader Leipzig. That's earned Flick an extension until at least the end of the season.

It's been a tale of dueling goalscorers, with Robert Lewandowski having scored 19 goals in 17 games for Bayern, and Timo Werner one goal behind for Leipzig. For Gladbach, goalkeeper Yann Sommer has been crucial to their title challenge.

Borussia Dortmund has been powerful on its day, but the team is also inconsistent and brittle. Losing to Bayern 4-0 last month was a big dent to Dortmund's title belief.

Last Sunday's games were the last of 2019 and the Bundesliga returns from its winter break on Jan. 17.


He turned 31 in August and Lewandowski shows no sign of slowing down.

The Polish forward scored in Bayern's first 11 Bundesliga games and has racked up 30 goals across all competitions. He's taking time off during the winter break to have groin surgery.

Werner has been almost as prolific, including a remarkable performance with three goals and three assists in an 8-0 thrashing of Mainz last month. For Dortmund, Jadon Sancho's in hot form with eight goals in his last six Bundesliga games.

But perhaps no one's been as vital to their team as Rouwen Hennings. The 32-year-old Hennings doesn't have the star status of Lewandowski or Sancho but his 11 goals for struggling Fortuna are four more than the rest of the team put together.


Gladbach's golden age was the 1970s, when it won five Bundesligas in eight years.

With its run to second, Gladbach has been a feelgood story for German fans of other clubs who dislike Bayern's wealth and see Leipzig as less a soccer club than an advertising board for energy drinks giant Red Bull.

Gladbach has nothing like the budget of Bayern or Leipzig, but has built a solid team with attacking firepower from Marcus Thuram, son of former French defender Lilian Thuram, and Swiss forward Breel Embolo. A comeback 2-1 win over Bayern this month showed its a serious contender.

Kai Havertz experienced the season's most unwelcome surprise when fans of his own team, Bayer Leverkusen, booed him this month. The attacking midfielder started the season rated as one of Germany's most promising young players, but he's looked listless in recent games and last scored in September.


Bayern's 46 goals in the Bundesliga have included some gems.

Philippe Coutinho scored with an outrageous flick from the outside of his foot against Werder Bremen last week.

Lewandowski's hit some long-range free kicks and shrugged off four defenders to score against Frankfurt, the only bright spot in a heavy loss for Bayern.

The highlight of Leipzig's title charge might just be Christopher Nkunku juggling the ball through the Bayer Leverkusen defense and past the goalkeeper in October.

For sheer fireworks, no one beats Hertha Berlin's Javairo Dilrosun. The Dutch winger picked up the ball on the left wing and cut inside past four defenders — beating one of them twice — before scoring against Paderborn.


If Bayern's recovery under Flick continues, an eighth straight title is definitely possible, if only because of the depth in its squad.

The Munich team was packed with individual talent, even if Kovac was defeated by the puzzle of how to make them all play well together.

There's also a bench filled with hungry young players such as New Zealand midfielder Sarpreet Singh and the Dutch forward Joshua Zirkzee, who's scored in each of his first two Bundesliga appearances.

Leipzig takes a four-point lead into 2020, but depends heavily on core players such as Werner and the in-form Marcel Sabitzer and Patrik Schick. Losing any of them to injury could be a fatal blow.

Gladbach has less depth than either of them, but unlike them, it won't be balancing the Bundesliga with any European competitions in the spring.


The fight for the four Champions League spots is wide open, with at least eight teams making a strong claim.

Behind the leading trio of Leipzig, Gladbach, and Bayern, there's a chasing pack of Borussia Dortmund, Schalke, Leverkusen, Hoffenheim, and Freiburg.

All have played Champions League football in recent years, with the exception of Freiburg, but they have all been inconsistent this season.


The relegation fight is just as close as the scrap for European places.

Promoted Paderborn is last but showed it has claws by beating Frankfurt 2-1 last weekend.

The other automatic relegation spot is occupied by Werder Bremen, which is in danger of its first relegation since 1981.

Werder ended 2019 with four straight defeats, two of them by five-goal margins, and with club management embroiled in conflict with fans over the sale of their stadium's naming rights.

If Werder can climb out of danger, it would likely be at the expense of one of two Rhineland rivals, Cologne or Fortuna Düsseldorf, or else Mainz.


More AP soccer: https://ift.tt/2Jaxh9l and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports

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2019-12-24 09:38:52Z

Leipzig top in Germany at halfway stage, but Bayern revived - USA TODAY

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

Leipzig top in Germany at halfway stage, but Bayern revived - USA TODAY

Is this the season when Bayern Munich's seven-year hold on the German title ends?

A poor start and a humiliating 5-1 loss to Frankfurt cost Niko Kovac his job as Bayern coach and gave teams like Leipzig and surprise title contender Borussia Mönchengladbach hope of victory.

Bayern has bounced back under interim coach Hansi Flick, though, and is third in the table, four points behind leader Leipzig. That's earned Flick an extension until at least the end of the season.

It's been a tale of dueling goalscorers, with Robert Lewandowski having scored 19 goals in 17 games for Bayern, and Timo Werner one goal behind for Leipzig. For Gladbach, goalkeeper Yann Sommer has been crucial to their title challenge.

Borussia Dortmund has been powerful on its day, but the team is also inconsistent and brittle. Losing to Bayern 4-0 last month was a big dent to Dortmund's title belief.

Last Sunday's games were the last of 2019 and the Bundesliga returns from its winter break on Jan. 17.


He turned 31 in August and Lewandowski shows no sign of slowing down.

The Polish forward scored in Bayern's first 11 Bundesliga games and has racked up 30 goals across all competitions. He's taking time off during the winter break to have groin surgery.

Werner has been almost as prolific, including a remarkable performance with three goals and three assists in an 8-0 thrashing of Mainz last month. For Dortmund, Jadon Sancho's in hot form with eight goals in his last six Bundesliga games.

But perhaps no one's been as vital to their team as Rouwen Hennings. The 32-year-old Hennings doesn't have the star status of Lewandowski or Sancho but his 11 goals for struggling Fortuna are four more than the rest of the team put together.


Gladbach's golden age was the 1970s, when it won five Bundesligas in eight years.

With its run to second, Gladbach has been a feelgood story for German fans of other clubs who dislike Bayern's wealth and see Leipzig as less a soccer club than an advertising board for energy drinks giant Red Bull.

Gladbach has nothing like the budget of Bayern or Leipzig, but has built a solid team with attacking firepower from Marcus Thuram, son of former French defender Lilian Thuram, and Swiss forward Breel Embolo. A comeback 2-1 win over Bayern this month showed its a serious contender.

Kai Havertz experienced the season's most unwelcome surprise when fans of his own team, Bayer Leverkusen, booed him this month. The attacking midfielder started the season rated as one of Germany's most promising young players, but he's looked listless in recent games and last scored in September.


Bayern's 46 goals in the Bundesliga have included some gems.

Philippe Coutinho scored with an outrageous flick from the outside of his foot against Werder Bremen last week.

Lewandowski's hit some long-range free kicks and shrugged off four defenders to score against Frankfurt, the only bright spot in a heavy loss for Bayern.

The highlight of Leipzig's title charge might just be Christopher Nkunku juggling the ball through the Bayer Leverkusen defense and past the goalkeeper in October.

For sheer fireworks, no one beats Hertha Berlin's Javairo Dilrosun. The Dutch winger picked up the ball on the left wing and cut inside past four defenders — beating one of them twice — before scoring against Paderborn.


If Bayern's recovery under Flick continues, an eighth straight title is definitely possible, if only because of the depth in its squad.

The Munich team was packed with individual talent, even if Kovac was defeated by the puzzle of how to make them all play well together.

There's also a bench filled with hungry young players such as New Zealand midfielder Sarpreet Singh and the Dutch forward Joshua Zirkzee, who's scored in each of his first two Bundesliga appearances.

Leipzig takes a four-point lead into 2020, but depends heavily on core players such as Werner and the in-form Marcel Sabitzer and Patrik Schick. Losing any of them to injury could be a fatal blow.

Gladbach has less depth than either of them, but unlike them, it won't be balancing the Bundesliga with any European competitions in the spring.


The fight for the four Champions League spots is wide open, with at least eight teams making a strong claim.

Behind the leading trio of Leipzig, Gladbach, and Bayern, there's a chasing pack of Borussia Dortmund, Schalke, Leverkusen, Hoffenheim, and Freiburg.

All have played Champions League football in recent years, with the exception of Freiburg, but they have all been inconsistent this season.


The relegation fight is just as close as the scrap for European places.

Promoted Paderborn is last but showed it has claws by beating Frankfurt 2-1 last weekend.

The other automatic relegation spot is occupied by Werder Bremen, which is in danger of its first relegation since 1981.

Werder ended 2019 with four straight defeats, two of them by five-goal margins, and with club management embroiled in conflict with fans over the sale of their stadium's naming rights.

If Werder can climb out of danger, it would likely be at the expense of one of two Rhineland rivals, Cologne or Fortuna Düsseldorf, or else Mainz.


More AP soccer: https://ift.tt/2Jaxh9l and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports

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2019-12-24 09:38:52Z

Sambil Emosi, Aura Kasih Akhirnya Beberkan Kenapa Unfollow IG Suami

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:05 AM PST

Beritataterheboh.com - Aura Kasih telah menghapus semua foto dan unfollow sang suami, Eryck Amaral di Instagram. Hal tersebut kemudian membuat isu perceraian keduanya kembali mencuat.

Kabar perceraian Aura Kasih dengan Eryck Amaral memang sempat ramai diberitakan. Saat itu, Humas Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan, Faizal Kamil mengatakan kalau ada nama Aura Kasih menggugat cerai suaminya. Namun tak lama, Faizal meralat pernyataannya dan mengatakan tidak ada ada nama Aura Kasih maupun sang suami dalam gugatan cerai.

Meski sempat diam, Aura Kasih akhirnya mau memberikan penjelasan. Lewat Instagram Stories, dia membeberkan alasan mengapa menghapus foto dan unfollow IG suami. Dalam penjelasannya, Aura Kasih banyak menggunakan tanda seru. Dia sepertinya dalam keadaan emosi.

Aura Kasih mengaku bahwa dirinya tidak mau kepo dengan IG orang lain.

''Jahat banget orang-orang yang bilang gosip yang ada itu settingan, buat naikin nama, buat gosip, nggak ada job. Kenapa unfollow orang? kenapa unfollow suami? Duh kepo banget deh!! Terserah gue lah! Instagram-instagram gue kok!," tulis Aura Kasih.

"Intinya gue nggak mau kepo sama IG orang aja. Nggak bagus buat gue! Jadi lupa sama diri sendiri! (balik lagi sih karakter orangnya) sekarang nggak like orang bt, nggak follow orang bt, buat gue sick society bgt!,'' sambungnya.

Lebih lanjut, Aura Kasih manegaskan bahwa hal tersebut bukanlah settingan yang disengaja untuk menaikkan popularitas.

''Gue bukan type orang yang nyari duit dengan sok-sokan setting or create cerita yang sengaja buat viral atau apapun itu! Gue kagak ngapa-ngapain aja diberitain jelek terus!!! Jadi kayaknya nggak perlu gue aneh-aneh!,'' ungkap Aura Kasih.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SnbwrW

Ini Tampang Pengemudi Lamborghini yang Todong Pistol ke Pelajar di Kemang

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:05 AM PST

Abdul Malik (berjaket dongker kaus hitam), pengemudi Lamborghini yang Todongkan Pistol di Kemang. (Lisye/detikcom)

Beritaterheboh.com - Polisi telah menetapkan Abdul Malik (AM) sebagai tersangka karena menodongkan pistol ke pelajar di Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Ini tampang Abdul Malik, pengemudi Lamborghini itu.

Abdul Malik dihadirkan dalam konferensi pers di Mapolres Jakarta Selatan, Jalan Wijaya, Kebayoran Baru, Jaksel, Selasa (24/12/2019). Abdul Malik tampak mengenakan kaus hitam yang dibalut jaket biru dongker.

Abdul Malik tak diborgol dalam rilis kasus itu. Dia memasukkan tangan ke saku.

Abdul Malik sesekali menunduk. Mimik wajahnya datar tanpa senyum.

Tidak ada komentar yang diberikan Abdul Malik. Polisi menyatakan masih melakukan pendalaman.

"Jangan ngomong dulu sekarang, kita lagi dalami," kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus menjawab pertanyaan seputar Abdul Malik.

Sebelumnya, pengemudi Lamborghini warna oranye bernomor polisi B-27-AYR ditetapkan menjadi tersangka. Abdul Malik menodong pelajar di Kemang, Jaksel, dengan pistol jenis bareta.

"Iya sudah gelar perkara. Sudah kita tetapkan sebagai tersangka," ujar Kasat Reskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan AKBP Andi Sinjaya Ghalib, di Mapolres Jaksel, Jl Wijaya II, Kebayoran Baru, Selasa (24/12) dini hari.

AM, pengemudi Lamborghini, ditangkap di kediamannya di Pejaten Barat, Jaksel, sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB, Senin (23/12).(detik.com )

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2ZmK5Qt

Kronologi Bus Sriwijaya Masuk Jurang di Pagaralam, Hingga Daftar Korban Yang Teridentifikasi, Berikut Datanya!

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Sebanyak 24 orang, sebagian besar penumpang bus PO Sriwijaya, tewas dalam kecelakaan tunggal di Liku Lematang, Desa Prahu Dipo, Kecamatan Dempo Selatan, Kota Pagaralam, Sumatera Selatan pada Selasa (24/12/2019). Pegawai Humas Kantor SAR Palembang Dayu Willy mengatakan, kecelakaan tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. 

Kendaraan tersebut berangkat dari Bengkulu hendak menuju ke Palembang. 

Namun, saat melintas di tikungan tajam, mobil bus jenis Mitsubishi Fuso dengan plat nomor BD 7031 AU tersebut langsung terperosok ke jurang hingga menyebabkan 24 orang penumpang tewas.

"Sopir bus tersebut atas nama Fery dan ditemukan meninggal. Proses evakuasi saat ini masih berlangsung," kata Dayu, melalui pesan singkat. 

Dayu tak bisa memastikan penyebab kecelakaan maut tersebut. Hanya saja, kondisi jurang di lokasi memang terjal. 

"Kami masih mengupayakan untuk proses evakuasi. Untuk penyebabnya, pihak kepolisian yang akan menyampaikan," ujar dia.

Data Korban

Berdasarkan data papan informasi Rumah Sakit Besemah Pagaralam, Selasa pukul 12.50 WIB, dari 26 korban meninggal dunia, 16 berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan 10 perempuan.

Berikut 18 nama korban meninggal dunia yang teridentifikasi:

1. Kelvin Andeka (16) laki-laki, alamat Desa Kepahiyang Bengkulu

2. Fadhil (10) laki-laki, alamat Desa Maryo Mulyo, Pondok Kota Bengkulu Tengah

3. Feri Efrizal (34) laki-laki/sopir bus, alamat Perumahan Yasea Damai A1 Nomor 1 Sako Kenten Palembang

4. Ulul, perempuan, alamat Perajen Kecamatan Banyuasin I, Sumsel

5. Ayu Intan (9) perempuan, alamat Traman Jaya Muko-muko Bengkulu

6. Efran Fadhil Akbar, laki-laki, alamat Kepahiyang Bengkulu

7. M. Ikbal Prabowo, laki-laki, alamat Perajen Kecamatan Banyuasin I, Sumsel

8. Metriani Andeka, laki-laki, alamat Kepahiyang Bengkulu

9. Ali Jaya (53) laki-laki, alamat Jalan Gandaria, Bengkulu

10. Ilyas (69) laki-laki, Ilyas, alamat Jalan Demang Lebar Daun, Palembang, Sumsel

11. Jimmu Yuda Sanjaya, laki-laki alamat Empat Lawang, Sumsel

12. Warsono (62) laki-laki, alamat Jalan Sabar Jaya, Banyuasin, Sumsel

13. Imron (59) laki-laki, alamat Jalan Enggano, Kelurahan Pasar Bengkulu

14. Rosita (50) perempuan, alamat Jalan Sriwijaya

15. Feri (48) laki-laki, alamat Belakang Pondok Kecamatan Batu Samban, Bengkulu

16. Yasiroh, perempuan, alamat belum diketahui

17. Farel (anak-anak) laki-laki, alamat belum diketahui

18. Nur PH, perempuan, alamat belum diketahui

Sedangkan delapan korban meninggal lainnya masih diidentifikasi.

Adapun 13 korban selamat yakni:

1. Basarudin (43) alamat Desa Semarang Kecamatan Tanjung Serut, Kota Bengkulu

2. Hepriadi (31) alamat Desa Salak Tiga Kecamatan Panorama Kota Bengkulu

3. Hasanah (52) alamat Tanjung Suko Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan ilir, Sumsel

4. Sukiyem (43) alamat Desa Lubuk Selandak Kecamatan Terambang Jaya Kota Prabumulih

5. Aisyah Awaliah Putri (9) alamat Jl. Salak Kota Bengkulu

6. Ariri (14) alamat Desa Perajin Kabupaten Banyuasin.

7. Lukman (43) alamat Jalan Budi Utomo Kelurahan Sungai Hitam Kecamatan Muara Bangka Hulu Kota Bengkulu

8. Aldi (18) alamat Desa Jejawi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumsel

9. Riduan (44) alamat Desa Kinono Sari Kelurahan Banjar Sari Kabuoaten Enggano Bengkulu Utara

10. Darusalam (35) alamat Desa Sakatiga Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumsel

11. Riki (25) alamat Desa Kemang Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Empat Lawang.

12. Haris Krisyanto (19) alamat Desa Alas Bangun Kecamatan Pinang Raya Bengkulu Utara

13. Khadijah (68) alamat Perumnas Baru Blok A2 Kabupaten Bengkulu.

Kapolres Pagaralam, AKBP Dolly Gumara, mengatakan, pencarian korban masih terus dilakukan mengingat bus yang jatuh dari ketinggian 150 meter tersebut juga berisi penumpang gelap.

"Diketahui bus dari Bengkulu hanya membawa 27 penumpang, namun sepanjang perjalanan sampai ke Pagaralam sopir juga mengangkut penumpang dari pinggir jalan, jadi tim evakuasi akan mencari sampai tidak ditemukan mayat lagi," ujar AKBP Dolly Gumara.

Tim SAR gabungan menyisir aliran Sungai Lematang hingga radius 500 meter, kontur sungai yang berbatu cukup menyulitkan para petugas, kendati demikian tim juga dibantu masyarakat setempat yang sudah mengenali medan area evakuasi.

Sebelumnya Bus Sriwijaya jenis Mitsubishi Fuso nomor polisi BD 7031 AU rute Bengkulu-Palembang masuk ke jurang di Liku Lematang Jalan Lintas Pagaralam-Lahat KM 9 Desa Plang Kenidai Desa Kecamatan Dempo Tengah Kota Pagaralam pada Senin malam pukul 23.15 WIB.(kompas.com/antaranews.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2QdJ74Z

Akui Banyak Intervensi, FX Rudy: Kalau Tak Dihargai Ya Sudah!

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:35 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Ketua DPC PDIP Solo, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, menegaskan dirinya tak ada kepentingan terkait rekomendasi DPP pada bakal calon Wali Kota Solo. Saat ditanya jika pasangan yang diusung DPC tak mendapat rekomendasi dari DPP untuk maju Pilkada Solo, Rudy bicara soal tugasnya membesarkan partai.

"Kalau saya tidak punya kepentingan kok," kata pria yang akrab disapa Rudy ini kepada wartawan, Selasa (24/12/2019).

"Tugas saya dari Mbak Mega membesarkan partai. Indikatornya apa to? perolehan suara bertambah, kursi saya bertambah. Kalau tidak dihargai ya sudah," lanjutnya.

Sebelumnya, Rudy juga bicara ada banyak yang mengintervensi proses penjaringan bakal Cawalkot Solo di PDIP. Dia tak menyebut langsung siapa yang mengintervensi.

"Banyak yang intervensi. Saya sebetulnya sudah nggak mau komentar. Karena terlalu banyak yang intervensi itu," kata Rudy.

Rudy menjelaskan bahwa sebetulnya DPP PDIP memberikan penghargaan kepada DPC PDIP Solo yang memperoleh suara lebih dari 25 persen berupa penjaringan Cawalkot secara tertutup.(detik.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SmI3OQ

San Francisco cafes are banishing disposable coffee cups - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:08 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO — A new cafe culture is brewing in the San Francisco area, where a growing number of coffee houses are banishing paper to-go cups and replacing them with everything from glass jars to rental mugs and BYO cup policies.

What started as a small trend among neighborhood cafes to reduce waste is gaining support from some big names in the city's food and coffee world.

Celebrated chef Dominique Crenn, owner of the three-star Michelin restaurant Atelier Crenn, is opening a San Francisco cafe next year that will have no to-go bags or disposable coffee cups and will use no plastic. Customers who plan to sip and go at Boutique Crenn will be encouraged to bring their own coffee cups, says spokeswoman Kate Bittman.

On a bigger scale, the Blue Bottle coffeehouse chain, which goes through about 15,000 to-go cups a month at its 70 U.S. locations, says it wants to "show our guests and the world that we can eliminate disposable cups."

Blue Bottle is starting small with plans to stop using paper cups at two of its San Francisco area branches in 2020, as part of a pledge to go "zero waste" by the end of next year. Coffee to-go customers will have to bring their own mug or pay a deposit for a reusable cup, which they can keep or return for a refund. The deposit fee will likely be between $3 and $5, the company said.

Blue Bottle's pilot program will help guide the company on how to expand the idea nationwide, CEO Bryan Meehan said in a statement.

"We expect to lose some business," he said. "We know some of our guests won't like it — and we're prepared for that."

Larger coffee and fast-food chains around the U.S. are feeling a sense of urgency to be more environmentally friendly, and will no doubt be watching, said Bridget Croke, of New York-based recycling investment firm Closed Loop Partners, which is working with Starbucks and McDonald's to develop an eco-friendly alternative to the disposable coffee cup.

Despite the name, today's conventional paper cups for hot drinks aren't made solely from paper. They also have plastic linings that prevent leakage but make them hard to recycle, Croke said. She says it's unlikely large national chains will banish disposable cups, in the immediate term, or persuade all customers to bring mugs, so they're looking for other solutions.

Starbucks and McDonald's chipped in $10 million to a partnership with Closed Loop to develop the "single-use cup of the future" that is recyclable and compostable.

"They know there are business risks to not solving these problems. And the cup is the tip of the spear for them," said Croke, adding that Blue Bottle's choice of San Francisco for its test run is clearly the right market.

Starbucks, which has more than 15,000 U.S. cafes and about 16,000 internationally, plans to test newly designed recyclable cups in five cities next year: San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Vancouver and London, spokeswoman Noelle Novoa said.

California cities have long been leaders in recycling and passing laws to encourage eco-friendly habits.

This year, the state became the first to ban restaurants from automatically handing out plastic straws with drinks. It was also the first, in 2014, to prohibit stores from providing disposable plastic grocery bags to shoppers, and bags at checkout now cost 10 cents.

Also this year, San Francisco International Airport became the nation's first major airport to stop selling water in plastic bottles. Water is now sold in glass bottles and aluminum cans, and travelers are encouraged to bring their own empty bottles to fill up for free.

Starting in January, cafes and restaurants in Berkeley will charge 25 cents for disposable cups, and San Francisco is considering similar legislation.

Anticipating the fee, a group of about a dozen Berkeley cafes teamed up in a mug-sharing program, where customers can rent a stainless steel cup from one cafe and drop it off at any of the others. Vessel, the Colorado start-up that provides the cups, has a similar program running in Boulder.

Many coffee drinkers in the San Francisco area are taking Blue Bottle's announcement in stride.

"Of course it's a good idea," said freelance writer Tracy Schroth, at a Blue Bottle cafe in Oakland. "It's such a small step to ask people to bring their own cup. People just have to get into the mindset."

At a Blue Bottle in San Francisco, electrician Jeff Michaels said he does love the coffee but doesn't want to pay more if he forgets a mug.

"I paid almost $7 for this coffee," Michaels said, sipping a cafe mocha. "How much are people willing to pay for a coffee?"

Small-cafe owner Kedar Korde is optimistic that one day it will become trendy for coffee drinkers to carry around reusable mugs, just like stainless steel water bottles have become a must-have accessory in the San Francisco area.

Korde's Perch Cafe in Oakland ditched paper and plastic cups in September, along with lids and straws.

"We now offer a glass jar that comes in a 12 ounce (350 milliliters) or 16 ounce (470 milliliters) size," Korde said. Customers put down a 50 cent deposit and can return it for a refund or keep it and get 25 cents off future drinks. The cafe also sells 50 cent reusable sleeves for the jars.

Korde says he's been surprised by how quickly customers have adapted. He was inspired to make the change after his 9-year-old daughter's school did a cleanup project at Lake Merritt, across from his cafe, and found their disposable cups in the water.

His daughter joked that she shouldn't have to clean her room if he couldn't keep his stuff out of the lake, but he took it more seriously.

"We're a small coffee shop. We're not going to save the world," Korde said. But at least "our cups are no longer winding up in the lake."

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San Francisco cafes are banishing disposable coffee cups - Minneapolis Star Tribune
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Baru 4 Bulan, Instalasi Batu Gabion Dibongkar, Lihat Reaksi Kocak Warganet

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:05 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Pertamanan dan Pemakaman DKI Jakarta, Suzi Marsitawati mengatakan instalasi gabion (bronjong batu) di Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI), Jakarta Pusat merupakan hiasan kota semata bukan karya seni seperti bambu getih getah yang semula dipasang di tempat itu.

Jika getih getah menghabiskan dana mencapai setengah miliar lebih atau Rp550 juta, gabion hanya dianggarkan senilai Rp150 juta saja.

"Saya tegaskan bahwa gabion itu bukan hasil seni tapi hiasan kota semata,," kata Suzi dikonfirmasi wartawan, Jumat (23/8/2019).

Pemasangan ornamen itu, lanjut Suzi, merupakan kewajiban Dinas Kehutanan dalam mempercantik kota. Pemilihan gabion karena dinilai sederhana dan bisa dibongkar sewaktu-waktu diganti dengan ornamen lain sesuai kebutuhan.

"Jadi kalau kita menggunakan gabion,  kalo kita lihat gabion itu kan keranjang.  Kenapa kita pilih itu karena itu faktor yang sangat sederhana yang kita bisa rancang," kata dia.

"Bisa kita bongkar kapan saja karena tergantung kebutuhan. Tiba-tiba bulan depan, 3 bulan lagi, atau 6 bulan kita event kenegaraan atau kegiatan khusus itu kan sifatnya dekoratif. Kita mau pertahankan 1 atau 2 tahun tergantung kebutuhan," imbuh Suzi sebagaimana dilansir dari poskotanews.com

Dishut sendiri selalu mendesain kota dengan berbagai hiasan atau ornamen sesuai kebutuhan dan diselaraskan dengan tema, misalnya seperti menyambut hari kemerdekaan atau hari ulang tahun Jakarta. Untuk saat ini, selain gabion Suzi mengaku belum ada konsep lain.

Pembongkaran batu Gabion pun bikin riuh warganet.

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/34UAEJg

Detik-detik Bus Sarat Penumpang Masuk Jurang di Pagaralam, Korban Meninggal 24 Orang

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Kecelakaan maut baru saja terjadi di daerah Sumatera Selatan, tepatnya di daerah Liku Pematang, Desa Perahu Dempo, Kabupaten Pagaralam pada Senin (23/12/2019) malam sekitar pukul 23.15 WIB.

Dari informasi yang diperoleh tim Basarnas Palembang, dilaporkan kecelakaan maut itu menimpa bus Sriwijaya rute atau jurusan Bengkulu - Palembang. Sebelum kecelakaan terjadi, bus tengah melaju dari Bengkulu menuju Palembang.

Di mana dari informasi, bus tersebut berpenumpang sekitar 37 orang. Dan dari laporan terkini, ada 24 orang yang tewas dalam kecelakaan itu. Sementara beberapa penumpang bisa diselamatkan, namun mengalami luka-luka.

Dengan adanya kejadian tersebut, tim Basarnas atau kantor pencarian dan pertolongan kelas B Palembang menuju lokasinya kejadian, kata tim Basarnas Palembang, Dayu Welly.

"Sekarang tim sedang mengevakuasi korban, kata Dayu sebagaimana dilansir Antara, Selasa (24/12/2019) pagi.

Tim yang diturunkan sendiri dari SAR Pagaralam, Polres Pagaralam, BPBD Kota Pagaralam, Tagana dan masyarakat.

Sementara peralatan yang diturunkan di antaranya truk personil POS Pagaralam, GPS dan peralatan lainnya.

Menurut informasi salah seorang warga yang bertugas di Pagaralam Herwadi, korban sudah ada dibawa ke RS Basemah, Kota Pagaralam.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SnQycy

Sebar Hoax di Grup WA Gerakan Prabowo, Pensiunan TNI AD Akhirnya Dibui

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Hoax 7 kontainer surat suara tercoblos menjelang Pemilu 2019 menyeret banyak pelaku. Salah satunya pensiunan TNI AD Sugiyono yang menyebar hoax di grup WhatsApp Gerakan Nasional Presidium Prabowo (GNPP). Bagaimana ceritanya?

Kasus bermula saat Sugiyono menyebarkan pesan berantai di Grup WhatApp GNPP pada 2 Januari 2019, yaitu:

Tolong dicek kebenarannya. Info ini di Tanjung Priok dan nongkrong 7 kontainer berisi 80 juta surat suara yang sudah dicoblos nomor 1. Dijaga ketat aparat.

Di Grup WhatApp itu juga ada pensiunan TNI AL, Mujiman. Mendapati pesan itu, Mujiman kemudian memviralkan lagi. Disusul muncul hoax yang dibuat Bagus. Ia mengirimkan pesan suara ke grup WhatsApp bernama 'Prabowiseso' yaitu:

Assalamualaikum Mbak Titi ini saya posisi saya di Bogor, saya ditelepon temen orang Tanjung Priok, seorang marinir katanya sekarang ini lagi geger lagi heboh ditemukan satu kontainer surat suara ya surat suara yang sudah dicoblos nomor satu isinya ee isinya itu 80 juta surat suara tolong sam kalau ada akses tolong sampaikan ke Pak Joksan ya Mbak Titi ada akses sampeyan ke Pak Joksan atau ke Pak Prabowo untuk segera ngirim orang yang punya power untuk ngecek itu sekarang masih dibuka lagi geger katanya lagi diamanin marinir gitu coba karena aku lagi di Bogor.

Hoax itu kemudian bikin geger. KPU melaporkan hoax ini ke aparat. Sugiyono kemudian ditangkap dan diadili. Pada 1 Oktober 2019, jaksa menuntut Sugiyono selama 3 tahun penjara. Pada 9 Oktober, PN Jakpus menyatakan Sugiyono terbukti menyebarkan berita bohong, menerbitkan keonaran di kalangan rakyat dan menjatuhkan 2 tahun penjara.

Baik jaksa dan terdaksa sama-sama mengajukan banding. "Menguatkan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat Nomor : 563/pid.sus/2019/PN.JKT.PTS tanggal 9 Oktober 2019, yang dimintakan banding tersebut. Menetapkan agar terdakwa tetap berada dalam tahanan," kata ketua majelis Imam Sungudi sebagaimana dilansir website Mahkamah Agung (MA), Selasa (24/12/2019).

Putusan itu diketok pada Senin (23/12) kemarin dengan anggota Haryono dan Singgih Budi Prakoso. Berikut total hukuman yang dilakukan komplotan tersebut:

1. Titi Setiawati dihukum 18 bulan penjara.
2. Bagus Buwana dihukum 2 tahun penjara.
3. Mujiman dihukum 2 tahun penjara.
4. M Iwan Kurniawan dihukum 2 tahun penjara.


from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SmePzC

Diganjar Hadiah Rp2 Miliar, Ini Dia Sosok dan Konsep Pemenang Desain IKN

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono hari ini menyaksikan pengumuman pemenang desain ibu kota negara (IKN) baru dalam sayembara.

Dewan Juri mengumumkan lima pemenang desain IKN, yaitu Harapan II adalah Benua Rakyat Nusantara, Harapan I adalah Zamrud Khatulistiwa, Juara III adalah Kota Seribu Galur, Juara II adalah The Infinite City, dan Juara I adalah Nagara Rimba Nusantara.

"Hari ini saya bahagia, senang tapi terharu. Di ruangan ini kita membuat sejarah Indonesia karena kita akan mulai dengan pekerjaan yang besar, memindahkan ibu kota negara," kata Basuki dalam sambutannya di Kementerian PUPR, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (23/12/2019).

Dia mengapresiasi kelima peserta yang menjadi juara dalam sayembara desain ibu kota negara. Menurutnya ini merupakan langkah awal dalam rencana besar memindahkan ibu kota.

"Sekarang yang ada di ruangan ini 5 besar. Saya bangga kepada yang sudah berperan serta, aktif dalam gagasan desain ibu kota baru kita. Ini baru awal sejarah yang kita buat," jelasnya.

Basuki turut mengapresiasi seluruh peserta yang sudah ikut berpartisipasi dalam sayembara ini. Totalnya ada 755 peserta yang mengikuti kompetisi. Dirinya memohon maaf kepada peserta yang tidak terpilih.

"Mohon maaf apabila ada yang 'lho kok itu yang dipilih, bukan saya. Sekali lagi mohon maaf apabila ada hal-hal yang kurang memuaskan dan menyenangkan tapi keputusan juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat," tambahnya.

Dalam sayembara desain IKN ini ditetapkan 3 pemenang utama dan 2 juara harapan, yang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai serta piagam penghargaan dengan total nilai Rp5 miliar.

Pemenang I akan diganjar hadiah sebesar Rp2 miliar, Pemenang II Rp1,25 miliar, dan pemenang III Rp1 miliar. Sementara itu, Harapan I bakal memperoleh hadiah Rp500 juta, dan Harapan II Rp250 juta.

Konsep dari para pemenang sayembara tingkat nasional akan menjadi bagian dari kerangka acuan untuk sayembara taraf internasional pada 1 Januari-31 Maret 2020. Hasilnya akan dilakukan pengayaan rancangan kota hasil sayembara nasional oleh ahli internasional.

Tak Hanya WNI, Anggota Tim Pemenang Desain IKN Ada yang dari Luar Negeri

Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) telah menetapkam pemenang Sayembara Desain ‎Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) baru. Juaranya yaitu, tim dengan nama desain Nagara Rimba Nusantara.

Namun Tim tersebut tak hanya terdiri dari orang Indonesia saja. Arsitek dari negara lain juga ikut mendesain IKN baru.

"Saya dulu pernah bekerja di luar negeri. (Anggota tim) ada dari Hong Kong, Singapura, Malaysia. Ide terbaik kita kumpulkan jadi satu. Ini kolaborasi. Mengerjakan kota enggak bisa sendirian, harus bersama," kata salah satu perwakilan tim Sofian Sibarani di Kantor Kementerian PUPR, Jakarta pada Senin (23/12/2019).

Menurut Sofian, terdapat lima orang dalam satu tim yaitu dia sendiri, Ardzuna Sinaga, Rahman Andra Wijaya, Vincentius Hermawan, Winarko Hadi Susilo, Tedy Murtedjo, Scott Christopher Dunn, Li Xiao Qing, Poh Seng Tiok dan Jason David Zlotkowski.

Ia bersama tim mendesain IKN hanya dalam waktu satu bulan saja. Tak hanya itu, sebelum mendesain, beberapa anggota tim pun terjun ke lapangan untuk melihat kondisi IKN di Kalimantan Timur.

"Pak Rahman (salah satu anggota tim) pergi ke lapangan, jadi dia mengalami, dia merasakan. Kalau enggak datang ke lapangan, jujur enggak akan terasa feel-nya," ucap dia.

Sofian menambahkan, pihaknya membutuhkan 200 hektare untuk merealisasikan desain IKN itu. Kendati begitu, ia menjamin desainnya tak akan mengorbankan alam yang ada di Penajam Paser Utata dan Kutai Kertanegara.

"Di dalam sejarah peradaban kita, banyak yang akhirnya menguasai, mengorbankan yang lain. Ini bagaimana kita menciptakan sistem perkotaan yang harus mengadaptasi perilaku hutan terhadap pembangunan," katanya.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SjFrRR

Ini Dia Lamborghini Oranye yang Pengemudinya Todong Pelajar Pakai Pistol Hingga Kronologi Kejadian

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:35 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Polisi menangkap pengemudi Lamborghini warna oranye yang menodong pelajar dengan pistol di Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Pengemudi ini ditangkap atas laporan soal aksi koboinya.

Pengemudi bersama Lamborghini bernomor polisi B 27 AYR diamankan tim Polres Jaksel, Senin (23/12/2019). Penindakan ini dilakukan setelah pelajar yang ditodong pistol melapor ke polisi.

"Kita amankan pelakunya," ujar Kasat Reskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan AKBP Andi Sinjaya Ghalib kepada wartawan, Selasa (24/12/2019) dini hari.

Dari informasi yang dihimpun, aksi koboi pengemudi Lamborghini ini terjadi di Kemang pada Sabtu (21/12). Aksi koboi pengemudi Lamborghini ini bermula ketika dua pelajar Ai dan Iz melihat sebuah mobil Lamborghini berwarna oranye melintas di jalanan.

Bunyi knalpot mobil yang meraung-raung membuat Ai dan Iz terkagum-kagum sehingga keduanya melontarkan kata-kata pujian. Rupanya hal ini didengar oleh pengemudi Lambo tersebut, sehingga pelaku membuka kaca sambil mengacungkan pistol.

Melihat hal itu, Iz langsung lari ke arah supermarket, sementara Ai hanya bisa terdiam karena ketakutan. Pelaku kemudian turun dan diduga melepaskan tembakan ke arah atas.


from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2PQd5No

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