Nikita Mirzani Ngadu ke Jokowi Karena Resah Dimintai Uang 20 Juta oleh Oknum Tak Dikenal: Help Me!

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Presenter kondang, Nikita Mirzani mencurahkan keresahannya karena setiap hari dimintai uang oleh oknum tak dikenal.

Wanita yang akrab disapa Nyai tersebut mengatakan hampir setiap hari ada oknum yang meminta uang dengan nilai fantastis di depan rumahnya.

Karena resah, Nikita Mirzani pun ngadu ke Presiden Jokowi melalui unggahan di media sosialnya.

Seperti diketahui, sosok Nikita Mirzani memang dikenal sebagai wanita kaya raya dan tak segan membantu sesama yang benar-benar membutuhkan.

Namun, kebaikannya nampaknya justru disalahgunakan oleh sejumlah pihak untuk mendapatkan uang secara cuma-cuma.

Bagaimana tidak, melalui media sosial Instagramnya @nikitamirzanimawardi_17, ia mencurahkan keresahannya kepada Jokowi.

Ia mengabarkan jika setiap hari selalu ada oknum tak dikenal yang meminta uang kepadanya.

Oknum-oknum tersebut diduga hanya berpur-pura menjadi orang yang membutuhkan demi mencuri simpati Nikita Mirzani.

Lebih lanjut, Nikita Mirzani juga menuliskan jika oknum-oknum tersebut meminta uang dalam jumlah yang banyak.

Nikita mengaku oknum-oknum tersebut meminta uang hingga Rp 20 juta kepadanya.

Melalui unggahan yang dibagikan Nikita, terlihat seorang wanita paruh baya sedang duduk di depan rumahnya.

Wanita berkerudung merah muda tersebut terlihat menggendong seorang anak seakan menunggu Nikita Mirzani keluar rumahnya.

Berikut curahan Nikita Mirzani dilansir dari Instagramnya:

"Dear pak Jokowi. Tolongin saya pak. Hampir tiap hari org dtg ke rumah saya minta uang.

Klo minta nya cuma 1jt gpp. Tapi ini minta nya 20 juta smp lebih 20 jt.

Saya kan bukan anggota Dewan. Saya jg bukan gubernur apalagi walikota. Masa pada kerumah saya minta duit trs, help me plsssssss" tulis Nikita Mirzani dilansir SURYA.CO.ID dari Instagramnya (5/1/2020).

Sahabat Billy Syahputra tersebut memang terkenal kaya raya dan tak segan membagikan uangnya untuk orang yang benar-benar membutuhkan.

Bahkan, baru-baru ini Nikita Mirzani tak segan membantu korban banjir Jakarta dengan terjun langsung ke wilayah terdampak.

Ia bahkan rela menceburkan diri dan melintasi kawasan banjir demi menuju lokasi yang dituju.

Tidak hanya itu, Nikita Mirzani juga menggelontorkan Rp 20 juta untuk memberikan bantuan kepada korban banjir.

Bahkan, sebagai publik figur Nikita juga menyampaikan keluhan warga kepada Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

"Baru pertama kali dalam hidup terjun langsung ke tmpt daerah Yang terkenal banjir Dan melihat secara langsung semua korban.

Nyai ga bisa bilang apa2 selain sabar sabar Dan sabar. Ga ada yg bisa di salahin. Semua ini salah kita semua."

Cuma pesen nyai krn sempet ngobrol sedikit sama para korban. Mereka blng, tlng nti klo mau ngurus2 surat yg pada kerendem Jng Di persulit.

Krn ada ijazah surat rumah Dan surat2 penting lain nya yg kelelep. Itu Aja sih pak @aniesbaswedan" tulis Nikita Mirzani.(Tribunnews.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/37BeHk9

Dilirik China, Natuna Simpan Cadangan Gas Raksasa. Ini Datanya

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Indonesia sudah sejak lama dikenal sebagai negara produsen gas alam dunia. Salah satu cadangan terbesarnya, berada di perairan Natuna yang saat ini tengah berpolemik karena klaim China.

Dikutip Kompas.com dari data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Indonesia memiliki cadangan gas bumi mencapai 144,06 triliun kaki kubik (TCF), terdiri dari cadangan terbukti (P1) sebesar 101,22 TSCF dan cadangan potensial (P2) 42,84 TSCF.

Cadangan gas terbesar di Indonesia berada di Natuna, tepatnya berada di Blok East Natuna 49,87 TCF. Selanjutnya disusul Blok Masela di Maluku 16,73 TCF, dan Blok Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) di Selat Makassar 2,66 TCF.

Besarnya kandungan gas alam di Natuna tersebut, membuatnya disebut-sebut sebagai cadangan gas terbesar di Asia Pasifik.

East Natuna direncanakan baru bisa memproduksi gas pada tahun 2027. Lamanya produksi karena belum ada teknologi yang mempuni untuk menyedot gas di kedalaman laut Nantuna.

Masalah terberatnya, yakni kandungan gas CO2 yang mencapai 72 persen, sehingga perlu teknologi khusus yang harganya juga mahal.

Berbeda dengan blok lain di Natuna, gas yang diproduksi dari East Natuna tak dijual melalui pipa ke Singapura, namun diharapkan bisa disalurkan ke Jawa lewat pipa yang tersambung dari Kalimantan Barat hingga Kalimantan Selatan dan sampai ke Jawa Tengah.

Wilayah kerja migas yang berlokasi di Kepulauan Natuna, berjumlah 16 WK, terdiri dari 6 WK produksi, 10 WK eksplorasi di mana 3 diantaranya dalam proses terminasi karena waktu kontraknya telah habis dan belum berhasil memperoleh temuan migas.

Ke enam WK migas yang telah berproduksi tersebut adalah South Natuna Sea Block B yang dioperatori Conoco Phillips InC, Natuna Sea Block A yang dikelola Premier Oil Natuna Sea B.V, Kakap oleh Star Energy (Kakap Ltd).

Kemudian Udang Block yang dikelola TAC Pertamina EP Pertahalahan Arnebrata Natuna. Dua lainnya adalah Sembilang yang dioeprasi Mandiri Panca Usaha dan Northwest Natuna oleh Santos.

Eksplorasi sejak 1960-an
Haposan Napitupulu, mantan Deputi Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas, menjabarkan kalau laut Natuna memiliki cadangan minyak dan gas yang sangat besar.

Salah satu blok migas di Natuna yang cadangannya sangat besar lapangan gas Natuna D-Alpha dan lapangan gas Dara yang kegiatan eksplorasinya telah dilakukan sejak akhir 1960-an.

Ketika itu salah satu perusahaan migas Italia, Agip, melakukan survei seismik laut yang ditindaklanjuti dengan melakukan 31 pengeboran eksplorasi.

Kegiatan in berhasil menemukan cadangan migas terbesar sepanjang 130 tahun sejarah permigasan Indonesia dengan cadangan gas 222 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) dan 310 juta bbl minyak, dengan luas 25 x 15 km2 serta tebal batuan reservoir lebih dari 1.500 meter.

Namun, sayangnya, hingga ditemukan pada 1973, lapangan gas D-Alpha ini belum dapat dieksploitasi karena membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi disebabkan kandungan gas CO2-nya yang mencapai 72 persen.

Pada 1980, pengelolaan blok ini digantikan oleh Esso dan Pertamina. Esso kemudian bergabung dengan Mobil Oil menjadi ExxonMobil dan telah menghabiskan biaya sekitar 400 juta dollar AS untuk melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan kajian pengembangan lapangan. Namun, tetap saja lapangan gas ini belum berhasil dieksploitasi.

Produksi gas dari blok-blok produksi di Laut Natuna sebagian besar disalurkan ke Malaysia dan Singapura. Kontraknya masih berlanjut sampai 2021-2022.

Jika telah selesai pembangunan jalur pipa ke Batam, sebagian gas bumi berjumlah sekitar 40 juta kaki kubik per hari akan disalurkan ke Pulau Batam yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik.

Gas bumi dari lapangan Belanak di Indonesia disalurkan ke Lapangan Duyong, Malaysia, melalui jalur pipa laut sepanjang 98 kilometer yang kemudian dipipakan ke Kertih di pantai timur semenanjung untuk diolah di industri petrokimia.(kompas.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/36tyeTM

Kenapa Anies Baswedan menjadi 'Gubernur Terbodoh' di Google?

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Kalau kamu mengetikkan "Gubernur Terbodoh" di pencarian Google, maka yang muncul adalah Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. Hasil pencarian akan mengarah ke Line Today, Seword, Telset, dan Quora.

Begitu juga kalau "Gubernur Terbodoh" diketik pada pencarian Google Images, maka yang muncul adalah foto Anies Baswedan. Insiden ini serupa dengan yang dialami oleh Donald Trump pada 2018.

Kala itu, pengguna yang mengetikkan kata "idiot" akan melihat ulasan atau foto terkait Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump. Lalu, kenapa hal ini bisa terjadi?

Hal ini disebabkan oleh algoritma Google yang menampilkan hasil dengan keterikatan kuat atas kata kunci yang diketikkan. CEO Google, Sundar Pichai pernah menjelaskan bahwa Google menjelajah miliaran laman setiap pengguna mengetikkan kata kunci.

Google lalu mencocokkan laman tersebut dan memberikan peringkat berdasarkan lebih dari 200 indikasi. Indikasi ini berupa relevansi, popularitas, paling baru, dan cara orang lain menggunakannya.

Begitulah cara mesin pencari Google menghadirkan hasil penelusuran terbaik untuk menjawab kata kunci yang diketikkan pengguna. Jadi, berkaitan yang dialami oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, dia dihubungkan dengan kata kunci "Gubernur Terbodoh", karena ada artikel-artikel di dunia maya yang menyandingkan namanya dengan kata kunci tersebut.(Indozone.id)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2N0x0ro

Novel Baswedan Curiga 2 Brimob Hanya Pesuruh, Ini Kata Polri

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Markas Besar Polri membantah pernyataan penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Novel Baswedan yang curiga Ronny Bugis dan Rahmat Kadir Mahulette, dua anggota Brimob yang menjadi tersangka penyerangan, hanya orang suruhan.

"Enggak ada itu," ujar Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Mabes Polri Brigadir Jenderal Argo Yuwono saat dihubungi, pada Sabtu, 4 Januari 2020.

Argo menjelaskan, berdasarkan pemeriksaan sementara, kedua tersangka mengaku melakukan penyerangan atas kesadaran sendiri. "Sampai saat ini dilakukan sendiri," ucap dia.

Sebelumnya, Novel mencurigai adanya aktor intelektual di balik penyerangan ini. Kecurigaan Novel berangkat dari pernyataan salah satu tersangka yaitu Rahmat Kadir Mahulette yang menyebut penyidik lembaga antikorupsi ini sebagai pengkhianat.

"Pengkhianat dari mana? Memang dia ikut timnya siapa? Dia punya interest apa? Dia punya pengetahuan apa sehingga dia bilang pengkhianat? Nah ini kan menjadi penting. Kalau dia bilang pengkhianat, berarti dia ini utusan atau suruhan orang," kata Novel kepada Tempo pada Rabu, 1 Januari 2020. Baca selengkapnya di Majalah Tempo edisi 4 Januari 2020.

Polisi telah menetapkan dua orang pelaku penyerangan terhadap Novel. Mereka adalah Ronny Bugis dan Rahmat Kadir Mahulette. Keduanya merupakan polisi aktif dari Korps Brimob.

Polisi membidik keduanya menggunakan pasal penganiayaan. Rahmat diduga merupakan orang yang menyiramkan air keras ke Novel. Sementara itu, menurut polisi, Ronny Bugis bertugas mengantarkan Rahmat.

Saat akan dipindahkan dari tahanan Polda Metro Jaya ke Badan Reserse Kriminal Mabes Polri, Rahmat mengatakan motifnya menyerang Novel. "Tolong dicatat, Novel adalah pengkhianat," kata dia. (Tempo.co)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2QqZsEY

Top Iran Official Says Response Will Be “Against Military Sites” as Trump Threatens Strikes - Slate

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:32 AM PST

Top Iran Official Says Response Will Be "Against Military Sites" as Trump Threatens Strikes - Slate

Iranians take part in an anti-U.S. rally to protest the killings during a U.S. airstike of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani (picture) and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in the capital Tehran on January 4, 2020.

Iranians take part in an anti-U.S. rally to protest the killings during a U.S. airstike of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani (picture) and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in the capital Tehran on January 4, 2020.

ATTA KENARE/Getty Images

Iran's response to the killing of top Iranian general Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani will be "against military sites," Hossein Dehghan, the military adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told CNN. Dehghan, a former defense minister, appeared to be trying to play down the threat of all-out conflict, saying that the country's "leadership has officially announced that we have never been seeking war and we will not be seeking war." Yet Dehgan also warned against further retaliations from the United States, implying that could launch a new round of violence.

"It was America that has started the war. Therefore, they should accept appropriate reactions to their actions," he said. "The only thing that can end this period of war is for the Americans to receive a blow that is equal to the blow they have inflicted. Afterward they should not seek a new cycle."

Iran's then-Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan gives a speech at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) in Moscow on April 26, 2017.

Iran's then-Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan gives a speech at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) in Moscow on April 26, 2017.


Dehghan spoke shortly after President Donald Trump warned that his administration had identified "52 Iranian sites" that will be targeted if Tehran decides to launch an attack to retaliate against the killing of Soleimani. "Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture," Trump wrote. The president did not identify the targets but said they would be "HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD."

Dehghan characterized the tweets as "ridiculous and absurd," calling Trump a "veritable gangster and a gambler," adding that "he is no politician, he has no mental stability." If Trump does strike any Iran cultural sites, "for sure no American military staff, no American political center, no American military base, no American vessel will be safe," he added. Responding to Trump's tweets, Information and Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi wrote that "Trump is a 'terrorist in a suit'." Iran summoned the Swiss envoy that represents U.S. interests in Tehran on Sunday to protest "Trump's hostile remarks," Iranian state television reported.

Shortly before Trump sent out his threatening tweets, the White House formally notified Congress under the War Powers Act of the operation that killed Soleimani. The notification is required to be issued within 48 hours of U.S. forces being introduced into an armed conflict or any event that could lead to war. The document that was sent late Saturday only had classified information that is expected to detail the justification for the assassination. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the notification "raises more questions than it answers." The document Pelosi added, "prompts serious and urgent questions about the timing, manner and justification of the Administration's decision to engage in hostilities against Iran."

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2020-01-05 13:41:00Z

Top Iran Official Says Response Will Be “Against Military Sites” as Trump Threatens Strikes - Slate

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:32 AM PST

Top Iran Official Says Response Will Be "Against Military Sites" as Trump Threatens Strikes - Slate

Iranians take part in an anti-U.S. rally to protest the killings during a U.S. airstike of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani (picture) and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in the capital Tehran on January 4, 2020.

Iranians take part in an anti-U.S. rally to protest the killings during a U.S. airstike of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani (picture) and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in the capital Tehran on January 4, 2020.

ATTA KENARE/Getty Images

Iran's response to the killing of top Iranian general Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani will be "against military sites," Hossein Dehghan, the military adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told CNN. Dehghan, a former defense minister, appeared to be trying to play down the threat of all-out conflict, saying that the country's "leadership has officially announced that we have never been seeking war and we will not be seeking war." Yet Dehgan also warned against further retaliations from the United States, implying that could launch a new round of violence.

"It was America that has started the war. Therefore, they should accept appropriate reactions to their actions," he said. "The only thing that can end this period of war is for the Americans to receive a blow that is equal to the blow they have inflicted. Afterward they should not seek a new cycle."

Iran's then-Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan gives a speech at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) in Moscow on April 26, 2017.

Iran's then-Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan gives a speech at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) in Moscow on April 26, 2017.


Dehghan spoke shortly after President Donald Trump warned that his administration had identified "52 Iranian sites" that will be targeted if Tehran decides to launch an attack to retaliate against the killing of Soleimani. "Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture," Trump wrote. The president did not identify the targets but said they would be "HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD."

Dehghan characterized the tweets as "ridiculous and absurd," calling Trump a "veritable gangster and a gambler," adding that "he is no politician, he has no mental stability." If Trump does strike any Iran cultural sites, "for sure no American military staff, no American political center, no American military base, no American vessel will be safe," he added. Responding to Trump's tweets, Information and Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi wrote that "Trump is a 'terrorist in a suit'." Iran summoned the Swiss envoy that represents U.S. interests in Tehran on Sunday to protest "Trump's hostile remarks," Iranian state television reported.

Shortly before Trump sent out his threatening tweets, the White House formally notified Congress under the War Powers Act of the operation that killed Soleimani. The notification is required to be issued within 48 hours of U.S. forces being introduced into an armed conflict or any event that could lead to war. The document that was sent late Saturday only had classified information that is expected to detail the justification for the assassination. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the notification "raises more questions than it answers." The document Pelosi added, "prompts serious and urgent questions about the timing, manner and justification of the Administration's decision to engage in hostilities against Iran."

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2020-01-05 13:41:00Z

Top 10 science anniversaries in 2020 - Science News

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

Top 10 science anniversaries in 2020 - Science News

2020, the International Year of Good Vision, is also a good year for scientific anniversaries.

As usual, there are the birthday anniversaries, offering an opportunity to recognize some of the great scientists of the past for their contributions to humankind's collective knowledge. And there are the anniversaries of accomplishments, discoveries or events that left the world a different place than it had been before. There's even an Einstein anniversary, which there almost always is.

What's more, by selecting the Top 10 anniversaries carefully, you can illustrate how often key scientific concepts are intertwined — neutrons with bombs, for example, or magnetism with X-rays with DNA. So here, without any deep meaning to the order of presentation, are the Top 10 Science Anniversaries in 2020:

10. Roger Bacon, 800th birthday

Nobody knows for sure exactly when Bacon was born, but a passage in his writings suggests that it was around 1220. He was among the premier natural philosophers of his day; he studied first at Oxford and then lectured at the University of Paris. He became a Franciscan monk but often got in trouble for breaking the order's rules.

Bacon was among the first to advocate for the importance of experiment in investigating nature. He especially emphasized the status of optics as a fundamental science. Bacon also understood the necessity of applying math when explaining natural phenomena. "The power of mathematics is capable of unfolding the causes of all things, and of giving a sufficient explanation of human and divine phenomena," he wrote. Bacon thought that many big-name philosophers of his era were dolts, but revered the philosopher-theologian Robert Grosseteste, and developed some of his ideas more fully, including the role of mathematics and the notion that "laws of nature" governed natural phenomena.

9. Bose-Einstein condensate, 25th anniversary

No scientist has made more news after their death than Albert Einstein. From lasers to black holes to gravitational waves, multiple major modern discoveries have merely verified predictions from decades earlier rooted in Einstein's imagination. One such example came in 1995 when physicists produced a new weird wavy form of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this case Einstein's imagination was inspired by the Indian physicist Satyendra Bose.

In 1924 Bose sent Einstein a paper describing (mathematically) light as a gas of particles (what we now call photons). Around that time Einstein read a paper by Louis de Broglie contending that matter particles (such as electrons) could be construed as waves. Einstein mashed up de Broglie with Bose and ended up describing matter with Bose's math. Einstein envisioned wavy "boson" atoms that would merge into a kind of cloud of unified matter.

Making such a Bose-Einstein condensate cloud requires special conditions (it must be extremely cold, for one thing), and it took seven decades before physicists overcame the technical challenges and proved Einstein right, once again.

8. The Great Debate, centennial

Forget politics, the greatest debate of the 20th century took place on April 26, 1920, when astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis faced off at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Or at least that is the standard scientific lore.

Actually, the debate was pretty boring. Shapley read a paper about the current understanding of the Milky Way galaxy, which he believed to constitute the whole universe. Curtis read a paper contending that spiral-shaped nebulae visible through telescopes were in fact distant island universes comparable to the Milky Way. The winner of the debate was not announced until 1924, when Edwin Hubble showed that Curtis was right. Shapley conceded and for a while referred to the new cosmos of multiple galaxies as a multiverse.

7. Discovery of electromagnetism, bicentennial

Usually it's not a good idea to play around with electricity. But two centuries ago, scientists didn't know very much about it and curiosity got the better of them. Good thing, because that curiosity led to a discovery of unexaggeratable importance for the future of civilization.

A first step was Alessandro Volta's primitive battery, invented in 1800. It launched a frenzy of electrical experimentation. Over the next 20 years many researchers investigated possible links between electricity and magnetism. Among them was Hans Christian Oersted at the University of Copenhagen, a chemist-physicist who had originally been trained as a pharmacist. Oersted had long suspected that electricity and magnetism shared a deep unity. During a lecture in the spring of 1820, he noticed that a current caused a nearby compass needle to move.

By July Oersted had conducted (get it?) thorough experiments enabling him to announce the discovery of electromagnetism — the generation of a magnetic emanation outside a wire carrying an electric current. About a decade later Michael Faraday showed the opposite, that moving a magnet around a wire induces an electric current. That established the principle behind electric power generation on large scales.

6. Discovery of X-rays, 125th anniversary

When Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895, they were almost immediately put to use in medical practice. But they had a scientific significance just as great as their truly revolutionary importance for medicine.

For one thing, they bolstered the relatively recent realization that light was just one of several forms of electromagnetic radiation. (Only a few years earlier Heinrich Hertz had demonstrated the existence of radio waves, verifying James Clerk Maxwell's suspicion that light was not the only form of electromagnetic waves.) "There seems to exist some kind of relationship between the new rays and light rays; at least this is indicated by the formation of shadows," Röntgen wrote in his first report of the discovery. Ironically, later experiments on X-rays showed that electromagnetic "waves" sometimes behave as particles.

Eventually, X-rays transformed not only medicine but also astronomy and even biology, as they provided the tool that revealed the architecture of the molecules of life. See item 5.

5. Rosalind Franklin, 100th birthday

Franklin, born in July 25, 1920, in London, showed an early interest in science and trained as a chemist, becoming an expert on coal and other carbon-based materials. She earned a doctorate from the University of Cambridge in 1945. She then worked in Paris, developing skills at using X-ray crystallography to study crystalline structures, before moving to King's College London, where Maurice Wilkins had been studying the molecular structure of DNA. Franklin took up DNA studies and produced exceptional X-ray images. She came close to determining DNA's double-helix structure, but didn't get it quite right.

Meanwhile James Watson, who had been following her research, was shown one of her X-ray images by Wilkins in early 1953, enabling Watson and Francis Crick to deduce the correct DNA architecture. Franklin saw that the Watson-Crick model was consistent with her work, but didn't immediately accept that the model would ultimately turn out to be right in detail. She died in 1958, and so was not eligible for the Nobel Prize, awarded four years later to Watson and Crick. Wilkins also shared the prize, but there is no doubt that had she still been alive, Franklin would have deserved it more than he did. 

4. John Graunt, 400th birthday

Born on April 24, 1620, in London, Graunt became a successful and influential merchant after taking over his father's drapery business. Around age 40, for some reason he became interested in the weekly "Bills of Mortality" that enumerated deaths in the city. It occurred to him to also collect records of births and diseases to create tables that showed trends or patterns. He subjected the data to mathematical analyses, revealing insights such as women live (on average) longer than men, and death rates were higher in cities than rural areas.

Graunt's work earned him election to the Royal Society, but the Great Fire of London in 1666 burned down his house, damaging his business and sending him straight into poverty. Graunt was later recognized as the pioneer of drawing scientific conclusions from the analysis of statistical information; his work is considered a cornerstone in the foundation of the modern sciences of statistics and demography.

3. Florence Nightingale, 200th birthday

Nightingale was born to a British family in Florence, Italy, (coincidence? no) on May 12, 1820. Her family moved back to England while she was still an infant. She is best known as the most famous nurse of the 19th century, the lady with a lamp. But she was also an innovative practitioner of applied statistics; she developed sophisticated statistical analyses to support her views on hygiene and health.

She went to nursing school in Germany, and in 1854 she led a team of nurses to aid wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War. Finding horrifyingly unsanitary conditions, she instituted a cleanliness regimen that reduced the death rate among hospitalized soldiers, and she returned to England to wide acclaim. She had single-handedly elevated the social status of the nursing profession and soon she started her own nursing school. She became an expert in interpreting health statistics, and her methods influenced the development of the science of epidemiology. She presented much of the statistical evidence for the benefits of proper health standards in graphical form, earning her a reputation as a pioneer of data visualization. (Her skill at communicating the statistical evidence was instrumental in getting policy makers to adopt her recommendations.)

Sadly, at age 38, she became mostly bedridden from a debilitating disease she had contracted during her Crimean War work. But she continued working from her home for decades, consulting with governments in various countries on how to best implement sanitation and other health-related policies.

2. Prediction of the neutron, centennial

After Ernest Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus, in 1911, scientists spent years trying to understand how the nucleus was put together. It clearly required constituents with a positive electric charge. From later experiments Rutherford deduced that the basic nuclear particle carrying positive charge was identical to a hydrogen atom's nucleus, and he named it the proton. Heavier atoms contained multiple protons.

But the number of protons needed to account for an atom's mass gave the nucleus more positive electric charge than the negative charge of the atom's orbiting (nearly massless) electrons. Since atoms are electrically neutral, it seemed that the nucleus must contain some electrons to cancel out the excess positive charge. Rutherford surmised that some of those electrons in the nucleus merged with protons to make a new particle that he later called the neutron. He considered it a new kind of atom, with zero electric charge. "In consequence it should be able to move freely through matter," he said in a lecture delivered June 3, 1920, making it capable, physicists realized two decades later, of initiating nuclear fission chain reactions.

In 1932, experiments by the British physicist James Chadwick confirmed the existence of the neutron, surprising many physicists who had not believed Rutherford. But one scientist not surprised was the American chemist William Harkins, who had made a similar proposal and was actually first to use the term "neutron" in print, in 1921.

1. Atomic bomb, 75th anniversary

It's hard to overstate the significance for science, or for all of history, of the atomic bomb, first exploded 75 years ago in July at Alamogordo, N.M. It represents a technological discontinuity comparable to the invention of electromagnetism, gunpowder or (the control of) fire itself. The atomic bomb's main influence on society has been via its mere existence as a weapon in waiting, potentially ready to initiate Armageddon.

But it also still serves as a symbol of the power of science: Physicists probing the unseeable realm of the innards of atoms harnessed knowledge capable of destruction on a scale previously unimaginable. Applying the same knowledge to benefit society through the production of energy has not lived up to its advanced billing, through a combination of ineptness on the part of its proponents and lack of perspective on the part of its opponents. In any case, the bomb's reminder of science's importance to society will never fail to persist in the future, if any.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

2020-01-05 11:00:00Z

Top 10 science anniversaries in 2020 - Science News

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

Top 10 science anniversaries in 2020 - Science News

2020, the International Year of Good Vision, is also a good year for scientific anniversaries.

As usual, there are the birthday anniversaries, offering an opportunity to recognize some of the great scientists of the past for their contributions to humankind's collective knowledge. And there are the anniversaries of accomplishments, discoveries or events that left the world a different place than it had been before. There's even an Einstein anniversary, which there almost always is.

What's more, by selecting the Top 10 anniversaries carefully, you can illustrate how often key scientific concepts are intertwined — neutrons with bombs, for example, or magnetism with X-rays with DNA. So here, without any deep meaning to the order of presentation, are the Top 10 Science Anniversaries in 2020:

10. Roger Bacon, 800th birthday

Nobody knows for sure exactly when Bacon was born, but a passage in his writings suggests that it was around 1220. He was among the premier natural philosophers of his day; he studied first at Oxford and then lectured at the University of Paris. He became a Franciscan monk but often got in trouble for breaking the order's rules.

Bacon was among the first to advocate for the importance of experiment in investigating nature. He especially emphasized the status of optics as a fundamental science. Bacon also understood the necessity of applying math when explaining natural phenomena. "The power of mathematics is capable of unfolding the causes of all things, and of giving a sufficient explanation of human and divine phenomena," he wrote. Bacon thought that many big-name philosophers of his era were dolts, but revered the philosopher-theologian Robert Grosseteste, and developed some of his ideas more fully, including the role of mathematics and the notion that "laws of nature" governed natural phenomena.

9. Bose-Einstein condensate, 25th anniversary

No scientist has made more news after their death than Albert Einstein. From lasers to black holes to gravitational waves, multiple major modern discoveries have merely verified predictions from decades earlier rooted in Einstein's imagination. One such example came in 1995 when physicists produced a new weird wavy form of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this case Einstein's imagination was inspired by the Indian physicist Satyendra Bose.

In 1924 Bose sent Einstein a paper describing (mathematically) light as a gas of particles (what we now call photons). Around that time Einstein read a paper by Louis de Broglie contending that matter particles (such as electrons) could be construed as waves. Einstein mashed up de Broglie with Bose and ended up describing matter with Bose's math. Einstein envisioned wavy "boson" atoms that would merge into a kind of cloud of unified matter.

Making such a Bose-Einstein condensate cloud requires special conditions (it must be extremely cold, for one thing), and it took seven decades before physicists overcame the technical challenges and proved Einstein right, once again.

8. The Great Debate, centennial

Forget politics, the greatest debate of the 20th century took place on April 26, 1920, when astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis faced off at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Or at least that is the standard scientific lore.

Actually, the debate was pretty boring. Shapley read a paper about the current understanding of the Milky Way galaxy, which he believed to constitute the whole universe. Curtis read a paper contending that spiral-shaped nebulae visible through telescopes were in fact distant island universes comparable to the Milky Way. The winner of the debate was not announced until 1924, when Edwin Hubble showed that Curtis was right. Shapley conceded and for a while referred to the new cosmos of multiple galaxies as a multiverse.

7. Discovery of electromagnetism, bicentennial

Usually it's not a good idea to play around with electricity. But two centuries ago, scientists didn't know very much about it and curiosity got the better of them. Good thing, because that curiosity led to a discovery of unexaggeratable importance for the future of civilization.

A first step was Alessandro Volta's primitive battery, invented in 1800. It launched a frenzy of electrical experimentation. Over the next 20 years many researchers investigated possible links between electricity and magnetism. Among them was Hans Christian Oersted at the University of Copenhagen, a chemist-physicist who had originally been trained as a pharmacist. Oersted had long suspected that electricity and magnetism shared a deep unity. During a lecture in the spring of 1820, he noticed that a current caused a nearby compass needle to move.

By July Oersted had conducted (get it?) thorough experiments enabling him to announce the discovery of electromagnetism — the generation of a magnetic emanation outside a wire carrying an electric current. About a decade later Michael Faraday showed the opposite, that moving a magnet around a wire induces an electric current. That established the principle behind electric power generation on large scales.

6. Discovery of X-rays, 125th anniversary

When Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895, they were almost immediately put to use in medical practice. But they had a scientific significance just as great as their truly revolutionary importance for medicine.

For one thing, they bolstered the relatively recent realization that light was just one of several forms of electromagnetic radiation. (Only a few years earlier Heinrich Hertz had demonstrated the existence of radio waves, verifying James Clerk Maxwell's suspicion that light was not the only form of electromagnetic waves.) "There seems to exist some kind of relationship between the new rays and light rays; at least this is indicated by the formation of shadows," Röntgen wrote in his first report of the discovery. Ironically, later experiments on X-rays showed that electromagnetic "waves" sometimes behave as particles.

Eventually, X-rays transformed not only medicine but also astronomy and even biology, as they provided the tool that revealed the architecture of the molecules of life. See item 5.

5. Rosalind Franklin, 100th birthday

Franklin, born in July 25, 1920, in London, showed an early interest in science and trained as a chemist, becoming an expert on coal and other carbon-based materials. She earned a doctorate from the University of Cambridge in 1945. She then worked in Paris, developing skills at using X-ray crystallography to study crystalline structures, before moving to King's College London, where Maurice Wilkins had been studying the molecular structure of DNA. Franklin took up DNA studies and produced exceptional X-ray images. She came close to determining DNA's double-helix structure, but didn't get it quite right.

Meanwhile James Watson, who had been following her research, was shown one of her X-ray images by Wilkins in early 1953, enabling Watson and Francis Crick to deduce the correct DNA architecture. Franklin saw that the Watson-Crick model was consistent with her work, but didn't immediately accept that the model would ultimately turn out to be right in detail. She died in 1958, and so was not eligible for the Nobel Prize, awarded four years later to Watson and Crick. Wilkins also shared the prize, but there is no doubt that had she still been alive, Franklin would have deserved it more than he did. 

4. John Graunt, 400th birthday

Born on April 24, 1620, in London, Graunt became a successful and influential merchant after taking over his father's drapery business. Around age 40, for some reason he became interested in the weekly "Bills of Mortality" that enumerated deaths in the city. It occurred to him to also collect records of births and diseases to create tables that showed trends or patterns. He subjected the data to mathematical analyses, revealing insights such as women live (on average) longer than men, and death rates were higher in cities than rural areas.

Graunt's work earned him election to the Royal Society, but the Great Fire of London in 1666 burned down his house, damaging his business and sending him straight into poverty. Graunt was later recognized as the pioneer of drawing scientific conclusions from the analysis of statistical information; his work is considered a cornerstone in the foundation of the modern sciences of statistics and demography.

3. Florence Nightingale, 200th birthday

Nightingale was born to a British family in Florence, Italy, (coincidence? no) on May 12, 1820. Her family moved back to England while she was still an infant. She is best known as the most famous nurse of the 19th century, the lady with a lamp. But she was also an innovative practitioner of applied statistics; she developed sophisticated statistical analyses to support her views on hygiene and health.

She went to nursing school in Germany, and in 1854 she led a team of nurses to aid wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War. Finding horrifyingly unsanitary conditions, she instituted a cleanliness regimen that reduced the death rate among hospitalized soldiers, and she returned to England to wide acclaim. She had single-handedly elevated the social status of the nursing profession and soon she started her own nursing school. She became an expert in interpreting health statistics, and her methods influenced the development of the science of epidemiology. She presented much of the statistical evidence for the benefits of proper health standards in graphical form, earning her a reputation as a pioneer of data visualization. (Her skill at communicating the statistical evidence was instrumental in getting policy makers to adopt her recommendations.)

Sadly, at age 38, she became mostly bedridden from a debilitating disease she had contracted during her Crimean War work. But she continued working from her home for decades, consulting with governments in various countries on how to best implement sanitation and other health-related policies.

2. Prediction of the neutron, centennial

After Ernest Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus, in 1911, scientists spent years trying to understand how the nucleus was put together. It clearly required constituents with a positive electric charge. From later experiments Rutherford deduced that the basic nuclear particle carrying positive charge was identical to a hydrogen atom's nucleus, and he named it the proton. Heavier atoms contained multiple protons.

But the number of protons needed to account for an atom's mass gave the nucleus more positive electric charge than the negative charge of the atom's orbiting (nearly massless) electrons. Since atoms are electrically neutral, it seemed that the nucleus must contain some electrons to cancel out the excess positive charge. Rutherford surmised that some of those electrons in the nucleus merged with protons to make a new particle that he later called the neutron. He considered it a new kind of atom, with zero electric charge. "In consequence it should be able to move freely through matter," he said in a lecture delivered June 3, 1920, making it capable, physicists realized two decades later, of initiating nuclear fission chain reactions.

In 1932, experiments by the British physicist James Chadwick confirmed the existence of the neutron, surprising many physicists who had not believed Rutherford. But one scientist not surprised was the American chemist William Harkins, who had made a similar proposal and was actually first to use the term "neutron" in print, in 1921.

1. Atomic bomb, 75th anniversary

It's hard to overstate the significance for science, or for all of history, of the atomic bomb, first exploded 75 years ago in July at Alamogordo, N.M. It represents a technological discontinuity comparable to the invention of electromagnetism, gunpowder or (the control of) fire itself. The atomic bomb's main influence on society has been via its mere existence as a weapon in waiting, potentially ready to initiate Armageddon.

But it also still serves as a symbol of the power of science: Physicists probing the unseeable realm of the innards of atoms harnessed knowledge capable of destruction on a scale previously unimaginable. Applying the same knowledge to benefit society through the production of energy has not lived up to its advanced billing, through a combination of ineptness on the part of its proponents and lack of perspective on the part of its opponents. In any case, the bomb's reminder of science's importance to society will never fail to persist in the future, if any.

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2020-01-05 11:00:00Z

Ngeprank Istri Berakhir Laporan Polisi, Suami Dijerat Pidana?

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Kebohongan Debby Maulana (36) terbongkar. Niatnya ngeprank istri di hari ulang tahun justru membuatnya berurusan dengan polisi. Apakah Debby akan dijerat pidana?

Polsek Singosari yang menerima laporan Yosi Andika (32), istri Debby terkait ketidakpulangan suaminya disertai dugaan sebagai korban penculikan, akan melakukan gelar perkara.

Hasil dari proses itu yang nantinya menjadi landasan untuk menindaklanjuti kasus yang melibatkan warga Desa Candirenggo, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, itu.

"Soal ada tidaknya jeratan hukum, kami masih melakukan gelar perkara. Nanti ditunggu saja hasilnya," tegas Kanit Reskrim Polsek Singosari Iptu Supriyono kepada detikcom, Minggu (5/1/2020).

Menurut Supriyono, kepolisian harus bertindak profesional. Pelaporan istri Debby telah ditindaklanjuti sesuai tahapan penyelidikan.

Akhirnya kerja keras selama 3 hari tersebut berbuah hasil. Debby kembali pulang dalam kondisi selamat seperti dugaan awal kepolisian saat memulai penyelidikan.

"Kami harus profesional karena yang dilakukan ditujukan kepada istrinya untuk memberikan kejutan di hari ulang tahun. Tapi akhirnya malah viral," tutur Supriyono.

Untuk saat ini, kata Supriyono, belum dapat menyampaikan langkah selanjutnya yang akan dilakukan. Setelah berhasil mengungkap kebohongan Debby yang mengaku sebelumnya telah diculik.

"Kami masih terus melakukan analisa mengenai kasus ini. Tiga hari penyelidikan kita lakukan merupakan wujud profesionalitas Polri dalam merespons laporan masyarakat," lanjut Supriyono.

Pihaknya mengimbau kepada masyarakat terutama netizen, untuk tidak terburu-buru memberikan reaksi saat mendengar atau menerima informasi di media sosial.

"Cek dan ricek perlu dilakukan, daripada menyampaikan asumsi yang belum tentu itu benar," tandas Supriyono.(detik.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2QqxHfO

Health care, corrections, broadband at top of state legislative agenda - Press Herald

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:02 AM PST

Health care, corrections, broadband at top of state legislative agenda - Press Herald

AUGUSTA — The Maine Legislature cranks back into gear when it convenes the second session of the biennium on Wednesday, with a focus on several key issues, including health care, corrections, broadband access and climate change.

Lawmakers are poised to start their work on solid financial ground, with an estimated state budget surplus of close to $120 million based on the last revenue forecast in November.

Some of the Mills administration's top environmental priorities during the 2020 session are expected to focus on a class of chemicals, known as PFAS. The Arundel farm of Fred Stone, above, sustained PFAS chemical contamination resulting from sludge he had spread on the fields which he was told would help the soils. Staff photo by Gregory Rec

"I think we are going to be absolutely looking at how we can bring people together, start with a clean slate and good conversations about what we invest in," said House Speaker Sara Gideon, D-Freeport.

Any new spending or taxation would likely come in the form of a supplemental budget bill that would have to be offered first by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills.

Mills, like Gideon, said state government accomplished a lot in 2019 under Democratic leadership, but there was still much work to be done.

"This coming session, I look forward to working with the Legislature to continue to tackle health insurance issues, to support quality early and adult education, to strengthen our economy and expand our workforce, and to protect Maine people from the impacts of climate change," Mills said in a written statement. "By tackling these issues, Maine can and will continue to make progress for its people and future generations."

Republican leaders said they would brace against unnecessary spending or adding levels of unsustainable debt, instead focusing on key issues, such as figuring out sustainable ways to pay for state road and bridge repairs without regularly borrowing money to do that work.

"We are not going to borrow our way into a good economy," Senate Minority Leader Dana Dow, R-Waldoboro, said. He said Republicans would do their best to hold the line on taxes and want to focus on sustainable infrastructure improvements and workforce development but do it in a way that doesn't pinch the state's many small businesses.

"House Republicans want to make it clear that Maine's most pressing needs should come first," House Minority Leader Kathleen Dillingham, R-Oxford, said in a prepared statement. "Forecasted monies should fund needs, not wants. They should help people that are struggling with real-life needs right now. Maine's most pressing needs include our roads, nursing homes, direct care workers and people with disabilities on waitlists."

House Republican members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee warned that $76 million of the budget surplus in the revenue forecast are one-time monies, which may not be available on an ongoing basis.

Like Dow, they also said they want to focus on funding highway construction and repair without borrowing for it and without raising additional taxes, lamenting the state's current $8 billion, two-year budget, which is 11 percent higher than the state's previous budget.

"We then borrowed $105 million for transportation," said Rep. Amy Arata, R-New Gloucester. "We need to set priorities. Any additional spending of existing tax revenues should go toward true priorities that should have been included in the $8 billion budget."


The budget-writing Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee has January public hearings already scheduled on a half-dozen borrowing or bonding packages worth at least $200 million.

Among the bills are measures that would earmark $65 million for research and development for biomedical and biotechnology work focused on helping families dealing with aging, dementia and Alzheimer's disease; $20 million for local food processing facilities; $50 million for expanding commercial fishing and aquaculture infrastructure; and $50 million to help research labs expand and add new equipment and facilities.

All of the proposals also require matching funds from other public or private sector sources, and if passed by the Legislature would go to statewide referendum for voter approval.


Democrats have vowed to continue their efforts to reduce health care costs while expanding access.

Hannah Goss of Gray holds 6-month-old Stewart while he receives a pertussis vaccination last March. The Legislature will consider a number of bills this session aimed at addressing health care issues. Staff photo by Ben McCanna

Bills to be considered include proposals to set up a new state-run health insurance exchange program, expand dental care for children on Medicaid, and curb the price of prescription drugs. Other bills look to help small businesses provide health insurance to their employees or provide incentives to those that do.

Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, said a bill meant to provide health insurance consumers with a state-run health insurance consumer protection advocacy office was also a top priority.

"Information is power," Jackson said. "And anyone that feels like they can pull the wool over your eyes by just spouting off a bunch of stuff, these individual people who have no idea, these insurance people just tell them no. You know – deny, deny, deny and they can get nine out of 10 people to go away."

Jackson said Maine health care consumers need an advocate in their corner when they are going up against the corporate health insurance industry.

The bills seek to expand on the accomplishments of 2019, when the Legislature and Mills moved forward with funding for a voter-approved expansion of the state's Medicaid program, MaineCare, under the federal Affordable Care Act.

That expansion, which was expected to add about 80,000 to the state's health care benefits program for low-income Mainers, so far has only seen about 40,000 new enrollments, but the number is expected to continue to grow.


A broad range of criminal justice and correctional issues will also be a top focus of the Legislature.

The Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee will hear Wednesday from Department of Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty, who will brief the panel on department-related issues, including the status of the Downeast Correctional Facility, youth recidivism rates and mental health treatment for incarcerated youth.

A pod at the Somerset County Jail in Madison. Morning Sentinel photo by Michael G. Seamans Michael G. Seamans

The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee has hearings planned in the weeks ahead on numerous bills. These include revisiting state funding of county jails and an ongoing shortage of forensic bed space for those charged with or convicted of crimes who have mental health and substance use disorders or who have been deemed incompetent to stand trial by a court.

Lawmakers are considering a range of policy shifts to reduce the cost of housing prisoners, including reducing or eliminating bail requirements for lower-risk, nonviolent defendants and improving programs that help those leaving jail or prison reintegrate into society with housing, job training and health care programs.

The state's system for providing lawyers to those who are charged with crimes but are unable to afford an attorney, the Commission on Indigent Legal Services, is also expected to face additional scrutiny in 2020 in the wake of a report from the nonpartisan Sixth Amendment Center, which found the state's system, the only one of its kind in the U.S., may be falling short in providing adequate legal services to those accused of crimes here.

The report also drew into question how private attorneys who are certified to defend indigent clients are paid by the state and highlighted a lack of oversight in billing and payment practices by the state and the attorneys.

In December the Legislature's watchdog Government Oversight Committee ordered its investigative arm, the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, to launch an investigation into the recently reformed commission.


Lawmakers will also consider a series of education bills, including measures that create incentives for school districts to buy all-electric buses and establish rules limiting how schools can discipline young children.

Kindergarten teacher Melissa Wu walks her students back to class at John F Kennedy Memorial School in Biddeford on Jan. 10, 2019. Bills before the Legislature this session seek to address issues at all levels of education.  Staff photo by Brianna Soukup

Another bill in the hopper would permit retired police officers to be hired as school resource officers.

Other bills will continue a focus on higher education student debt. One measure, offered by Senate Majority Leader Nate Libby, D-Lewiston, would create a student debt forgiveness program for first responders, home health care providers and public school teachers in an effort to retain and attract workers to those fields.

Libby said Democrats remained focused on the quality and affordability of health care, workforce development and the sustainable development of public infrastructure.


Libby also said Democrats intend to redouble their efforts to improve broadband and high-speed internet access for rural Maine, following a 2019 defeat of a bonding proposal that would have earmarked funds for that.

Instead of a bonding package, Libby said Democrats would try to use state surplus funds for broadband expansion, with a requirement for matching investments from the private sector. He said in a meeting of Senate Democrats three weeks ago there was broad support for that approach.

Libby said Democrats had promised Mainers they would expand access to high-speed internet.

"We want to try to make good on that commitment," he said.

Libby also rebuked Dow, the Senate Republican leader, on state debt, saying the current state budget included funds to cover the debt service on the bonding bills that lawmakers failed to send on to voters in 2019. Republicans withheld their support for bonds, which require a two-thirds vote by lawmakers, except for those related to roads and bridges, which were approved by voters in November.

"It is important people understand we are not talking about new money for bonding," Libby said. "The money is there, but Republicans are just not interested in getting that money out and into the ground for infrastructure improvement and economic development, so we are going to try a different way."


Some of the Mills administration's top environmental priorities during the 2020 session are expected to focus on a class of chemicals, known as PFAS, that are causing health concerns in Maine and across the country.

Commonly used in nonstick cookware and water-repellent fabrics as well as firefighting foam, some varieties of PFAS have been linked to cancer, thyroid disorders, high cholesterol and other health effects. States such as Maine are scrambling to identify PFAS contamination and regulate the chemicals because federal agencies have been slower to respond.

The Mills administration is preparing a bill to allow the Maine Department of Environmental Protection to order "responsible parties" to clean up PFAS contamination or to pay for the remediation. If enacted, the legislation would give the department the same authority it already has for a host of other contaminants, such as mercury.

But the Mills administration is also expected to introduce additional measures based on the recommendations of a PFAS task force that examined the issue for more than six months.

That group's recommendations included requiring all community water systems to test for the chemicals, mandating that fire departments notify the DEP whenever they use PFAS-laced firefighting foams, and a bond measure to help the state cover the growing costs of dealing with contamination hot spots.

Comments are not available on this story.

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2020-01-05 09:00:00Z

Nyesek! Sule Posting Video Kenangan Terakhir dengan Lina Sebelum Meninggal

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Sule merasa terpukul atas kepergian Lina, mantan istrinya. Terlebih, Lina meninggal cukup tiba-tiba, tanpa menunjukkan gejala penyakit serius.

Masih dalam suasana duka, Sule membagikan momen-momen indahnya bersama Lina, lewat sebuah video yang diunggah di akun YouTube pribadinya, SULE Channel. Video yang diberi judul "Kenangan Terakhir Bersama Mamahnya Anak anak" itu diunggah Minggu (5/1).

Video dibuka dengan momen bahagia Sule dan keluarga dalam sebuah mobil. Sule duduk di kursi penumpang bagian depan, sambil merekam video. Sementara Lina, yang ada di kursi tengah, menyanyikan lagu Kesempurnaan Cinta, milik Rizky Febian, putra sulungnya.

Video kemudian menjadi sendu, saat memperlihatkan momen pemakaman Lina, di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (4/1). Terlihat Sule berusaha menenangkan Rizky Febian, yang terus menangis.

Potongan-potongan gambar keceriaan Lina saat masih hidup bersama Sule muncul, bergantian dengan suasana duka di pemakaman. Video diakhiri dengan momen khidmat di tengah tahlilan di rumah duka.(tabloidbintang.com)


from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2SUYpys

Health care, corrections, broadband at top of state legislative agenda - Press Herald

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST

Health care, corrections, broadband at top of state legislative agenda - Press Herald

AUGUSTA — The Maine Legislature cranks back into gear when it convenes the second session of the biennium on Wednesday, with a focus on several key issues, including health care, corrections, broadband access and climate change.

Lawmakers are poised to start their work on solid financial ground, with an estimated state budget surplus of close to $120 million based on the last revenue forecast in November.

Some of the Mills administration's top environmental priorities during the 2020 session are expected to focus on a class of chemicals, known as PFAS. The Arundel farm of Fred Stone, above, sustained PFAS chemical contamination resulting from sludge he had spread on the fields which he was told would help the soils. Staff photo by Gregory Rec

"I think we are going to be absolutely looking at how we can bring people together, start with a clean slate and good conversations about what we invest in," said House Speaker Sara Gideon, D-Freeport.

Any new spending or taxation would likely come in the form of a supplemental budget bill that would have to be offered first by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills.

Mills, like Gideon, said state government accomplished a lot in 2019 under Democratic leadership, but there was still much work to be done.

"This coming session, I look forward to working with the Legislature to continue to tackle health insurance issues, to support quality early and adult education, to strengthen our economy and expand our workforce, and to protect Maine people from the impacts of climate change," Mills said in a written statement. "By tackling these issues, Maine can and will continue to make progress for its people and future generations."

Republican leaders said they would brace against unnecessary spending or adding levels of unsustainable debt, instead focusing on key issues, such as figuring out sustainable ways to pay for state road and bridge repairs without regularly borrowing money to do that work.

"We are not going to borrow our way into a good economy," Senate Minority Leader Dana Dow, R-Waldoboro, said. He said Republicans would do their best to hold the line on taxes and want to focus on sustainable infrastructure improvements and workforce development but do it in a way that doesn't pinch the state's many small businesses.

"House Republicans want to make it clear that Maine's most pressing needs should come first," House Minority Leader Kathleen Dillingham, R-Oxford, said in a prepared statement. "Forecasted monies should fund needs, not wants. They should help people that are struggling with real-life needs right now. Maine's most pressing needs include our roads, nursing homes, direct care workers and people with disabilities on waitlists."

House Republican members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee warned that $76 million of the budget surplus in the revenue forecast are one-time monies, which may not be available on an ongoing basis.

Like Dow, they also said they want to focus on funding highway construction and repair without borrowing for it and without raising additional taxes, lamenting the state's current $8 billion, two-year budget, which is 11 percent higher than the state's previous budget.

"We then borrowed $105 million for transportation," said Rep. Amy Arata, R-New Gloucester. "We need to set priorities. Any additional spending of existing tax revenues should go toward true priorities that should have been included in the $8 billion budget."


The budget-writing Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee has January public hearings already scheduled on a half-dozen borrowing or bonding packages worth at least $200 million.

Among the bills are measures that would earmark $65 million for research and development for biomedical and biotechnology work focused on helping families dealing with aging, dementia and Alzheimer's disease; $20 million for local food processing facilities; $50 million for expanding commercial fishing and aquaculture infrastructure; and $50 million to help research labs expand and add new equipment and facilities.

All of the proposals also require matching funds from other public or private sector sources, and if passed by the Legislature would go to statewide referendum for voter approval.


Democrats have vowed to continue their efforts to reduce health care costs while expanding access.

Hannah Goss of Gray holds 6-month-old Stewart while he receives a pertussis vaccination last March. The Legislature will consider a number of bills this session aimed at addressing health care issues. Staff photo by Ben McCanna

Bills to be considered include proposals to set up a new state-run health insurance exchange program, expand dental care for children on Medicaid, and curb the price of prescription drugs. Other bills look to help small businesses provide health insurance to their employees or provide incentives to those that do.

Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, said a bill meant to provide health insurance consumers with a state-run health insurance consumer protection advocacy office was also a top priority.

"Information is power," Jackson said. "And anyone that feels like they can pull the wool over your eyes by just spouting off a bunch of stuff, these individual people who have no idea, these insurance people just tell them no. You know – deny, deny, deny and they can get nine out of 10 people to go away."

Jackson said Maine health care consumers need an advocate in their corner when they are going up against the corporate health insurance industry.

The bills seek to expand on the accomplishments of 2019, when the Legislature and Mills moved forward with funding for a voter-approved expansion of the state's Medicaid program, MaineCare, under the federal Affordable Care Act.

That expansion, which was expected to add about 80,000 to the state's health care benefits program for low-income Mainers, so far has only seen about 40,000 new enrollments, but the number is expected to continue to grow.


A broad range of criminal justice and correctional issues will also be a top focus of the Legislature.

The Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee will hear Wednesday from Department of Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty, who will brief the panel on department-related issues, including the status of the Downeast Correctional Facility, youth recidivism rates and mental health treatment for incarcerated youth.

A pod at the Somerset County Jail in Madison. Morning Sentinel photo by Michael G. Seamans Michael G. Seamans

The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee has hearings planned in the weeks ahead on numerous bills. These include revisiting state funding of county jails and an ongoing shortage of forensic bed space for those charged with or convicted of crimes who have mental health and substance use disorders or who have been deemed incompetent to stand trial by a court.

Lawmakers are considering a range of policy shifts to reduce the cost of housing prisoners, including reducing or eliminating bail requirements for lower-risk, nonviolent defendants and improving programs that help those leaving jail or prison reintegrate into society with housing, job training and health care programs.

The state's system for providing lawyers to those who are charged with crimes but are unable to afford an attorney, the Commission on Indigent Legal Services, is also expected to face additional scrutiny in 2020 in the wake of a report from the nonpartisan Sixth Amendment Center, which found the state's system, the only one of its kind in the U.S., may be falling short in providing adequate legal services to those accused of crimes here.

The report also drew into question how private attorneys who are certified to defend indigent clients are paid by the state and highlighted a lack of oversight in billing and payment practices by the state and the attorneys.

In December the Legislature's watchdog Government Oversight Committee ordered its investigative arm, the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability, to launch an investigation into the recently reformed commission.


Lawmakers will also consider a series of education bills, including measures that create incentives for school districts to buy all-electric buses and establish rules limiting how schools can discipline young children.

Kindergarten teacher Melissa Wu walks her students back to class at John F Kennedy Memorial School in Biddeford on Jan. 10, 2019. Bills before the Legislature this session seek to address issues at all levels of education.  Staff photo by Brianna Soukup

Another bill in the hopper would permit retired police officers to be hired as school resource officers.

Other bills will continue a focus on higher education student debt. One measure, offered by Senate Majority Leader Nate Libby, D-Lewiston, would create a student debt forgiveness program for first responders, home health care providers and public school teachers in an effort to retain and attract workers to those fields.

Libby said Democrats remained focused on the quality and affordability of health care, workforce development and the sustainable development of public infrastructure.


Libby also said Democrats intend to redouble their efforts to improve broadband and high-speed internet access for rural Maine, following a 2019 defeat of a bonding proposal that would have earmarked funds for that.

Instead of a bonding package, Libby said Democrats would try to use state surplus funds for broadband expansion, with a requirement for matching investments from the private sector. He said in a meeting of Senate Democrats three weeks ago there was broad support for that approach.

Libby said Democrats had promised Mainers they would expand access to high-speed internet.

"We want to try to make good on that commitment," he said.

Libby also rebuked Dow, the Senate Republican leader, on state debt, saying the current state budget included funds to cover the debt service on the bonding bills that lawmakers failed to send on to voters in 2019. Republicans withheld their support for bonds, which require a two-thirds vote by lawmakers, except for those related to roads and bridges, which were approved by voters in November.

"It is important people understand we are not talking about new money for bonding," Libby said. "The money is there, but Republicans are just not interested in getting that money out and into the ground for infrastructure improvement and economic development, so we are going to try a different way."


Some of the Mills administration's top environmental priorities during the 2020 session are expected to focus on a class of chemicals, known as PFAS, that are causing health concerns in Maine and across the country.

Commonly used in nonstick cookware and water-repellent fabrics as well as firefighting foam, some varieties of PFAS have been linked to cancer, thyroid disorders, high cholesterol and other health effects. States such as Maine are scrambling to identify PFAS contamination and regulate the chemicals because federal agencies have been slower to respond.

The Mills administration is preparing a bill to allow the Maine Department of Environmental Protection to order "responsible parties" to clean up PFAS contamination or to pay for the remediation. If enacted, the legislation would give the department the same authority it already has for a host of other contaminants, such as mercury.

But the Mills administration is also expected to introduce additional measures based on the recommendations of a PFAS task force that examined the issue for more than six months.

That group's recommendations included requiring all community water systems to test for the chemicals, mandating that fire departments notify the DEP whenever they use PFAS-laced firefighting foams, and a bond measure to help the state cover the growing costs of dealing with contamination hot spots.

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2020-01-05 09:00:00Z

Iranian cyberattacks against US feared after killing of top general - Fox News

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST

Iranian cyberattacks against US feared after killing of top general - Fox News

BOSTON — Iran's retaliation for the United States' targeted killing of its top general is likely to include cyberattacks, security experts warned Friday. Iran's state-backed hackers are already among the world's most aggressive and could inject malware that triggers major disruptions to the U.S. public and private sector.

Potential targets include manufacturing facilities, oil and gas plants and transit systems. A top U.S. cybersecurity official is warning businesses and government agencies to be extra vigilant.

In 2012 and 2013, in response to U.S. sanctions, Iranian state-backed hackers carried out a series of disruptive denial-of-service attacks that knocked offline the websites of major U.S. banks including Bank of America as well as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Two years later, they wiped servers at the Sands Casino in Las Vegas, crippling hotel and gambling operations.


The destructive attacks on U.S. targets ebbed when Tehran reached a nuclear deal with the Obama administration in 2015. The killing early Friday in Iraq of Quds Force commander Gen. Qassam Soleimani — long after Trump scrapped the nuclear deal — completely alters the equation.

"Our concern is essentially that things are going to go back to the way they were before the agreement," said John Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at the cybersecurity firm FireEye. "There are opportunities for them to cause real disruption and destruction."

Iran has been doing a lot of probing of critical U.S. industrial systems in recent years — trying to gain access — but has limited its destructive attacks to targets in the Middle East, experts say.

It's not known whether Iranian cyberagents have planted destructive payloads in U.S. infrastructure that could now be triggered.

"It's certainly possible," Hultquist said. "But we haven't actually seen it."

Robert M. Lee, chief executive of Dragos Inc., which specializes in industrial control system security, said Iranian hackers have been very aggressive in trying to gain access to utilities, factories, and oil and gas facilities. That doesn't mean they've succeeded, however. In one case in 2013 where they did break into the control system of a U.S. dam — garnering significant media attention — Lee said they probably didn't know the compromised target was a small flood control structure 20 miles north of New York City.

Iran has been increasing its cyber capabilities but is not in the same league as China or Russia — which have proved most adept at sabotaging critical infrastructure, witnessed in attacks on Ukraine's power grid and elections, experts agree.

And while the U.S. power grid is among the most secure and resilient in the world, plenty of private companies and local governments haven't made adequate investments in cybersecurity and are highly vulnerable, experts say.

"My worst-case scenario is a municipality or a cooperative-type attack where power is lost to a city or a couple of neighborhoods," Lee said.

"My worst-case scenario is a municipality or a cooperative-type attack where power is lost to a city or a couple of neighborhoods."

— Robert M. Lee, chief executive of Dragos Inc.

Consider the havoc an epidemic of ransomware attacks has caused U.S. local governments, crippling services as vital as tax collection. While there's no evidence of coordinated Iranian involvement, imagine if the aggressor — instead of scrambling data and demanding ransoms — simply wiped hard drives clean, said Hultquist.

"You could see many cities and hospitals targeted at once with ransomware that encrypts data to make it unusable, but there is no way to decrypt it by paying a ransom," said cybersecurity veteran Chris Wysopal, the chief technical officer of Veracode.

The only known cybersecurity survey of U.S. local governments, county and municipal, found that the networks of 28% were being attacked at least hourly — and that nearly the same percentage said they didn't even know how frequently they were being attacked. Although the study was done in 2016, the authors at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County don't believe the situation has improved since.

The top cybersecurity official at the Department of Homeland Security, Christopher Krebs, urged companies and government agencies to refresh their knowledge of Iranian state-backed hackers' past exploits and methods after Soleimani's death was announced. "Pay close attention to your critical systems," he tweeted.

In June, Krebs warned of a rise in malicious Iranian cyberactivity, particularly attacks using common methods like spear-phishing that could erase entire networks: "What might start as an account compromise, where you think you might just lose data, can quickly become a situation where you've lost your whole network."

Wysopal said the Iranians are apt to have learned a lot from the 2017 NotPetya attack, which the U.S. and Britain have attributed to state-backed Russian hackers and which caused at least $10 billion in damage globally. The worst cyberattack to date, it exploited unpatched software after being delivered through an unwitting Ukrainian tax software provider and spread on networks without human intervention.

When then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper blamed Iran for the Sands Casino attack, it was one of the first cases of American intelligence agencies identifying a specific country as hacking for political reasons: The casino's owner, Sheldon Adelson, is a big Israel backer. Clapper also noted the value of hacking for collecting intelligence. North Korea's hack of Sony Pictures in retaliation for a movie that mocked its leader followed.


The vast majority of the nearly 100 Iranian targets leaked online last year by a person or group known as Lab Dookhtegan — a defector, perhaps — were in the Middle East, said Charity Wright, a former National Security Agency analyst at the threat intelligence firm InSights. She said it's highly likely Iran will focus its retaliation on U.S. targets in the region as well as in Israel and the U.S.

Iran is widely believed to have been behind a devastating 2012 attack on Aramco, the Saudi oil company, that wiped the data from more than 30,000 computers. It was also a victim of the Stuxnet computer virus. First uncovered in 2010, it destroyed thousands of centrifuges involved in Iran's contested nuclear program and is widely reported to have been a U.S.-Israeli invention.

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2020-01-05 03:53:22Z

Iranian cyberattacks against US feared after killing of top general - Fox News

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST

Iranian cyberattacks against US feared after killing of top general - Fox News

BOSTON — Iran's retaliation for the United States' targeted killing of its top general is likely to include cyberattacks, security experts warned Friday. Iran's state-backed hackers are already among the world's most aggressive and could inject malware that triggers major disruptions to the U.S. public and private sector.

Potential targets include manufacturing facilities, oil and gas plants and transit systems. A top U.S. cybersecurity official is warning businesses and government agencies to be extra vigilant.

In 2012 and 2013, in response to U.S. sanctions, Iranian state-backed hackers carried out a series of disruptive denial-of-service attacks that knocked offline the websites of major U.S. banks including Bank of America as well as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Two years later, they wiped servers at the Sands Casino in Las Vegas, crippling hotel and gambling operations.


The destructive attacks on U.S. targets ebbed when Tehran reached a nuclear deal with the Obama administration in 2015. The killing early Friday in Iraq of Quds Force commander Gen. Qassam Soleimani — long after Trump scrapped the nuclear deal — completely alters the equation.

"Our concern is essentially that things are going to go back to the way they were before the agreement," said John Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at the cybersecurity firm FireEye. "There are opportunities for them to cause real disruption and destruction."

Iran has been doing a lot of probing of critical U.S. industrial systems in recent years — trying to gain access — but has limited its destructive attacks to targets in the Middle East, experts say.

It's not known whether Iranian cyberagents have planted destructive payloads in U.S. infrastructure that could now be triggered.

"It's certainly possible," Hultquist said. "But we haven't actually seen it."

Robert M. Lee, chief executive of Dragos Inc., which specializes in industrial control system security, said Iranian hackers have been very aggressive in trying to gain access to utilities, factories, and oil and gas facilities. That doesn't mean they've succeeded, however. In one case in 2013 where they did break into the control system of a U.S. dam — garnering significant media attention — Lee said they probably didn't know the compromised target was a small flood control structure 20 miles north of New York City.

Iran has been increasing its cyber capabilities but is not in the same league as China or Russia — which have proved most adept at sabotaging critical infrastructure, witnessed in attacks on Ukraine's power grid and elections, experts agree.

And while the U.S. power grid is among the most secure and resilient in the world, plenty of private companies and local governments haven't made adequate investments in cybersecurity and are highly vulnerable, experts say.

"My worst-case scenario is a municipality or a cooperative-type attack where power is lost to a city or a couple of neighborhoods," Lee said.

"My worst-case scenario is a municipality or a cooperative-type attack where power is lost to a city or a couple of neighborhoods."

— Robert M. Lee, chief executive of Dragos Inc.

Consider the havoc an epidemic of ransomware attacks has caused U.S. local governments, crippling services as vital as tax collection. While there's no evidence of coordinated Iranian involvement, imagine if the aggressor — instead of scrambling data and demanding ransoms — simply wiped hard drives clean, said Hultquist.

"You could see many cities and hospitals targeted at once with ransomware that encrypts data to make it unusable, but there is no way to decrypt it by paying a ransom," said cybersecurity veteran Chris Wysopal, the chief technical officer of Veracode.

The only known cybersecurity survey of U.S. local governments, county and municipal, found that the networks of 28% were being attacked at least hourly — and that nearly the same percentage said they didn't even know how frequently they were being attacked. Although the study was done in 2016, the authors at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County don't believe the situation has improved since.

The top cybersecurity official at the Department of Homeland Security, Christopher Krebs, urged companies and government agencies to refresh their knowledge of Iranian state-backed hackers' past exploits and methods after Soleimani's death was announced. "Pay close attention to your critical systems," he tweeted.

In June, Krebs warned of a rise in malicious Iranian cyberactivity, particularly attacks using common methods like spear-phishing that could erase entire networks: "What might start as an account compromise, where you think you might just lose data, can quickly become a situation where you've lost your whole network."

Wysopal said the Iranians are apt to have learned a lot from the 2017 NotPetya attack, which the U.S. and Britain have attributed to state-backed Russian hackers and which caused at least $10 billion in damage globally. The worst cyberattack to date, it exploited unpatched software after being delivered through an unwitting Ukrainian tax software provider and spread on networks without human intervention.

When then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper blamed Iran for the Sands Casino attack, it was one of the first cases of American intelligence agencies identifying a specific country as hacking for political reasons: The casino's owner, Sheldon Adelson, is a big Israel backer. Clapper also noted the value of hacking for collecting intelligence. North Korea's hack of Sony Pictures in retaliation for a movie that mocked its leader followed.


The vast majority of the nearly 100 Iranian targets leaked online last year by a person or group known as Lab Dookhtegan — a defector, perhaps — were in the Middle East, said Charity Wright, a former National Security Agency analyst at the threat intelligence firm InSights. She said it's highly likely Iran will focus its retaliation on U.S. targets in the region as well as in Israel and the U.S.

Iran is widely believed to have been behind a devastating 2012 attack on Aramco, the Saudi oil company, that wiped the data from more than 30,000 computers. It was also a victim of the Stuxnet computer virus. First uncovered in 2010, it destroyed thousands of centrifuges involved in Iran's contested nuclear program and is widely reported to have been a U.S.-Israeli invention.

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2020-01-05 03:53:22Z

TGUPP Anies Jelaskan soal 'Tangkap Hujan' Agar Jakarta Bebas Banjir

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:24 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Pakar hidrodinamika Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Muslim Muin, menjelaskan konsep naturalisasi yang dapat menyelamatkan Jakarta dari banjir. Muslim yang juga merupakan anggota Tim Gubernur untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP) Anies Baswedan ini menjelaskan 'tangkap hujan' yang merupakan bagian konsep naturalisasi.

"Jadi naturalisasi itu konsepnya kembali lagi ke natural. Natural itu apa? Air (hujan) itu turun ke hutan, terus diserap di hutan, sisanya baru dibuang ke sungai. Sekarang hutannya sudah tidak ada. Jadi kita yang menangkap dari rumah-rumah (warga)," kata Muslim ketika dikonfirmasi detikcom, Sabtu (4/1/2020).

Menurutnya, air hujan dapat ditampung di taman rumah setiap warga. Dia mengatakan warga dapat memodifikasi tinggi permukaan taman menjadi lebih rendah dari tinggi rumah. Sehingga, air hujan dapat tertampung di taman rumah.

"Kalau di rumah saya, satu jam (air hujan yang tertampung di taman) juga sudah kering. Jadi hujan itu paling berapa besarnya 300 mili per hari, jadi cuma 30 cm turunkan (tinggi) taman kita diturunkan 30 cm jadi itu konsepnya," ujar Muslim.

"(Air hujan) bisa diresapkan di tanah itu bagus sekali," lanjutnya.

Cepat tidaknya air meresap tergantung banyak air dan luasan tanah. Jika tak mempunyai taman, warga dapat membuat biopori di halaman rumah.

"Kalau tidak meresap di taman nggak apa-apa. Yang nggak boleh terendam kan rumah kita," tururnya.

Dengan konsep ini, diharapkan air hujan dapat habis dengan sendirinya di lingkungan sendiri. Sehingga, debit sungai tidak terbebani limpahan air dari rumah warga.

Menurutnya, solusi satu-satunya terhadap permasalahan banjir di Jakarta ialah naturalisasi. Menurutnya, konsep naturalisasi ini harus dilakukan dari hulu hingga hilir. Dia juga mengatakan cara mengurangi debit air bisa dimulai dari Bogor.

"Saya sudah sampaikan ke Pak Anies (Gubernur DKI). Naturalisasi itu satu satunya jalan supaya Jakarta bebas banjir," ujar Muslim Muin di Sasana Krida Karang Taruna Bidara Cina, Jalan Baiduri Bulan, Bidara Cina, Jakarta Timur, pagi tadi.

"Kurangi debit banjir itu. Gimana caranya? Tangkap hujannya. Tak hanya di sini (Jakarta), di sana tuh di Puncak di Bogor. Siapa yang bisa perintahkan tangkap hujan itu? Jangan tanya saya, sudah jelaskan siapa," lanjutnya.(detik.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2MYfvYz

Gubernur Anies Baswedan Digugat Karena Banjir Jakarta

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:24 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Sejumlah masyarakat Jakarta akan melayangkan gugatan class action atau gugatan perwakilan kelompok kepada Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. Gugatan tersebut dilayangkan lantaran banjir yang menelan korban jiwa.

Jumlah korban tewas karena banjir Jakata hingga puluhan jiwa. Anies dinilai akibat ketidakmampuan. Anies juga dinilai lalai menanggulangi banjir Jakarta.

Tim Advokasi Korban Banjir DKI Jakarta 2020, Diarson Lubis membenarkan bahwa pihaknya yang akan mengakomodir gugutan class action bagi warga Jakarta. Diarson mengklaim kekinian telah menerima pendaftar dari beberapa warga Jakarta yang akan ikut menggugat.

"Iya benar. Sudah ada beberapa orang yang mendaftar gugatan," kata Diarson saat dikonfirmasi Suara.com, Minggu (5/1/2019).

Diarson menjelaskan gugatan perdata tuntutan ganti rugi dengan mekanisme class action ini merupakan salah satu langkah hukum yang dapat ditempuh oleh para korban banjir Jakarta. Dia berharap dengan adanya gugatan tersebut dapat memberikan efek jera bagi pemangku kebijakan untuk tidak lalai dalam menanggulangi banjir.

Adapun, Diarson menyampaikan bagi warga Jakarta yang ingin mendaftarkan diri sebagai penggugat cukup menyertakan identitas dirinya sesuai Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) DKI Jakarta. Kemudian, mereka juga harus menyertakan jumlah perkiraan kerugian materil beserta bukti-bukti foto dari kerugian tersebut.

"Email ke banjirdki2020@gmail.com. Korban banjir tidak dipungut biaya apapun," katanya.

Untuk diketahui hujan deras yang mengguyur Jakarta dan sekitarnya di awal Tahun 2020 mengakibatkan banjir dan tanah longsor. Berdasar data Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) hingga Sabtu (4/1/2020) pukul 18.00 WIB setidaknya ada 60 korban jiwa yang meninggal dunia akibat banjir dan longsor yang terjadi di Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2QsSNu1

Anak Buah Anies Sombongkan Besaran Sumbangan 1 Juta untuk Korban Banjir

Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:24 AM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -Anak buah Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Muslim Muin, mengaku tak masalah dianggap sombong lantaran menyebutkan besaran sumbangan Rp 1 juta yang dia berikan untuk korban banjir di kawasan Bidara Cina, Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur pada hari ini, Sabtu, 4 Januari 2020.

Kehadiran Muslim di kawasan tersebut sekaligus menjadi pembicara dalam diskusi bertajuk Banjir Bukan Takdir? yang diselenggarakan di Sasana Krida Karang Taruna Bidara Cina. Diskusi ini merupakan siaran saban pekan di radio MNC Trijaya. "Ria (sombong) enggak apa-apa dicap ria, saya sombong memang saya kaya kok," kata Muslim menanggapi pertanyaan pembawa acara Margi Syarief.

Dalam diskusi itu hadir pula Wakil Ketua Komisi II Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Arwani Thomafi, Kepala Pusat Pengendalian Operasi Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Bambang Surya Putra, Kepala Bidang Diseminasi Informasi Iklim dan Kualitas Udara Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Harry Tirto Djatmiko.

Kemudian psikolog Muhammad Iqbal, Direktur Program Aksi Cepat Tanggap Wahyu Novyan, Ketua Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah, dan Sekretaris Dinas Sumber Daya Air DKI Jakarta Dudi Gardesi Asikin.

Awalnya, Muslim mempersoalkan mengapa para pihak tak merasa bersalah dan malah saling menyalahkan soal banjir yang melanda Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

Anggota Tim Gubernur untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP) DKI ini mengaku tak ingin menyalahkan Anies Baswedan atau Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Namun dia mempermasalahkan mengapa narasumber yang hadir di diskusi itu tak meminta maaf.

"Saya enggak ingin inilah, ini salahnya Pak  Anies, Pak Jokowi. Salah kita semua. Tapi tadi kita enggak ada yang merasa salah," ujar pakar hidrodinamika Institut Teknologi Bandung ini.

Muslim kemudian mengatakan cuma dirinya yang merasa bersalah dan meminta maaf kepada warga. Bukan hanya itu, dia menyinggung pula besaran uang yang dia sumbangkan. "Enggak ada permintaan maaf ke korban atau apa. Cuma prihatin, prihatin. Ada enggak yang satu juta, cuma saya yang satu juta. Iya kan?" kata dia.

Muslim mengimbuhkan, dia juga akan menyumbangkan uang honornya dari diskusi itu kepada korban. "Satu lagi, honor saya hari ini, kalau ada honor, karena saya lihat banyak sekali sponsornya, pasti ada honornya nih, buat korban," ujarnya.

"Buat korban ya, Pak? Oke tepuk tangan untuk orang kaya," kata moderator Margi Syarief.

Saat Muslim melontarkan kalimatnya itu, sejumlah narasumber lain terlihat menahan tawa. Bambang Surya Putra dari BNPB yang duduk di belakang Muslim tampak terkekeh pelan.(Tempo.co)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2MYRvod

Istri Pulang Minta Cerai, Suami Bongkar Rumah dengan Alat Berat, Videonya Viral

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:24 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Sebuah rumah yang berada di Kecamatan Watulimo, Kabupaten Trenggalek Jawa Timur dirobohkan menggunakan alat berat dan viral di media sosial.

Rumah tersebut milik pasangan suami istri SS dan SE. Rumah yang berada di Desa Tasikmadu, Kecamatan Watulimo itu dibongkar oleh SS lantaran SE, sang istri yang bekerja menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Malaysia minta cerai.

Diketahui, SE bekerja di Malaysia sekitar 10 tahun terakhir.

"SE sudah sekitar 10 tahun bekerja sebagai Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di Malaysia. Pulang-pulang meminta cerai kepada suaminya," terang Kepala Desa Tasikmadu Wignyo Handoyo, Sabtu (4/1/2019).

Dari keterangan Kepala Desa Tasikmadu Wignyo Handoyo, pembongkaran rumah pasangan suami istri tersebut sudah melalui kesepakatan dan membuat surat pernyataan.

Sebelumnya, pemerintah desa melakukan upaya mediasi, namun keputusan pemilik rumah yakni SS dan SE memilih dibongkar.

"Sudah saya bilang, jangan dibongkar. Masih ada anak dan hak waris bisa ke anak pasangan SS dan SE,"ujar Wignyo.

Hingga akhirnya, rumah yang selama ini mereka bangun dirobohkan menggunakan alat berat jenis ekskavator dan tinggal puing-puing bekas material bangunan.

Wignyo menjelaskan, suami yang selama ini tinggal di Trenggalek bersama satu orang anaknya yang masih duduk dibangku kelas 6 sekolah dasar, menolak permintaan cerai istrimya.

Namun, sang istri tetap mendesak untuk bercerai, hingga akhirnya suami meminta ganti rugi dari pembangunan rumah tersebut sebesar sekitar Rp 200 juta.

Awalnya,sang istri menyepakati ganti rugi sebesar Rp 40 juta.

"Pada mediasi awal sudah disepakati. Kemudian dilakukan mediasi lagi karena masih ada perselisihan," terang Wignyo.

Pada mediasi berikutnya, sang istri tidak menyanggupi ganti rugi sesuai kesepakatan awal, dan meminta agar suaminya membongkar rumah tersebut, apabila tetap meminta uang ganti rugi.

Kemudian, pasangan tersebut membuat surat pernyataan yang berisi kesepakatan membongkar rumah tersebut, dan dibubuhi materai 6000.

"Surat pernyataan dibuat dan ditandatangani pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019," terang Wignyo.

Satu hari setelah membuat surat pernyataan dan ditandatangani pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020 lalu, secara bertahap pembongkaran dimulai.

Puncaknya, Jumat (3/1/2020) lalu rumah itu dirobohkan total dengan menggunakan satu unit alat berat jenis ekskavator.

"Tiba-tiba sang suami merobohkan dengan alat berat. Sebetulnya ini tidak diizinkan karena di kawasan permukiman penduduk," terang Wignyo.

Proses pembongkaran rumah itupun menarik perhatian warga sekitar dan mengabadikan dengan kamera telepon genggam.

Bahkan, salah satu warganet menyajikan siaran langsung melalui media sosial Facebook hingga akhirnya viral.

Dalam video yang viral terlihat, satu unit alat berat jenis ekskavator secara perlahan bergerak menuju rumah sengketa tersebut dan mulai menghancurkan tembok rumah hingga roboh total.

Dalam video juga terlihat, sebelum rumah tersebut dirobohkan menggunakan alat berat sudah dalam kondisi tidak utuh.

Rumah sudah sempat dirusak dengan menggunakan alat seadanya oleh pemiliknya.

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2ui5krj

Detik-detik Teddy Mengangkat Jenazah Istrinya Hingga Amanat Lina Soal Bayinya

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:54 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Lina mantan istri Sule meninggal dunia meninggalkan bayi mungil yang baru saja ia lahirkan.

Bayi itu merupakan anak hasil pernikahan dengan suami barunya, Teddy.

Setelah bercerai dengan Sule, Lina memang menikahi pria bernama Teddy.

Mereka lalu dikaruniai anak yang diberi nama Bintang.

Sebelum meninggal, Lina sempat mengajak Bintang untuk bertemu dengan kakak-kakaknya.

Meski berbeda ayah, anak-anak Sule ternyata memperlakukan adik mereka dengan baik.

Kini setelah sang ibu meninggal dunia, bagaimana nasib baby Bintang?

Dalam siaran langsung Youtube Cumicumi pada Sabtu 4 Januari 2020, Teddy mengungkap jika istrinya sudah meninggalkan pesan khusus.

Lina memberi amanat soal siapa yang harus merawat Bintang setelah ia pergi.

"Untuk si kecil (anak Lina dan Teddy) sendiri gimana? Saat ini gimana?" tanya pewarta.

"Untuk si kecil sendiri tetap dibawa saya. Karena memang amanat (almarhum Lina) begitu," jawab Teddy.

Pada video tersebut, Teddy membeberkan kronologi kondisi Lina hingga menghembuskan nafas terakhir.

Teddy menjelaskan jika masih tak percaya sang istri tercinta meninggal secepat ini.

Ia menyebut, Lina tak pernah mengeluh kesakitan dan tak ada tanda-tanda maupun firasat tentang kepergian Lina.

"Sebelum meninggal itu, jam empat itu masih gendong si kecil, nggak ada keluhan apa-apa.

Mungkin itu firasatnya, biasanya udah ngantuk giliran (momong anak)."

"Pas udah solat subuhan setengah lima langsung pingsan," ujar Teddy.

"Pas dibawa ke rumah sakit, sekitar dari sini ke rumah sakit padahal dari sini ke Rumah Sakit Al Islam deket, dari perjalanan kata dokter udah nggak ada, sekitar tujuh menitan."

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Teddy juga menegaskan jika istrinya meninggal bukan karena Jantung.

"Kalau riwayat penyakit nggak ada, itu yang berat kemarin nggak ada, cuman lambung aja.

Jadi nggak ada keluhan, nggak ada riwayat jantung nggak ada," jelas Teddy lagi.

Saat ditanya soal penyebab kepergian Lina, Teddy hanya menyebut jika asam lambung istrinya naik lalu sesak nafas.

Simak video berikut ini !

Firasat Sule

Sule menceritakan pada saat komunikasi melalui sambungan telepon dengan putranya, Rizky Febian menyampaikan kondisi terkini Lina Zubaedah.

"Waktu saya ngobrol sama Iky, ngasih tahu kondisi mamanya. Kayak banyak pikiran mumet, kayak ada sesuatu yang mau diungkapkan tapi enggak bisa, kayak yang tertekan," ujar Sule, di Jalan Rasamala Asri 1, Perumahan Bumi Panyawangan, Cileunyi, Kabupaten Bandung, Sabtu (4/1/2020).

Menurutnya, seusai menelpon anaknya itu, Sule berbincang dengan dua orang teman dan kakaknya secara tiba-tiba seekor cicak jatuh tepat di kakinya.

"Pakkk, itu kencang banget. Baru terpikir waktu kejadian abah saya meninggal, cicak juga jatuh ke punggung saya," katanya.

Dia menuturkan sebagai mantan suami tak menyangka bisa kepikiran jauh begitu.

Bahkan, saat itu diakui Sule, ia masih mengobrol dan bercanda bersama teman dan kakaknya.

"Teman saya bilang 'ieu saha nu maot nyak (ini siapa yang meninggal ya)'. Terus bercanda-canda," ujarnya.

Sebelum menyaksikan cicak jatuh tersebut, Sule mengaku merasa seperti bakal terjadi sesuatu hal. Tetapi, belum mengetahui tentang apa hal itu.

"Sebelum ada cicak jatuh, saya merasa ada sesuatu. Merinding sampai gelisah enggak jelas. Mikir anak, mikir ini itu. Setelah itu datang (telepon) Iky ngobrol-ngobrol, baru saya agak enteng," katanya. (TribunStyle.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2QmUd94

Dituding Tertawakan Anies saat Inspeksi Banjir, Ini Kata Yusuf Mansur

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:54 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Ustaz Yusuf Mansur mendadak di-bully di Instagram. Hal itu dikarenakan dirinya diduga telah melakukan tindakan yang tak menyenangkan ke Gubernur Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

Dalam sebuah foto, Yusuf Mansur terlihat memberikan emoji tertawa saat melihat Instagram Live Anies Baswedan yang sedang inspeksi banjir di Cawang, Jakarta Timur. Memang ada tiga simbol tertawa dalam komentar Yusuf.

Namun, Yusuf Mansur merasa tak pernah menertawakan Anies Baswedan. Sambil menjelaskan kepada netizen di media sosial, ia mengaku ada yang sengaja ingin menjahatinya.

"Abis ngertawain anis gimana tadi rasanya dibulli," komen akun @iam_ayu.12.

"Itu hoax bosku sayang. Ada yg ngedit2. Jd pict itu palsu. Tp gpp. Udah keliatan. Ada yg mau bentur2in. Dan seperti biasa, ga mau nerima penjelasan hehehe. Udah saya ig in jg berkali2. Its oke," balas Yusuf.

Sang ulama mengaku awalnya mengira komentar menertawakan itu benar ditulisnya. Tapi setelah dicek lagi, ia menemukan kebenaran dan tak pernah menertawakan, tapi mengirim doa ke Anies Baswedan.

"Semula saya pikir saya kepeleset ngetik. Sbg bentuk baik sangka. Masa nuduh orang. Tp kemudian kerja. Saya jg minta bbrp kwn melototin dg seksama. Apa iya ada emot begitu dan binggo!! Yang ada justru 2x doa," tuturnya.

Yusuf Mansur masih punya bukti soal tak pernah menertawakan Anies Baswedan. Kalau masih juga tak percaya, ia tak mempermasalahkannya.

"Kami msh simpen live lengkapnya pak @aniesbaswedan lengkap dg segala komennya. Dan sekali lagi, ga ada emot itu. Mksh ya. Gpp jg ga percaya hehe," katanya.detik.com

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2sR2oBJ

Warganet Salah Fokus Soroti Presenter Saat Bawa Berita Soal Banjir

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com -  Sebuah potongan video dari stasiun televisi iNews beredar di media sosial dan menjadi perbincangan warganet pengguna Twitter. Potongan video berdurasi 10 detik itu merekam dua orang pengendara motor yang jatuh saat banjir.

Diunggah kembali oleh akun Twitter @egayovanka pada 28 Desember, video tersebut mulanya memperlihatkan seorang perempuan mengenakan celana jeans dan baju hitam tengah duduk di atas motor Nmax. Di belakangnya terlihat seseorang mengenakan jas hujan tengah membantunya mendorong agar motor tersebut bisa melaju.

Tapi tak lama, perempuan itu jatuh terpeleset dan masuk ke dalam banjir. Untungnya, orang yang berdiri di belakangnya masih memegang motor tersebut sehingga tidak jatuh menimpanya.

Sayangnya, seseorang yang mungkin berniat datang menolong malah menarik gas, sehingga motor tersebut melaju ke depan dan membuat orang yang berdiri di belakang motor ikut terjatuh ke dalam banjir.

Melihat rekaman tersebut, warganet pun salah fokus setelah mendengar bagaimana cara presenter acara membawakan berita banjir yang terjadi di Bandung itu. Karena secara jelas terdengar suara presenter yang terbata dan salah pengucapan saat rekaman itu terputar di layar televisi.

"...Cikutra, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Banjir ini juga membuat pengendara mobil harus mengurasi.. mengurangi... kecepatan untuk melewati derasnya ariran.." ucap presenter yang membawakan berita sore tersebut.

Video yang telah dilihat sebanyak lebih dari 2,6 juta penayangan itu telah dibagikan sebanyak lebih dari 47.500 kali ke sesama pengguna Twitter dan menuai beragam komentar dari warganet.

"'Mengurashi-mengurangi... *makin salah fokus* derasnya ariran' Aku mah yakin pembaca beritanya nahan ketawa," tulis akun @yanggaklakulaku.

"Maafkan aku melihat ini sambil ketawa banget. Maaf mbak maaf wkwk," komentar @ririsfahrulisa.

'be** malah jatoh udah tau banjir, yaudah gue duluan ah' - Nmax," tambah @setengadewa.

"Sudah jatuh tertimpa enmak, baju basah, masuk tipi, motor ndlosor, diliat banyak orang, tertimpa enmak," cuit @brianobet.

"Aku pernah lagi bawain acara formal tentang diskusi politik terus ada kang kabel jatoh gegara kesandung kabelnya sendiri. Aku? Yah jelas tertawa. Pengen pulang aja rasanya tapi acara baru pembukaan," ungkap @babybevv.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2ZOE5jW

Tegas!! Susi Respons Luhut soal Natuna: Bedakan Sahabat, Investor, dan Pencuri

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:54 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Mantan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti merespons pernyataan Menko Maritim dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. Tepatnya, pernyataan terkait invasi kapal ikan asing China yang didukung oleh China Coast Guard (CCG) di perairan Natuna, Indonesia.

Luhut meminta persoalan tersebut tak perlu dibesar-besarkan karena khawatir mengganggu hubungan dengan China, terutama menyoal investasi. Menurut Susi, Luhut harus bisa membedakan antara persahabatan negara, investor, dan pencuri.

Susi menyampaikan pandangannya saat membalas Tweet kumparan. Ia memberikan izin sebagai bahan pemberitaan.

"Kita jaga persahabatan antarbangsa. Kita undang investor untuk investasi. Kita jaga investor. Dan kita akan tetap menghukum pencuri sumber daya perikanan kita. Kita bedakan tiga hal itu dengan baik dan benar," kata Susi, Sabtu (4/1).

Menurutnya, hubungan baik antarnegara merupakan adalah saling menghormati. Termasuk persoalan kedaulatan negara.

"Hubungan baik antarnegara adalah karena dalung (saling) menghormati," tegasnya.
Sebelumnya, Menko Luhut meminta semua pihak untuk tidak meributkan masalah pelanggaran kedaulatan oleh China di Natuna.

Ia khawatir ribut-ribut mengenai persoalan ini mengganggu hubungan ekonomi dengan China, terutama investasi.

"Ya makanya (supaya enggak ganggu investasi), saya bilang untuk apa diributin. Sebenarnya kita juga mesti lihat, kita ini harus membenahi diri kita," kata Luhut usai pertemuan sore bersama Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto di kantornya, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (3/1).

Luhut menilai, masuknya kapal-kapal asing dari China ini akibat kurangnya kemampuan Indonesia mengawasi Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE). Ia menambahkan, Presiden Jokowi telah memerintahkan untuk menambah kapal-kapal di perairan Natuna.(kumparan.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2FkCYin

Mendiang Lina Disebut Mati Suri, Ini Jawaban Rizky Febrian

Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:54 PM PST

Beritaterheboh.com - Rizky Febrian menceritakan masa-masa terakhir meninggalnya mendiang ibunya, Lina Jubaedah, yang sekaligus mantan Istri Komedian Entis Sutisna alias Sule. Lina meninggal diduga meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan menuju rumah sakit, dari rumahnya di Jalan Neptunus, Margahayu, Bandung, Sabtu (4/1).

Iki, panggilan akrab Rizky, mengatakan setelah dikabarkan meninggal, ada beberapa pihak yang menyebut Lina mati suri. Alih-alih memercayai kabar itu, Iki memilih untuk menyerahkan segala keputusan pada Allah SWT.

"Tadi ada yang ngomong mati suri segala macam, kita lebih percaya sama di atas. Walaupun tadi ada yang bilang badannya kembali anget ini, itu, mungkin Allah punya rencana yang lebih baik," tuturnya saat ditemui di rumah duka, Jumat (4/1)..

1. Bagi Rizky, Lina meninggal bukan karena penyakit jantung

Menurutnya, Lina sebelumnya memang tidak memiliki riwayat sakit jantung. Namun, sempat beberapa kali Lina sempat mengeluh karena sesak nafas dan asam lambung sering kambuh.

"Sebenarnya gak ada sakit jantung, cuma cepat sesak, lambungnya naik, butuh oksigen. Sudah kontrol biasa, ketika check up jantung aman, paru-paru aman," 

Oleh karena itu, dia menilai penyakit jantung bukan penyebab ibundanya tercinta itu meninggal. "Cuma itu balik lagi ke Allah, jadi bukan penyakit jantung.

2. Lina masih sempat bercanda sesaat sebelum kejang dan pingsan

Dia pun menuturkan hal terakhir kali yang dilakukan oleh mendiang Lina. "Iki dengar cerita putri (adik kandung Iki) yang lihat langsung. Mamah sehat, jam 03.00 WIB itu mamah masih keluar untuk makan, bercanda, kemudian salat subuh," ungkapnya.

Setelah salat subuh, Putri, adik kandung Iki melihat langsung Lina dalam posisi kejang-kejang kemudian Lina pingsan di atas kasur.

3. Lina meninggal dalam perjalanan menuju RS Al-Islam

Keluarga pun mencoba membawa Lina ke rumah sakit namun Lina dikabarkan sudah meninggal dalam perjalanan menuju RS Al-Islam.

"Cuman Putri gak bilang, Putri ngabarinnya setelah azan (subuh) mamah udah gak ada," tambahnya.(Idntimes.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/35moKby

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