巨人は炭谷を使うべき? 左腕ムーア攻略には左打者が有効か…第3戦のポイント分析 - Full-Count

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:17 PM PST





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[앵커리포트] '종부세 폭탄' 현실화...집값 안정에 도움될까 / YTN - YTN news

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST


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  1. [앵커리포트] '종부세 폭탄' 현실화...집값 안정에 도움될까 / YTN  YTN news
  2. 종부세 폭탄 고지서가 날아왔다…목동 60대 "7배 뛰었다" - 중앙일보  중앙일보
  3. 올해 종부세 '껑충'…실거주 1주택자도 "세금 폭탄" 울상 | 뉴스A  채널A 뉴스
  4. 작년 2배 뛴 종부세 '고지서'가 날아왔다  아시아경제
  5. 국세청, 종부세 고지서 발송…'1년 새 2배' 오른 곳도 / JTBC 아침&  JTBC News
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‘1조원 대어' 두산인프라코어 누구 품에 안길까 - 조선일보

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST


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  2. 현대重 1강?… 두산인프라코어 본입찰, 열어봐야 안다  뉴데일리경제
  3. 차기오너 시험대…재계3·4세 `두산인프라 인수전` 격돌 - 매일경제  매일경제
  4. 현대重-유진 대결구도로…GS건설은 '잠정보류'  팍스넷뉴스
  5. 두산인프라코어, 24일 매각 본입찰  아이뉴스24
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1만원 연회비로 요기요 최대 10% 할인 - 동아일보

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST

taritkar.blogspot.com 삼성카드
삼성카드가 국내 대표 배달 애플리케이션(앱) 요기요와 함께 1만 원의 합리적인 연회비로 요기요에서 결제 시 최대 10% 할인과 커피전문점·편의점·다이소 등에서 5% 할인, 스트리밍 정기결제 10% 할인 등 다양한 혜택을 제공하는 '요기요 삼성카드'를 출시했다.

요기요 앱에서 요기요 삼성카드로 결제 시 전월 이용금액에 따라 최대 10% 결제일 할인을 제공한다.

전월 이용금액이 30만 원 미만인 경우 1% 결제일 할인을 최대 5000원까지 제공하고 전월 이용금액이 30만 원 이상이면 10% 결제일 할인을 제공한다. 10% 결제일 할인은 전월 이용 금액에 따라 월 최대 2만 원까지 제공된다.

전월 이용금액이 30만 원 이상일 경우 커피전문점·편의점·다이소 등에서 5% 할인과 스트리밍 서비스 정기결제 10% 할인을 받을 수 있다. 전월 이용금액에 따라 통합으로 월 최대 1만 원까지 혜택을 받을 수 있다.
또 넷플릭스, 웨이브, 왓챠 등 스트리밍 서비스 이용료 정기결제 시 10% 결제일 할인이 제공된다. 할인 혜택은 통합으로 월 최대 3000원까지 받을 수 있다. 요기요 삼성카드의 연회비는 국내전용, 해외겸용(마스터카드) 모두 1만 원이다.

삼성카드 관계자는 "요기요 결제 시 최대 10% 할인은 물론이고 스트리밍 할인 등 언택트 혜택과 일상생활에서도 다양한 혜택을 받을 수 있도록 상품을 구성했다"며 "앞으로도 고객들에게 유용한 혜택을 지속적으로 제공할 계획"이라고 밝혔다.

박서연 기자 sy0091@donga.com

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Booking platforms' commission fees for SingapoRediscovers Vouchers prompt STB warning - The Business Times

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST

Tue, Nov 24, 2020 - 5:50 AM

UPDATED Tue, Nov 24, 2020 - 10:03 AM


THE Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has said it will monitor the commission rates charged by the booking platforms handling the SingapoRediscovers Vouchers redemption and penalise errant platforms, following concerns from the industry over reportedly eye-watering fees proposed by...

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Where are we in the Covid-19 vaccine race? - The Straits Times

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST

LONDON (REUTERS) - Drugmakers and research centres around the world are working on Covid-19 vaccines, with large global trials of several of the candidates involving tens of thousands of participants well under way.

The following is what we know about the race to deliver vaccines to help end the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed more than 1.34 million lives worldwide:

Who is furthest along?

US drugmaker Pfizer Inc and German partner BioNTech released final late-stage trial data last Wednesday (Nov 18) that showed their shot was 95 per cent effective at stopping Covid-19, the highest efficacy rate so far.

The companies are the first to publish final Phase III efficacy and safety data and plan to apply for an emergency use authorisation (EUA) in the United States within days.

On Nov 16, another US pharmaceutical company, Moderna Inc, released interim data showing that its vaccine worked in a large, late-stage clinical trial with a 94.5 per cent efficacy rate.

Interim late-stage trial results for Russia's Sputnik V vaccine published on Nov 11 showed the shot is 92 per cent effective.

AstraZeneca said on Monday that its vaccine for the Covid-19, developed by Oxford University, could be around 90 per cent effective without any serious side effects.

Johnson & Johnson says it is on track to deliver data this year.

What happens in these trials?

The companies are testing their vaccines against a placebo - typically saline solution - in healthy volunteers to see if the rate of Covid-19 infection among those who got the vaccine is significantly lower than in those who received the dummy shot.

What were pharma companies waiting for to release data?

The trials rely on subjects becoming naturally infected with the coronavirus, so how long it takes to generate results largely depends on how pervasive the virus is where trials are being conducted.

Each drugmaker has targeted a specific number of infections to trigger a first analysis of their data.

Early in the trials, infection rates were low. With a surge in infections around the globe in October and November, trial participants became infected more quickly.

Pfizer's final results were based on 170 cases within its trial involving more than 43,000 participants.

Moderna conducted its interim analysis after 95 participants developed Covid-19, while Russia's examination was conducted after 20 volunteers developed the disease.

AstraZeneca said its interim analysis was based on 131 infections among participants who received the vaccine and those in a control group who were given an established meningitis shot.

How well are the vaccines supposed to work?

The World Health Organisation ideally wants to see at least 70 per cent efficacy in trials.

The US Food and Drug Administration wants at least 50 per cent - which means there must be at least twice as many infections among volunteers who received a placebo as among those in the vaccine group.

The European Medicines Agency has said it may accept a lower efficacy level.

When will regulators rule on safety and efficacy?

Pfizer/BioNTech plan to submit an EUA application in the United States within days.

Moderna aims to file an application in the coming weeks once it has the two months of safety data on half the trial participants, as required by the US Food and Drug Administration.

That should happen in the second half of November.

That means an FDA decision is unlikely before December.

AstraZeneca said on Monday it will immediately prepare regulatory submission of the data to the authorities around the world that have a framework in place for conditional or early approval.

Regulators for Europe, Britain and Canada are considering data as it becomes available.

It is not clear when companies will submit efficacy data or when the agencies would make a decision.

Could these be the first widely available coronavirus vaccines?

Yes, although China launched an emergency use programme in July aimed at essential workers and others at high risk of infection that has vaccinated hundreds of thousands of people.

At least four Chinese vaccines are far along, including those from China National Biotec Group (CNBG), CanSino Biologics and Sinovac Biotech.

Sinovac said on Nov 18 that mid-stage trial results showed its CoronaVac vaccine triggered a quick immune response, but the level of antibodies produced was lower than in people who had recovered from the disease.

CNBG has said it expects early trial data as soon as November.

Russia has also given the Sputnik V vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute to 10,000 members of the general population considered at high risk of contracting the virus.

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Article From & Read More ( Where are we in the Covid-19 vaccine race? - The Straits Times )

【日本S】巨人は炭谷を使うべき? 左腕ムーア攻略には左打者が有効か…第3戦のポイント分析(Full-Count) - Yahoo!ニュース

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:17 PM PST




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「あの世からでも来るか」 おかみ、三島の一言胸に―「最後の晩餐」は鳥鍋 - 時事通信ニュース

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:54 PM PST






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November 24, 2020 at 05:08AM

「あの世からでも来るか」 おかみ、三島の一言胸に―「最後の晩餐」は鳥鍋 - 時事通信ニュース
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Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:54 PM PST



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November 24, 2020 at 06:12AM

「なぜ20年以上も日本の賃金は下落している?」中野剛志が指摘する"本当の理由"(文春オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース
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Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:54 PM PST




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November 24, 2020 at 10:08AM

大阪時短営業支援1日2万円以上|NHK 関西のニュース - nhk.or.jp
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[인터뷰투데이] "올해 종부세, 2배 넘는 고지 속출"...세금 얼마나 늘었나? / YTN - YTN news

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST


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  1. [인터뷰투데이] "올해 종부세, 2배 넘는 고지 속출"...세금 얼마나 늘었나? / YTN  YTN news
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  3. 올해 종부세 '껑충'…실거주 1주택자도 "세금 폭탄" 울상 | 뉴스A  채널A 뉴스
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  5. 국세청, 종부세 고지서 발송…'1년 새 2배' 오른 곳도 / JTBC 아침&  JTBC News
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기사 및 더 읽기 ( [인터뷰투데이] "올해 종부세, 2배 넘는 고지 속출"...세금 얼마나 늘었나? / YTN - YTN news )

코스피 2610선 돌파…'장중 역대 최고치' 갱신 : 경제일반 : 경제 : 뉴스 - 한겨레

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST

코스피가 5일째 상승세를 이어가며 장중 역대 최고점도 새로 세웠다. 24일 오전 9시 35분 현재 코스피는 전날보다 14.92(0.57%) 오른 2617.51을 기록했다. 전날보다 13.69(0.53%) 오른 2616.28에 출발해 상승세를 유지하고 있다. 전날 2602.59로 마감하며 종가 기준 역대 최고치(2018년 1월 29일·2598.19)를 깬 데 이어 장중 사상 최고치(2018년 1월 29·2607.10)도 넘어섰다. 외국인과 개인이 각각 1715억원, 883억원을 순매수했다. 외국인은 14거래일 연속 코스피 매수 우위를 보이며 지수 상승을 이끌고 있다. 기관은 2682억원을 순매도했다. 23일(현지시각) 뉴욕증시에서는 다우존스 30 산업평균지수(1.12%), 스탠더드앤드푸어스(S&P) 500 지수(0.56%), 나스닥 지수(0.22%)가 일제히 상승했다. 미국과 유럽을 비롯한 세계 각지의 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확산세에도 백신 개발 소식과 미국 경제 지표 호조가 투자심리를 떠받치고 있다. 같은 시각 코스닥지수는 전장보다 1.00(0.11%) 내린 872.29를 나타냈다. 전날보다 3.36(0.38%) 오른 876.65로 개장한 후 하락세로 돌아섰다. 원·달러 환율은 상승세다. 이날 서울 외환시장에서 원·달러 환율은 오전 9시13분 현재 전날보다 2.8원 오른 달러당 1113.20원을 기록했다. 김영배 기자 kimyb@hani.co.kr

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 코스피 2610선 돌파…'장중 역대 최고치' 갱신 : 경제일반 : 경제 : 뉴스 - 한겨레 )

기아차 노조, 부분파업 유보…오늘 사측과 본교섭 - 연합뉴스

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST


(광명=연합뉴스) 강영훈 기자 = 기아자동차 노조가 24∼27일로 예정됐던 부분 파업을 유보하고 사측과 본교섭을 한 차례 더 진행하기로 했다.

기아자동차 소하리공장
기아자동차 소하리공장

[연합뉴스TV 제공]

기아차 노조는 24일 오후 2시 소하리공장에서 14차 본교섭을 열어 사측과 협상하기로 했다고 밝혔다. 노조는 부분파업을 하루 앞둔 지난 23일 사측으로부터 온 교섭 요청을 받아들였다고 설명했다.

이에 따라 24일부터 나흘간 하루 4시간씩 단축 근무를 하는 부분 파업은 유보됐다. 조합원들은 이날 주·야 정상 근무를 한다. 다만 교섭이 결렬될 경우 25∼27일 파업은 쟁의대책위원회(쟁대위) 결정 사항대로 진행된다.

기아차 노조는 "노조는 조합원의 피해를 최소화하고 사측에 마지막 기회를 주기로 결정했다"며 "사측은 노조의 진정성 있는 노력과 조합원들의 뜻에 적극적으로 답해야 할 것"이라고 말했다.

한편 기아차 노조는 ▲ 기본급 12만원 인상 ▲ 지난해 영업이익의 30% 성과급 지급 ▲ 기존 공장 내 전기·수소차 모듈 부품공장 설치 ▲ 상여금 통상임금 확대 적용 ▲ 정년연장 등을 요구하고 있다.


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Singapore economy 'turning the corner', but recovery still a long way to go: Chan Chun Sing - CNA

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST

SINGAPORE: Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing said on Monday (Nov 23) that Singapore still has a long way to go in its economic recovery, even as it looks to be turning the corner, with the third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) shrinking at a slower rate than in the previous quarter. 

Earlier on Monday, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) announced it was changing Singapore's growth outlook for 2020 again, after a 5.8 per cent contraction of the GDP in Q3 on a year-on-year basis - more than halving a record slump of 13.3 per cent in the previous quarter when the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" was in place.

The Singapore economy is now expected to shrink between 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent, compared to a previous estimate of between 5 per cent and 7 per cent.

Policymakers also offered for the first time a glimpse of their economic forecast for 2021 – a recovery into positive growth territory, with the economy envisaged to expand between 4 and 6 per cent next year. 

READ: Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19

READ: Singapore's exports down 6.3% in Q3 2020, slower than previous quarter's decline

In his remarks on Monday morning, Mr Chan said that the latest economic figures show Singapore is "on the right path, slowly but surely". 

But while the situation has improved, "there is still much work to be done". 

The minister outlined four factors impacting the rate of economic recovery domestically and globally. 

The first two factors, which he said are within Singapore's control, are its COVID-19 infection rates and the ability of its businesses and workers to pivot and adapt to the new realities of a world with coronavirus.

"If we are able to continue to keep our infection rates low, we will be able to resume more activities and increase our interactions with the rest of the world," said Mr Chan. "This will require the continued cooperation of our people to adhere to the prevailing measures."

"We have done well and must continue to keep up the strong momentum. But we must not be complacent. Many countries around the world have seen their numbers spike again, even those who had seen some success in controlling the situation earlier," he added. 

Mr Chan also revealed that the measures and programmes put in place to help businesses and workers cope in the pandemic have started to reap results. 

More than 33,000 local job seekers have been placed in positions under the SG United Jobs and Skills Package. 

READ: IN FOCUS: After COVID-19, where are the Singapore economy, workforce headed?

From January to September, enterprises tapped on the enhanced Enterprise Development Grant and Productivity Solutions Grant and embarked on more than 20,000 projects to improve productivity and build capabilities - with thrice the number of applications in a similar period last year, he said. 

The two factors Mr Chan said were outside Singapore's control are the geopolitical dynamics between big countries such as US and China, as well as the recurring waves of infection happening globally. 

"We do not yet know how the new US administration will approach its relations with China," said Mr Chan. "But we hope both sides will dial down tensions, and return to a more open and inclusive global economic order."

And with new and more frequent lockdowns across the world, there will be a knock-on effect on global demand, which will affect export-oriented economies like Singapore, he said. 


The minister warned that despite the excitement over the progress of vaccine development, "it will not be the quick fix that many expect it to be". 

"Manufacturing enough doses, then distributing and vaccinating a significant population of the world, will take many months, if not years," he said. 

READ: Johor to develop agriculture, export more food to Singapore, says Chief Minister on COVID-19 economic pivot

However, if Singapore manages its controllable factors well and mitigate the risk of those beyond its control, it "can recover more quickly", said Mr Chan. 

"We now have the testing capabilities, isolation facilities and healthcare capacity to manage risks from the imported cases, to ensure they do not infect the local community. 

"Therefore we will be able to open our borders more. We will allow more Singapore-based business people to travel overseas, and resume bringing in the necessary professionals and workers that drive our economy and support our social services.

"We will also be able to progressively host more significant MICE events to maintain our position as a leading business node," he said. 

Domestically, more activities will be allowed to resume, said Mr Chan. 

"I understand many are looking forward to Phase 3. Whether we call it Phase 2X or Phase 3, what's more important is to maintain our psychological vigilance to keep up with the prevailing safe management measures, take a calibrated and progressive approach to resuming our economic and social activities in a safe and calibrated manner," he said. 


Mr Chan assured that the Government will continue to provide support to businesses and workers, although this will need to be more targeted and focused. 

"I know many are worried about what will happen once the support schemes taper off and end over the coming year. I assure our businesses and workers that the Government will not leave anyone behind," he said. 

READ: Commentary: Winds in the Singapore economy sails are starting to stir

READ: Companies seek new opportunities to stay afloat amid COVID-19 pandemic

"But just as our workers and businesses are pivoting, so will our support. Our support measures must be sustainable in the long run. 

"It is not possible for us to indefinitely support business models that are no longer relevant and competitive in a COVID-19 world. Going forward, our support must be more targeted and focused on positive outcomes for our businesses and workers," he added.

Mr Chan said government support over the last few months has given businesses and workers "time to regroup and re-evaluate their business models", and that it is now time for firms to "act decisively to not only prevent further losses but to seize new opportunities". 

Businesses will be supported in strengthening existing capabilities while building new ones, expanding into new markets, and digitalising and accessing consumer demand through online platforms.

And the Government will continue to "adjust our levels of support" purposefully, with a view to create good jobs and opportunities for Singaporeans, and enable businesses to grow, he added. 

"While we are turning the corner, we still have a long way to go in our economic recovery," said the minister.

He said that "quantatively", it will be a "matter of time" before the Singapore economy returns to levels pre-COVID-19.

However, even if it rebounds, the economy will have changed permanently. 

"When the dust settles, it will not be the same economy we knew pre-COVID-19. A new equilibrium and a new playing field will emerge," he said. 

To establish the foundation for Singapore's success beyond the short to medium-term, the Government will attempt several efforts, including striking a balance between managing infection risks while gradually restoring more domestic activities and opening its borders, as well as attracting top firms to invest in Singapore, particularly in new growth areas like agri-tech, mobility and sustainability. 

The Government will also support businesses and workers in their transformation and growth, improve job matching, help companies seek new revenue streams, and develop its talent pipeline and talent networks around the world. 

Additionally, it will find opportunities for new free trade agreements and digital economy agreements so that companies based outside Singapore to have a greater and more assured access to the world. 

"If we are able to help our businesses and workers make the necessary adjustments and pivot quickly, I have every reason to believe that we will emerge stronger from this crisis," said Mr Chan. 

Asked if the Government's economic outlook for 2021 could be too optimistic given the uncertainties he had highlighted, Mr Chan said the forecast of growth between 4 and 6 per cent has to take into account the "much lower" base from this year.

But even with the rebound next year, the economy will "hardly be able to get back" to the same footing it had at end-2019 before the pandemic struck. 

"It's not just about the year-on year-growth but more importantly, the absolute level from 2019 down to 2020 and back up to 2021," he said.

"What we are working very hard is to try our best to make sure that in 2021, the (growth) number is as close to … 2019 as possible." 

It is also important to note the "qualitative" changes in the Singapore economy as the pandemic accelerated trends such as the geopolitical issues, adoption of technology, as well as changes in production system and supply chains around the world.

All these have caused "irreversible shifts" to the global economic system, said Mr Chan.

Singapore has to adapt to the new reality, he added, noting that economic measures must keep pace with market demands by helping companies and workers to pivot to new areas.

For one, Singapore will make sure to continue helping businesses to invest in new capabilities.

"So it's not just a defensive move of preserving existing capabilities but to constantly invest in new capabilities so that they can have new products and services to capture new markets and new customers," he said.

Likewise, skills upgrading efforts must continue so as to enable workers to enjoy "good wage growth".

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기아차 오늘 예정된 부분파업 철회…"추가 교섭" - 한국경제

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:34 PM PST

소하리 사업장에서 14차 교섭
기아차 노조가 24일 예정된 부분파업을 철회하고 사측과 추가 교섭에 나선다. 사진=김범준기자 bjk07@hankyung.com

기아차 노조가 24일 예정된 부분파업을 철회하고 사측과 추가 교섭에 나선다. 사진=김범준기자 bjk07@hankyung.com

기아차(59,100 -0.34%) 노조가 24일부터 27일까지 나흘간 예정했던 부분파업을 철회하고 사측과 추가 교섭에 나선다

기아차는 "올해 임단협 노사 협상이 재개돼 24일 정상조업을 진행한다"고 이날 밝혔다. 노사는 이날 경기도 광명 소하리사업장 본관에서 제14차 본교섭을 진행한다.

앞서 노조는 지난 18일 사측과의 13차 임단협 교섭 이후 협상 결렬을 선언했다. 이어 24일부터 매일 주·야간 4시간씩 부분파업에 나서기로 했다.

기아차 노조는 △기본급 12만원 인상 △영업이익 30% 성과급 배분 △정년 60세에서 65세로 연장 △통상임금 확대 적용 △잔업 복원 △노동이사제 도입 △전기차 핵심 부품 생산 등을 요구하고 있다.

지난 3일 조합원 대상 쟁의행위 찬반투표에서 73.3%의 찬성을 받고, 5일 중앙노동위원회(중노위) 조정 중지 결정을 받아 합법적으로 파업할 수 있는 쟁의권도 확보했다.

이번 결정으로 자동차 업계가 우려한 '9년 연속 파업'이 현실화되는 일은 막았지만, 본교섭 결과에 따라 언제든 파업이 이뤄질 우려는 여전하다.

노조는 교섭 결과에 따라 향후 파업 여부를 결정할 방침이다.

오세성 한경닷컴 기자 sesung@hankyung.com
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월남 북한 주민 '3m 철책'을 훌쩍?…“북에서 기계체조 했다” - 한겨레

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:34 PM PST

이달초 동부전선 DMZ 통해 월남
신장 작고 체중도 50여kg
군, 진술 검증 위해 두 차례 '시연'도
남방한계선을 따라 이어진 두겹의 이중 철책. 한겨레 자료사진
남방한계선을 따라 이어진 두겹의 이중 철책. 한겨레 자료사진
이달 초 강원도 최전방 GOP(일반전초) 이중철책을 넘어 남측으로 내려온 북한 남성 A씨가 '기계체조' 경력이 있다고 진술한 것으로알려졌다. 23일 정부 소식통 등에 따르면 A씨는 정보당국 조사에서 월책 과정을 이같이 진술했으며, 이에 당국은 A씨의 진술을 검증하기 위해 우리 측 요원을 동원해 두 차례 시연을 한 것으로 전해졌다. A씨는 체중 50여kg에 신장이 작은 편인 것으로 알려졌다. 관계 당국은 A씨가 왜소한 체구여서 높이 3m가량인 철책을 비교적 수월하게 넘을 수 있었던 것으로 추정하고 있다. 실제 합동참모본부는 사건 발생 직후 "철책 상단의 윤형 철조망이 살짝 눌린 흔적"이 있으나, 철책 자체가 절단되는 등의 훼손 흔적은 없다고 밝힌 바 있다. 합참은 전방 철책에 설치된 '감지 센서'가 A씨의 월책 당시 울리지 않은 원인 등 과학화경계감시 시스템 전반을 조사하고 있다. 지난 3일 오후 고성 지역의 GOP 철책을 넘은 A씨는 이후 14시간 만인 다음날 오전 현장에서 남쪽으로 1.5㎞ 떨어진 곳에서 기동수색팀에 의해 발견됐으며, 국가정보원 등 관계 당국은 A씨를 상대로 월남 경위 등을 조사해왔다. 연합뉴스

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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 월남 북한 주민 '3m 철책'을 훌쩍?…"북에서 기계체조 했다" - 한겨레 )

$100 tourism vouchers: More choices with multiple redemption platforms, say observers - The Straits Times

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:34 PM PST

SINGAPORE - A single platform to redeem the soon-to-be-distributed digital tourism vouchers would be ideal, but having options has its draws too, observers say.

The five online booking platforms appointed by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to administer the redemption of the SingapoRediscovers Vouchers are courting merchants and consumers ahead of the scheme's launch next Tuesday (Dec 1).

Complimentary e-vouchers, food and beverage credits, and exclusive discounts are among the perks being dangled by Changi Recommends, GlobalTix, Traveloka, Trip.com and Klook to encourage Singaporeans to spend their $100 vouchers on their platforms.

Eligible hotels, leisure attractions and tour operators can choose to list on as many of the five platforms as they wish to tailor their own offerings and bundles.

But having too many platforms can confuse consumers, said Dr Kevin Cheong, chairman of the Association of Singapore Attractions.

"We hope this doesn't frustrate the redemption process because expectations are high and it's important to deliver," he added.

STB said in response to queries that "creating a unified booking platform from scratch, or requiring physical counters with every booking partner, would not have been practical, timely or cost-effective".

Still, some industry players said having different platforms can result in competition and more choices for merchants.

Dr Cheong said: "Some may choose to go on all five platforms, others will go with just one. At least there are options."

While merchants will have to pay a commission to the booking platforms, STB said it helped to secure a "much lower range of commission rates".

The five booking platforms declined to disclose the commission rates they charge to merchants participating in the voucher scheme.

But businesses on board the platforms told The Straits Times that the rates can range from zero to 12 per cent, down from 20 per cent to 25 per cent normally.

Trip.com said it will be investing $2 million in marketing and partnership efforts for the campaign, and expediting payment to merchants to help them with cash flow.

GlobalTix, a local technology provider that powers the booking platforms of tourism operators like Gardens by the Bay, will launch a dedicated site for its roughly 100 partner merchants participating in the voucher scheme.

Traveloka said it is working closely with its more than 200 partner merchants to create offerings that can be showcased in sections such as "hidden gems" and "special promotions".

Ms Sarah Wan, Klook's marketing director for South-east Asia, said it will kick off with more than 200 merchants on its platform, including 14 exclusive tie-ups.

Merchants that sell their products exclusively on Klook can expect better placements on its platform, Ms Wan said.

Tour operator Tribe is among those have taken up Klook's offer. "We felt they were the strongest in terms of marketing to locals and could give us disproportionate coverage by going exclusive," said Tribe founder Jason Loe.

Tribe's offerings will include its popular escape room game/guided tour hybrid launched earlier this year.

Dr Cheong, who is also Sentosa 4D AdventureLand's executive director, said the fees charged by the platforms are "equitable", adding that STB has taken concerns about potential profiteering seriously and ensured transaction costs are transparent.

Ms Margaret Heng, executive director of the Singapore Hotel Association, said the vouchers will go a long way in encouraging domestic expenditure at tourism businesses.

With border restrictions limiting tourist arrivals, the average occupancy rate for hotel rooms remained "significantly below the optimal level" in September at 60 per cent, Ms Heng said.

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Article From & Read More ( $100 tourism vouchers: More choices with multiple redemption platforms, say observers - The Straits Times )

イブラは今季4度目のドッピエッタ…セリエA開幕8試合10得点の最年長記録を78年ぶりに10歳分も塗り替える | ゲキサカ - ゲキサカ

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST








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