IFKNews |
- Deferral of air travel bubble a joint decision by Singapore and Hong Kong: Chan Chun Sing - CNA
- Singapore GDP forecast cut to 6-6.5% for 2020; rebound expected next year: MTI - The Business Times
- 貴景勝、場所前に結婚していた…会見で報告「今場所はつかみ取った優勝」と充実感 - 読売新聞
- 【マイルCS】グランアレグリア春秋マイルGI制圧 - サンケイスポーツ
- 消火栓ホース市場20202028年以上の持続可能な進化を目撃することが予測可能キー。 - SecuretpNews
- 30日間、160回以上の「懸垂」を毎日続けて起きた筋肉の変化と効果 - Esquire
- "이동걸은 자본시장 추미애…무법 폭주" 항공빅딜 때린 이한상 교수 - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보
- 대한항공으로 국적FSC 통합되면 득실은? - 여행신문
- Singapore's measures to gradually reopen borders, Transport News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
- 大相撲 優勝の貴景勝 唯一の看板力士の重責の中で「集中」貫く - NHK NEWS WEB
- 한진그룹 경영권 분쟁 재점화에 산업銀 "한진칼 투자, 경영권 방어 목적 없다" - 조선비즈
- 삼성중공업, 3조 '잭팟' 터졌다…창사 이래 최대 규모 - 한국경제
- 증권가 "코스피, 내년 역대 최고치 넘어 최대 3000 간다" - 서울파이낸스
- 音楽で被災者元気に 平成音大の学生が熊本県球磨村で演奏 熊本豪雨 | 2020熊本豪雨 | くまコレ - 熊本日日新聞
- S'pore-HK air travel bubble suspension not the death knell for leisure travel - The Straits Times
- US expects to begin COVID-19 vaccinations in early December - CNA
- Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA
- SB 2年連続の4連勝に現実味 - Yahoo!ニュース
- イブラ、ナポリ戦2得点も負傷交代…ピオリ監督「数日以内に詳細が判明する」 - auone.jp
- 物悲しげな「秋の音」の正体 - 東亜日報
- 全打者の50%以上から三振を奪った投手たち。今年の新人王は100人中53人(宇根夏樹) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース
- Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA
- 物悲しげな「秋の音」の正体 - 東亜日報
Deferral of air travel bubble a joint decision by Singapore and Hong Kong: Chan Chun Sing - CNA Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST SINGAPORE: The two-week deferral of the inaugural air travel bubble was a joint decision made by Singapore and Hong Kong, said Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing on Monday (Nov 23). He added that both sides had previously agreed on "clear parameters" regarding the launch and suspension of the air travel bubble, and the deferment had been made "fast" given the spike in infection cases in Hong Kong. Mr Chan was responding to a question raised during a press conference held on Monday morning after his ministry announced the country's latest economic growth data. "So when we look at the conditions, both sides (came) to a very fast agreement that when the conditions are changed, when the conditions have evolved, we will take the decisions accordingly," he said. "All the decisions made were within the framework that was already discussed in the lead-up to the air travel bubble." READ: Singapore-Hong Kong air travel bubble launch deferred for 2 weeks after COVID-19 cases spike in Hong KongThe launch of the air travel bubble - Singapore's first quarantine-free leisure travel agreement - was supposed to be on Sunday. Singapore authorities had earlier said on Saturday morning that the travel arrangement would proceed as planned, although travellers from Hong Kong would have to go for a COVID-19 test upon arriving in Singapore, a new requirement announced at the same time. It was later on Saturday afternoon that a deferment for two weeks was confirmed. READ SIA, Cathay customers who no longer wish to fly after Singapore-Hong Kong air travel bubble deferment can request full refundsWhen asked why the decision was changed within a span of just a few hours, Mr Chan replied that authorities from both cities share the numbers of infection cases with each other on a daily basis. "So once the threshold is breached then we will make the decision jointly," he added. "So in that sense, it was all within the framework." Under the terms of the travel bubble, the arrangement would be suspended if the seven-day moving average of unlinked cases exceeds five per day in either city. "As and when there's new information available … once we look at those numbers, we apply the framework to them and we make a joint decision," he said. BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developmentsDownload our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram Article From & Read More ( Deferral of air travel bubble a joint decision by Singapore and Hong Kong: Chan Chun Sing - CNA )https://ift.tt/2UPic22 Business |
Singapore GDP forecast cut to 6-6.5% for 2020; rebound expected next year: MTI - The Business Times Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST Mon, Nov 23, 2020 - 8:15 AM SINGAPORE'S official economic outlook has been cut again, as the gross domestic product (GDP) print for the third quarter was revised upwards by less than expected. The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on Monday narrowed its forecast contraction to between 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent in 2020, from 5 per cent to 7 per cent before. But the GDP is projected to grow by 4 per cent to 6 per cent in 2021, as the world's major economies recover from the economic disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic and post a rebound from this year's low base. The economy shrank by 5.8 per cent year on year in the third quarter, beating an earlier estimate of a 7 per cent decline, on better-than-expected factory output in September. The latest print takes the contraction for the first nine months to 6.5 per cent. Citing the improved growth outlook and likely easing of pandemic-related curbs, MTI said that "the Singapore economy is projected to return to growth in 2021". But it added that the looming recovery should be gradual "and will depend to a large extent on how the global economy performs and whether Singapore is able to continue to keep the domestic Covid-19 situation under control". With Singapore in the second phase of its three-stage reopening, the economy shrank by a more gradual 5.8 per cent year on year in the July-to-September period, moderating from the 13.3 per cent plunge seen in the three months prior. This was slightly below the median 5.5 per cent decline tipped by private economists - who were cheered by double-digit industrial production growth in September - as services and construction fared more poorly than flash data had indicated. To be sure, the manufacturing sector did not disappoint. It expanded by 10 per cent, up from advance estimates of 2 per cent growth and reversing an earlier 0.8 per cent dip. Strong global demand for semiconductors and semiconductor equipment, as well as higher output in biomedical manufacturing, made up for the falls in transport engineering and general manufacturing production. All the same, service industries shrank by 8.4 per cent year on year, slightly worse than the preliminary figure of 8 per cent contraction but a pick-up from the 13.4 per cent drop in the second quarter. Declines ranged from 4.3 per cent in wholesale and retail trade to 29.6 per cent in the transport and storage industry, even as finance and insurance grew by 3.2 per cent and information and communications services by 2 per cent. The plunge in construction was revised to 46.6 per cent in the third quarter, down from 44.7 per cent in flash data, after plummeting 60 per cent in the second quarter. On a seasonally-adjusted, quarter-on-quarter basis, Singapore's GDP added 9.2 per cent in the third quarter, after slipping 13.2 per cent in the second quarter. "While growth is expected to rebound from the low base this year, our economic recovery is expected to be gradual, with GDP not likely to return to pre-Covid levels until the end of 2021," Permanent Secretary for Trade and Industry Gabriel Lim told a briefing. He also noted uncertainty over the global trajectory of the pandemic as well as the vaccine roll-out, which he said will affect the Singapore economy. "Domestically, our economic recovery will also depend on whether we are able to keep the Covid-19 situation under control. MTI will continue to monitor developments closely," Mr Lim added. https://ift.tt/35SIqqQ Business |
貴景勝、場所前に結婚していた…会見で報告「今場所はつかみ取った優勝」と充実感 - 読売新聞 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:17 PM PST tinggalaja.blogspot.com 大相撲11月場所で2度目の優勝を果たした大関貴景勝関(24)(千賀ノ浦部屋)が千秋楽から一夜明けた23日、オンラインで記者会見し、「初優勝の時は夢みたいだった。今場所はつかみ取ったという感覚がある」と充実感をにじませた。 また、場所前に結婚していたことを明かし、「頑張っていきたいなと思っていたところなんで良かったです」と話し、綱取りに挑む来場所に向けて「やれることをやりきって、しっかり勝負していきたい」と述べた。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3pRyG8j スポーツ |
【マイルCS】グランアレグリア春秋マイルGI制圧 - サンケイスポーツ Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:17 PM PST tinggalaja.blogspot.com 名手の勢いが止まらない。マイルチャンピオンシップが22日、阪神競馬場で17頭によって争われ、断然人気のグランアレグリアが好位から鋭く伸びて快勝。GI3連勝で、史上8頭目の同一年春秋マイルGI制覇を成し遂げた。鞍上のルメール騎手も天皇賞・秋、エリザベス女王杯に続くGI3連勝を飾り、アーモンドアイで挑む29日のジャパンC(東京、GI、芝2400メートル)へ弾みをつけた。今秋のGIは、これで6戦全て1番人気馬が勝利。2着は昨年の覇者インディチャンプが入った。 ◇ 異次元の末脚だ。断然人気のグランアレグリアが、安田記念、スプリンターズSに続くGI3連勝を決め、史上8頭目の同一年春秋マイル王に輝いた。 「きょうはグランアレグリアのおかげで勝つことができました。本当に強かったし、とても速かった。彼女はめちゃくちゃ強くなりました。素晴らしい馬です」と自身もGI3連勝のルメール騎手が褒めたたえる。 好位5番手から抜群の手応えで直線に向いたが、他馬の厳しいマークを受けて前がなかなかあかない。それでも、残り200メートルあたりで外へ持ち出されると一気にスパート。先に抜け出した昨年の覇者インディチャンプを並ぶ間もなくかわした。3/4馬身という着差以上の強さ、鞍上の冷静な手綱さばきが光った。 「(直線で)渋滞にあったけど、それも競馬。彼女の強さはよく知っているし、勝つ自信を持った。このメンバーのレベルで、あれだけの脚を使えるのは珍しい。まだ信じられません」と名手も目を丸くするほどの走りだった。 昨春の桜花賞を制覇。早い時期から高い能力を見せてきたが、その後の精神面の成長が飛躍につながっている。「3歳の頃はテンションが高かったけど、大人になった。乗りやすくなり、最後にフルパワーを使えるようになった」と主戦ジョッキーは進化を口にする。 この後は休養に入り、来年に備える見込み。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大などの事情を考慮して東京競馬場で観戦した藤沢和調教師は「1600メートルは上手に走れるようになってきましたし、距離はもう少し延ばしたいなと思っています」と今後の見通しを語る。鞍上も「距離を延ばしてもいけそう。絶対トップレベルで走れる。まだ4歳だし、来年もとても楽しみ」と笑みを浮かべた。 ルメール騎手は今週、ジャパンCにラストランとなるアーモンドアイで挑む。「(GI勝利が)連続すぎるし少し心配しますね(笑)」と冗談を交えつつ「楽しみにしています」と世紀の一戦に期待を膨らませる。 これでJRA賞最優秀短距離馬が当確となったグランアレグリア。ディープインパクト産駒の快速女王は来年、さらなる高みを目指していく。(斉藤弘樹) ■グランアレグリア 父ディープインパクト、母タピッツフライ、母の父タピット。鹿毛の牝4歳。美浦・藤沢和雄厩舎所属。北海道安平町・ノーザンファームの生産馬。馬主は(有)サンデーレーシング。戦績10戦7勝。獲得賞金7億2021万5000円。重賞は2018年GIIIサウジアラビアRC、19年GI桜花賞、GII阪神C、20年GI安田記念、GIスプリンターズSに次いで6勝目。マイルCSは藤沢和雄調教師が1993年シンコウラブリイ、97&98年タイキシャトル、2001年ゼンノエルシドに次いで5勝目、クリストフ・ルメール騎手は初勝利。馬名は「大歓声(スペイン語)」。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/2UTq2rH スポーツ |
消火栓ホース市場20202028年以上の持続可能な進化を目撃することが予測可能キー。 - SecuretpNews Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:54 PM PST comot.prelol.com "「グローバル消火栓ホース市場調査は、業界の現在、過去、および将来の見通しと、市場の成長に関与する要因をまとめたものです。SWOT分析、ビジネスの研究では、弱点、強み、機会、および脅威浮き彫りにそれぞれの消火栓ホース市場の包括的な方法でプレイヤーを。 COVID-19発生分析の下で、このレポートは、輸入、サプライチェーン、および輸出の分析を提供し、業界および地方政府の政策に対する将来の影響を示します。企業の競争パターン、市場の状況、企業製品の長所と短所、マクロ経済政策、地域の産業レイアウトの特徴に関する詳細な分析、産業の発展傾向も含まれています。製品販売チャネルのトレンドも提供されます。 消火栓ホース Market このレポートのサンプルコピー: https://www.quincemarketinsights.com/request-sample-59273?utm_source=SA/SN COVID-19を考慮して、このレポートは、流行が業界の変革と改革をどのように推進したかについての完全かつ徹底的な分析を提供します。市場調査は、それに応じて市場の拡大とビジネスの戦略を理解するのに役立ちます。戦略分析では、市場ポジショニングマーケティングチャネルから潜在的な成長戦略までの洞察を提供し、それによって消火栓ホース業界の新規参入者または既存の競合他社に詳細な分析を提供します。 キープレーヤー:Tyco、Angus Fire、Delta Fire、Terraflex、Ziegler、All-American Hose、Armored Textiles、Armtec、Chhatariya Firetech、Dixon Valve&Coupling、Dragerwerk、Guardian Fire Equipment、Jakob Eschbach、Laser-Tech Fire Protection、Mercedes Textiles、National Fire機器、Newage Fire Protection、North America Fire Hose、Richards Hose、Superior Fire Hose 。 消火栓ホースの市場分析は、消火栓ホース市場内の現在の進行状況の鳥瞰図を提供します。市場分析レポートには、市場の成長を促進するさまざまな要因の分析が組み込まれています。それは、ネガティブまたはポジティブな方法で市場を変革する抑制、傾向、および推進力を構成します。 この市場分析は、将来の市場に実際に影響を与える可能性のあるさまざまなセグメントとアプリケーションの範囲も提供します。完全な情報は、現在の傾向と歴史的なマイルストーンに基づいています。市場分析では、2015年から2026年までの地域別の販売量に言及しています。市場分析に含まれる制限の徹底的な評価は、推進要因を描写し、戦略的計画の余地を与えます。 プレミアムレポートの概要については、ToCを入手してください@ https://www.quincemarketinsights.com/request-toc-59273?utm_source=SA/SN グローバル消火栓ホース市場:セグメント分析 各タイプのリターンについての申し出情報sover 2028へ2018の予測期間を販売方法セグメントはまた、セグメントを理解する2028年に2018の予想期間にわたるボリューム・販売することによって収入を提供していますが、支持市場の成長という様々な要因の重要性を分類するのに役立ちます。 以下は、市場調査の対象となるセグメンテーションです。タイプ別(0.8MPa、1.0MPa、1.2Mpa、1.6MPa、その他)、アプリケーション別(市営消防、産業、商業、住宅、その他) グローバル消火栓ホース市場:地域分析 市場分析レポートには、環境、経済、社会の政治的地位、技術、地域など、地域の成長を決定するさまざまな要因の徹底的な調査が含まれています。市場分析では、各地域の売上、収益、製造業者のデータを調査しました。市場分析は、2016年から2028年の予測期間の地域ごとの量と収益を提供します。この市場分析は、市場参加者が特定の地域への投資の潜在的な価値を理解するのに役立ちます。 グローバル消火栓ホース市場の地域別分析は以下をカバーしています: グローバル消火栓ホース市場:競争環境 この市場分析レポートは、業界の多数の主要メーカーを分類しています。これは、業界の競争と戦うために業界の参加者が焦点を当てているポリシーとコラボレーションを理解する上で読者をサポートします。包括的な市場分析は、業界の注目に値する微視的な観察を提供します。市場分析では、製造業者の世界的な収益と製造業者による売上高、および2018年から2028年の予測期間における製造業者の世界的な価格を示すことにより、製造業者のフットプリントを分類できます。 レポートでカバーされている主な側面は次のとおりです–
さらに、レポートは、すべての可能なセグメントに関する決定のためのニッチな洞察を提供し、地域およびグローバルベースでの消火栓ホース市場の戦略的意思決定プロセスと市場規模の推定に役立ちます。市場規模の推定と予測のために設計された独自の調査は、関連する開発を伴う市場で活動している主要企業の特定に使用されます。レポートは、消火栓ホース市場のすべての利害関係者を支援し、すべての可能なセグメントをカバーする包括的な範囲を持っています。 このレポートを購入する理由:
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30日間、160回以上の「懸垂」を毎日続けて起きた筋肉の変化と効果 - Esquire Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:54 PM PST comot.prelol.com 【20日目】負荷を上げるためにレップごとのテンポをスローダウン "以上" - Google ニュース November 23, 2020 at 05:11AM https://ift.tt/3fpDehi 30日間、160回以上の「懸垂」を毎日続けて起きた筋肉の変化と効果 - Esquire "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
"이동걸은 자본시장 추미애…무법 폭주" 항공빅딜 때린 이한상 교수 - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST taritkar.blogspot.com "구정물에 똥물을 섞어 어떻게 백산수를 만들겠다는 거냐." 이한상 교수 인터뷰
"아시아나 구조조정 실패 면피가 감춰진 목적"
"구조조정은 핑계…말장난 집어치우고 숫자를 보여라"
"사인 강성부? 재벌 반대말…공인 조원태는 어떤가"
"모피아와 무능 재벌의 공생, 이게 적폐다"
기사 및 더 읽기 ( "이동걸은 자본시장 추미애…무법 폭주" 항공빅딜 때린 이한상 교수 - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 ) https://ift.tt/2US15Ni 비즈니스 |
Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST taritkar.blogspot.com 외항사 "노선 재편으로 운임 인상돼 시장 안정" 여행사 "항공사 선택폭 줄어 상품가 상승 우려" 대한항공의 아시아나항공 인수 빅딜이 성사되자 여행업계도 앞으로의 변화에 대해 여러 시나리오를 그리고 있다. 영업 환경과 시장 변화, 여행사별 득실 등 다양한 부분에서 변화가 일 전망이다. 사모펀드 KCGI가 지난 18일 법원에 한진칼의 신주 발행금지 가처분을 제기하며 인수 합병에 변수가 생겼지만, 앞으로의 변화를 미리 점쳐봤다.
저작권자 © 여행신문 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 대한항공으로 국적FSC 통합되면 득실은? - 여행신문 )https://ift.tt/2HuzmiG 비즈니스 |
Singapore's measures to gradually reopen borders, Transport News & Top Stories - The Straits Times Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST Singapore has sought to open its borders to more forms of travel in recent months, but has also had to adjust the measures in response to the escalating Covid-19 situation. Here is a look at the measures: 1. Air travel bubbles• Hong Kong: Singapore's first two-way air travel bubble. People will be able to travel between the two places without the need to be quarantined, subject to conditions including testing negative for Covid-19 more than once. • Was to be launched in both directions on Sunday (Nov 22), but was postponed because of the rise in Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong. 2. Unilateral opening of borders• Open to travellers from Brunei, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia and mainland China. • Unilateral openings are a standing invitation from Singapore to these countries, which are deemed to have successfully controlled the spread of Covid-19. • Allows for all forms of short-term travel, including leisure travel. • Visitors have to take a swab test on arrival, and can go about their activities after they test negative. They have to use the TraceTogether app. 3. Bilateral green land arrangementsThese allow for essential business or official travel between both countries. China was the first country to establish a green lane with Singapore. • Japan: The Business Track allows for resumption of cross-border travel and business exchanges, with necessary public health safeguards such as testing before travellers leave and after they arrive, and adhering to a controlled itinerary for the first 14 days. • China: A green lane is established with six provinces and municipalities: Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. • Malaysia: Singapore has two schemes with its neighbour. The Reciprocal Green Lane facilitates cross-border travel for essential business and official purposes. The Periodic Commuting Arrangement allows Singapore and Malaysia residents with long-term immigration passes for business and work purposes in the other country to periodically return home for short-term home leave. • South Korea, Brunei, Indonesia and Germany: Conditions for travel similar to those with the other countries, such as pre-departure and post-arrival testing, and a controlled itinerary for the first 14 days. Article From & Read More ( Singapore's measures to gradually reopen borders, Transport News & Top Stories - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/35UOPC7 Business |
大相撲 優勝の貴景勝 唯一の看板力士の重責の中で「集中」貫く - NHK NEWS WEB Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:17 PM PST tinggalaja.blogspot.com 貴景勝が土俵で見せたのは"自分の相撲"そのものでした。 低い当たりから突き押しでただ前に出る。相手が無理に押し返そうとすれば強烈ないなしが待っている。つけいる隙のない押し相撲で白星を重ねていったのです。 みずからも押し相撲で角界の頂点に立った元横綱の北勝海、日本相撲協会の八角理事長は、「押し相撲で安定して勝っていくのは非常に難しい」と指摘します。 押し相撲で白星を積み重ねていくためには、一気に前に出る思い切りのよさが欠かせません。少しでも「迷い」があれば、足が出ず、踏み込みが甘くなります。さらにいったんリズムが崩れれば、そのとたんに連敗してしまうこともあります。 「相手が全員、まともに来てくれるならいいけど、まともに当たれないこともある。それでも自分の相撲を貫くという集中力が必要になる」と八角理事長は話します。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/371AdzY スポーツ |
한진그룹 경영권 분쟁 재점화에 산업銀 "한진칼 투자, 경영권 방어 목적 없다" - 조선비즈 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST taritkar.blogspot.com 입력 2020.11.23 10:32 KDB산업은행이 한진그룹의 아시아나항공(020560)인수 과정에서 한진칼(180640)에 8000억원을 투자하기로 한 것과 관련 "현 계열주의 경영권 보호 목적이 아니다"고 재차 강조했다. 한진그룹의 아시아나 인수를 계기로 조원태 한진그룹 회장과 3자연합 간의 경영권 분쟁이 재점화될 조짐을 보이자 산업은행이 여론전에 나선 것으로 풀이된다. 3자연합 측은 이번 '빅딜'이 조원태 회장의 경영권 보호를 위한 '밀실야합'이라고 주장하고 있다. 산업은행은 23일 보도자료를 통해 "대한항공(003490)과 아시아나항공 양대 국적항공사의 통합과 항공산업 구조개편 작업을 성공적으로 이행해 나가기 위해서는 한진칼에 대한 보통주 투자가 필요하다"며 "이는 현(現) 계열주의 경영권 보호를 위해서가 아니다"고 했다. 산업은행은 "양대 국적항공사의 통합과 저비용항공사(LCC) 및 관련 자회사의 기능 재편 등 금번 항공산업 구조 개편 및 경쟁력 강화 방안이 갖는 국가 경제 및 국민 편익·안전 측면에서의 중요성을 고려해야 한다"며 "산은이 한진칼에 직접 주주로서 참여해 구조 개편 작업의 성공적 이행 지원과 건전·윤리 경영의 감시자 역할을 충실히 수행할 필요가 있다"고 설명했다. 앞서 산은은 한진그룹의 지주회사인 한진칼에 8000억원을 투자키로 했다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 한진그룹 경영권 분쟁 재점화에 산업銀 "한진칼 투자, 경영권 방어 목적 없다" - 조선비즈 )산은은 이번 구조 개편 작업은 양대 국적항공사의 통합뿐 아니라 양사 산하 LCC와 지상조업사 등 관련 자회사들의 기능 재편까지도 포함돼 한진칼은 지주회사로서 전체적인 통합과 기능 재편의 컨트롤 타워 역할을 수행하게 된다고 했다. 향후 진행될 PMI(인수 후 통합 작업)의 계획 수립 단계에서 세부적인 통합·재편 방안 및 운영 체계가 결정되므로, 산은이 컨트롤 타워인 한진칼에 투자해야 어떠한 형태의 통합·재편 방안 구조가 설계되더라도 그에 관계없이 소기의 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 것이다. 산은이 통합·재편 방안중 가장 중요하기는 하지만 그 한 축일 뿐인 대한항공에 투자하는 방식만으로는 전체적인 개편 작업의 이행을 효율적으로 지원하는 데 있어 한계가 있다고 했다. 이어 산은은 대한항공의 영구전환사채 1800억원 및 아시아나항공의 영구전환사채 5700억원을 이미 보유하고 있으며, 본건 거래 교환사채 교환대상이 한진칼이 보유한 대한항공 주식 3000억원인 바, 금번 한진칼 보통주 인수금액인 5000억원 이상 양대 국적항공사에 자본적 참여를 하고 있다고 밝혔다. 산은은 "위와 같은 상황에서 산은이 대한항공의 추가적인 자본 확충에 직접 참여함으로써 얻을 수 있는 실익은 크지 않은 반면, 세부적인 통합·기능 재편의 컨트롤 타워 역할을 수행할 한진칼에 대한 신규 투자가 구조개편 작업의 전체적인 지원 및 감독에 있어 기대되는 의의와 효용이 크다고 판단했다"고 했다. 조원태 회장과 경영권 분쟁을 벌이고 있는 조현아·KCGI·반도그룹 등 3자연합 측은 지난 18일 산업은행에 배정하는 한진칼의 제3자 배정 유상증자 결의에 대해 신주발행금지 가처분을 신청했다. 산업은행은 법원이 가처분 신청을 인용할 경우 이번 빅딜은 무산될 것이라고 전망했다. 신주발행금지 가처분 심문은 이달 25일 오후 서울중앙지법에서 열린다. https://ift.tt/3o0jPqz 비즈니스 |
삼성중공업, 3조 '잭팟' 터졌다…창사 이래 최대 규모 - 한국경제 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST taritkar.blogspot.com 사상 최대 단일규모 선박 수주 계약 성공 삼성중공업이 창사 이래 최대 규모의 단일 선박 수주 계약에 성공했다. 이는 중형 자동차 10만대에 해당되는 규모다. 삼성중공업은 유럽 지역 선주와 총 25억달러(약 2조8000억원) 규모의 선박 블록(선체 일부) 및 기자재 공급계약을 체결했다고 23일 밝혔다. 계약기간은 2025년 12월까지다. 이에따라 삼성중공업의 수주잔고는 지난 6월말 기준 199억달러를 기록한 이후 5개월만에 다시 200억달러 이상(211억달러)으로 늘어났다. 삼성중공업은 이번 계약을 통해 올해 수주목표의 절반(45%)을 일거에 달성했다. 현재까지 누계 수주실적은 총 38억 달러를 기록 중이다. 이번 수주 직전까지 삼성중공업의 올해 수주목표 달성률은 15%에 머무르고 있었다. 삼성중공업은 모잠비크, 카타르 등 대규모 액화천연가스(LNG) 프로젝트에서 LNG 운반선 발주가 나올 것으로 기대하고 있다. 삼성중공업 관계자는 "현재 체결된 선박 건조의향서(LOI)와 추가 옵션 안건들을 올해 내에 최대한 실제 계약으로 연결시킬 수 있도록 총력을 기울이고 있다"라고 말했다. 최만수 기자 bebop@hankyung.com ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 https://ift.tt/3lUrUw4 비즈니스 |
증권가 "코스피, 내년 역대 최고치 넘어 최대 3000 간다" - 서울파이낸스 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST taritkar.blogspot.com [서울파이낸스 김호성 기자] 국내 증권사들이 내년에 코스피가 역대 최고치를 넘어 최고 3000선까지 상승할 것으로 전망했다. 주식시장 유동성이 사상 최고치를 달성하고 있는만큼 내년 증시를 바라보는 전문가들의 시각은 긍정적이다. 24일 금융투자업계에 따르면 증권사 13곳이 연간 전망 보고서에서 제시한 2021년 코스피 목표 지수 또는 예상 범위 상단은 '2630~3000'선이다. 모두 코스피 사상 최고치(장중 2607.10, 종가 2568.54)를 넘어설 것으로 예상했다. 가장 높은 목표치인 코스피 3000을 제시한 흥국증권은 조 바이든 당선 및 세계 성장률 상향 효과가 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 분석했다. 이같은 전망치의 근거로는 내년 국내 성장률이 3% 중후반 수준으로 올라서고 코스피 기업 영업이익은 올해보다 38% 급증할 것이라는 점을 들었다. 변준호 흥국증권은 관계자는 "코스피 영업이익 상향은 반도체, 자동차 등 실적 비중이 큰 업종의 실적 개선을 암시한다"고 분석했다. 반면 가장 낮은 목표치(1960∼2630 박스권)를 예상한 DB금융투자는 "미국을 위시한 주요국에서 최고 수준의 기업 부채와 최저 수준의 재정수지를 기록하며 민간 투자와 정부 지출이 악화할 여지가 있다"고 봤다. 그러면서 "전략적으로는 주도주 교체를 준비해야 한다"며 "올해 코스닥, 성장주, 비대면주가 주목받았다면 내년에는 대척점에 있는 코스피, 가치주, 필수소비재, 경기소비재, 산업재 등이 비교 우위를 누릴 것"이라고 예상했다. 금융정보업체 에프앤가이드에 따르면 내년 코스피 당기순이익 컨센서스(평균 전망치)는 125조5284억 원으로, 올해 추정치(86조323억 원)에 비해 39조 원 이상(45.9%) 증가할 것으로 전망했다. 증권사별 내년 코스피 목표치를 살펴보면 NH투자증권(2800), 메리츠증권(2250∼2800), 케이프투자증권(2300∼2800), BNK투자증권(2800), 한국투자증권(2260∼2830), 삼성증권(2100∼2850) 등이다. 이외 SK증권이 2900선을 전망했고, KB증권은 상단을 2750, 하나금융투자는 2700이라는 보수적인 판단을 내놨다. 이 가운데 이효석 SK증권 연구원은 "2021년 유동성 장세의 성격은 속도가 아니라, 경쟁이 될 전망이다"면서 "주식투자에 있어 핵심은 미국 연방준비제도(Fed·연준)가 당분간 판을 깨는 일은 없을 것이라는 점이다. 주식시장에 우호적인 환경이 이어지는 가운데, 바뀐 투자환경에서 투자자들의 높아진 위험 선호는 주식이 상승할 수 있는 새로운 논리가 된다"고 전망했다. 증권업계 전문가들은 풍부한 유동성을 바탕으로 한 강세장이 한동안 지속될 것이라는 전망에 무게를 두고 있다. 박승영 한화투자증권 연구원은 "유동성 장세는 증시에 들어온 돈보다 주식 공급이 많아질 때 끝날 가능성이 높다"며 "올해 주식 공급량은10조원 안팎 늘어났는데 개인이 공급한 유동성이 60조원에 가까워 아직은 유동성의 힘을 믿어도 된다고 본다"고 진단했다. 저작권자 © 서울파이낸스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 증권가 "코스피, 내년 역대 최고치 넘어 최대 3000 간다" - 서울파이낸스 )https://ift.tt/2UNQpPE 비즈니스 |
音楽で被災者元気に 平成音大の学生が熊本県球磨村で演奏 熊本豪雨 | 2020熊本豪雨 | くまコレ - 熊本日日新聞 Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST 平成音楽大(御船町)のこども学科と音楽学科の有志の学生計7人が21日、7月豪雨で被災した熊本県球磨村を訪問。渡の村総合運動公園さくらドームで歌や演奏を披露した。 "被災者" - Google ニュース November 23, 2020 at 07:51AM https://ift.tt/35VUQON 音楽で被災者元気に 平成音大の学生が熊本県球磨村で演奏 熊本豪雨 | 2020熊本豪雨 | くまコレ - 熊本日日新聞 "被災者" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2GlMulZ Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
S'pore-HK air travel bubble suspension not the death knell for leisure travel - The Straits Times Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST SINGAPORE - Following a streak of more than 10 days without Covid-19 cases here in the community and the positive updates on vaccine development, it seemed like the planned restart of leisure travel on Sunday (Nov 22) would be the latest step in returning to life before the pandemic. But the air travel bubble between Singapore and Hong Kong was grounded at the last minute, as Covid-19 cases continued to rise in Hong Kong. On Saturday evening, Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung said Hong Kong and Singapore agreed that the arrangement would be delayed, given the evolving Covid-19 situation in Hong Kong. "I can fully understand the disappointment and frustration of travellers who have planned their trips," he said. "But we think it is better to defer from a public health standpoint." The air travel bubble - the Republic's first to allow two-way travel without quarantine since border restrictions were imposed in the Covid-19 pandemic - was slated to launch with one flight into each city, with a maximum capacity of 200 passengers on each flight. Under the agreed terms, travel will be suspended for two weeks if the seven-day moving average of the daily number of unlinked Covid-19 cases is more than five in either Singapore or Hong Kong. A two-day notice period will apply before the travel bubble is suspended. But while Hong Kong's new unlinked cases reported on Saturday took the rolling seven-day average to 3.86, which was below the trigger point, the decision was still made to invoke the suspension. The Hong Kong authorities said on Sunday that the epidemic in the city is "worsening rapidly", and there is evidence of many silent transmission chains. Independent aviation analyst Brendan Sobie from Sobie Aviation said the postponing of the travel bubble was sensible, given the rising number of Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong. "It was likely a suspension would be triggered within the first few days, which would make it difficult as passengers not able to return immediately would have to come back on non-bubble flights, resulting in quarantine," he said. "In addition, given the high risk of the bubble being suspended after a couple of days, the initial flights would have experienced several last-minute cancellations." Aviation analyst Shukor Yusof from Endau Analytics said there was always the danger that the travel bubble would not take off, given the surge of cases in many countries. "Very few countries are like Singapore, and fewer still have the ability and discipline to control the virus," he said. Last week, the Republic imposed stricter restrictions on travellers coming in from Malaysia and Japan, following the rising number of cases in the two countries. It also announced earlier this month that all travellers from higher-risk countries will be required to take a polymerase chain reaction test within 72 hours before departing for Singapore. Worldwide, the number of Covid-19 cases continues to increase at a rapid pace. Reuters reported that infections are still rising in 69 countries. There have been at least 58.1 million cases and about 1.38 million reported deaths so far. With the pandemic showing no signs of slowing down, experts and government officials worldwide have repeatedly warned that air travel is unlikely to resume at scale any time soon. Mr Shukor said those itching to travel will have to remain patient. "In my view, the health measures needed to undertake any journey are not worth the agony unless absolutely necessary," he said. But encouragingly for travellers and the aviation industry, the setback on the launch date of the air travel bubble has not dealt a fatal blow to the idea of restarting leisure travel in a safe manner. In announcing the suspension of the arrangement with Hong Kong, Mr Ong said: "This is a sober reminder that the Covid-19 virus is still with us, and even as we fight to regain our normal lives, the journey will be full of ups and downs. "But we will press on and look forward to when we can safely launch the air travel bubble." Mr Aaron Wong, 32, founder of frequent flyer website Milelion, who was due to fly out on the first air travel bubble flight to Hong Kong yesterday, said that travellers need to accept that getting to go overseas is a bonus. "Travel can resume before a vaccine is found, but it will have to be tightly controlled and will be subject to start-stop spurts like what we're seeing with Hong Kong," he said. "I think most travellers accept that this is part and parcel of the situation we're in now, so I don't think it will dampen demand for future travel bubbles at all." Mr Sobie said the suspension of the air travel bubble should give travellers more confidence that the air travel bubble concept - and its flexibility to adapt to changing conditions - works, and should not be seen as a setback. "While now is not the time for the Hong Kong-Singapore air travel bubble, the framework is in place to launch a bubble - be it with Hong Kong or other potential partners - when conditions improve." Article From & Read More ( S'pore-HK air travel bubble suspension not the death knell for leisure travel - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/35VPT8F Business |
US expects to begin COVID-19 vaccinations in early December - CNA Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST WASHINGTON: The United States hopes to begin a sweeping programme of COVID-19 vaccinations in early December, the head of the government coronavirus vaccine effort said on Sunday (Nov 22) as cases surge across the worst-hit nation. The beginning of vaccinations could be a crucial turning point in the battle against the virus that has claimed more than 255,000 lives in the US, the world's highest reported toll, since emerging from China late last year. "Our plan is to be able to ship vaccines to the immunisation sites within 24 hours of approval" by the US Food and Drug Administration, Moncef Slaoui told CNN, pointing to possible dates of Dec 11 to 12. FDA vaccine advisors reportedly will meet on Dec 10 to discuss approving vaccines which pharmaceutical firms Pfizer and Moderna say are at least 95 per cent effective. READ: December rollout of COVID-19 vaccine possible, BioNTech CEO saysREAD: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deliveries could start 'before Christmas'Worldwide, nearly 1.4 million people have died this year and at least 58 million cases have been registered. Slaoui estimated that 20 million people across the US could be vaccinated in December, with 30 million per month after that. 'HERD IMMUNITY' BY MAY? He said that by May, with potentially 70 per cent of the population having been vaccinated, the country could attain "herd immunity," meaning the virus can no longer spread widely - and that people can move closer to resuming their pre-coronavirus way of life. But Slaoui added a note of caution, saying, "I really hope and look forward to seeing that the level of negative perception of the vaccine decreases and people's acceptance increase. "That is going to be critical to help us." A recent Gallup poll showed that four in 10 Americans still say they would not get a COVID-19 vaccine, though that is down slightly from five in 10 surveyed in September. READ: Pfizer applies for US emergency use for COVID-19 vaccineSlaoui said he thought it would help in persuading vaccine skeptics to learn that trials have shown the new vaccines to be 95 per cent effective - well above the 50 per cent level that an earlier target for vaccine approval. Officials have yet to announce which groups in the population would receive the vaccine first, though health care workers are certain to receive priority, followed by vulnerable groups like the elderly. Slaoui said that while the trials had ensured only short-term safety, decades of experience showed that nearly all adverse effects of vaccines occurred within 40 days of being administered, while the current trials protectively covered 60 days. With the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, Slaoui added, there were no serious adverse effects in that period. READ: Vaccine will not be enough to stop COVID-19 pandemic: WHO chiefFor now, the vaccines have not been tested on young children, but the doctor said trials are underway, with a chance toddlers could be vaccinated starting in the second quarter of 2021, with infants coming afterward. Countries worldwide, as well as international organizations, were working out plans for global distribution of these vaccines and potentially others still being developed. The G20 countries, in a virtual meeting hosted by Saudi Arabia, plan to pledge to "spare no effort" in ensuring fair distribution of coronavirus vaccines worldwide, according to a draft communique seen by AFP on Sunday. The communique offered no details, however, on how the effort would be funded. BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developmentsDownload our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram Article From & Read More ( US expects to begin COVID-19 vaccinations in early December - CNA )https://ift.tt/2IQnxUJ Business |
Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:34 PM PST SINGAPORE: The Singapore economy is expected to shrink between 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent this year, said the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on Monday (Nov 23) in another revision to its 2020 outlook after growth data confirmed a smaller-than-expected contraction in the third quarter. Its previous estimate, announced in August, was for the economy to contract between 5 per cent and 7 per cent. Policymakers also offered for the first time a glimpse of their economic forecast for 2021 – a recovery into positive growth territory, with the economy envisaged to expand between 4 per cent and 6 per cent next year. For the third quarter, Singapore's gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 5.8 per cent on a year-on-year basis, more than halving a record slump of 13.3 per cent in the previous quarter when the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" was in place. Compared on a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted basis, the economy rebounded by 9.2 per cent following a 13.2 per cent decline in the previous three months. Both figures for the third quarter were better than the Government's advance estimates of a 7 per cent year-on-year contraction and a 7.9 per cent quarter-on-quarter expansion. Apart from a gradual reopening of the Singapore economy in June that allowed a recovery in economic activities, the improved GDP performance came alongside a similar rebound in activities in major economies during the quarter as they emerged from their lockdowns, MTI said. But it noted that uncertainties remain, with the global economic situation remaining subdued. "While some economies like China are expected to see a sustained recovery for the rest of 2020 as their domestic COVID-19 outbreaks remain under control, others like the US and Eurozone are experiencing a resurgence in infections, which may dampen their recovery as restrictions are reimposed to slow the spread of the virus," it said. Domestically, the pandemic continues to have an uneven impact on various sectors, with trade-related services sectors likely to remain weakened. READ: IN FOCUS: After COVID-19, where are the Singapore economy, workforce headed?GRADUAL RECOVERY AHEAD The recovery of the Singapore economy in the year ahead is expected to be "gradual", said MTI. "(It) will depend to a large extent on how the global economy performs and whether Singapore is able to continue to keep the domestic COVID-19 situation under control," it added. Globally, major advanced and developing economies are expected to recover from the massive economic disruptions caused by COVID-19 and see a rebound in their GDP from the low base this year. But this is expected to be slow and uneven across economies, with many economies not likely to return to pre-COVID-19 levels until the end of the year. Risks persist, it said, citing the periodic resurgence of infections around the world, the re-imposition of lockdowns, the protracted nature of the economic recovery in many countries as well as geopolitical uncertainties. Domestically, trade-related services sectors are expected to benefit from the pick-up in external demand. At the same time, the manufacturing sector will likely continue to expand, boosted by the electronics and precision engineering clusters; while the information and communications, and finance and insurance sectors are expected to remain healthy. Hard-hit sectors, such as aviation and tourism will see a gradual recovery in air passenger volumes and visitor arrivals. Similarly, consumer-facing sectors, such as retail trade and food services, are expected to benefit from the recovery in visitor arrivals, as well as an improvement in consumer sentiments amidst better labour market conditions. "However, economic activity in these sectors is not likely to return to pre-COVID-19 levels even by end-2021," said MTI. Meanwhile, the construction sector is projected to recover from the low base this year, although construction activity will continue to be dampened by the implementation of safe management measures. "On balance, given the improved growth outlook for key external economies, as well as a further easing of global travel restrictions and domestic public health measures that is expected in the year ahead, the Singapore economy is projected to return to growth in 2021," MTI said. BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developmentsDownload our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram Article From & Read More ( Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA )https://ift.tt/3kZmy1k Business |
Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST tinggalaja.blogspot.com 2連勝に工藤監督は? 「1日空きますけど、シーズン中から切り替えて次の試合に向けてやってきた。切り替えて3戦目。終わったことよりも次の試合に集中してやっていく」。 出典:Full-Count からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/35SCFcI スポーツ |
イブラ、ナポリ戦2得点も負傷交代…ピオリ監督「数日以内に詳細が判明する」 - auone.jp Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:17 PM PST tinggalaja.blogspot.com ミランのステファノ・ピオリ監督がスウェーデン代表FWズラタン・イブラヒモヴィッチの負傷状況について言及した。イタリア紙『コリエレ・デッロ・スポルト』が22日にコメントを伝えている。 ミランは22日、セリエA第8節でナポリと対戦。ミランは20分にイブラヒモヴィッチのゴールで先制すると、54分にイブラヒモヴィッチが追加点を挙げる。63分にはドリース・メルテンスのゴールで1点返されるが、後半アディショナルタイムの90+5分にイェンス・ハウゲがセリエA初ゴールを挙げて、ミランが3-1でナポリに勝利を収めた。 これによりミランは6勝2分の無敗で首位を維持。しかし、この日2ゴールを決めたイブラヒモヴィッチは79分に負傷して途中交代した。『コリエレ・デッロ・スポルト』によると、同選手は左太ももを痛めた模様で、今後はミラノで医師の検査を受ける予定だという。 ピオリ監督はイブラヒモヴィッチの負傷状況について「彼は太ももの後ろに氷を当てていて、筋肉に問題があるように見える。しかし、どの程度の負傷かわからない。普通だったら彼はピッチを離れることはない。数日以内には詳細な負傷状況が判明するだろう」と言及した。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3kYyaSa スポーツ |
Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST comot.prelol.com 季節ごとに、その季節が出す音がある。秋には秋の音がある。葦原とススキ畑、飛び散る落葉が出す音もそうだが、特にキリギリスやバッタ、コオロギなどの虫が出す音は、妙なメロディーに乗って胸に染みる。これらの音はますます物悲しくなるが、晩秋には痛ましい感じまでする。どのようにしてこのような音を出すのか?よく言われるように、秋が過ぎ去ることを悲しむのだろうか? 私たちには確かにそう聞こえるが、悲しいからではない。いや、実際に悲しむことなどできない。雄が雌に自分の存在を知らせて交配をしようとする誘惑の声が、どうして悲しいのか。声帯がないのに、どのように音を出すのかという気もするが、必ずしも口だけで音を出せるのではない。口でなくてもいくらでも素敵な音を出すことができる。バッタは後ろ足で前の羽を摩擦し、キリギリスとコオロギは前の羽同士を摩擦させて音を出す。コオロギの羽を詳しく見れば、左右の羽の下面に少し荒い部分があるが、これをバイオリンを弾くように摩擦させて音を出す。だから「声楽」ではなく「演奏」であるわけだ。 もちろん音のみ出しては到底望めない。評価者である雌から「クール」と言われるほどでなければ選択を受けることができないので、最善を尽くして素晴らしい演奏の実力を誇らなければならない。しかし、世の中のことなんて本当に分からないことで、最善を尽くしたからといって、その分の報酬を受けることなどない。逆に最善を尽くすほど危険になることもある。どこでもそうであるように、チャンスは一人では来ず、リスクと一緒に来るからだ。素晴らしい演奏が捕食者の耳にも入る。だからといって、何もしなければ、自分の遺伝子を残すことができない。だから、彼らにとって最善とは、どうなるのかわからない生死の岐路で命をかける冒険といえる。 それなら、秋の終わりが近づくほど、ますます悲しく「泣く」理由は何だろうか?交配の相手が見つからなくてそうなのか?実は、増していく哀れは狙ったものではなく、仕方のないものだ。昆虫は変温動物なので、気温の影響を大きく受ける。天気が暖かくなれば、体温を簡単に上げることができるので大きくて素敵な音を出すことができるが、逆に気温が下がれば、体をきちんと動かすことができず、音を出すことが難しくなる。まだ任務を果たせなかった奴らは、残り少ない時間のため、力を尽くして音を出してみるが、固くなった体からしっかりとした音が出るだろうか?この厳しい音が私たちの耳には悲しそうに聞こえるのだ。 ますます物悲しくなる音は、このような理由からで、北から始まってだんだん南に降りるし、同じ地域でも日陰の場所よりも太陽の光があるところから出る音がより良い。だから、北米インディアンは、これらの音を「貧しい人々の温度計」と言ったとか。 最近のように天気が寒くなると、哀れな気までしていた音さえ消える。1年が過ぎ去るという意味だ。私たちには1年だが、虫たちには一生である。そういえば、本当に悲しくてやったのかもしれない。 "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース November 23, 2020 at 07:29AM https://ift.tt/39k9oKn 物悲しげな「秋の音」の正体 - 東亜日報 "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2tj0gCV Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
全打者の50%以上から三振を奪った投手たち。今年の新人王は100人中53人(宇根夏樹) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST comot.prelol.com ナ・リーグの新人王に選ばれたデビン・ウィリアムズ(ミルウォーキー・ブルワーズ)は、リリーフとして22試合に登板し、計27.0イニングを投げて自責点1、防御率0.33を記録した。これは、シーズン25イニング以上の投手では、1908年に防御率0.00のアール・ムーアに次いで低い。ちなみに、この年のムーアは、先発投手として3試合に投げた。 ウィリアムズの奪三振率は17.67。こちらは、シーズン25イニング以上の歴代1位タイだ。2014年のアロルディス・チャップマン(当時シンシナティ・レッズ/現ニューヨーク・ヤンキース)と、今シーズンのジェームズ・カリンチャック(クリーブランド・インディアンズ)と並ぶ。チャップマンと比べると、ウィリアムズとカリンチャックのイニングと奪三振はちょうど半分ながら、それでもかなりのものだ。 また、ウィリアムズは100人の打者と対戦し、53三振を奪った。カリンチャックが奪三振を記録したのは109人中53人。2014年のチャップマンは202人中106人だ。全対戦に奪三振が占める割合は、53.0%、48.6%、52.5%となる。 1シーズンに100人以上の打者と対戦し、その50%以上が奪三振という投手は、今シーズンのウィリアムズと2014年のチャップマン――今シーズンのチャップマンは48.9%――の他には、2012年のクレイグ・キンブレル(当時アトランタ・ブレーブス/現シカゴ・カブス)しかいない。この年のキンブレルは231人と対戦し、116三振を奪った。その割合は50.2%だった。 ウィリアムズの53.0%は、2014年のチャップマンと2012年のキンブレルを上回る。対象を30人以上の打者と対戦した投手に広げても、奪三振の割合はウィリアムズが最も高い。対戦20人以上でも、ウィリアムズを凌ぐのは、2002年のフランシスコ・ロドリゲスだけだ。9月半ばにデビューしたロドリゲスは、21人と対戦し、61.9%の13人から三振を奪った。 スタットキャストによると、ウィリアムズが投げたのはほぼ2球種。431球中、平均96.4マイルの4シームが180球(41.8%)、平均84.1マイルのチェンジアップが227球(52.7%)だった。空振り率はどちらも極めて高く、40.0%と61.1%。4シームで12三振、チェンジアップで41三振を奪った。 "以上" - Google ニュース November 23, 2020 at 07:33AM https://ift.tt/371xZAC 全打者の50%以上から三振を奪った投手たち。今年の新人王は100人中53人(宇根夏樹) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:34 PM PST SINGAPORE: The Singapore economy is expected to shrink between 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent this year, said the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on Monday (Nov 23) in another revision to its 2020 outlook after growth data confirmed a smaller-than-expected contraction in the third quarter. Its previous estimate, announced in August, was for the economy to contract between 5 per cent and 7 per cent. Policymakers also offered for the first time a glimpse of their economic forecast for 2021 – a recovery into positive growth territory, with the economy envisaged to expand between 4 per cent and 6 per cent next year. For the third quarter, Singapore's gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 5.8 per cent on a year-on-year basis, more than halving a record slump of 13.3 per cent in the previous quarter when the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" was in place. Compared on a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted basis, the economy rebounded by 9.2 per cent following a 13.2 per cent decline in the previous three months. Both figures for the third quarter were better than the Government's advance estimates of a 7 per cent year-on-year contraction and a 7.9 per cent quarter-on-quarter expansion. Apart from a gradual reopening of the Singapore economy in June that allowed a recovery in economic activities, the improved GDP performance came alongside a similar rebound in activities in major economies during the quarter as they emerged from their lockdowns, MTI said. But it noted that uncertainties remain, with the global economic situation remaining subdued. "While some economies like China are expected to see a sustained recovery for the rest of 2020 as their domestic COVID-19 outbreaks remain under control, others like the US and Eurozone are experiencing a resurgence in infections, which may dampen their recovery as restrictions are reimposed to slow the spread of the virus," it said. Domestically, the pandemic continues to have an uneven impact on various sectors, with trade-related services sectors likely to remain weakened. READ: IN FOCUS: After COVID-19, where are the Singapore economy, workforce headed?GRADUAL RECOVERY AHEAD The recovery of the Singapore economy in the year ahead is expected to be "gradual", said MTI. "(It) will depend to a large extent on how the global economy performs and whether Singapore is able to continue to keep the domestic COVID-19 situation under control," it added. Globally, major advanced and developing economies are expected to recover from the massive economic disruptions caused by COVID-19 and see a rebound in their GDP from the low base this year. But this is expected to be slow and uneven across economies, with many economies not likely to return to pre-COVID-19 levels until the end of the year. Risks persist, it said, citing the periodic resurgence of infections around the world, the re-imposition of lockdowns, the protracted nature of the economic recovery in many countries as well as geopolitical uncertainties. Domestically, trade-related services sectors are expected to benefit from the pick-up in external demand. At the same time, the manufacturing sector will likely continue to expand, boosted by the electronics and precision engineering clusters; while the information and communications, and finance and insurance sectors are expected to remain healthy. Hard-hit sectors, such as aviation and tourism will see a gradual recovery in air passenger volumes and visitor arrivals. Similarly, consumer-facing sectors, such as retail trade and food services, are expected to benefit from the recovery in visitor arrivals, as well as an improvement in consumer sentiments amidst better labour market conditions. "However, economic activity in these sectors is not likely to return to pre-COVID-19 levels even by end-2021," said MTI. Meanwhile, the construction sector is projected to recover from the low base this year, although construction activity will continue to be dampened by the implementation of safe management measures. "On balance, given the improved growth outlook for key external economies, as well as a further easing of global travel restrictions and domestic public health measures that is expected in the year ahead, the Singapore economy is projected to return to growth in 2021," MTI said. BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developmentsDownload our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram Article From & Read More ( Singapore revises growth outlook again as Q3 GDP shrinks at slower 5.8% amid COVID-19 - CNA )https://ift.tt/3kZmy1k Business |
Posted: 22 Nov 2020 04:54 PM PST comot.prelol.com 季節ごとに、その季節が出す音がある。秋には秋の音がある。葦原とススキ畑、飛び散る落葉が出す音もそうだが、特にキリギリスやバッタ、コオロギなどの虫が出す音は、妙なメロディーに乗って胸に染みる。これらの音はますます物悲しくなるが、晩秋には痛ましい感じまでする。どのようにしてこのような音を出すのか?よく言われるように、秋が過ぎ去ることを悲しむのだろうか? 私たちには確かにそう聞こえるが、悲しいからではない。いや、実際に悲しむことなどできない。雄が雌に自分の存在を知らせて交配をしようとする誘惑の声が、どうして悲しいのか。声帯がないのに、どのように音を出すのかという気もするが、必ずしも口だけで音を出せるのではない。口でなくてもいくらでも素敵な音を出すことができる。バッタは後ろ足で前の羽を摩擦し、キリギリスとコオロギは前の羽同士を摩擦させて音を出す。コオロギの羽を詳しく見れば、左右の羽の下面に少し荒い部分があるが、これをバイオリンを弾くように摩擦させて音を出す。だから「声楽」ではなく「演奏」であるわけだ。 もちろん音のみ出しては到底望めない。評価者である雌から「クール」と言われるほどでなければ選択を受けることができないので、最善を尽くして素晴らしい演奏の実力を誇らなければならない。しかし、世の中のことなんて本当に分からないことで、最善を尽くしたからといって、その分の報酬を受けることなどない。逆に最善を尽くすほど危険になることもある。どこでもそうであるように、チャンスは一人では来ず、リスクと一緒に来るからだ。素晴らしい演奏が捕食者の耳にも入る。だからといって、何もしなければ、自分の遺伝子を残すことができない。だから、彼らにとって最善とは、どうなるのかわからない生死の岐路で命をかける冒険といえる。 それなら、秋の終わりが近づくほど、ますます悲しく「泣く」理由は何だろうか?交配の相手が見つからなくてそうなのか?実は、増していく哀れは狙ったものではなく、仕方のないものだ。昆虫は変温動物なので、気温の影響を大きく受ける。天気が暖かくなれば、体温を簡単に上げることができるので大きくて素敵な音を出すことができるが、逆に気温が下がれば、体をきちんと動かすことができず、音を出すことが難しくなる。まだ任務を果たせなかった奴らは、残り少ない時間のため、力を尽くして音を出してみるが、固くなった体からしっかりとした音が出るだろうか?この厳しい音が私たちの耳には悲しそうに聞こえるのだ。 ますます物悲しくなる音は、このような理由からで、北から始まってだんだん南に降りるし、同じ地域でも日陰の場所よりも太陽の光があるところから出る音がより良い。だから、北米インディアンは、これらの音を「貧しい人々の温度計」と言ったとか。 最近のように天気が寒くなると、哀れな気までしていた音さえ消える。1年が過ぎ去るという意味だ。私たちには1年だが、虫たちには一生である。そういえば、本当に悲しくてやったのかもしれない。 "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース November 23, 2020 at 07:29AM https://ift.tt/2J3r2qJ 物悲しげな「秋の音」の正体 - 東亜日報 "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2tj0gCV Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
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