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- 被災地「ダム案は拙速」熊本知事の意見聴取会 八代市・球磨村拒否反応も - 西日本新聞
- エルフの恋愛ADV『同級生』のフルリメイク版が、2021年2月26日に発売決定。PC用ソフトで発売元はFANZA GAMES - ファミ通.com
- Former BSI banker banned for life by MAS over US$5 million in 'secret profits' linked to 1MDB scandal - CNA
- "구글, 통신사·제조사와 수익 나눈다" 폭로에 IT업계 '발칵' - 연합뉴스
- 애플 '아이폰12' 최대 공시지원금 24만원… KT 가장 높아 - 조선비즈
- Former BSI banker banned for life by MAS over US$5 million in 'secret profits' linked to 1MDB scandal - CNA
- フリー討論へ 前回の「カオス」から一転、落ち着いた議論 - 日本経済新聞
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- Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times
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- 뒤늦게 고개 숙인 CJ대한통운 - 경향신문
- Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times
- 筒香レイズがPS本塁打新記録、計28本塁打 - ニッカンスポーツ
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- Some nightlife businesses in Singapore struggle, with no end in sight amid Covid-19 - The Straits Times
被災地「ダム案は拙速」熊本知事の意見聴取会 八代市・球磨村拒否反応も - 西日本新聞 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT 7月豪雨で氾濫した熊本県南部の球磨川を巡り、治水策に民意を反映させようと、蒲島郁夫知事は22日、甚大な被害が発生した八代市坂本町と球磨村で住民の意見を聞いた。「一日も早く集落に帰りたい」という被災者の思いの実現に向けて「治水の方向性」の判断を急ぎ、「川辺川ダムも選択肢の一つ」とする蒲島氏に対して、この日の会合では「拙速」との声やダムへの拒否反応も相次いだ。 「代替地があれば早く帰りたい。でも家を建てる場所がない」。坂本町住民自治協議会の蓑田陽一監事は「何とかしてほしい」と訴えた。会合では「生活道路の早期復旧を」「河川を掘削して」などの要望も上がった。 集落再生の前提となるのは治水策。洪水の被害想定ができない状態では、具体的な復興計画を立てられないからだ。そこで、12年前に蒲島氏が「白紙撤回」した川辺川ダム建設の是非論が再燃しており、流域には「必要性は理解できる」との声や推進論もある。 だが、坂本町で商店を経営してきた本田進さん(86)は「ダムができれば地域は崩壊する」と強調。別の発電用ダムが原因で「川が死んだ」との思いがあるという。球磨村でヤマメ養殖場を管理する斎藤寛さん(62)も「川辺川ダムで浸水被害を6割減らせる」とする国の検証結果に「拙速で不十分。デメリットも丁寧に説明を」と指摘した。 同村神瀬地区で住民組織を立ち上げた一人、岩崎哲秀さん(46)は「まず住める場所の確保」を望み、最終目標として「人々が集う村づくり」を提案した。 蒲島氏は会合終了後、報道陣に「川辺川ダムを巡っては、分断の歴史が60年近くあった。(地域が)二分されないような計画、方向性を考えなければいけない」と語った。 (古川努、中村太郎) "被災者" - Google ニュース October 23, 2020 at 06:00AM https://ift.tt/3jiAHpr 被災地「ダム案は拙速」熊本知事の意見聴取会 八代市・球磨村拒否反応も - 西日本新聞 "被災者" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2GlMulZ Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
エルフの恋愛ADV『同級生』のフルリメイク版が、2021年2月26日に発売決定。PC用ソフトで発売元はFANZA GAMES - ファミ通.com Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT taritkar.blogspot.com アダルトサイトなどの運営で知られるFANZAのゲームブランド"FANZA GAMES"は、PCゲーム総合ブランド"DiGination"の新作として、『同級生リメイク』をPCで2021年2月26日に発売することを発表した(通常版は9800円[税抜]で、豪華版は10800円[税抜])。なお、アダルトコンテンツのため、18歳未満の人は購入できない。 ※本ソフトは、18歳未満の人は購入できないアダルト商品になりますが、掲載にあたってはファミ通.comの掲載基準に従い配慮しております。 『同級生』は1992年にエルフからPC用ソフトとして発売された恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム。その後、演出をマイルドにしたバージョンが、PCエンジンとセガサターンでNECインターチャネルから発売された(セガサターン版のタイトルは『同級生if』)。 今回のフルリメイク版では、画面解像度がフルHD対応になり、イベントシーンがすめらぎ琥珀氏による描き下ろしに。キャラクターも、ベースのデザインはそのままに、現代のタッチに描き直されている。 そのほか、移動時のマップ画面で誰がどこにいるのかがひと目でわかる"ノーマルモード"や、CG鑑賞モードなどを追加。遊びやすくなるように改善が施されている。 通常版のほか、最新のWindowsに対応した初代『同級生』を収録した豪華版も販売。動作環境などは公式サイトをチェックしてほしい(公式サイトの閲覧も18歳以上の人に限られる)。 『【Amazon.co.jp 限定】同級生リメイク 豪華版【描き下ろし特典:B2布ポスター】』の購入はこちら (Amazon.co.jp) ※アダルトコンテンツのため18歳未満の人の購入はできません 『【Amazon.co.jp 限定】同級生リメイク【描き下ろし特典:B2布ポスター】』の購入はこちら (Amazon.co.jp) ※アダルトコンテンツのため18歳未満の人の購入はできませんからの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3mcFMkZ 科学&テクノロジー |
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT SINGAPORE: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued lifetime prohibitions orders against a former banker for his role in the 1MDB scandal that saw him receive US$5 million (S$6.8 million) in "secret profits", said the authority early on Friday morning (Oct 23). Mr Kevin Michael Swampillai, a former representative and head of the Wealth Management Services Department of BSI Bank Limited, Singapore branch (BSIS), was issued the bans at the conclusion of an investigation by the authority. They came into effect on Thursday. From 2012 to 2013, Mr Swampillai and his then subordinate Yeo Jiawei, helped the Malaysian state-owned strategic development company 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to "restructure several of its joint venture interests". In the course of assisting 1MDB, Mr Swampillai and Yeo channelled a portion of the fund management fees to an entity beneficially owned by Mr Swampillai. This was done without BSIS' knowledge and authorisation. "In total, Mr Swampillai received about US$5 million in secret profits at the expense of and without the knowledge of BSIS," said MAS. The former BSI head also "deliberately" made misrepresentations to 1MDB's auditors KPMG Malaysia, in an attempt to "improperly influence" the outcome of an audit that was carried out on 1MDB's fiduciary fund investments. MAS said Mr Swampillai misrepresented that the assets held by one of 1MDB's investments, PetroSaudi Oil Services, were liquid in nature and mostly cash, "even though he knew that PetroSaudi Oil Services' assets comprised two drill ships". "Mr Swampillai's actions have given MAS reason to believe that he will not carry out regulated activities honestly," the authority said. He has been banned permanently from performing any regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Act and from providing any financial advisory service under the Financial Advisers Act. He is also banned from taking part in the "management, acting as a director, or becoming a substantial shareholder of any capital market and financial advisory services firm" under both Acts. MAS withdrew BSIS' merchant bank licence in May 2016 and also imposed financial penalties of S$13.3 million for breaching a MAS notice that prevents money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism. In Jul 2017, Yeo was sentenced to four-and-a-half years' jail for money laundering and cheating. He had set up multiple suspicious transactions involving 1MDB and admitted he secretly profited at least US$3.5 million from the illicit transactions. He laundered a portion of the money by transferring at least US$500,000 into his parents' bank account. The former wealth planner had already been serving a 30-month sentence on charges of perverting the course of justice by tampering with key witnesses in order to frustrate the Commercial Affairs Department's (CAD) investigation into his involvement. Article From & Read More ( Former BSI banker banned for life by MAS over US$5 million in 'secret profits' linked to 1MDB scandal - CNA )https://ift.tt/3okbEGg Business |
"구글, 통신사·제조사와 수익 나눈다" 폭로에 IT업계 '발칵' - 연합뉴스 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 윤영찬 "구글 앱 선탑재시키고 검색 광고 수익 공유…타사 앱은 방해"이영 "인앱결제 수수료 절반, 이통사가 챙겨"…IT기업단체 "중단하라"(서울=연합뉴스) 이효석 기자 = 구글이 이동통신사 및 스마트폰 제조업체와 일종의 짬짜미 계약을 맺고 수익을 공유하고 있다는 지적이 제기되면서 국정감사 막바지에 파문이 일고 있다. 23일 국회 과학기술정보방송통신위원회 소속 더불어민주당 윤영찬 의원에 따르면, 구글이 이통사·제조사를 이용해 경쟁사 앱이 스마트폰에 선탑재되지 못하도록 방해한다는 정황이 있다. 미국 하원 법사위 산하 반(反)독점소위는 이달 6일 구글과 아마존·애플·페이스북이 독점적인 시장 지배력을 남용하고 있다며 449쪽짜리 보고서를 펴냈다. 윤 의원에 따르면 이 보고서에는 구글이 스마트폰 제조사에 '구글 검색' 및 '구글 플레이스토어' 등 특정 앱을 선탑재하도록 하고, 검색 서비스 경쟁 앱은 선탑재·설치를 불가능하도록 막는다는 내용이 담겼다. 2016년 유럽연합(EU) 집행위원회(EC)는 "구글은 휴대전화 제조사가 경쟁 운영체제(OS)를 모바일에 탑재하지 못하도록 제조사와 금지 조약을 맺고 있다"며 혐의를 제기한 바 있다. 이런 조약을 '파편 방지 협약'(Anti fragmentation agreement) 또는 '대포크 협약'(Anti fork agreement)이라고 부른다. 윤 의원은 "구글은 OS 독점을 위해 대포크 협약으로 제조사들을 기술적으로 조처하고, 제조사·통신사가 경쟁 앱을 탑재하는 것을 방해하고 있다"며 "나아가 삼성·LG 등 제조사 및 통신사들과 검색 광고 수익을 공유하고 있다"고 지적했다. 그는 전날 과방위 국감에서 같은 내용을 제기하면서 "구글의 조세 회피, 인앱결재 강요, 망 무임승차 등의 문제에 이어 결국 생태계 종속이라는 문제가 생길 것"이라며 "구글은 자신의 생태계에 모든 사람을 가둬놓고 다른 자유를 허락하지 않고 있다"고 우려했다. 국민의힘 이영 의원도 전날 국감에서 "구글코리아 자료에 따르면 현재 게임 앱의 경우 이통사들이 통신 과금 방식의 결제 수단을 제공하는 대가로 구글플레이로부터 인앱결제 수수료의 최대 절반을 청구하고 있다"고 밝혔다. 현재 게임사들은 구글에 인앱결제 금액의 30%를 수수료로 내고 있다. 그동안에는 30% 수수료를 모두 구글이 챙기는 것으로 알려져 있었는데, 사실 최대 15%는 이동통신사에게 돌아간다는 사실이 밝혀진 것이다. 이 의원은 "신용카드 사업자나 결제대행(PG) 업체가 가져가는 수수료는 2.5% 수준"이라며 "구글이 수수료 정책을 바꾸면 공룡 플랫폼뿐 아니라 거대 이동통신사까지 과도한 이익을 얻어갈 우려가 있다"고 말했다. 국감에 출석한 장석영 과학기술정보통신부 2차관은 관련 질의에 이런 구글과 이통사의 관계를 알고 있다는 취지로 답했다. 장 차관은 윤영찬 의원이 "이통사들이 구글 서비스를 선탑재해주는 데 대한 수익 공유 아니냐"고 묻자 "추가로 확인해봐야겠다"고 말했다. 구글과 통신업계의 물밑 협력 문제가 대두되자 네이버·카카오 등 국내 유수 IT기업이 속한 단체인 '한국인터넷기업협회(인기협)'와 스타트업단체 '코리아스타트업포럼(코스포)'은 성명을 내고 "구글·애플의 독점에 협조한 통신사·제조사에 유감"이라고 비판했다. 인기협·코스포는 "국민의 통신 요금 부담을 외면한 채 인앱결제 수익을 공유받은 통신3사는 국민 피해를 배가하는 행위를 즉각 중단하라"며 "원스토어를 통한 앱마켓 경쟁을 주장하기 전에 그동안 수수료 수익으로 반사 이익을 누린 행태에 먼저 책임 있는 자세로 임하라"고 지적했다. 이들은 "휴대전화 제조사는 구글·애플이 시장지배적 지위를 형성하는 데 협조하는 행위를 중단하라"며 "공정한 인터넷 생태계 조성과 부당한 행위의 재발 방지를 위해 정부의 면밀한 조사와 국회의 입법이 시급하다"고 강조했다. hyo@yna.co.kr <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지> 2020/10/23 09:25 송고 기사 및 더 읽기 ( "구글, 통신사·제조사와 수익 나눈다" 폭로에 IT업계 '발칵' - 연합뉴스 )https://ift.tt/2ThOaDv 비즈니스 |
애플 '아이폰12' 최대 공시지원금 24만원… KT 가장 높아 - 조선비즈 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 입력 2020.10.23 10:35 국내 이동통신사의 애플 아이폰12 공시지원금은 최대 24만원 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 삼성전자(005930)갤럭시노트20 출시 당시 공시지원금과 비슷한 수준으로, 모든 요금제에서 25% 선택약정 할인을 받는 것이 유리하다는 분석이다. 23일 통신업계에 따르면 아이폰12 공시지원금이 가장 높은 곳은 KT(030200)로, 요금제별 6만3000∼24만원의 공시지원금을 준다. SK텔레콤(017670)은 5만3000∼13만8000원, LG유플러스(032640)는 8만4000∼22만9000원을 제공한다. 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 애플 '아이폰12' 최대 공시지원금 24만원… KT 가장 높아 - 조선비즈 )각 통신사 별 공시지원금은 아이폰12가 정식 출시되는 오는 30일 최종 확정될 예정이다. 일부 소비자들은 통신사의 공시지원금을 놓고 '짠물 지원금'이라고 지적하며 자급제폰 구매에 나서고 있다. 공시지원금을 받는 것보다 선택약정 할인을 받으면서 다양한 채널 할인을 받는 것이 유리하기 때문이다. 실제 애플 첫 5G 스마트폰인 아이폰12가 23일 오전 0시 사전예약 시작 이후 자급제 채널에서 1차 물량이 조기 소진됐다. 쿠팡, 11번가, 위메프 등에서 아이폰12, 아이폰12 프로 사전예약이 판매 10분 만에 일시 품절됐다. 현재 쿠팡을 제외하고 11번가와 위메프 등에서는 구매 가능하다. 일부 쇼핑몰은 로켓배송, 최대 18% 카드 할인, 무이자 할부, 각종 액세서리 등 혜택을 제공한다. 이에 앞서 출시된 해외에서는 아이폰12 첫날 사전예약량이 200만대로, 전작인 아이폰11 첫날 판매량의 2배 이상을 기록한 것으로 알려졌다. https://ift.tt/3kp0SvZ 비즈니스 |
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT SINGAPORE: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued lifetime prohibitions orders against a former banker for his role in the 1MDB scandal that saw him receive US$5 million (S$6.8 million) in "secret profits", said the authority early on Friday morning (Oct 23). Mr Kevin Michael Swampillai, a former representative and head of the Wealth Management Services Department of BSI Bank Limited, Singapore branch (BSIS), was issued the bans at the conclusion of an investigation by the authority. They came into effect on Thursday. From 2012 to 2013, Mr Swampillai and his then subordinate Yeo Jiawei, helped the Malaysian state-owned strategic development company 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to "restructure several of its joint venture interests". In the course of assisting 1MDB, Mr Swampillai and Yeo channelled a portion of the fund management fees to an entity beneficially owned by Mr Swampillai. This was done without BSIS' knowledge and authorisation. "In total, Mr Swampillai received about US$5 million in secret profits at the expense of and without the knowledge of BSIS," said MAS. The former BSI head also "deliberately" made misrepresentations to 1MDB's auditors KPMG Malaysia, in an attempt to "improperly influence" the outcome of an audit that was carried out on 1MDB's fiduciary fund investments. MAS said Mr Swampillai misrepresented that the assets held by one of 1MDB's investments, PetroSaudi Oil Services, were liquid in nature and mostly cash, "even though he knew that PetroSaudi Oil Services' assets comprised two drill ships". "Mr Swampillai's actions have given MAS reason to believe that he will not carry out regulated activities honestly," the authority said. He has been banned permanently from performing any regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Act and from providing any financial advisory service under the Financial Advisers Act. He is also banned from taking part in the "management, acting as a director, or becoming a substantial shareholder of any capital market and financial advisory services firm" under both Acts. MAS withdrew BSIS' merchant bank licence in May 2016 and also imposed financial penalties of S$13.3 million for breaching a MAS notice that prevents money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism. In Jul 2017, Yeo was sentenced to four-and-a-half years' jail for money laundering and cheating. He had set up multiple suspicious transactions involving 1MDB and admitted he secretly profited at least US$3.5 million from the illicit transactions. He laundered a portion of the money by transferring at least US$500,000 into his parents' bank account. The former wealth planner had already been serving a 30-month sentence on charges of perverting the course of justice by tampering with key witnesses in order to frustrate the Commercial Affairs Department's (CAD) investigation into his involvement. Article From & Read More ( Former BSI banker banned for life by MAS over US$5 million in 'secret profits' linked to 1MDB scandal - CNA )https://ift.tt/3okbEGg Business |
フリー討論へ 前回の「カオス」から一転、落ち着いた議論 - 日本経済新聞 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT 双方2分の持ち時間の後、両者のマイクがオンになり、討論に移りました。これまでのところ、相手の発言中に割り込むといった事態は起きていません。トランプ氏はバイデン氏の発言中は無理に遮らず、バイデン氏もトランプ氏の発言中は笑みを浮かべるなどしながら聞き入っています。両者とも司会者の指示に従っており、泥仕合となった初回討論とはいくぶん様相が異なります。 "議論" - Google ニュース October 23, 2020 at 08:31AM https://ift.tt/35ozLeq フリー討論へ 前回の「カオス」から一転、落ち着いた議論 - 日本経済新聞 "議論" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2RYl2jG Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
「スタメンになりたい」猛烈アピールの久保建英が“本音”を吐露!「決めるのは監督なので…」 - サッカーダイジェストWeb Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com これまでの鬱憤を晴らすかのような躍動ぶりだった。 現地時間10月22日に開催されたヨーロッパリーグ(EL)・グループIの第1節で、久保建英が所属するビジャレアルは、トルコのシワススポルとホームで対戦。5-3で白星を挙げた。 移籍後初スタメンとなった久保は、これまでの両サイドではなく、4-3-3の右インサイドハーフで出場。攻撃時はトップ下の位置まで上がって積極的に攻撃に絡む。 そして13分、サミュエル・チュクウェゼのシュートのこぼれ球に反応し、左足で落ち着いてネットを揺らして待望の移籍後初ゴールをゲット。その7分後には、上手くボールを収めてスペースへ絶妙のパスを送り込み、カルロス・バッカの追加点をアシストした。 さらに、この日はセットプレーのキッカーも務めた16番は、57分に鋭く曲がるCKで新加入のCBファン・フォイのヘッド弾をお膳立て。1ゴール・2アシストと5点中3点に関与する圧巻のパフォーマンスを披露した。 【画像】ビジャレアル公式が公開した久保建英の初ゴール&歓喜シーンはこちら からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3dQGQs7 スポーツ |
完封の中日大野雄大 巨人菅野と沢村賞どっちだ? - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com <中日1-0DeNA>◇22日◇ナゴヤドーム 中日大野雄が2試合連続完封勝利を決め、連続イニング無失点を45に伸ばした。ピンチは8回2死二、三塁。代打楠本を139キロフォークで空振り三振に仕留めるとグラブをたたきほえた。9回1死では神里の投ゴロを背面捕球。ミラクルプレーで球場を沸かせた。 お立ち台では声が上ずった。「今日だけは、ほめて下さい」。ほめて欲しかったのは、連続イニング無失点記録でも、5年ぶりの2ケタ10勝目でもない。「ライデルがいなくなって、祖父江さんと福が2連投していた。野手のみんなもしんどい。何とかしたいとマウンド上がった」。守護神R・マルティネスが故障離脱した中で中継ぎ2人の連投を回避させた。1点を守りきるエースの大役を果たした喜びが口をついた。 ナゴヤドームでの年間5完封は01年野口茂樹を抜き球団トップ。「(記録を続けるのは)ほんまにしんどい。(巨人)菅野君も13連勝でしんどかったやろな」。チーム8年ぶりAクラスとタイトル&記録への注目が、さらに高まる126球となった。【伊東大介】 ▼大野雄が今季6度目の完封で9月15日広島戦の2回から45イニング連続無失点。45イニング以上無失点を続けたのは11年ダルビッシュ(日本ハム=46回)以来で、大野雄の45回はプロ野球12位となり、中日では56年大矢根の40回1/3を抜く球団新記録。左腕では64回1/3のプロ野球記録をつくった58年金田(国鉄)に次いで2位の記録だ。また、シーズン6完封以上は18年に8完封した菅野(巨人)以来で、中日では87年小松6完封以来になる。大野雄は14日阪神戦も完封しており、2試合連続完封が今季3度目。シーズンに連続完封を3度もやったのは71年江夏(阪神=2試合連続3度)以来、49年ぶりの快挙。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3dQkk2l スポーツ |
“トップ下”久保は「手が付けられない」と現地紙称賛 1得点2アシストで「レベルの高さ示す」 - Football ZONE web Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com EL初陣のスィヴァススポル戦に移籍後初スタメン 3ゴールに絡み5-3勝利に貢献ビジャレアルの日本代表MF久保建英は現地時間22日、UEFAヨーロッパリーグ(EL)グループステージ第1節のスィヴァススポル戦に移籍後初のスタメン出場を果たすと、公式戦初ゴールを含む1得点2アシストの活躍を見せ、5-3の勝利に大きく貢献した。19歳日本人アタッカーの鮮烈なELデビューを、スペイン大手紙も称えている。 リーガ・エスパニョーラ開幕から6試合連続でベンチスタートとなっていた久保だが、ウナイ・エメリ監督はホームでのEL初戦で移籍後初めて先発起用した。4-2-3-1のトップ下に入ると、いきなり前半13分に結果を残す。MFサムエル・チュクウェゼのシュートのこぼれ球に反応し、左足で決めてビジャレアルでの公式戦初ゴールを奪うと、7分後には敵陣ペナルティーエリア手前で右サイドからのパスを受け、左足アウトサイドでFWカルロス・バッカへ絶妙なラストパス。これをバッカが右足でゴールへ叩き込み、久保に移籍後初アシストがついた。 2-2で折り返した後半12分には左CKのキッカーを務めると、左足でアウトスイングの鋭いクロスを供給。これをDFフアン・フォイスがヘディングシュートで合わせ、久保がこの日2アシスト目を記録した。 試合はその後も激しく点を取り合う展開となり、最後は途中出場のFWパコ・アルカセルの2ゴールで引き離したビジャレアルが5-3で勝利。フル出場を果たした久保は3ゴールに絡み、白星スタートに大きく貢献した。 スペイン紙「マルカ」は試合後、この試合の選手採点を公開。途中出場から8分間で試合を決める2ゴールを奪ったアルカセルに唯一の最高点となる3つ星評価が与えられ、久保はMFマヌ・トリゲロス、MFビセンテ・イボーラと並ぶ2位タイの2つ星となった。 同紙はマッチレポート内で「クボが非凡な選手だというのは間違いない。そして自由とともにプレーすれば手が付けられない。アタッカーはトップ下で試合を始め、その位置では彼をコントロールするのは難しい」と称賛。前半20分のバッカのゴールを導いたラストパスについても、「完璧なアシスト」と称えている。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3jnneNp スポーツ |
11年ダルビッシュ以来 大野雄大45回以上無失点(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com [unable to retrieve full-text content] 11年ダルビッシュ以来 大野雄大45回以上無失点(日刊スポーツ) Yahoo!ニュース"以上" - Google ニュース October 22, 2020 at 07:24PM https://ift.tt/2FSt6R1 11年ダルビッシュ以来 大野雄大45回以上無失点(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
建設業で65歳以上は過去10年間で急増、全産業で4番目に高齢化が進む - BUILT Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com ヒューマンタッチが運営するヒューマンタッチ総研は2020年10月22日、国内における建設業の人材市場動向をまとめたマンスリーレポート「ヒューマンタッチ総研〜Monthly Report 2020年10月」をリリースした。 ■建設業で65歳以上の就業者は、2009年の8.1%から2019年には16.4%に上昇建設業の年齢層別で就業者数の割合を見ると、65歳以上の就業者は2009年には8.1%だったが、2019年には16.4%に上昇しており、この10年間で急速に高齢化が進んでいる(図表1)。 最も割合が高い年齢層は、45〜54歳の24.8%で、45歳以上が占める割合は実に60%に達している。一方、25〜34歳の若手層は、2009年の18.8%から2019年には13.2%までに低下し、建設業では、今後、若手をいかにして確保するかが重要な課題になることが予想される。 ■建設業は全産業の中で、4番目に65歳以上の割合が高い2019年における65歳以上の割合を産業別に見ると、最も割合が高いのは「不動産業・物品賃貸業」の26.4%、次いで「サービス業(他に分類されないもの)」の22.6%、「生活関連サービス業」「娯楽業」の18.2%、「建設業」の16.4%で、建設業は4番目に高齢化が進んでいる(図表2)。 一方で、最も65歳以上の割合が低いのは、「情報通信業」の2.2%に続き、「電気、ガス、熱供給、水道業」の3.6%、「金融業」「保険業」の4.8%。高齢化が進んでいる産業と、進んでいない産業の差は大きく開いている。建設業を含めて高齢化が進んでいる産業では、今後、生産年齢人口が減少する中で労働力を持続的に確保するためにも、年齢構成の見直しを早急に進めることが、重要になることが見込まれる。 建設業の就業者数は497万人、雇用者数は399万人で、5カ月連続の減雇用関連の月次データでは、2020年8月の建設業就業者数は497万人(前年同月比97.8%)、雇用者数は399万人(同95.7%)となり、前年同月比で5カ月連続のマイナスとなった。一方、公共職業安定所(ハローワーク)の新規求人数は、6万2101人(同94.4%)に減少した。 "以上" - Google ニュース October 23, 2020 at 08:00AM https://ift.tt/3dPcje4 建設業で65歳以上は過去10年間で急増、全産業で4番目に高齢化が進む - BUILT "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
Terungkap Tabir Uang di Rekening Cleaning Service Kejagung Tajir Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - Tabir cleaning service di Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) Joko Prihatin tajir terungkap. Polisi akhirnya mengungkapkan misteri Joko cleaning service tajir. Perihal cleaning service tajir ini awalnya terungkap dalam rapat Komisi III DPR RI bersama Jaksa Agung, Kamis (24/9/2020). Ketika itu, anggota Komisi III Arteria Dahlan menyebut ada cleaning service yang diperiksa terkait kebakaran gedung Kejagung. "Saya ingin sampaikan begini Pak Jaksa Agung, ada anak cleaning service yang diperiksa, banyak. Saya ingin sampaikan apakah mungkin, tolong nanti Bapak hati-hati, ada tidak manipulasi keterangan? Jaksa Agung harus curiga," ungkap Arteria. "Ada satu cleaning service, dia orang kerja di lantai bawah, di lantai dasar, kok bisa punya akses ke lantai 6, yang ditengarai dia itu tidak hanya cleaning service, bisa berbuat sesuatu," imbuhnya. Menurut Arteria, uang di rekening Joko mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Bahkan, anggota DPR dari Fraksi PDIP itu mengungkapkan informasi cleaning service tajir mengubah penampilan rambutnya menjadi pelontos. "Apa benar, dicek juga, Pak, rekening uangnya itu di atas Rp 100 juta tuh cleaning service? Apa benar, saya hanya bertanya, kalau dia diperiksa selalu didampingi oleh anak buahnya mantan JAM-lah gitu?" sebut Arteria. "Apa benar, Pak ada penampilan baru yang bersangkutan dibotakin? Kalau dibotakin hati-hati, Pak, sulit kalau mau cek DNA rambutnya sudah plontos. Harusnya Pak Jaksa Agung jangan terlalu percaya orang, harus diatensi dan dicermati setiap proses hukum yang terkait dengan kebakaran," imbuhnya. Informasi cleaning service tajir menjadi sorotan seiring dengan munculnya dugaan gedung Kejagung dibakar. Polisi kemudian mengumumkan agenda pemeriksaan Joko. Pada 30 September Joko diperiksa di Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri. Joko diperiksa untuk melengkapi penyidikan kasus kebakaran Kejagung. "Penyidik juga hari ini sedang melakukan pendalaman dengan melakukan pemeriksaan tambahan terhadap seorang saksi tentunya ini untuk melengkapi pemberkasan terkait dengan kasus dimaksud," kata Karo Penmas Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen Awi Setiyono di Mabes Polri Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (30/9/2020). "Status yang bersangkutan (saksi) seorang cleaning service," sambungnya. Keesokan harinya, Joko bersama penyidik polisi mendatangi kantor pusat BRI ana Mandiri. Penyidik ingin menelusuri rekening koran Joko. "Penyidik gabungan Polri dan yang bersangkutan (Joko Prihatin) datang ke kantor pusat Bank BRI dan Bank Mandiri untuk meminta print-out rekening koran 5 tahun ke belakang," kata Direktur Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Ferdy Sambo, kepada wartawan, Kamis (1/10). Hampir satu bulan lamanya, polisi akhirnya menguak hasil pemeriksaan rekening Joko. Hasilanya, polisi mengaku belum menemukan adanya transaksi mencurigakan. "Cleaning service Joko sudah diperiksa. Terkait adanya sejumlah uang di rekening, penyidik belum menemukan adanya transaksi yang mencurigakan," kata Brigjen Ferdy. Polisi memeriksa aliran uang di rekening Joko. Menurut Ferdy, uang dalam rekening tersebut akumulasi transaksi dari beberapa tahun lalu. "Karena jumlah yang ada, akumulasi dari tahun 2018 transaksi rekening yang bersangkutan," ungkap Ferdy.(detik.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3ok1xBu via IFTTT |
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - Setelah mantap berhijrah, artis cantik Fivey Rachmawati terus mendalami ilmu agama. Soal halal dan haram, bid'ah dan sunnah terus dipelajarinya sebagai pegangan hidup. Seperti terlihat di postingan artis yang biasa dipanggil Five Vi ni. Dia memposting soal perayaan Maulid Nabi Salallahu'alaihi wassalan yang umumnya banyak dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Five Vi mengunggah sebuah video ceramah dari Ustadz Sufyan Baswedan. Ustad ini menilai, perayaan maulid Nabu tidak ada di zaman Nabi dan para sahabat. Budaya perayaan Maulid Nabi baru muncul Dinasti 'Ubaidiyyun atau disebut juga Fatimiyyun. Mereka ini yang belakangan disebut sebagai sekte syiah. Melalui keterangan video itu, Five menjelaskan sejara maulid Nabi. "Jika kita menelusuri dalam kitab tarikh (sejarah), perayaan Maulid Nabi tidak kita temukan pada masa sahabat, tabi'in, tabi'ut tabi'in dan empat Imam Madzhab (Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Syafi'i dan Imam Ahmad), padahal mereka adalah orang-orang yang sangat cinta dan mengagungkan Nabinya shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam." Tulis dia di Instagramnya, Kamis (22/10). Five mengatakan, para empat mazhab yang paling paham soal syariat saja, tidak merayakan Maulid Nabi. "Mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling paham mengenai sunnah Nabinya shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dan paling semangat dalam mengikuti setiap ajaran beliau." Katanya. Stop Kredit karena talut dosa riba. Bukan saja soal Maulid Nabi yang dibahas Five Vi. Dia juga membahas soal hukum Riba. Bahkan Pemeran film Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi (2009) ini menggunting dan buang semua kartu kreditnya karena dianggap riba. "Aku belum tahu KPR (Kredit Pemilikan Rumah) itu riba. Jadi saya ada cicilan juga tapi bismillah karena saya sudah tahu itu semua ya bismillah (berusaha berhenti)," katanya kepada wartawan belum lama ini. "Bahkan saya kemarin sampai motong kartu kredit saya. Sudah nggak mau lagi saya, berat hukumnya. Saya nggak perlu dunia," sambung Five Vi. Five Vi mengaku tidak butuh dengan dunia. Namun bukan berarti tidak mencari nafkah untum hidup. Five hanya lebih fokus untuk bekal akhirat nanti. Bagi dia, kematian datang tidak menunggu taubat. Dia kini telah putuskan berhenti dari dunia intertaimen dan mengenakan cadar. "Begitu saya mulai belajar ilmu agama kaya ketarik, ketarik makin ke sini justru saya bersyukur..sekali, saya merasa hina dihadapan Allah tapi bersyukur Allah masih sayang sama saya, diberi hidayah," ujarnya. (dal/fin.co.id). from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2IYlTA3 via IFTTT |
CTCテクノロジー株式会社(CTC教育サービス):今からはじめる Microsoft Azure > 第10回 仮想マシンの管理、設定、リモート接続(3) - 朝日新聞社 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:34 PM PDT taritkar.blogspot.com ※ 配信会社から提供された企業や団体等のプレスリリースを原文のまま掲載しており、朝日新聞社が取材・執筆した記事ではありません。お問い合わせは、各情報配信元にお願いいたします。 CTC教育サービスはコラム「今からはじめる Microsoft Azure > 第10回 仮想マシンの管理、設定、リモート接続(3)」を公開しました。 1. はじめに みなさん、こんにちは。株式会社シオラボの小澤です。前回のコラムでは、仮想マシンを作成した後に新たにディスクを追加する方法について説明しました。Azureポータルでのディスクの追加操作以外に、仮想マシンにSSHでログインしてからの、マウントコマンドの発行が必要になるところが注意点でしたね。 さて、今回は、仮想マシン作成後に発生しがちな変更として、仮想マシンのIPアドレスを固定する方法と、サブネットマスクを設定する方法について解説しましょう。 2. 仮想マシンのIPアドレスを固定する 仮想マシンを作成すると、パブリックIPアドレスとプライベートIPアドレスが自動で割り当てられます。割り当てられたパブリックIPアドレスは、仮想マシンを停止して「割り当て解除」状態にすることで開放され、次回起動時には、ほぼ別のIPアドレスに変更されてしまいます。仮想マシン上にWebサービスを構築して提供しているような場合は、パブリックIPアドレスが変更されるたびに、DNSへドメインとパブリックIPアドレスの紐付けを登録し直す必要が出てきます。また、アクセスログなども多くの場合はIPアドレスが記録されます。このように、IPアドレスが途中で変更されてしまうと、現実的な運用に支障が出る場合もありますので、IPアドレスの固定化をおこなった方がいい場合もあります。 (1)パブリックIPアドレスの固定化 Azureの仮想マシンで、パブリックIPアドレスの固定は次のようにおこないます。 まず、Azureの管理ポータル(https://portal.azure.com)を開き、仮想マシンを選択し、「ネットワーク」のところにあるパブリックIPアドレスのリンクを押します。 この続きは以下をご覧ください からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3m8Ec3y 科学&テクノロジー |
Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:34 PM PDT SINGAPORE - Goldman Sachs Singapore will pay US$122 million (S$165 million) to the Singapore Government for its role in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) bond offerings corruption scandal. The penalty is believed to be the largest-ever imposed here, far exceeding the $13.3 million slapped on BSI Bank, whose Singapore unit was shut down in 2016 for its role in the scandal. The fine is on top of the nearly US$3 billion that parent Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay after its Malaysia unit said it will plead guilty to violating foreign bribery laws, drawing a line under a saga that has dogged the investment banking giant for years. Singapore's Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) has also served Goldman Sachs Singapore with a 36-month conditional warning, in lieu of prosecution, for three counts of corruption offences punishable under Section 5(b)(i) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 241. Meanwhile the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has directed the Singapore unit of Goldman Sachs to appoint an independent external party to conduct a review of its remedial measures, it said in a joint statement with the Attorney-General's Chambers and CAD early on Friday morning (Oct 23). MAS in a separate statement said that it has issued a lifetime ban against Kevin Michael Swampillai, the former head of the wealth management services at BSI Bank's Singapore branch. The lifetime prohibition orders (POs) were issued at the conclusion of an investigation conducted by the MAS and took effect on Oct 22, it said. In its statement, MAS said that from 2012 to 2013, Mr Swampillai and his then-subordinate, Yeo Jiawei, had assisted 1MDB to restructure several of its joint venture interests. In that time, they channelled about US$5 million as a portion of the fund management fees - "secret profits" - to an entity beneficially owned by Mr Swampillai. This was done without BSI Bank's knowledge and authorisation. MAS said Mr Swampillai also deliberately made misrepresentations to 1MDB's auditors in a bid to "improperly influence" them. He misrepresented that the assets held by PetroSaudi Oil Services, one of 1MDB's investments, were liquid in nature and mostly cash, even though he knew that the assets comprised two drill ships. The 1MDB scandal dates to the government of former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, which set up the 1MDB fund in 2009. According to US prosecutors, Goldman paid more than US$1.6 billion in bribes to foreign officials in Malaysia and Abu Dhabi between 2002 and 2014 to win 1MDB business. Singapore's case against Goldman stems from CAD's investigation of Goldman Singapore's former managing directors, Tim Leissner and Roger Ng, over three bond offerings underwritten by Goldman Sachs International for 1MDB subsidiaries. In August 2018, Leissner pleaded guilty in a US District Court to one count for conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and one count for conspiracy to commit money laundering. Following his guilty plea, MAS in December 2018 increased the 10-year PO against him to a lifetime ban. In all, Goldman's penalties will exceed US$5 billion globally, equivalent to about two-thirds of a year's earnings. Goldman will pay a US$2.3 billion fine to the US Justice Department and other regulators, and a further US$600 million in disgorgement of ill-gotten gains to settle the US probe and avoid a criminal conviction. This is in addition to the US$3.9 billion that Goldman has agreed to pay Malaysia in exchange for dropping all criminal charges against the bank. Hong Kong on Thursday also fined Goldman's Asia unit US$350 million. In a Oct 22 memorandum addressed to all the employees of the bank globally, Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO David Solomon said; "As you have all seen, the US Department of Justice, along with regulators in the US, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong, announced settlements with Goldman Sachs that resolve the government and regulatory investigations of the 1MDB matter." "This has been a long process and we are pleased to be putting these matters behind us. But, we are not putting the lessons learned from this experience behind us," he said. Article From & Read More ( Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/37wLg68 Business |
26억원짜리 부가티가 업무용?…“세금 탈루 소지” - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 3억원이 넘는 초고가 차량 10대 가운데 7대는 업무용으로 등록된 것으로 집계됐다. 23일 국회 국토교통위원회 소속 진성준 더불어민주당 의원이 국토교통부로부터 제출받은 자료에 따르면 올해 9월 기준 전국에 등록된 3억원 이상 자가용 3702대다. 이 중 67.5%인 2499대는 법인용 차량이다. 법인차 가운데 가장 비싼 차량은 25억9000만원의 부가티 베이론이었다. 23억6000만원짜리 맥라렌 세나, 22억8700만원의 포르쉐 918 스파이더 하이브리드도 있었다. 3억원 이상의 고가차 가운데 법인이 가장 많이 소유한 차는 롤스로이스였다. 4억원이 넘는 이 차량은 421대에 달했다. 약 4억∼16억원에 이르는 페라리 법인차도 261대였다. 람보르기니(4억∼9억원)는 154대였다. 진 의원은 고가 수입차들이 법인차에 주로 사용되는 것은 법 규제가 허술하기 때문이라고 지적했다. 현행법상 업무용 승용차는 업무용으로 사용한 비중만큼 지출로 처리해 해당 비용을 과세 대상에서 제외할 수 있다. 진 의원은 "법인차량으로 등록된 고가의 슈퍼카를 사적으로 사용하면서 법인의 비용처리로 법인세가 감면된다면 이는 세금 탈루로 볼 소지가 있다"며 "법인차량 번호판의 색상이나 내용을 달리하는 등 구체적인 감시방안이 필요하다"고 밝혔다. 문병주 기자 moon.byungjoo@joongang.co.kr 기사 및 더 읽기 ( 26억원짜리 부가티가 업무용?…"세금 탈루 소지" - 중앙일보 - 중앙일보 ) https://ift.tt/31yYfQU 비즈니스 |
Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 잇따른 사망자 발생에 '공식 사과' CJ대한통운이 최근 잇따라 발생한 택배기사 사망과 관련해 공식적으로 사과하고 택배 현장에 분류 지원인력 4000명을 투입하는 것을 골자로 하는 재발 방지 대책을 내놓았다. 지난 20일 CJ대한통운 협력업체 노동자가 숨져 올해 들어 과로사한 것으로 추정되는 택배 노동자는 총 13명이 됐다. 박근희 CJ대한통운 대표이사 부회장은 22일 서울 중구 태평로빌딩에서 열린 기자회견에서 "최근 택배 업무로 고생하시다 유명을 달리하신 택배기사님들의 명복을 빌며 유가족분들께 진심으로 위로의 말씀을 드린다"면서 "대표이사로서 책임을 통감하며 국민 여러분께 큰 심려를 끼쳐드린 점에 대해서도 머리 숙여 깊이 사과드린다"고 밝혔다. CJ대한통운은 그동안 택배기사들의 과중한 노동의 핵심으로 지적됐던 택배물 분류 업무 인력을 현재 1000여명에서 4000명으로 단계적으로 늘리기로 했다. 또 택배기사들의 산재보험 가입 100% 유도, 건강검진 주기 단축, 시간 선택 근무제도를 통한 근무시간 조정 등의 재발 방지 대책도 발표했다. 박 부회장은 "모든 대책은 대표이사인 제가 책임지고 확실히 실행될 수 있도록 하겠다"며 "택배기사 및 택배 종사자들의 건강과 안전을 경영의 최우선 과제로 삼고 현장 혁신 및 관련 기술 개발을 지속해나가겠다"고 말했다. 이날 택배노동자과로사대책위원회는 CJ대한통운 택배물품을 운송하는 협력업체 기사 A씨(39)가 지난 19일 오후 배차를 마치고 주차장 간이휴게실에서 쉬다가 쓰러져 병원으로 옮겨졌으나 20일 새벽 사망했다고 밝혔다. 대책위는 동료들과 유족의 설명을 토대로 장시간 노동으로 인한 과로사라고 주장했다. https://ift.tt/37vu4hm 비즈니스 |
Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT SINGAPORE - Goldman Sachs Singapore will pay US$122 million (S$165 million) to the Singapore Government for its role in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) bond offerings corruption scandal. The penalty is believed to be the largest-ever imposed here, far exceeding the $13.3 million slapped on BSI Bank, whose Singapore unit was shut down in 2016 for its role in the scandal. The fine is on top of the nearly US$3 billion that parent Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay after its Malaysia unit said it will plead guilty to violating foreign bribery laws, drawing a line under a saga that has dogged the investment banking giant for years. Singapore's Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) has also served Goldman Sachs Singapore with a 36-month conditional warning, in lieu of prosecution, for three counts of corruption offences punishable under Section 5(b)(i) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 241. Meanwhile the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has directed the Singapore unit of Goldman Sachs to appoint an independent external party to conduct a review of its remedial measures, it said in a joint statement with the Attorney-General's Chambers and CAD early on Friday morning (Oct 23). MAS in a separate statement said that it has issued a lifetime ban against Kevin Michael Swampillai, the former head of the wealth management services at BSI Bank's Singapore branch. The lifetime prohibition orders (POs) were issued at the conclusion of an investigation conducted by the MAS and took effect on Oct 22, it said. In its statement, MAS said that from 2012 to 2013, Mr Swampillai and his then-subordinate, Yeo Jiawei, had assisted 1MDB to restructure several of its joint venture interests. In that time, they channelled about US$5 million as a portion of the fund management fees - "secret profits" - to an entity beneficially owned by Mr Swampillai. This was done without BSI Bank's knowledge and authorisation. MAS said Mr Swampillai also deliberately made misrepresentations to 1MDB's auditors in a bid to "improperly influence" them. He misrepresented that the assets held by PetroSaudi Oil Services, one of 1MDB's investments, were liquid in nature and mostly cash, even though he knew that the assets comprised two drill ships. The 1MDB scandal dates to the government of former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, which set up the 1MDB fund in 2009. According to US prosecutors, Goldman paid more than US$1.6 billion in bribes to foreign officials in Malaysia and Abu Dhabi between 2002 and 2014 to win 1MDB business. Singapore's case against Goldman stems from CAD's investigation of Goldman Singapore's former managing directors, Tim Leissner and Roger Ng, over three bond offerings underwritten by Goldman Sachs International for 1MDB subsidiaries. In August 2018, Leissner pleaded guilty in a US District Court to one count for conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and one count for conspiracy to commit money laundering. Following his guilty plea, MAS in December 2018 increased the 10-year PO against him to a lifetime ban. In all, Goldman's penalties will exceed US$5 billion globally, equivalent to about two-thirds of a year's earnings. Goldman will pay a US$2.3 billion fine to the US Justice Department and other regulators, and a further US$600 million in disgorgement of ill-gotten gains to settle the US probe and avoid a criminal conviction. This is in addition to the US$3.9 billion that Goldman has agreed to pay Malaysia in exchange for dropping all criminal charges against the bank. Hong Kong on Thursday also fined Goldman's Asia unit US$350 million. In a Oct 22 memorandum addressed to all the employees of the bank globally, Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO David Solomon said; "As you have all seen, the US Department of Justice, along with regulators in the US, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong, announced settlements with Goldman Sachs that resolve the government and regulatory investigations of the 1MDB matter." "This has been a long process and we are pleased to be putting these matters behind us. But, we are not putting the lessons learned from this experience behind us," he said. Article From & Read More ( Singapore fines Goldman Sachs $165 million over 1MDB corruption scandal - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/37wLg68 Business |
筒香レイズがPS本塁打新記録、計28本塁打 - ニッカンスポーツ Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com <ワールドシリーズ:ドジャース4-6レイズ>◇第2戦◇21日(日本時間22日)◇グローブライフフィールド 初戦を落としたレイズが対戦成績を1勝1敗のタイとした。リードを維持し、キャッシュ監督得意の継投策でドジャースを振り切った。スタメンから外れた筒香嘉智外野手(28)は、出場機会がなかった。 ◆PS記録 レイズは、第2戦のローの2本塁打で今ポストシーズン(PS)計28本塁打となり、02年ジャイアンツと17年アストロズを抜いてPS本塁打新記録。レ軍のアロザレーナは第2戦の1安打で今PS計22安打となり、96年にヤンキースのジーターが樹立したPSの新人最多安打記録に並んだ。 ▼レイズ・ロー(前日までPS通算打率1割7厘と大不振も2本塁打)「ベンチでみんなが喜んでくれて、純粋に楽しかった。この期間に学んだことは、試合で終わったことは流して家族と一緒に過ごして、次の朝に備えるということだね」 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3dQjR05 スポーツ |
中日・大野雄「きょうだけは褒めてください」45イニング連続無失点で球団記録更新&5年ぶり2桁星!与田監督も「ホントにすごい男」(中日スポーツ) - yahoo.co.jp Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com [unable to retrieve full-text content]
からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/3ojLx27 スポーツ |
Hapus Akun IG, Permintaan Anak Nita Thalia Mengharukan Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - Nama pedangdut Nita Thalia belakangan ramai menghiasi media-media infotainment terkait kabar gugatan cerai yang ia layangkan kepada sang suami, Nurdin Rudythia. Tak berselang lama setelah kabar tersebut berhembus kencang, Nita Thalia terlihat ikut menghilang dari media sosial. Akun Instagram pribadi milik Nita Thalia diketahui sudah tidak bisa lagi diakses oleh para netizen karena sudah dihapus oleh pemiliknya. Sebelumnya, Nurdin mengungkapkan rasa syukur setelah mendengar kabar soal Instagram sang istri kedua yang dihapus. Nurdin menilai tindakan Nita menghapus akun Instagram adalah bentuk kesadaran atas kesalahan yang telah diperbuatnya. Namun hal berbeda diungkap oleh pihak Nita. Hilangnya akun Ingstagram Nita dari medsos rupanya karena ia menuruti permintaan anak perempuan satu-satunya. "Dia (Nita Thalia) kan sudah berjanji sama anaknya. Dia tidak akan memberi statement sesuai permintaan anaknya," kata kuasa hukum Nita Thalia, Feriyawansyah, pada Kamis (22/10) dilansir dari Suara,com. Dari penjelasan Feriyawansyah, Nita Thalia mengaku hanya ingin menghormati privasi anak. Putrinya itu meminta Nita untuk tak lagi berkomentar atas apapun. "Anaknya minta, 'Sudahlah Ma ini kan sudah diserahkan ke pengacara Mama, jadi nggak usah komentar di media'. Jadi karena seperti itu, saya sebagai kuasa hukum yang sampaikan," ujar Feriyawansyah. Nita Thalia sendiri sudah menyerahkan kasus perceraian ke kuasa hukumnya. Sementara itu, keluhan terakhirnya di Instagram beberapa waktu lalu menjadi penutup sebelum Nita bungkam. Selama 20 tahun, Nita Thalia diketahui berstatus istri kedua Nurdin Rudythia. Nita dan istri pertama pun selama ini diketahui hidup rukun. Hal itu lah yang membuat kabar gugatan cerai Nita kepada suaminya sempat membuat publik terkejut. Kasus perceraian mereka semakin memanas ketika Nurdin menyinggung soal biaya perawatan Nita Thalia yang disebut melonjak belakangan ini. Tak terima dengan tuduhan itu, Nita Thalia lantas membuka aib rumah tangganya di Instagram. Membantah pernyataan Nurdin, Nita menegaskan segala kebutuhannya dibiayai dengan keringatnya sendiri. Ia juga mengeluhkan soal suami yang membatasinya dalam bersosialisasi sehingga merasa sebagai tahanan. "Makanya, kalau kasus kan sudah sepenuhnya ke saya. Kondisi Nita baik-baik saja, cuma kan ada anaknya yang harus dijaga," pungkas Feriyawansyah.(wowkerem.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/35nrCXv via IFTTT |
Klarifikasi Mieke Amalia Usai Dihina Gara-Gara Ngaku Jadi WIL Tora Sudiro Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - Mieke Amalia belum lama ini bicara blak-blakan soal hubungannya dengan Tora Sudiro di masa lalu. Ia pun membenarkan isu menjadi WIL Tora. Tidak hanya diam-diam menjalin hubungan terlarang, Mieke dan Tora bahkan tinggal bersama. Pengakuan Mieke tak ayal menjadi pro kontra netizen. Selain memberikan dukungan, tidak sedikit netizen yang mengecam sikap Mieke dan Tora. Sadar pengakuannya menjadi kontroversi, Mieke akhirnya memberikan klarifikasi. Lewat akun Instagram miliknya pada Kamis (22/10) malam, Mieke mengakui dirinya salah. "Ngga ada yg bilang apa yg kita lakukan dulu itu bener, iya emang kita salah. Ngga ada yg bilang kita bangga sama apa yg kita lakukan dulu, engga kok kita ngga bangga," tulis Mieke seara mengunggah foto bersama Tora. "Dulu kita menemukan cinta disaat yg ngga tepat. Tapi cuman cinta yg kita yakini bisa membuat kita bisa seperti sekarang." "Ngga mudah, tapi kita berdua yakin Allah melihat hati, bukan melihat dari kesalahan masa lalu. Belajar dari masa lalu buat bisa menjadi manusia yg lebih baik, tanpa harus sembunyi," lanjut Mieke. "Kita berdua bukan manusia sempurna, kita berdua bukan manusia yg ngga pernah salah. Tapi saat ini dan nanti tujuan hidup kita InsyaAllah kita bisa memberikan yg terbaik buat keluarga terutama buat anak2." Di akhir tulisannya, Mieke pun berharap agar Tuhan membukakan pintu maaf. Tak lupa ia berharap agar hubungannya dengan Tora bisa langgeng hingga akhir hayat. "Semoga Allah membukakan pintu maaf buat kita semua, semoga aku sama bab dikasih sehat, dikasih umur panjang supaya bisa selalu ngedampingin anak2 sampe nanti mereka siap," tambah Mieke. "InsyaAllah dengan cinta aku sama bab terus bisa melangkah bersama sampe rambut memutih dan sampai usia memisahkan.. Amiiinnnn YRA." Unggahan Mieke langsung dikomentari para sahabat. Tidak sedikit rekan artis yang turut memberikan dukungan untuknya. Namun pembelaan diri Mieke kembali menuai tanggapan sinis dari netizen. "Cinta disaat yg tidak tepat??? Bilang aj g bs jaga pandangan n kemaluan sesama lawan jenis bukan muhrim," sindir akun @miss***a87. "Bacot mbak, kamu merusak Istana orang demi membangun bahagia mu. Belom kena karma nya aja elu bedua, ati2 jatoh nya karma malah ke anak2 loe. Dan anyway udah Minta maaf Sama bini si tora belom?" sahut akun @dian***lam. "You play drama, you get karma…Allah never sleep," timpal akun @naeli***maly. "Paling geleuh kalo udh mengatasnamakan 'cinta yang datang d saat yg nggk tepat' egois, cuma mementingkan perasaan sndiri,,nggk mikirin gimana perasaan pasangan yg udh resmi dluan dan punya anak dan berjuang bareng dr nol,,dr yg nggk punya apa2 wkt awal nikah..coba kalo posisinya d balikin," tambah akun @lind***hsy. Sebelum menikahi Mieke, Tora sempat membina rumah tangga dengan wanita bernama Anggi Kadiman. Mieke pun telah menikah. Namun benih-benih cinta Tora dan Mieke bermula saat sama-sama membintangi acara sktesa komedi "Extravaganza". Mieke dan Tora kabarnya sempat digerebek oleh keluarga Anggi di sebuah kamar hotel. Hingga akhirnya Tora memilih bercerai dan menikahi Mieke.(wowkeren.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2ThUhaX via IFTTT |
「オシリス・レックス」が小惑星ベンヌに着地した際の動画を公開…NASA : 新着動画 : 動画 - 読売新聞 Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT taritkar.blogspot.com ニッポン探景 詳細をみる 近年、新たに脚光を浴びる列島の風景や空間を探索し、四季折々の魅力的な写真とともに土地が秘める物語を掘り起こします。 すぐやる健康体操 詳細をみる 新型コロナウイルスの影響で休校や在宅勤務となり、自宅で過ごす人が増えている。運動不足解消のため、自宅で簡単にできるトレーニングについて、NHK 「みんなの筋肉体操」で知られる近大・谷本准教授に紹介してもらう。 特派員チャンネル 詳細をみる 世界27か所を拠点に取材を続ける特派員による動画連載です。その土地のとっておきの景色や、はやりのスポット、名物料理などを動画に収め、随時紹介します。 時代の証言者 詳細をみる 「時代」とは、その時々を生きた人々の無数の足跡にほかならない。各界に刻まれた足跡を再現するインタビューシリーズです。 日本書紀を訪ねて/史書を訪ねて 詳細をみる 古代から近代までのさまざまな「史書」の舞台を訪ね、歴史を掘り下げます。2020年は、完成1300年を迎えた「日本書紀」ゆかりの地を重点的に取り上げます。 バーチャル紀行 詳細をみる リアルな3D画像による地球儀システム「グーグル・アース」を駆使した新感覚の動画企画。各国の世界遺産を、まるで空撮したかのようなダイナミックな映像で紹介します。 動画クイズ 詳細をみる 家族で楽しめる脳トレ動画クイズです。挑戦してみてください。 街で使える英会話 詳細をみる 外国人との会話に役立つ簡単な英会話を紹介します。 フレイル特集 詳細をみる 来年度から75歳以上の後期高齢者を対象に、全国の自治体で「フレイル健診」が導入されます。簡単なチェック方法や予防・改善に効果的な運動、食習慣をまとめました。 教育 詳細をみる 医療ルネサンス 詳細をみる ライフ 詳細をみる デジライフ 詳細をみる 北陸大紀行 詳細をみる スポーツの力 詳細をみる 来年の東京五輪・パラリンピックを前に、「スポーツの力」を考えます。授業中、椅子にじっと座っているより、体を動かしながら勉強した方が成果が上がる? こんな研究が進んでいます。国内外でスポーツが果たしている様々な役割を取材し、1年を通してその本質に迫ります。 時を照らす 詳細をみる 各地に点在するモニュメントを記者が訪ね、つくられた経緯や時代背景をたどりながら、現代に通じるものを照らし出します。 仰天ゴハン 詳細をみる こんな食材や調理法があったのか!とビックリするような料理を、日本各地の風土や作り手の笑顔とともに紹介します。 名言巡礼(アーカイブ) 詳細をみる 古今の名作に登場する珠玉の言葉、そこにまつわる土地の風土を多彩に描きつつ、舞台となった風景を紹介します。 空から 東海百城 詳細をみる 静岡など東海4県にある100の城を独自に選び、小型無人機(ドローン)で撮影した主な城の見どころなどを紹介します きょうのひと皿 詳細をみる 毎日の献立に使える便利なレシピです。下ごしらえから盛りつけまで、わかりやすく紹介します。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/2HsV0Dj 科学&テクノロジー |
Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT SINGAPORE - Kloud Karaoke Lounge has not been able to reopen for about half a year since the two-month circuit breaker that started in April due to government concerns that nightlife settings such as clubs and karaoke joints are high-risk areas for Covid-19 to spread. And it might just remain that way permanently next month if things do not improve as the pandemic drags on and rental costs for the four-year-old karaoke lounge in Tanjong Katong snowball. "Every day there is a delay, we have to bear with the rental," said Mr Ronald Ng, Kloud Karaoke Lounge's director. "Our landlords chase us for rental... and it's not a small sum... I don't know whether we can hold on until next month." Things are getting dire for some nightlife operators, with no certainty on when they can reopen since government updates on Tuesday (Oct 20) suggest their businesses cannot resume even at the start of phase three of Singapore's reopening, which could happen by the end of the year. And pivoting to other lines of business to remain afloat has been very challenging for many for various reasons. In an August report, a poll by the Singapore Nightlife Business Association and the Singapore Entertainment Affiliation, which represents karaoke operators, showed that less than 10 per cent of respondents said they would survive to the end of October. While larger businesses are able to bear the financial costs of retooling, smaller ones such as entertainment company Phat Cat Collective are feeling the pinch. Co-founder Francesca Way and her colleagues have been working to turn two bars into food and beverage outlets. Phat Cat Collective runs nineteen80 and Pinball Wizard, two retro-themed arcade bars in Tanjong Pagar and Rochor respectively. Ms Way cited concerns in bearing the financial costs of pivoting, as well as difficulties in getting the proper licences. "Building something like a kitchen set up costs over five figures," she added. While the company began the transformation in August and applied for a change of licence in September, the complex nature of licensing and the fact that the process is managed by multiple agencies means things can be slow going. For some larger businesses with more flexible multi-purpose spaces such as nightclub Zouk, switching to other lines of trade has been met with more success. Still, Mr Andrew Li, the chief executive of Zouk Group, said that the process of getting the various licences from the authorities was challenging. He cited the many agencies involved for converting Zouk's dance floor into a cinema at night, such as the Singapore Food Agency, Infocomm Media Development Authority, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore Tourism Board, Urban Redevelopment Authority and Ministry of Health. "Thankfully, the Government has been very supportive of our various pivots and we have done our best to alleviate any of their concerns as well as ensure we have adequate social distancing measures in place for each new concept," he added. Zouk becomes a spin studio during the day. Several karaoke operators, who are surviving on their dwindling reserves, also cite difficulties in getting approvals to convert their business licences and space constraints in changing up their trade. Mr Ng, who is also chairman of the Singapore Entertainment Affiliation, which has over 100 members, said that pivoting was harder for karaoke joints as compared to pubs and bars in the nightlife industry due to their lack of food and beverage experience. He said turning his karaoke lounge into an office for rent is not a long-term or viable solution because other places that can serve similar functions, like libraries, have opened up. "Many people also work from home because of the pandemic so they wouldn't need these offices," he said. Director of Teo Heng KTV Studio Jean Teo added that changing how the chain's premises can be used is not a straightforward process. If the use of the premises is changed and Teo Heng wants to later apply to reverse this to return to the karaoke business, there is a risk the application will be rejected. Madam Teo said: "We don't sell food or alcohol, we only have facilities to sing so it's hard to convert into a restaurant because we are not specialised in it. We will have to knock down a few rooms to make a kitchen. Further investment (into this) will affect sustainability." The popular karaoke chain has shuttered two of its 14 outlets since March 27, including its first outlet at Katong Shopping Centre. With a soft spot for its employees, the company has paid them full salaries with Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for the past six months. However, high losses led to employer and employees jointly deciding to take a 50 per cent pay cut as of October to help tide the company over this difficult period. There are plans to repay this later. Mr Ng said he had discussed with the Government how his business and others in the karaoke industry could reopen safely and help limit the spread of the coronavirus. But he has been waiting for a response since a proposal was submitted in September. The Government is also expected to announce a set of measures to support nightlife businesses this week, which have yet to be made as at Wednesday. "The two options given by the Government is that if you don't pivot, you exit. But pivoting is not for the whole industry," he said. Additional reporting by Wong Shiying Article From & Read More ( Some nightlife businesses in Singapore struggle, with no end in sight amid Covid-19 - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/3dTBbBp Business |
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