IFKNews |
- Telak! BIN Respons SBY Soal Aktor Dibalik Demo Omnibus Law
- iPhone 12と同等性能でSE並みの小型筐体の「iPhone 12 mini」 - PC Watch
- Stir-crazy 'passengers' gobble up tickets to dine on parked Singapore jets - Yahoo Singapore News
- Carmaking returns to Singapore with Hyundai's new smart plant in Jurong - The Straits Times
- Singapore's third-quarter GDP shrinks at slower pace of 7% after economy gradually reopens following circuit breaker - CNA
- 瀬戸大也の年内活動停止処分に松田丈志氏「自覚が足りなかった」 - livedoor
- Dubes RI Sebut Di Portal Imigrasi, HRS Belum Bisa Keluar Arab Saudi. Ini Sebabnya
- Singapore's third-quarter GDP shrinks at slower pace of 7% after economy gradually reopens following circuit breaker - CNA
- '월 소득 700만원' 신혼부부도 특별공급 신청 가능해진다[종합] - 한국경제
- エネ基本計画、改定議論に着手/総合エネ調分科会、2050年の需給構造整理へ - 電気新聞
- 阪神・矢野監督、5人以上の会食に「自分自身の自覚の甘さと認識の甘さがあった」(サンケイスポーツ) - スポーツナビ
- 南投茶博會 品味咖啡杯比紀念茶杯更搶手 - 自由時報電子報
- レイドロー告白「安物」キックティー20年以上使用(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 「見たことのない景色が見られる日が来る」やべきょうすけが横浜流星に送った激励の言葉(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 【インタビュー】水谷豊&反町隆史、「相棒」20周年「ファンのおかげ」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 台風19号の浸水は「人災だ」 被災者ら川崎市を提訴へ 中原の集会で呼び掛け、原告団に30人超 - 東京新聞
Telak! BIN Respons SBY Soal Aktor Dibalik Demo Omnibus Law Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - BIN menanggapi permintaan Presiden keenam RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) yang meminta mereka, Menko Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto serta Menko Marves Luhut Pandjaitan mengungkap siapa aktor di balik demo ricuh Omnibus Law. Deputi VII BIN Wawan Purwanto menyebut, pihaknya tak bisa sembarang bicara tanpa bukti yang kuat. "Ini masalah hukum, jangan bicara kalau tidak ada bukti, nanti menjadi asumsi terus menggiring opini. Hukum tak boleh menjadi teka teki," ujar Wawan kepada kumparan, Rabu (14/10). baca juga: Terungkap!! Mobil yang Mencoba Kabur Membawa Batu Ternyata Fake Ambulance Wawan menjelaskan, saat ini Polisi sudah mulai menangkap sejumlah tokoh. Penangkapan ini, lanjut dia, pasti memiliki bukti permulaan yang cukup. Setelah berbagai penangkapan ini maka bakal dikembangkan untuk menangkap siapa aktor di balik demo ricuh UU Cipta Kerja tersebut. "Tinggal pengembangan selanjutnya terus disidik, dari berbagai percakapan, provokasi dan aksi serta donasi semua terbuka. Termasuk penyedia batu, bom molotov, termasuk senjata tajam," jelas Wawan. "Kita ini sudah memodernisasi peralatan, menggunakan scientific investigation, jadi tidak asal-asalan. Kita ikuti perkembangan secara seksama, jangan ikuti hoaks, cek dulu sebelum melangkah," lanjut dia. BIN mengatakan, pasti pada akhirnya aktor di balik ricuh demo Omnibus Law diamankan. Wawan pun memastikan proses persidangan akan digelar transparan. Ia pun mempersilakan para terdakwa mempersiapkan alibi dan penasihat hukum agar persidangan berjalan fair. "Perlahan tapi pasti aktor itu diamankan, jadi mulai terang benderang, dan tentunya kita tetap junjung tinggi azas praduga tak bersalah," kata Wawan. "Penangkapan selanjutnya menunggu waktu, jadi publik tidak perlu berspekulasi lagi terhadap apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi," lanjut dia. Lebih lanjut, Wawan mengatakan, demo tak dilarang dan dilindungi konstitusi. Namun, tindakan anarkistis tidak diizinkan dan jika dilakukan pasti memiliki sanksi hukum. BIN mengajak seluruh masyarakat untuk memetik hikmah dari aksi demo UU Cipta Kerja tersebut. Pelajaran yang dimaksud yaitu mengedepankan jalur hukum melalui gugatan di judicial review jika ada penolakan terhadap suatu produk Undang-undang. "Bukan dengan cara brutal dan melanggar hukum yang berujung sanksi pidana," tutup Wawan.(kumparan.com/artikelasli) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2IsAAuW via IFTTT |
iPhone 12と同等性能でSE並みの小型筐体の「iPhone 12 mini」 - PC Watch Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:34 PM PDT taritkar.blogspot.com Appleは13日(現地時間)、5G対応の5.4型スマートフォン「iPhone 12 mini」を発表した。11月6日から予約受付を開始し、13日に発売する。64GB、128GB、256GBの容量を用意し、税別直販価格は順に74,800円、79,800円、90,800円。本体色は、ホワイト、ブラック、ブルー、グリーン、(PRODUCT)REDの5色 同時に発表された「iPhone 12」の小型版という位置づけで、iPhone 12の6.1型という大きさに対してひとまわり小さな5.4型で、iPhone SEの4.7型に近いサイズとなっている。ディスプレイはOLEDで解像度は2,340×1,080ドット(476ppi)と、iPhone 12の2,532×1,170ドット(460ppi)よりも若干低いが、HDRのサポートなどは変わらない。 SoCについてもiPhone 12と同じA14 Bionicが使われており、2眼カメラの仕様も1,200万画素の超広角と広角で同様。新たなワイヤレス充電機能のMagSafeもサポートしており、純粋な小型版といった作りになっている。各種機能などについては別記事の『Apple、ライバルよりも50%高性能な5Gスマホ「iPhone 12」』を参照されたい。 インターフェイスはLightningで、通信機能は5G(Sub-6)、Wi-Fi 6、Bluetooth 5.0。SIMはデュアル構成でNano SIMとeSIMを利用可能。NFCやFelicaにも対応する。 本体サイズは64.2×131.5×7.4mm(幅×奥行き×高さ)、重量は133g。バッテリ駆動時間はビデオ再生時最大15時間(ストリーミングは最大10時間)、オーディオ再生時最大50時間。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/34VUJ3T 科学&テクノロジー |
Stir-crazy 'passengers' gobble up tickets to dine on parked Singapore jets - Yahoo Singapore News Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:34 PM PDT Tarmac meals have become an unlikely hit for coronavirus-battered Singapore Airlines, with hundreds of "passengers" paying the equivalent of a budget ticket just to dine inside grounded A380 jumbos. For a hefty sum of up to Sg$642 ($470), people with a hankering for airline food can have a meal on an A380, the world's biggest passenger jet. With the aviation industry in deep crisis due to the pandemic, airlines have turned to alternative ways to raise cash, from offering "flights to nowhere" to tours of aircraft. Singapore Airlines, which has cut thousands of jobs and grounded nearly all its planes this year, decided to try another route: offer travel-starved customers the opportunity to dine on one of two A380s turned into pop-up restaurants. The chance to eat plane food proved surprisingly popular -- all 900 seats for lunch on October 24 and 25 sold out within half an hour of bookings opening on Monday, the Straits Times newspaper reported. Citing "overwhelming demand", the carrier announced the restaurants would be opened for an additional two days. Lunch and dinner are now being offered on all four dates. The most expensive option is a four-course meal in a first-class suite, while the cheapest costs Sg$53 and consists of a three-course meal in economy class. About half the seats will be left empty on the double-decker jets, parked at Changi Airport, in keeping with social distancing guidelines. And for those seeking to bring the in-flight experience into their living rooms, Singapore Airlines is also offering home deliveries of plane meals. But the airline has ditched plans for "flights to nowhere" -- short journeys starting and ending at the same airport -- following an outcry over the potential environmental impact. cla/sr/oho/qan https://ift.tt/313GQzv Business |
Carmaking returns to Singapore with Hyundai's new smart plant in Jurong - The Straits Times Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:34 PM PDT Electric cars will be built at a highly automated factory in Singapore, marking the return of automobile manufacturing here and incorporating first-of-its-kind features. At a virtual groundbreaking ceremony of the Hyundai Motor Group Innovation Centre in Jurong yesterday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong noted that the investment by the South Korean carmaker was a nod to Singapore's strengths. "I am happy that Hyundai has chosen Singapore to locate your newest facility. It is an investment of almost $400 million, and may produce up to 30,000 vehicles per year by 2025, five years from now," said PM Lee. The centre, to be completed by end-2022, will serve as an open innovation lab for research and development into mobility concepts, which observers reckon will include autonomous vehicles and new forms of ride-sharing. Sitting on a 44,000 sq m plot - larger than five football fields - in the Jurong Innovation District, and with a built-up area of some 90,000 sq m, the facility will be futuristic. It will have a landing pad for passenger drones - which Hyundai is also developing - and employ renewable energy sources such as solar and hydrogen. When ready, the facility will have a small-scale electric car assembly line which is expected to produce up to 30,000 vehicles a year. Customers will be able to purchase and customise their vehicles on their phones. Once an order is confirmed, production will begin. Customers can then watch their cars being assembled at the centre. The facility will be a "vivid demonstration" that Singapore has what it takes to dream big and reinvent itself, said PM Lee. "We did not think that Singapore would one day be manufacturing cars again. But Singapore is where we have made the impossible, possible." He said Singapore had a car assembly industry from as early as the 1940s, but abandoned it in 1980 when commercial competitiveness began to favour high-volume plants. But 40 years on, with the revival of electric vehicles, the game has changed again with growing interest in cleaner, smarter vehicles and cities facing pressure to move people around in an environmentally sustainable manner. Automotive activities are becoming viable in Singapore again, he said. "Electric vehicles have a different supply chain, fewer mechanical parts and more electronics, which plays to Singapore's strengths." That is why global companies producing automotive electronics like Delphi and Infineon have been in Singapore for some time, he added. This will hopefully open up new growth areas for the economy, he said, and create exciting jobs such as Industrial Internet of Things engineers, data scientists and digital supply chain strategists. Joined virtually by South Korean Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Sung Yun-mo and Hyundai Motor Group executive vice-chairman Chung Eui-sun at the event, Mr Lee added that the facility could pave the way for more South Korean companies to invest here, partner with local businesses and collaborate with universities and research institutions. Hyundai said the facility will employ various advanced manufacturing and logistical systems, including artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics. Hyundai will also trial battery-as-a-service, where consumers buy an electric car without its battery - which can account for half its cost - and then lease the cells from Hyundai. This could reduce the cost of an electric vehicle dramatically. The company would not reveal the number of people the facility will employ, saying it "will be determined later... as the project evolves". Earlier, a spokesman said it would create "hundreds of jobs". Hyundai's move comes after a bid by British home appliance maker Dyson to make electric cars in Singapore. Dyson, however, pulled the plug on the venture. Article From & Read More ( Carmaking returns to Singapore with Hyundai's new smart plant in Jurong - The Straits Times )https://ift.tt/2GZriWC Business |
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:34 PM PDT SINGAPORE: The Singapore economy shrank at a slower place of 7 per cent in the third quarter from the same period last year, following the phased reopening of the economy after the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" period. This compares with an estimated 7.6 per cent contraction by private-sector economists surveyed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) last month. This is also an improvement from the 13.3 per cent contraction in the second quarter, advance estimates from the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) showed on Wednesday (Oct 14). On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted basis, the Singapore economy expanded by 7.9 per cent in the third quarter, rebounding from the 13.2 per cent contraction in the preceding quarter. READ: Enterprise Singapore to enhance grants, loan schemes to support businesses' COVID-19 recoveryMANUFACTURING EXPANDS, CONSTRUCTION SLUMP EASES The manufacturing sector grew by 2 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, reversing from the 0.8 per cent contraction in the previous quarter. MTI said growth was supported by output expansions in the electronics and precision engineering clusters, which were in turn driven by "robust global demand" for semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the manufacturing sector expanded by 3.9 per cent, a turnaround from the 9.1 per cent contraction in the second quarter. The construction sector shrank at a slower pace of 44.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, after a 59.9 per cent decline in the previous quarter. Meanwhile, construction output in the third quarter remained weak on account of the slow resumption of construction activities due to the need for construction firms to implement COVID-19 safe management measures. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the construction sector grew by 38.7 per cent, rebounding from the sharp contraction of 59.4 per cent in the second quarter when most construction activities had to come to a stop due to the COVID-19 circuit breaker period and movement restrictions in the foreign worker dormitories. The Big Read: Some firms know normalcy is not returning - the sooner everyone else realises it the betterCOVID-19 RESTRICTIONS CONTINUE TO AFFECT SERVICES INDUSTRIES Within services, aviation- and tourism-related sectors such as air transport and accommodation continued to see significant contractions, as global travel restrictions and sluggish travel demand brought air travel and visitor arrivals to a near complete standstill. The services producing industries contracted by 8 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, extending the 13.6 per cent decline in the previous quarter. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the services producing industries expanded by 6.8 per cent, a reversal from the 11.2 per cent decline seen in the second quarter. Other trade-related services sectors, such as wholesale trade, were also weighed down by weak external demand, said MTI. Although consumer-facing sectors such as retail and food services saw an improvement in performance as the economy exited the circuit breaker, they remained in contraction, with sales volumes coming in below year-ago levels due to weak consumer confidence and capacity constraints resulting from safe distancing measures. The finance and insurance as well as information and communications sectors recorded steady growth during the quarter. READ: Singapore in 'stable position' in COVID-19 fight but must remain vigilant, says DPM HengPHASED ECONOMIC REOPENING MTI said the improved performance of the Singapore economy in the third quarter came on the back of the phased re-opening of the economy following the "circuit breaker" that was implemented between Apr 7 and Jun 1. The ministry used non-annualised quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted growth rates rather than annualised quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted growth rates to report its third-quarter estimates, and said it will continue to do so going forward. It switched to non-annualised rates because annualised "is prone to misinterpretation if it is cited without context", said MTI in an explanatory note on its website. "In particular, the public may end up misconstruing the performance of the economy when there are large changes in real GDP from the previous quarter which are unlikely to continue over the next three quarters," it said, adding that the -43.3 per cent annualised quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted growth rate in the second quarter had "exaggerated" the contraction in the economy. Singapore entered a technical recession in the second quarter of this year after logging two consecutive quarter-on-quarter contractions. Official forecasts estimate that the economy may shrink between 5 per cent and 7 per cent for the whole of 2020. Singapore's overall unemployment rate rose to 3.4 per cent in August, climbing past the high of 3.3 per cent recorded in September 2009 during the global financial crisis. Singapore's central bank on Wednesday stood pat on its monetary policy, saying "an accommodative stance will remain appropriate for some time". The MAS also said that while third-quarter GDP has picked up after a sharp contraction in the previous quarter, GDP growth momentum is "likely to be modest" against a sluggish external backdrop, persistent weakness in some domestic services and limited recovery in the travel-related sector. "Nevertheless, barring a renewed worsening of the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Singapore economy is expected to expand in 2021, following the recession this year," it said. The advance GDP estimates are computed largely from data in the first two months of the quarter, in this case July and August. This is the first full quarter after Singapore exited the COVID-19 circuit breaker period. After Phase 1 of reopening which lasted 18 days, the country has been in Phase 2 since Jun 19, with retail shops allowed to reopen and restaurants resuming dine-ins while observing safe distancing. The COVID-19 multi-ministry task force is working on a roadmap towards Phase 3 of reopening of economic activities and will give more details in the coming weeks, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said in Parliament on Oct 5. He also said that Singapore will remain in Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange "for the time being". "Even as we move towards Phase 3, the new normal will be different from what we were used to in the pre-COVID days," said Mr Gan then. "At this moment, particularly we have to be very mindful that while the number of cases in Singapore is low, the cases around us, other parts of the world, is still rising. So therefore, we cannot let our guard down." The Government has set aside close to S$100 billion to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, presenting four Budgets from February to May and an additional round of tapered support in August. All of these measures have "substantially cushioned" the economic damage, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat in Parliament last week. New measures and extensions to several support initiatives were announced by Mr Heng on Oct 5, and these will be discussed when Parliament sits on Wednesday. MTI said it will release the preliminary GDP estimates for the third quarter, including performance by sectors, sources of growth, inflation, employment and productivity, in its Economic Survey of Singapore in November. Article From & Read More ( Singapore's third-quarter GDP shrinks at slower pace of 7% after economy gradually reopens following circuit breaker - CNA )https://ift.tt/371Ee98 Business |
瀬戸大也の年内活動停止処分に松田丈志氏「自覚が足りなかった」 - livedoor Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 競泳・五輪メダリストの松田丈志氏(36)が14日、水曜コメンテーターを務める日本テレビ「スッキリ」(月〜金曜前8・00)に出演。女性問題により日本水連から年内の活動停止処分を受けた競泳男子の瀬戸大也(26)についてコメントした。 松田氏は「日本水泳界の顔でしたし、東京五輪に向けて日本代表の顔という存在だった。問題自体はプライベートなことですけれども、代表として日本スポーツ界の顔としての自覚が足りなかったということはあると思う」と苦言。「ご家族を傷つけてしまった、彼が東京五輪に向けて金メダルを獲りたいという目標に賛同して応援してくださっていたスポンサーの方を裏切ってしまったのは間違いないと思う」と続けた。 今回の処分は年内の活動停止。本水連主催の公式大会や強化合宿、海外遠征への参加ができない。12月の日本選手権だけでなく、日本水連主催ではないが海外遠征となる10月下旬からの賞金大会「国際リーグ」(ブダペスト)も対象となる。一方で、200メートルと400メートルの個人メドレーでの東京五輪の内定は維持された。 「期間としては約2カ月半なので、この期間猛省してもらって。ただ、トレーニングはできるので、年明けからの大会参加、遠征参加に向けて、今しっかり力を付けて、また来年の東京五輪で輝く姿を見せてほしい」とエールを送った。 「瀬戸選手は大会に出る事自体が大好きで、どんどん大会に出て調子を上げていくってタイプなので、本人は大会に出たかったという思いがあると思う」と気遣いも。「選手としての調整はコロナもあって、3、4カ月、大会に出られないという状況が各競技で乗り越えてきている。瀬戸選手ほどのレベルであれば、年明け以降の大会出場で調子を上げていくことはできると思う。何より(東京五輪の)代表権は残っているわけですから。8月の本番に向けてしっかり調整していけば、瀬戸選手なら結果は出せると思う」と太鼓判を押した。 「子供の頃にトップ選手を見て、ああいう選手なりたいと憧れを持つ。あらためて子供たちの目標となる、憧れられる選手になってほしい」と呼びかけた。 からの記事と詳細 https://ift.tt/33XTuSO スポーツ |
Dubes RI Sebut Di Portal Imigrasi, HRS Belum Bisa Keluar Arab Saudi. Ini Sebabnya Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:43 PM PDT Beritaterheboh.com - Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Arab Saudi, Agus Maftuh Abegebriel, ikut menanggapi kabar cekal Habib Rizieq yang disebut telah dicabut dan sudah terbebas dari denda-denda. Agus mengungkapkan status Habib Rizieq dalam sistem portal imigrasi Kerajaan Arab Saudi masih 'blinking merah' atau belum bisa keluar dari negara tersebut. "Berdasarkan komunikasi kami dengan Pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi, bahwa sampai detik ini Nama Mohammad Rizieq Syihab (MRS) dalam sistem portal imigrasi Kerajaan Arab Saudi masih 'blinking merah'," kata Agus kepada detikcom, Rabu (14/10/2020). "Blinking merah = belum bisa ke luar Saudi," imbuhnya. Agus mengungkapkan, dalam sistem portal imigrasi itu, tertulis alasan Habib Rizieq masih berstatus 'blinking merah'. Di antaranya, visa habis dan melanggar undang-undang. "Dengan tulisan 'ta'syirat mutanahiyah' (visa habis) dan dalam kolom lain tertulis: mukhalif (pelanggar UU). Bentuk pelanggaran: mutakhallif ziyarah (overstay dengan visa kunjungan). Ada juga kolom 'ma'lumat al-mukhalif' (data tentang pelanggar). Di kolom foto MRS ditulis 'Surah al-Mukhalif' foto pelanggar," tuturnya. Agus menjelaskan Arab Saudi tidak pernah mendiskriminasi warga negara asing (WNA) dalam hal denda dan hukuman bagi pelanggar keimigrasian. Sebab, kata dia, sudah ada sistem baku yang mengatur hal tersebut. "Mulai punishment denda dan deportasi (tarhil) serta di-backlist tidak bisa masuk Arab Saudi. Pengalaman 5 tahun bertugas sebagai pelayan WNI di Arab Saudi, kebiasaan penyelesaian WNI yang overstay dan pelanggaran keimigrasian harus melalui proses pengambilan 'biometrik' di kantor-kantor tarhil (deportasi) Arab Saudi. Setelah itu baru diterbitkan 'Exit Permit' izin keluar dengan status DEPORTAN. Gate kepulangan untuk deportan ini juga tidak melalui gate konvensional," papar Agus. Untuk diketahui, Habib Rizieq dicekal oleh Pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi. Habib Rizieq dicekal lantaran melanggar aturan keimigrasian. Karena itu, Agus menjelaskan yang bisa menjawab perihal cekal Habib Rizieq hanyalah Pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi. "Karena KSA-lah yang paling tahu pelanggaran apa saja yang dilakukan oleh MRS. Pemerintah Indonesia tidak pernah menghalang-halangi kepulangan MRS," tegasnya. Sebelumnya, ada kabar soal Habib Rizieq Syihab yang diungkap Ketum FPI dari mobil komando demo tolak omnibus law UU Cipta Kerja. Ketum FPI KH Ahmad Shabri Lubis menyatakan Habib Rizieq akan segera pulang ke Tanah Air. "Imam besar Habib Rizieq Syihab akan segera pulang ke Indonesia untuk memimpin revolusi," kata Shabri dari atas mobil komando, Selasa (13/10). Shabri menyebut cekal dan denda terkait Habib Rizieq di Saudi sudah dihapus. Tanpa merinci soal cekal dan denda yang dimaksud, dia menyampaikan terima kasih kepada pemerintah Arab Saudi. "Dewan Pimpinan Pusat FPI dan umat Indonesia menyampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya terhadap pemerintah Saudi dan semua pihak yang membantu Habib Rizieq Syihab, termasuk semua umat Islam yang mendoakan beliau agar selalu dilindungi dan segera pulang ke Indonesia," ujarnya. (detik.com/artikelasli) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2IwpCol via IFTTT |
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT SINGAPORE: The Singapore economy shrank at a slower place of 7 per cent in the third quarter from the same period last year, following the phased reopening of the economy after the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" period. This compares with an estimated 7.6 per cent contraction by private-sector economists surveyed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) last month. This is also an improvement from the 13.3 per cent contraction in the second quarter, advance estimates from the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) showed on Wednesday (Oct 14). On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted basis, the Singapore economy expanded by 7.9 per cent in the third quarter, rebounding from the 13.2 per cent contraction in the preceding quarter. READ: Enterprise Singapore to enhance grants, loan schemes to support businesses' COVID-19 recoveryThe manufacturing sector grew by 2 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, a reversal from the 0.8 per cent contraction in the previous quarter. MTI said growth was supported by output expansions in the electronics and precision engineering clusters, which were in turn driven by "robust global demand" for semiconductors and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the manufacturing sector expanded by 3.9 per cent, a turnaround from the 9.1 per cent contraction in the second quarter. The construction sector shrank at a slower pace of 44.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, after a 59.9 per cent decline in the previous quarter. Meanwhile, construction output in the third quarter remained weak on account of the slow resumption of construction activities due to the need for construction firms to implement COVID-19 safe management measures. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the construction sector grew by 38.7 per cent, rebounding from the sharp contraction of 59.4 per cent in the second quarter when most construction activities had to come to a stop due to the COVID-19 circuit breaker period and movement restrictions in the foreign worker dormitories. The Big Read: Some firms know normalcy is not returning - the sooner everyone else realises it the betterWithin services, aviation- and tourism-related sectors such as air transport and accommodation continued to see significant contractions, as global travel restrictions and sluggish travel demand brought air travel and visitor arrivals to a near complete standstill. The services producing industries contracted by 8 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the third quarter, extending the 13.6 per cent decline in the previous quarter. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally-adjusted basis, the services producing industries expanded by 6.8 per cent, a reversal from the 11.2 per cent decline seen in the second quarter. Other trade-related services sectors, such as wholesale trade, were also weighed down by weak external demand, said MTI. Although consumer-facing sectors such as retail and food services saw an improvement in performance as the economy exited the circuit breaker, they remained in contraction, with sales volumes coming in below year-ago levels due to weak consumer confidence and capacity constraints resulting from safe distancing measures. The finance and insurance as well as information and communications sectors recorded steady growth during the quarter. READ: Singapore in 'stable position' in COVID-19 fight but must remain vigilant, says DPM HengPHASED ECONOMIC REOPENING The country has been in recession this year due to weak external demand and COVID-19 restrictions. The economy is expected to shrink between 5 per cent and 7 per cent for the whole of 2020, according to MTI's forecast in August. The MAS survey in September predicted a 6 per cent full-year fall. Singapore's overall unemployment rate rose to 3.4 per cent in August, climbing past the high of 3.3 per cent recorded in September 2009 during the global financial crisis. MTI said the improved performance of the Singapore economy in the third quarter came on the back of the phased re-opening of the economy following the "circuit breaker" that was implemented between Apr 7 and Jun 1. The advance GDP estimates are computed largely from data in the first two months of the quarter, in this case July and August. This is the first full quarter after Singapore exited the COVID-19 circuit breaker period. After Phase 1 of reopening which lasted 18 days, the country has been in Phase 2 since Jun 19, with retail shops allowed to reopen and restaurants resuming dine-ins while observing safe distancing. The COVID-19 multi-ministry task force is working on a roadmap towards Phase 3 of reopening of economic activities and will give more details in the coming weeks, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said in Parliament on Oct 5. He also said that Singapore will remain in Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange "for the time being". "Even as we move towards Phase 3, the new normal will be different from what we were used to in the pre-COVID days," said Mr Gan then. "At this moment, particularly we have to be very mindful that while the number of cases in Singapore is low, the cases around us, other parts of the world, is still rising. So therefore, we cannot let our guard down." The Government has set aside close to S$100 billion to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, presenting four Budgets from February to May and an additional round of tapered support in August. All of these measures have "substantially cushioned" the economic damage, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat in Parliament last week. New measures and extensions to several support initiatives were announced by Mr Heng on Oct 5, and these will be discussed when Parliament sits on Wednesday. MTI said it will release the preliminary GDP estimates for the third quarter, including performance by sectors, sources of growth, inflation, employment and productivity, in its Economic Survey of Singapore in November. Article From & Read More ( Singapore's third-quarter GDP shrinks at slower pace of 7% after economy gradually reopens following circuit breaker - CNA )https://ift.tt/371Ee98 Business |
'월 소득 700만원' 신혼부부도 특별공급 신청 가능해진다[종합] - 한국경제 Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT tinggalaja.blogspot.com 서울 잠실한강공원 일대에서 바라본 아파트 단지의 모습. /연합뉴스 홍남기 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관은 14일 부동산시장점검회의를 열고 "보다 많은 실수요 계층이 내집 마련 기회를 더 가질 수 있도록 신혼부부·생애최초 특별공급 소득기준 추가 완화를 추진한다"고 밝혔다. 현재는 공공주택의 경우 도시근로자 월평균 소득의 100%(맞벌이 120%) 이하, 민영주택은 특별공급 물량의 75%에 대해서는 100%(맞벌이 120%), 나머지 25%는 120%(맞벌이 130%) 이하라면 신청이 가능한 상태다. 홍 부총리는 이를 확대해 "공공·민영주택 모두 특별공급 물량의 70%는 100%(맞벌이 120%) 기준을 유지하되, 나머지 30%는 소득기준을 20~30%포인트 수준 추가 완화코자 한다"고 밝혔다. 이에 따라 민영주택의 신혼부부 특별공급 물량 중 30%는 도시근로자 월평균 소득의 140%(맞벌이는 160%) 이하일 경우 청약 신청 대상이 된다. 홍 부총리는 "이를 통해 무주택 신혼가구 약 92%가 특별공급 청약자격을 갖게 되며, 기존 신혼부부 자격대상가구 대비 공공분양은 8만1000가구, 민영은 6만3000 가구에 특별공급 기회가 신규 부여되는 효과를 기대한다"고 말했다. 생애최초 특별공급 소득기준도 완화된다. 특별공급 물량 중 70%는 현행 기준(공공 100%, 민영 130%)을 유지하되, 나머지 30%에 대해서는 소득기준을 30%포인트 정도 완화할 계획이다. 구체적으로는 아이 둘이 있는 맞벌이 부부의 경우 월소득이 996만2147원인 경우까지 특별공급 신청이 가능해진다. 지난해 도시근로자 월평균 소득 622만6342원에 160%를 적용해 계산한 결과다. 기존 기준이었다면 809만4244원까지만 신청할 수 있었다. 2인가구는 월평균 소득이 437만9809원인 것을 감안하면 맞벌이 부부 소득 700만7694원까지 특별공급을 신청할 수 있게 된다. 그 전에는 130%인 569만3751원까지만 신청이 가능했다. 하지만 실수요자들 사이에선 "신규 분양 물량이 급감한 상황이라 대책이 나와도 소용이 없다"는 지적도 제기된다. 92%의 무주택 신혼부부에게 청약 기회를 주면서 8%를 굳이 배제할 필요가 없다는 불만도 소득 경계선을 넘나드는 계층을 중심으로 나오고 있다. 50대 이상은 청약을 위해 그동안 기다렸는데 신혼부부와 청년들을 배려하면 역으로 피해를 본다는 주장을 하고 있다. 홍 부총리는 이날 임대차 3법 이후 전세시장 동향에 대해서도 점검했다. 홍 부총리는 "전세시장의 상승세가 계속되고 있다"면서도 "서민들이 주로 이용하는 전세대출 공적보증 분석 결과 기존 임차인의 주거안정 효과는 나타나기 시작했다"고 평가했다. 갱신청구권 행사가 시작된 9월 공적보증 갱신율이 전국 기준 59.3%를 기록해 1~8월 평균 53.9%보다 높다는 것이다. 자금 조달계획서를 통해 본 주택시장 상황에 대해선 "투기수요 근절과 실수요자 보호라는 정책목적이 어느정도 나타나고 있는 것"으로 평가했다. 서울과 투기과열지구의 갭투자 비중이 5~6월 50%에서 9월 20%로 급감했다는 것이다. 또한 실거주 계획이 있는 거래비중인 5~6월 19%에서 9월 29%로 증가했다. 홍 부총리는 부동산시장 교란행위 단속과 관련해 아파트 분양권 불법전매시 전매자와 알선인뿐 아니라 매수인까지도 처벌 대상이라는 점을 분명히 했다. 홍 부총리는 "불법전매 매수인의 경우 적발되어도 손해 없다는 허위정보로 거래를 유도하는 알선인이 있으나, 이는 전혀 사실이 아니다"라며 "불법전매 적발시 사업주체가 공급계약을 취소함에 따라 불법전매 매수인은 매수인 지위를 상실(주택법 제64조 3항)하고, 아울러 알선인 등에 지급한 프리미엄과 현 시점에서의 시세차익 등의 이익을 상실(주택법 제64조 3항)하는 등 강력한 경제적 불이익 조치가 있다"고 설명했다. 강진규 기자 josep@hankyung.com ⓒ 한경닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 https://ift.tt/3dntHXb 비즈니스 |
エネ基本計画、改定議論に着手/総合エネ調分科会、2050年の需給構造整理へ - 電気新聞 Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT 総合資源エネルギー調査会(経産相の諮問機関)基本政策分科会(分科会長=白石隆・熊本県立大学理事長)で議論が始まった。梶山弘志経産相は冒頭、「菅新政権は脱炭素社会実現、安定供給に取り組むことが方針」と述べた上で、「日本のエネルギー政策は重要な岐路に立たされている。貿易立国が経済の礎である以上、グリーンと経済性の両立が必要」と活発な議論を求めた。 >>この記事の続きは『電気新聞』本紙または『電気新聞デジタル』でお読みください "議論" - Google ニュース October 14, 2020 at 04:03AM https://ift.tt/310spw3 エネ基本計画、改定議論に着手/総合エネ調分科会、2050年の需給構造整理へ - 電気新聞 "議論" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2RYl2jG Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
阪神・矢野監督、5人以上の会食に「自分自身の自覚の甘さと認識の甘さがあった」(サンケイスポーツ) - スポーツナビ Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com [unable to retrieve full-text content] 阪神・矢野監督、5人以上の会食に「自分自身の自覚の甘さと認識の甘さがあった」(サンケイスポーツ) スポーツナビ"以上" - Google ニュース October 14, 2020 at 06:51AM https://ift.tt/3iXUD0S 阪神・矢野監督、5人以上の会食に「自分自身の自覚の甘さと認識の甘さがあった」(サンケイスポーツ) - スポーツナビ "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT taritkar.blogspot.com 2020/10/14 08:55 〔記者張協昇/南投報導〕南投世界茶業博覽會今年首度結合第一屆「南投巧克力咖啡節」辦理,除推出限量紀念茶杯,也首度開賣限量品味咖啡杯,由於只要購買每個30元的咖啡杯,即可免費試飲所有參展攤位的精品咖啡,且因數量少,比紀念茶杯更搶手,假日上、下午各販售1500個,平日上下、午則僅200個,供不應求。 第一屆「南投巧克力咖啡節」,規劃產業展售館、咖啡主題館、巧克力主題館、黑色魅力體驗館等4大主題館,邀請在地妮娜巧克力、18度C巧克力工房、國姓鄉農會九二咖啡等巧克力品牌與咖啡小農現場展售,總參展家數超過20家,並推出快閃店,國慶連假各展館從9點開店到6點關門人潮不斷,為茶業博覽會帶來不同的亮點。 請繼續往下閱讀... 巧克力咖啡節活動也推出每個30元的品味咖啡杯,除有收藏紀念價值,只要購買咖啡杯,即可免費試飲所有參展攤位的精品咖啡,但因數量少,比紀念茶杯更搶手,往往一開賣即大排長龍,許多晚一點到會場民眾抱怨買不到咖啡杯。 對此,南投縣政府觀光處長陳志賢表示,「南投巧克力咖啡節」係第一次舉辦,籌辦時間短促,廠商趕製品味咖啡杯,受限杯型且要自負盈虧,所以數量有限,對沒有買到咖啡杯民眾感到抱歉,未來的巧克力咖啡節活動,咖啡杯將做更好的設計,並在品質上提升及增加數量,來滿足大家的需求。 October 14, 2020 at 07:46AM https://ift.tt/2GWWqG5 南投茶博會 品味咖啡杯比紀念茶杯更搶手 - 自由時報電子報 https://ift.tt/2BjcDmh |
レイドロー告白「安物」キックティー20年以上使用(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com [unable to retrieve full-text content] レイドロー告白「安物」キックティー20年以上使用(日刊スポーツ) Yahoo!ニュース"以上" - Google ニュース October 13, 2020 at 08:19PM https://ift.tt/2SOsP4i レイドロー告白「安物」キックティー20年以上使用(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース "以上" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2Oh2Twi Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
「見たことのない景色が見られる日が来る」やべきょうすけが横浜流星に送った激励の言葉(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com [unable to retrieve full-text content] 「見たことのない景色が見られる日が来る」やべきょうすけが横浜流星に送った激励の言葉(オリコン) Yahoo!ニュース"一緒に来る" - Google ニュース October 13, 2020 at 05:00AM https://ift.tt/30ZsBvN 「見たことのない景色が見られる日が来る」やべきょうすけが横浜流星に送った激励の言葉(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2tj0gCV Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
【インタビュー】水谷豊&反町隆史、「相棒」20周年「ファンのおかげ」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:54 PM PDT comot.prelol.com [unable to retrieve full-text content] 【インタビュー】水谷豊&反町隆史、「相棒」20周年「ファンのおかげ」(オリコン) Yahoo!ニュース"一緒に来る" - Google ニュース October 13, 2020 at 04:00AM https://ift.tt/3jXCzoL 【インタビュー】水谷豊&反町隆史、「相棒」20周年「ファンのおかげ」(オリコン) - Yahoo!ニュース "一緒に来る" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2tj0gCV Mesir News Info Israel News info Taiwan News Info Vietnam News and Info Japan News and Info Update https://ift.tt/2SIu0T8 |
台風19号の浸水は「人災だ」 被災者ら川崎市を提訴へ 中原の集会で呼び掛け、原告団に30人超 - 東京新聞 Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:34 PM PDT 昨年十月の台風19号による浸水被害は「川崎市の判断の誤りによる人災」として、川崎市内の被災者ら三十人超が、市に損害賠償を求めて提訴する方針であることが分かった。台風上陸から一年となった十二日夜、中原区であった集会で主催者が明らかにした。(石川修巳) 市の調査によると、市が管理する五カ所の排水樋管周辺で約百十ヘクタールの浸水被害が発生した。このうち中原区の山王排水樋管では、多摩川に下水を放流する樋管(ひかん)ゲートから、増水した多摩川の泥水が逆流。武蔵小杉駅周辺などにあるマンホールから噴出し、浸水被害を広げたとされる。 集会を開いた「台風19号多摩川水害を考える川崎の会」は、逆流を防ぐためにゲートがあるのに、ゲートを閉めなかった市の責任に言及。約二百人の参加者に「市側の説明に納得できない被災者は多い。行政が動かないなら、司法に訴えるしかない」と説明した。 同会によると、集団訴訟の呼びかけに対し、十二日現在で三十五人の被災者が原告に加わる意向を示したという。十二月上旬にも、原告団の結成総会を開く方向で調整している。 弁護団長に就任する西村隆雄弁護士は「市がゲートを閉めていれば、被害を回避できた。決して不可抗力ではなく、まさに人災だ」と指摘。訴訟では、建物修理や避難に要した費用のほか、一律百万円の慰謝料などを請求する考えを明らかにして、「泣き寝入りしないで」と語った。 ◇ 自宅が床上浸水した中原区上丸子山王町の松平晃さん(78)は、集団訴訟に加わる一人だ。修繕費用などに約七百万円もかかり、「貯金がふっとんじゃった」と語る。 台風が上陸した昨年十月十二日夕方、自宅近くのマンホールから泥水が噴出するのを目撃していた。その後すぐに自宅が浸水し、床上六十センチに。市の被害判定は「半壊」とされた。 あの日、山王排水樋管のゲートを閉めていれば、浸水規模は減少した−。市の検証報告書で、そんなシミュレーション結果が明らかにされた。松平さんは、ほかの被災者とともに「市の責任を問いたい」と話している。 関連キーワード "被災者" - Google ニュース October 14, 2020 at 05:10AM https://ift.tt/33TrAHi 台風19号の浸水は「人災だ」 被災者ら川崎市を提訴へ 中原の集会で呼び掛け、原告団に30人超 - 東京新聞 "被災者" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2GlMulZ Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
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