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- Nasib Malang Briptu Gugur Ditabrak Saat Menilang
- Ayah Meghan Markle: Anak Saya Merendahkan Kerajaan Inggris
- Kocak, Detik-detik Greysia Polii Pusing Cari Raket Sendiri
- Usai Diperiksa Polisi, Siwi Sidi Bicara Soal Pemilik Akun @digeeembok Hingga Curigai Media Lantaran...
- Insentif Direksi BPJS Rp 342 Juta/Bulan, DPR Beri Sindiran Pedas!
- Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes
- Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes
- Nyesek! Pengakuan Ketua RT, Baru Diperbaiki, Jangkauan Toa Banjir di Bidara Cina Hanya Menjangkau Radius 100 Meter
- Prince George’s overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post
- Prince George’s overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post
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Nasib Malang Briptu Gugur Ditabrak Saat Menilang Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - - Sungguh malang nasib yang dialami polisi bernama Briptu Gugur Ebenezer. Saat sedang menjalankan tugas, dia malah ditabrak pengemudi mobil yang dia tilang. Peristiwa ini terjadi di Jalan Gerbang Pemuda, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (18/1) dini hari. Mulanya, Briptu Gugur dan dua rekannya sedang hendak melakukan pengamaman antisipasi balapan liar. Dia lalu berpapasan dengan mobil Honda Jazz dengan nomor polisi B 1720 UFG. Ternyata lampu mobil pelaku tidak menyala, selain itu plat nomor pada bagian depan mobil juga tidak ada. Briptu Gugur lalu menghentikan mobil itu. Tapi, mendadak mobil Jazz itu justru tancap gas. Bukannya patuh, pengemudi itu justru menabrak Briptu Gugur. "Mobil tersebut sempat berhenti. Ketika akan dilakukan pemeriksaan tiba-tiba mobil tancap gas dan menabrak korban," ujar Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus dalam keteranganya, Minggu (19/1/2020). Akibat kejadian tersebut, Briptu Gugur mengalami luka-luka di pipi kiri, tangan kiri, kaki kiri dan kanan. Bukannya bertanggung jawab, pengemudi mobil itu justru melarikan diri. Untungnya, Briptu Gugur dan dua rekannya sempat mencatat plat nomor pelaku yang berada pada bagian belakang mobil. Dia lalu membuat laporan polisi yang teregister di 351/1/Yan 2.5/2020/ SPKT PMJ tanggal 18 Januari 2020. Polisi pun bergerak melakukan penyelidikan. Akhirnya terungkap bahwa pengemudi mobil itu bernama Ade Permana Putra (26). Dia pun ditangkap di Tangerang Selatan. "(Polisi) berhasil mengamankan pelaku atas nama Ade Permana Putra & barang bukti mobil (Honda) Jazz warna merah (dengan) nomor polisi B-1720-UFG di Villa Pamulang Mas, Tangerang Selatan. (Polisi) membawa (korban) ke Mapolda guna pengusutan selanjutnya," tutur Yusri.(deik.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2RxQgOq via IFTTT |
Ayah Meghan Markle: Anak Saya Merendahkan Kerajaan Inggris Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Ayah Meghan Markle, Thomas Markle, menuduh anaknya merendahkan Kerajaan Inggris. Meghan dan suaminya Pangeran Harry awal 2020 ini memutuskan keluar dari anggota senior Kerajaan. Keputusan Pangeran Harry dan Meghan membuat monarki Inggris bergejolak. Kerajaan akhirnya memutuskan untuk mencabut gelar "Yang Mulia" dan menginstruksikan pasangan tersebut membayar biaya kehidupannya sendiri. Atas kekacauan tersebut Thomas Markle akhirnya berkomentar. Ia mengatakan, Meghan telah menghancurkan mimpi setiap gadis di dunia. "Ini mengecewakan karena dia sebenarnya sudah mendapat impian semua gadis. Seluruh gadis ingin jadi ratu dan dia mendapatkannya, dan kini ia malah membuangnya, mungkin tindakannya itu karena uang," sebut Thomas seperti dikutip dari Reuters, Senin (20/1). Menurut Thomas, keluarga kerajaan Inggris adalah lembaga berumur panjang paling luar biasa di dunia. Oleh karena itu, saat Meghan menikah dengan Harry maka pasangan tersebut menjadi bagian dari keluarga bangsawan. "Mereka sudah menghancurkan itu, merendahkan, dan membuat (kerajaan) lusuh. Mereka juga mengubah (kerajaan) seperti Walmart, ini menggelikan dan seharusnya tidak terjadi," tegas dia. Hubungan Thomas dan Meghan diketahui tidak harmonis. Keretakan tersebut berlangsung sejak Meghan menikah dengan Pangeran Harry pada 2018 lalu. Thomas pun yakin, sang anak tidak akan menghubunginya lagi dalam waktu dekat ini. "Mereka seperti kehilangan jiwanya. Saya tak tahu apa yang mereka cari, mereka juga nampak tak tahu apa yang mereka cari," ucap Thomas.(kumparan.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3auMca2 via IFTTT |
Kocak, Detik-detik Greysia Polii Pusing Cari Raket Sendiri Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Ada momen kocak yang terjadi dalam pertandingan final Indonesia Masters 2020 yang mempertemukan pasangan Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu dengan pasangan Denmark, Maiken Fruergaard/Sara Thygesen. Berdasarkan video unggahan Instagram akun @ftosport.id, momen lucu tersebut terjadi di game ketiga partai final Indonesia Masters 2020 sektor ganda putri. Kala itu, di kedudukan 13-12 saat pasangan Greysia/Apriyani unggul atas pasangan Denmark, dimana saat itu raket Greysia dan Apriyani berbenturan saat mengembalikan smes keras dari pasangan Sara/Maiken. Akibat benturan raket itu pun, raket Greysia Polii terlepas dari genggamannya, tetapi dia sendiri bingung kemana raketnya itu terlempar dan malah maju ke depan dan malah begitu percaya diri memukul bola tanpa menggunakan raket. Alhasil, smes keras dari pasangan Denmark itu pun tak bisa dikembalikan oleh Greysia Polii yang tak memegang raket sama sekali hingga kedudukan menjadi 13-13. Aksi dari rekan Apriyani Rahayu itu pun direspon dengan gelak tawa oleh komentator asing yang menanyakan mengapa ia harus pergi ke depan dan bukannya malah mengambil raketnya. Namun untungnya, pasangan Greysia/Apriyani berhasil menang dramatis dengan skor 18-21, 21-11, 23-21 atas pasangan Denmark dan meraih gelar Indonesia Masters 2020 untuk kali pertama.(Indosport.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3ao3qWV via IFTTT |
Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Pramugari Garuda Indonesia Siwi Widi Purwanti atau Siwi Sidi tidak mengetahui siapa sosok pemilik akun @digeeembok yang menudingnya sebagai 'gundik'. Ada dugaan pelaku 'disuplai' info soal Siwi Sidi oleh orang yang berteman dengan Siwi di akunnya. "Karena kalau melihat postingannya 'kan kelihatannya orang tahu jadwal, kemudian tahu instagramnya klien kami. Kan instagramnya dia terbatas, private ya, jadi orang-orang yang pasti dikenal," kata Vidi kepada wartawan di Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Senin (20/1/2020). Hingga saat ini, pemilik akun tersebut tidak pernah meminta maaf kepada Siwi atas tudingan itu. Meski demikian, pihaknya tetap menginginkan pelaku diusut hingga tuntas karena tuduhan tersebut sudah merupakan bentuk pidana. "Enggak ada (permintaan maaf), kita nggak bicara permintaan maaf. Ini sudah ada tindak pidana, pasal ITE 27 ayat 3, KUHP 310, dan 311, jadi tentu penyidik yang akan dalami ini," tuturnya. Siwi Sidi diperiksa selama 5 jam sejak pukul 11.00-17.15 WIB. Dalam pemeriksaan itu Siwi Sidi dicecar 42 pertanyaan oleh penyidik. "(Pertanyaan) terkait apa-apa aja postingan di Twitter ya, akun Twitter digeeembok yang telah rugikan klien kami, yang merupakan fitnah yang tidak berdasar dan ada kebenaran sama sekali," lanjutnya. Dalam penyelidikan ini, Siwi Sidi melampirkan sejumlah bukti terkait kasus itu. Ia juga mengajukan sejumlah saksi untuk melengkapi penyelidikan polisi. "Pada tahap awal sementara ini bukti-bukti yang ada di postingan itu, kemudian juga kami ajukan beberapa saksi untuk bisa membantu penyidik dalami masalah ini," sambungnya. Terkait sosok pemilik akun, Siwi juga mengaku tidak mengetahui siapa pelaku tersebut. Namun, Siwi Sidi menduga pelaku hanya ingin mencari keuntungan semata dari tudingan-tudingan itu. "Orang media kali ya, yang nyari keuntungan," ucap Siwi Sidi. Sebelumnya, Siwi Sidi juga pernah menaruh kecurigaan terhadap siapa sosok pemilik akun tersebut. Siwi Sidi mencurigai pelaku adalah orang dekat. Pasti di sekitar saya. Jadi begini, Instagram saya tadinya adalah private account dan private account itu dari lingkungan saya saja. Dan ada foto saya yang pertama yang di Union itu, itu sebenarnya itu pasti screenshot-an dari teman saya atau followers saya sebelumnya," kata Siwi saat jumpa pers di Elza Syarief Law Office, Jalan Latuharhary, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (10/1/2020).(detik.com/ Artikel Asli) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2RwuryJ via IFTTT |
Insentif Direksi BPJS Rp 342 Juta/Bulan, DPR Beri Sindiran Pedas! Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Komisi IX DPR mempertanyakan perihal dana operasional BPJS Kesehatan yang dipergunakan tidak efisien. DPR meminta BPJS Kesehatan melakukan penghematan. Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR Dewi Asmara mengatakan, berdasarkan laporan keuangan BPJS Kesehatan yang dia miliki, dana operasional BPJS Kesehatan mencapai Rp 4,07 triliun. Merujuk Rencana Kerja Anggaran [RKA] 2019, BPJS Kesehatan menganggarkan beban insentif pada direksi sebesar Rp 32,88 miliar. Menurut Dewi, jika dibagi ke-8 anggota direksi, maka tiap anggota direksi mendapat insentif Rp 4,11 miliar per orang. "Dengan kata lain, seluruh direksi menikmati Rp 342,56 juta per bulan. Sementara beban insentif dewan pengawas BPJS Kesehatan dan juga antara lain kepada 7 dewan pengawas rata-rata Rp 2,55 miliar," kata Dewi lebih jauh. Politisi dari Partai Golongan Karya ini menambahkan, jika insentif yang diterima dewan pengawas dalam 12 bulan insentif, maka upah yang diterima oleh Dewan Pengawas BPJS Kesehatan adalah Rp 211,14 juta per bulan. Oleh karena itu, sebagai badan yang sedang merugi, Dewi meminta agar BPJS Kesehatan untuk melakukan efisiensi dana operasionalnya. "Dengan kata lain, kalau kita bicara badan yang rugi, mbok ada hati untuk mengadakan penghematan, dan mengadakan efisiensi operasional," ujarnya.(Cnbcindonesia.com/Artikel Asli) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/38k7c1m via IFTTT |
Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes [unable to retrieve full-text content] Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show Forbes2020-01-20 11:00:03Z https://ift.tt/38kAKfx CAIiEN3PXe9cv895aUJud5hoIwkqFQgEKg0IACoGCAowrqkBMKBFMJGBAg |
Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show - Forbes [unable to retrieve full-text content] Top 100 Golf Businesses List Released Ahead Of PGA Show Forbes2020-01-20 11:00:03Z https://ift.tt/38kAKfx CAIiEN3PXe9cv895aUJud5hoIwkqFQgEKg0IACoGCAowrqkBMKBFMJGBAg |
Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:03 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) DKI Jakarta baru saja memperbaiki alat peringatan dini banjir Kelurahan Bidara Cina , Kecamatan Jatinegara. Namun perbaikan disaster warning sistyem (DWS) di Pos RW 07 yang dilakukan Senin (20/1/2020) pagi tadi dirasa warga tak optimal. Ketua RW 07 Kelurahan Bidara Cina , Mamat Sahroni (58) mengatakan suara peringatan yang menyalak dari empat toa itu hanya sayup-sayup terdengar. "Tadi pas saya cek sudah berfungsi. Tapi alarmnya cuman terdengar radius 100 meter dari Toa , itu pun pelan," kata Mamat di Jatinegara , Jakarta Timur, Senin (20/1/2020). Minimnya jangkauan peringatan dari empat toa ukuran besar itu membuat warga RW 07 pesimis DWS bakal bermanfaat. Padahal dari total 18 RT di wilayah RW 07, sebanyak 14 RT terdampak banjir luapan Kali Ciliwung dengan ketinggian maksimal 7 meter. "Kalau suaranya cuman radius 100 meter dan pelan buat apa? Bangunin warga tidur saja enggak bisa. Dibanding toa Musala saja kalah kencang," ujarnya. Mamat menuturkan hasil perbaikan DWS yang dirasa lebih baik hanya operasional yang kini dapat dilakukan warga. Yakni dengan memasukkan kode ke mesin DWS yang sejak delapan tahun lalu dipasang di RW 07 tak pernah menyalak saat banjir. "Tadi pas saya cek sudah berfungsi. Tapi alarmnya cuman terdengar radius 100 meter dari Toa , itu pun pelan," kata Mamat di Jatinegara , Jakarta Timur, Senin (20/1/2020). Minimnya jangkauan peringatan dari empat toa ukuran besar itu membuat warga RW 07 pesimis DWS bakal bermanfaat. Padahal dari total 18 RT di wilayah RW 07, sebanyak 14 RT terdampak banjir luapan Kali Ciliwung dengan ketinggian maksimal 7 meter. "Kalau suaranya cuman radius 100 meter dan pelan buat apa? Bangunin warga tidur saja enggak bisa. Dibanding toa Musala saja kalah kencang," ujarnya. Mamat menuturkan hasil perbaikan DWS yang dirasa lebih baik hanya operasional yang kini dapat dilakukan warga. Yakni dengan memasukkan kode ke mesin DWS yang sejak delapan tahun lalu dipasang di RW 07 tak pernah menyalak saat banjir. "Jadi tadi saya dikasih kode sama BPBD DKI biar Toa nya nyala. Kalau sebelumnya kan yang mengatur bunyi dari BPBD , sekarang warga bisa sendiri," tuturnya.(Tribunnews.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/368nKbq via IFTTT |
Prince George’s overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:39 AM PST Prince George's overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post Prince George's County, once considered a weak link in the region's economy, has overtaken neighboring Montgomery as the leading job-creator in the Maryland suburbs. The change is a tribute in part to more honest and effective political leadership in Prince George's, whose name was once synonymous with corruption, according to officials, business leaders and economists. The county has aggressively courted companies, spent tens of millions of dollars on incentives and begun developing prime space around underused Metro stations such as New Carrollton and Branch Avenue. "We are not just waiting for businesses to come," said County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks (D), who was elected in 2018. "We are going out, beating the bushes, to tell the story of Prince George's County." Montgomery's slippage from the top spot could be a warning sign, depending on one's point of view. Its leadership is divided over how best to create jobs. [Northern Virginia's economic growth risks leaving Maryland suburbs behind.] County Executive Marc Elrich (D) wants to ensure that growth helps reduce economic inequality and combat climate change. His critics, some of whom sit on the Montgomery County Council, say that's a smokescreen to conceal a slow-growth agenda. Some residents are wary of development out of fear it will worsen traffic and school crowding. "People who think I hate development, they don't know me very well," Elrich said. "I just want to control it in a way so that we get a county benefit that's bigger than saying, 'Well, if it all gets built, I get so much tax revenue.' " The two counties' economic performance is important partly because both have fallen well behind Northern Virginia in job creation, creating an imbalance that threatens the Washington region's overall growth. Also, Montgomery and Prince George's are Maryland's two most populous counties and have historically been the state's economic engine. Prince George's added more jobs than Montgomery in 2016, 2017 and the first half of 2019, according to federal data compiled by George Mason University's Stephen S. Fuller Institute. Prince George's did so even though its population is 14 percent smaller than Montgomery's. ['Prince George's Proud': Alsobrooks rallies residents in State of the County address.] Looking at a longer period, from 2013 to 2018, Prince George's jobs grew by 21,236, or 7.1 percent, according to state figures provided by the county. Montgomery added 19,540 jobs in the period, a gain of 4.3 percent. Montgomery does retain one significant advantage: Its jobs pay better. In 2018, the average annual salary in Montgomery was $75,650, compared with $58,219 in Prince George's. "In terms of jobs growth, we have absolutely jumped ahead of Montgomery County," Alsobrooks said. "We are regarded as a very business-friendly environment. We have a council and an executive that are working together." It was not always so. For many years, Prince George's was viewed as a runner-up to Montgomery in economic growth. Its reputation hit bottom in 2010 when FBI agents arrested the county executive, Jack B. Johnson (D), on corruption charges. The story drew international attention because he was caught on a wiretap urging his wife to flush a $100,000 check that he'd gotten as a bribe and hide tens of thousands in ill-gotten cash in her underwear when agents knocked on the door of the couple's Mitchellville home. [From the archives: Jack Johnson, Prince George's county executive, and his wife, Leslie, arrested] Johnson served more than five years in federal prison on corruption charges. Prosecutors said he received more than $1 million in bribes, and his wife, several developers, county officials and business executives also were implicated in the scandal. But the stench of corruption dissipated in the years that followed, when Johnson was succeeded first by Rushern L. Baker III (D) and now Alsobrooks, who served two terms as state's attorney before being elected county executive. That, combined with a drop in the violent crime rate, led companies to view Prince George's more favorably. "We've created a climate now where the business community sees opportunity in the county," said the Prince George's County Council's chairman, Todd Turner (D-District 4). "People are looking differently at Prince George's County than they were 10 years ago." It also appears that businesses have either reduced or ended the "redlining" of the county for racial reasons — avoiding investing there because it is majority black — a practice some officials and analysts say was a problem in the past. "I talk to investors every day. I have not had the sense that people are reluctant to come here because it's majority African American," Alsobrooks said, though she acknowledged it could have happened in the past. "Maybe it was race, ignorance." In Montgomery, a big factor discouraging job growth is the county's reputation as being unfriendly to business. Elrich's election in 2018 reinforced that perception, as he was seen as a leading anti-growth member of the County Council before being elected county executive. Elrich says he's trying to change the county's reputation by making the procurement process more user-friendly, opening small-business resource centers and giving local companies an advantage in bidding for county contracts. He did so after meeting with hundreds of business owners to listen to their concerns. "We invited the business community to come tell us why we're so bad," Elrich said. "We're listening to people. We're beginning to change our processes." His critics on the council, who want him to go further in promoting business-friendly policies, are led by council members Hans Riemer (D-At Large) and Andrew Friedson (D-District 1). Friedson sponsored a bill, which passed in July, that requires all legislation to include an economic impact statement. "The first thing we need to do is make sure that economic development is a part of everything we do," Friedson said. "If we're not focused on relentlessly growing our economy, then we face a choice that nobody wants to make — either raise taxes to keep up with our services, or cut services for people who really need help." Both Elrich and his critics say a major goal is to do more to support the biotech industry. Montgomery has a natural advantage in that area as home to the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Elrich is trying to get the University of Maryland system or another institution to create two graduate-level research facilities — in biotech, and cybersecurity and information technology. That would help create a stream of high-tech talent that companies want. He would like to locate the facilities in White Flint, which was a finalist in the competition for Amazon's second headquarters — ultimately won by Arlington County in Northern Virginia. (Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) Elrich concedes that Montgomery struggles to compete with communities across the Potomac River. "We're not Northern Virginia sitting next to an airport and the Pentagon, which are enormous advantages for any business," he said. Maybe he'll settle for trying to reclaim the jobs title from Prince George's. 2020-01-20 10:00:00Z https://ift.tt/2NG6gfY CAIiEKuKKJmxXH9lCm0B8m4iFP4qGAgEKg8IACoHCAowjtSUCjC30XQwidHlAQ |
Prince George’s overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:39 AM PST Prince George's overtakes Montgomery as top job creator in Maryland suburbs - The Washington Post Prince George's County, once considered a weak link in the region's economy, has overtaken neighboring Montgomery as the leading job-creator in the Maryland suburbs. The change is a tribute in part to more honest and effective political leadership in Prince George's, whose name was once synonymous with corruption, according to officials, business leaders and economists. The county has aggressively courted companies, spent tens of millions of dollars on incentives and begun developing prime space around underused Metro stations such as New Carrollton and Branch Avenue. "We are not just waiting for businesses to come," said County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks (D), who was elected in 2018. "We are going out, beating the bushes, to tell the story of Prince George's County." Montgomery's slippage from the top spot could be a warning sign, depending on one's point of view. Its leadership is divided over how best to create jobs. [Northern Virginia's economic growth risks leaving Maryland suburbs behind.] County Executive Marc Elrich (D) wants to ensure that growth helps reduce economic inequality and combat climate change. His critics, some of whom sit on the Montgomery County Council, say that's a smokescreen to conceal a slow-growth agenda. Some residents are wary of development out of fear it will worsen traffic and school crowding. "People who think I hate development, they don't know me very well," Elrich said. "I just want to control it in a way so that we get a county benefit that's bigger than saying, 'Well, if it all gets built, I get so much tax revenue.' " The two counties' economic performance is important partly because both have fallen well behind Northern Virginia in job creation, creating an imbalance that threatens the Washington region's overall growth. Also, Montgomery and Prince George's are Maryland's two most populous counties and have historically been the state's economic engine. Prince George's added more jobs than Montgomery in 2016, 2017 and the first half of 2019, according to federal data compiled by George Mason University's Stephen S. Fuller Institute. Prince George's did so even though its population is 14 percent smaller than Montgomery's. ['Prince George's Proud': Alsobrooks rallies residents in State of the County address.] Looking at a longer period, from 2013 to 2018, Prince George's jobs grew by 21,236, or 7.1 percent, according to state figures provided by the county. Montgomery added 19,540 jobs in the period, a gain of 4.3 percent. Montgomery does retain one significant advantage: Its jobs pay better. In 2018, the average annual salary in Montgomery was $75,650, compared with $58,219 in Prince George's. "In terms of jobs growth, we have absolutely jumped ahead of Montgomery County," Alsobrooks said. "We are regarded as a very business-friendly environment. We have a council and an executive that are working together." It was not always so. For many years, Prince George's was viewed as a runner-up to Montgomery in economic growth. Its reputation hit bottom in 2010 when FBI agents arrested the county executive, Jack B. Johnson (D), on corruption charges. The story drew international attention because he was caught on a wiretap urging his wife to flush a $100,000 check that he'd gotten as a bribe and hide tens of thousands in ill-gotten cash in her underwear when agents knocked on the door of the couple's Mitchellville home. [From the archives: Jack Johnson, Prince George's county executive, and his wife, Leslie, arrested] Johnson served more than five years in federal prison on corruption charges. Prosecutors said he received more than $1 million in bribes, and his wife, several developers, county officials and business executives also were implicated in the scandal. But the stench of corruption dissipated in the years that followed, when Johnson was succeeded first by Rushern L. Baker III (D) and now Alsobrooks, who served two terms as state's attorney before being elected county executive. That, combined with a drop in the violent crime rate, led companies to view Prince George's more favorably. "We've created a climate now where the business community sees opportunity in the county," said the Prince George's County Council's chairman, Todd Turner (D-District 4). "People are looking differently at Prince George's County than they were 10 years ago." It also appears that businesses have either reduced or ended the "redlining" of the county for racial reasons — avoiding investing there because it is majority black — a practice some officials and analysts say was a problem in the past. "I talk to investors every day. I have not had the sense that people are reluctant to come here because it's majority African American," Alsobrooks said, though she acknowledged it could have happened in the past. "Maybe it was race, ignorance." In Montgomery, a big factor discouraging job growth is the county's reputation as being unfriendly to business. Elrich's election in 2018 reinforced that perception, as he was seen as a leading anti-growth member of the County Council before being elected county executive. Elrich says he's trying to change the county's reputation by making the procurement process more user-friendly, opening small-business resource centers and giving local companies an advantage in bidding for county contracts. He did so after meeting with hundreds of business owners to listen to their concerns. "We invited the business community to come tell us why we're so bad," Elrich said. "We're listening to people. We're beginning to change our processes." His critics on the council, who want him to go further in promoting business-friendly policies, are led by council members Hans Riemer (D-At Large) and Andrew Friedson (D-District 1). Friedson sponsored a bill, which passed in July, that requires all legislation to include an economic impact statement. "The first thing we need to do is make sure that economic development is a part of everything we do," Friedson said. "If we're not focused on relentlessly growing our economy, then we face a choice that nobody wants to make — either raise taxes to keep up with our services, or cut services for people who really need help." Both Elrich and his critics say a major goal is to do more to support the biotech industry. Montgomery has a natural advantage in that area as home to the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Elrich is trying to get the University of Maryland system or another institution to create two graduate-level research facilities — in biotech, and cybersecurity and information technology. That would help create a stream of high-tech talent that companies want. He would like to locate the facilities in White Flint, which was a finalist in the competition for Amazon's second headquarters — ultimately won by Arlington County in Northern Virginia. (Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) Elrich concedes that Montgomery struggles to compete with communities across the Potomac River. "We're not Northern Virginia sitting next to an airport and the Pentagon, which are enormous advantages for any business," he said. Maybe he'll settle for trying to reclaim the jobs title from Prince George's. 2020-01-20 10:00:00Z https://ift.tt/2NG6gfY CAIiEKuKKJmxXH9lCm0B8m4iFP4qGAgEKg8IACoHCAowjtSUCjC30XQwidHlAQ |
Saran Jennifer Dunn Agar Dicintai Suami Bikin Ngakak Warganet Lantaran... Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Jennifer Dunn, kerap memperlihatkan kemesraaannya dengan sang suami, Faisal Harris di Instagram. Tak hanya itu, pesinetron ini juga mengunggah kebersamaannya dengan keluarga suami. Seperti yang baru-baru ini diposting Jennifer Dunn. Ia bersama keluarga suami melakukan liburan bareng. Dalam video boomerang, tampak Jennifer Dunn dan saudara-saudaranya berada di tengah salju. Mereka mengenakan pakaian hangat. Tampak Jennifer Dunn, dan saudara-saudara sang suami begitu akrab. Mereka saling berpegangan tangan. Namun bukan itu yang menjadi perhatian warganet. Melainkan keterangan yang dibuat oleh Jennifer Dunn. Beri Saran "If you want to be loved by your husband & husband's family, be a good wife.This is real family💋," tulisnya. 539 Ikut Berkomentar Sebanyak lebih dari 89 ribu pengguna Instagram telah melihat unggahan tersebut. Dan ada 539 orang yang mengomentari postingan Jennifer Dunn. Bikin Ngakak Dan mereka memberikan pendapatnya di kolom komentar. "What a good caption mama dun! HAHA," tulis akun @theonegray. Sementara akun @hai.je menambahkan, "Emg pelakor bisa jadi istri yg baik?😂." "🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 capt na bikin geli deh Jedun," timpal akun @queenha_88.(liputan6.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2G3dW7Y via IFTTT |
いつものティータイムが華やかに 老舗マグカップ10選|WOMAN SMART|NIKKEI STYLE - 日本経済新聞 Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:58 AM PST 6123085692001 ちょっとぜいたくな時間を演出する老舗ブランドのマグカップ。日経ウーマノミクス・プロジェクトの女性会員108人に、自分が使ってみたいマグカップを選んでもらった。 ■1位 ウェッジウッド(英国) 「ワイルドストロベリー カジュアル 蓋付きマグ」1320ポイント 野イチゴの柄、ティータイム華やか 1759年に創業。ぬくもりのある乳白色に定評がある。蓋付きマグは2019年に創業260年を記念して発売した。ブランドへの信頼感と使い勝手のいい定番柄のバリエーションに支持が集まった。 「ワイルドストロベリー カジュアル」は、野イチゴと花と金彩を組み合わせた代表柄から金彩を抜いて電子レンジに対応したデザイン。伝統的な「転写」技法で絵付けをしている。「ティータイムの気分を華やかにしてくれる。眺めているだけで気分が上がる」(50歳)、「一日中どんなシーンでも使える」(48)などの声が寄せられた。 蓋は茶葉を蒸らしたり、小皿やコースターとして使ったりできる。「濃いめのミルクティーを注ぎ、優雅なひとときを楽しみたい」(55)。蓋の裏側まで柄を施してあるのも好評だった。 (1)希望小売価格またはネット直販価格(税込み) 1個8250円(2)問い合わせ先 電話03・6380・8159(ウェッジウッド)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機への対応 可 ■2位 ニッコー(日本) 「スパングルス マグ」870ポイント キラキラ、友人と楽しむ金の絵付け ニッコーは1908年、旧加賀藩主の前田家などの出資を受け、金沢市で「日本硬質陶器」として創業した。キラキラと華やかなスパンコールの柄が特徴で、絵付けに本物の金やプラチナを使っている。「カラフルで友人が来たときに盛り上がりそう」(33) 日本産業規格では、ボーンチャイナには動物の骨などを原料にしたリン酸三カルシウムを質量の3割以上使うよう規定している。ニッコーではこれを約5割使い透明感を高めた。ハンドルは幅が狭めで、女性が指を2本入れてもしっくりくる設計になっている。すべて石川県の自社工場で製造している。「軽くてかわいい。ティータイムが楽しみになる。価格も手ごろ」(28)。一方で「電子レンジ不可はマイナス点」(42)との声も。 (1)4400円(2)電話076・276・2172(ニッコー)(3)電子レンジ不可・食洗機可 ■3位 ロイヤルコペンハーゲン(デンマーク) 「ブルーフルーテッド プレイン ハイハンドルマグ」830ポイント 手描きの青、伝統の「プレミアム感」 1775年にデンマークの王立製陶所として設立。「飽きの来ないデザイン。落ち着いて大人の時間を楽しめる」(44)、「憧れのブランド。一人の時間がぜいたくになる」(56)など伝統からくる「プレミアム感」が支持を集めた。 老舗でも転写紙から絵柄を写す手法の製品が多いが、職人が野菊などを手描きしている。「手描き模様がシンプルで美しい」(55)。ハンドルの使いやすさも評価が高い。古代ローマのオリーブ油のつぼから発想し、熱いカップに指が直接触れない形状だ。 (1)1万3200円(2)電話0120・665・827(ロイヤルコペンハーゲン)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機可 ■4位 ビレロイ&ボッホ(ドイツ) 「ニューウェイブカフェ マグ」 680ポイント ハンドル、目を引くデザイン 1748年にロレーヌ公国(現フランス領)で創業し、1836年にドイツで2つの創業家が現在の会社を設立した。飲み口の部分がハンドルへとつながっていく個性的なデザイン。「デスクにあったらインスピレーションがピピッときそう。奇抜すぎないデザインがいい」(55)、「目を引くデザインだが使いやすそう」(52)。 (1)4400円(2)電話03・3847・6860(エッセンコーポレーション)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機可 ■5位 リチャードジノリ(イタリア) 「オリエンテイタリアーノ チトリーノ フタ付きマグカップ」610ポイント 蓋付きで容量たっぷり 1735年にイタリアの貴族が創設。フィレンツェ製にこだわる。同グループの高級ブランド「グッチ」のデザイナーがプロデュース。黄水晶をイメージした黄色に、紺色のカーネーションなどを絵付けした。容量が400ミリリットルと多め。「長く飲めて冷めにくい」(32)。 (1)1万7600円(2)電話03・3222・1735(リチャードジノリ・アジアパシフィック)(3)電子レンジ可・手洗い推奨 "マグ" - Google ニュース January 20, 2020 at 01:00AM https://ift.tt/2sG8vsp いつものティータイムが華やかに 老舗マグカップ10選|WOMAN SMART|NIKKEI STYLE - 日本経済新聞 "マグ" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2LzJR2R Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Disebut Sebagai Orang Stres, Sunda Empire Geram Semprot Ridwan Kamil Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Petinggi Sunda Empire HRH Ki Ageng Ranggasana menanggapi pernyataan Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil yang menyebut anggota Sunda Empire merupakan sekelompok orang stres. Rangga mengaku geram dan meminta Emil jangan menjadi provokator. "Jangan menjadi provokator, jangan seperti pejabat-pejabat yang bodoh seperti Gubernur Jawa Barat itu, ya," kata Rangga melalui sambungan telepon, Senin (20/1). "Tidak boleh pejabat manapun sekalipun Presiden Republik Indonesia menyampaikan atas omongannya sembarangan kalau hal-hal menyangkut politik, ya. Karena ini menyangkut soal internasional," tambahnya. Rangga menambahkan, Ridwan Kamil harus berhati-hati karena perkataannya berkaitan dengan kepercayaan internasional. Sebab menurutnya Sunda Empire merupakan lembaga tingkat dunia yang telah mendapatkan pengakuan dari sejumlah negara di dunia. "Saya ingatkan juga jadi siapa pun pejabat di Republik Indonesia karena untuk menyangkut kepercayaan internasional maka berhati-hati atas pesan tatanan perjalanannya Sunda Empire," tegas Rangga. Lebih lanjut, Rangga menuturkan, Sunda Empire bertujuan mewujudkan kesejahteraan dan perdamaian di dunia tanpa membedakan golongan. Dia menilai selama ini Sunda Empire tidak pernah mengganggu stabilitas nasional dan dunia sehingga tidak layak untuk dipermasalahkan. "Sunda Empire tidak mengganggu stabilitas nasional Indonesia ya dan tidak pula mengganggu dengan situasi stabilitas dunia atau regional," jelas Rangga. "Sunda Empire telah sepakat di tahun 2016 telah melakukan memorandum bahwa untuk mem-Pancasila-kan negara-negara di dunia. Itulah yang nantinya Indonesia menjadi negara super power," tutupnya. Ridwan Kamil mengaku sudah menerima laporan terkait kemunculan kelompok Sunda Empire di Bandung. Kelompok yang sedang ramai dibicarakan di media sosial ini juga tengah ditelusuri keberadaannya oleh Polda Jawa Barat. Emil berpendapat, kemunculan Sunda Empire ini karena banyak orang tidak menggunakan akal sehatnya. "Banyak orang stres ya di republik ini, menciptakan ilusi-ilusi yang sering kali romantisme-romantisme sejarah, ternyata ada orang yang percaya juga menjadi pengikutnya," kata Ridwan Kamil kepada wartawan di Bandung, Jumat (17/1/2020)(Kumparan.com/Artikel Asli) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2v3R7yB via IFTTT |
Akhirnya! Raja dan Ratu Keraton Agung Sejagat Ngaku Halu Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Tersangka kasus penipuan berkedok Keraton Agung Sejagat akhirnya mengakui kalau dirinya berimajinasi atau kini ngetren disebut 'halu'. Meski demikian tim psikologi tetap akan didatangkan. "Sudah mengaku bersalah dan yang dikatakan dapat wangsit itu hanya khayalan dia," kata Kabid Humas Polda Jawa Tengah, Kombes Iskandar Fitriana Sutisna kepada wartawan di ruang kerjanya, Senin (20/1/2020). Pemeriksaan terhadap 'Raja' Toto Santosa dan 'Ratu' Fanni Amiandia masih terus dilakukan sampai hari ini. Meski para tersangka sudah mengakui kerajaan mereka hanya khayalan, jadwal pemeriksaan psikolog hari ini tetap akan dilakukan. "Ahli psikologi tetap akan dipanggil, akan dilihat kondisinya," ujarnya. Diberitakan sebelumnya, Pemkab Purworejo juga akan membuka posko pengaduan dan kesehatan untuk korban Keraton Agung Sejagat. Pos layanan kesehatan tersebut tersedia di seluruh Puskesmas di Purworejo. "Ini (nomor pengaduan dan pos layanan kesehatan) sudah siap, ini masih proses juga," jelas Asisten III Setda Purworejo, Pram Prasetyo Achmad, saat dihubungi detikcom, Minggu (19/1). Pihaknya telah menjalin komunikasi dengan Dinas Kesehatan Purworejo untuk menyukseskan program layanan kesehatan itu. (sip/ams/detik.com)) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3795yzy via IFTTT |
いつものティータイムが華やかに 老舗マグカップ10選|WOMAN SMART|NIKKEI STYLE - 日本経済新聞 Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:58 AM PST 6123085692001 ちょっとぜいたくな時間を演出する老舗ブランドのマグカップ。日経ウーマノミクス・プロジェクトの女性会員108人に、自分が使ってみたいマグカップを選んでもらった。 ■1位 ウェッジウッド(英国) 「ワイルドストロベリー カジュアル 蓋付きマグ」1320ポイント 野イチゴの柄、ティータイム華やか 1759年に創業。ぬくもりのある乳白色に定評がある。蓋付きマグは2019年に創業260年を記念して発売した。ブランドへの信頼感と使い勝手のいい定番柄のバリエーションに支持が集まった。 「ワイルドストロベリー カジュアル」は、野イチゴと花と金彩を組み合わせた代表柄から金彩を抜いて電子レンジに対応したデザイン。伝統的な「転写」技法で絵付けをしている。「ティータイムの気分を華やかにしてくれる。眺めているだけで気分が上がる」(50歳)、「一日中どんなシーンでも使える」(48)などの声が寄せられた。 蓋は茶葉を蒸らしたり、小皿やコースターとして使ったりできる。「濃いめのミルクティーを注ぎ、優雅なひとときを楽しみたい」(55)。蓋の裏側まで柄を施してあるのも好評だった。 (1)希望小売価格またはネット直販価格(税込み) 1個8250円(2)問い合わせ先 電話03・6380・8159(ウェッジウッド)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機への対応 可 ■2位 ニッコー(日本) 「スパングルス マグ」870ポイント キラキラ、友人と楽しむ金の絵付け ニッコーは1908年、旧加賀藩主の前田家などの出資を受け、金沢市で「日本硬質陶器」として創業した。キラキラと華やかなスパンコールの柄が特徴で、絵付けに本物の金やプラチナを使っている。「カラフルで友人が来たときに盛り上がりそう」(33) 日本産業規格では、ボーンチャイナには動物の骨などを原料にしたリン酸三カルシウムを質量の3割以上使うよう規定している。ニッコーではこれを約5割使い透明感を高めた。ハンドルは幅が狭めで、女性が指を2本入れてもしっくりくる設計になっている。すべて石川県の自社工場で製造している。「軽くてかわいい。ティータイムが楽しみになる。価格も手ごろ」(28)。一方で「電子レンジ不可はマイナス点」(42)との声も。 (1)4400円(2)電話076・276・2172(ニッコー)(3)電子レンジ不可・食洗機可 ■3位 ロイヤルコペンハーゲン(デンマーク) 「ブルーフルーテッド プレイン ハイハンドルマグ」830ポイント 手描きの青、伝統の「プレミアム感」 1775年にデンマークの王立製陶所として設立。「飽きの来ないデザイン。落ち着いて大人の時間を楽しめる」(44)、「憧れのブランド。一人の時間がぜいたくになる」(56)など伝統からくる「プレミアム感」が支持を集めた。 老舗でも転写紙から絵柄を写す手法の製品が多いが、職人が野菊などを手描きしている。「手描き模様がシンプルで美しい」(55)。ハンドルの使いやすさも評価が高い。古代ローマのオリーブ油のつぼから発想し、熱いカップに指が直接触れない形状だ。 (1)1万3200円(2)電話0120・665・827(ロイヤルコペンハーゲン)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機可 ■4位 ビレロイ&ボッホ(ドイツ) 「ニューウェイブカフェ マグ」 680ポイント ハンドル、目を引くデザイン 1748年にロレーヌ公国(現フランス領)で創業し、1836年にドイツで2つの創業家が現在の会社を設立した。飲み口の部分がハンドルへとつながっていく個性的なデザイン。「デスクにあったらインスピレーションがピピッときそう。奇抜すぎないデザインがいい」(55)、「目を引くデザインだが使いやすそう」(52)。 (1)4400円(2)電話03・3847・6860(エッセンコーポレーション)(3)電子レンジ・食洗機可 ■5位 リチャードジノリ(イタリア) 「オリエンテイタリアーノ チトリーノ フタ付きマグカップ」610ポイント 蓋付きで容量たっぷり 1735年にイタリアの貴族が創設。フィレンツェ製にこだわる。同グループの高級ブランド「グッチ」のデザイナーがプロデュース。黄水晶をイメージした黄色に、紺色のカーネーションなどを絵付けした。容量が400ミリリットルと多め。「長く飲めて冷めにくい」(32)。 (1)1万7600円(2)電話03・3222・1735(リチャードジノリ・アジアパシフィック)(3)電子レンジ可・手洗い推奨 "マグ" - Google ニュース January 20, 2020 at 01:00AM https://ift.tt/2RasDwg いつものティータイムが華やかに 老舗マグカップ10選|WOMAN SMART|NIKKEI STYLE - 日本経済新聞 "マグ" - Google ニュース https://ift.tt/2LzJR2R Shoes Man Tutorial Pos News Update Meme Update Korean Entertainment News Japan News Update |
Inikah Pramugari Yang Akan Dinikahi Sule? Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:33 AM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Komedian kondang, Sule, diberitakan bakal menggelar pernikahan pada April 2020 mendatang. Pernikahan tersebut rencananya akan dilangsungkan di Jakarta. Menyusul pemberitaan ini, muncul nama Fany Kurniawaty yang disebut-sebut sebagai calon istri Sule. Bila membuka akun Instagramnya, Sule memang mem-follow akun Fany. Sayangnya, tak semua orang bisa mengakses Instagram Fany Kurniawaty karena akun media sosial tersebut di-private. Namun bila menelusuri akun Facebooknya, Fany diketahui berprofesi sebagai pramugari. Memang, saat awal kabar pernikahan tersiar, Sule disebut-sebut akan memperistri seorang pramugari dari salah satu maskapai penerbangan. Sosok Fany Sebelumnya, pengacara Sule, Dose Hudaya juga sempat menyebut bahwa kliennya itu akan melepas status duda dengan menikahi wanita non selebritas. "Iya mudah-mudahan enggak ada halangan (April 2020) menikah. Calonnya bukan kalangan artis," kata Dose saat dihubungi waratwan melalui sambungan telepon, belum lama ini. Hingga berita ini ditulis, Liputan6.com mencoba menghubungi orang terdekat Sule untuk memastikan kebenarannya, namun belum ada respons. Perceraian Sule telah resmi bercerai dengan almarhumah Lina Jubaedah pada September 2018 lalu di Pengadilan Agama Cimahi, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Keduanya berpisah setelah 21 tahun mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga. Dari pernikahan tersebut keduanya dikaruniai empat orang anak Rizky Febian, Putri Delina, Rizwan Ardiansyach dan Ferdinan Ardiansyach.(liputan6.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3aqaySl via IFTTT |
Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:09 AM PST Opinion | Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren Are Democrats' Top Choices for President - The New York Times In a break with convention, the In a break with convention, the Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren American voters must choose between three sharply divergent visions of the future. The incumbent president, Donald Trump, is clear about where he is guiding the Republican Party — white nativism at home and America First unilateralism abroad, brazen corruption, escalating culture wars, a judiciary stacked with ideologues and the veneration of a mythological past where the hierarchy in American society was defined and unchallenged. On the Democratic side, an essential debate is underway between two visions that may define the future of the party and perhaps the nation. Some in the party view President Trump as an aberration and believe that a return to a more sensible America is possible. Then there are those who believe that President Trump was the product of political and economic systems so rotten that they must be replaced. [Watch the endorsement process on "The Weekly," streaming on Hulu.] The Democratic primary contest is often portrayed as a tussle between moderates and progressives. To some extent that's true. But when we spent significant time with the leading candidates, the similarity of their platforms on fundamental issues became striking. Nearly any of them would be the most progressive president in decades on issues like health care, the economy and government's allocations of resources. Where they differ most significantly is not the what but the how, in whether they believe the country's institutions and norms are up to the challenge of the moment. Many Democratic voters are concerned first and foremost about who can beat Mr. Trump. But with a crowded field and with traditional polling in tatters, that calculation calls for a hefty dose of humility about anyone's ability to foretell what voters want. Choosing who should face off against Mr. Trump also means acknowledging that Americans are being confronted with three models for how to govern this country, not two. Democrats must decide which of their two models would be most compelling for the American people and best suited for repairing the Republic. The party's large and raucous field has made having that clean debate more difficult. With all the focus on personal characteristics — age and race and experience — and a handful of the most contentious issues, voters haven't benefited from a clarifying choice about the party's message in the election and the approach to governing beyond it. It was a privilege for us on the editorial board to spend more than a dozen hours talking to candidates, asking them any question that came to mind. Yet that exercise is impossible for most Americans, and we were left wanting for a more focused conversation for the public. Now is the time to narrow the race. The history of the editorial board would suggest that we would side squarely with the candidate with a more traditional approach to pushing the nation forward, within the realities of a constitutional framework and a multiparty country. But the events of the past few years have shaken the confidence of even the most committed institutionalists. We are not veering away from the values we espouse, but we are rattled by the weakness of the institutions that we trusted to undergird those values. There are legitimate questions about whether our democratic system is fundamentally broken. Our elections are getting less free and fair, Congress and the courts are increasingly partisan, foreign nations are flooding society with misinformation, a deluge of money flows through our politics. And the economic mobility that made the American dream possible is vanishing. Both the radical and the realist models warrant serious consideration. If there were ever a time to be open to new ideas, it is now. If there were ever a time to seek stability, now is it. That's why we're endorsing the most effective advocates for each approach. They are Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. At the dawn of 2020, some of the most compelling ideas are not emerging from the center, but from the left wing of the Democratic Party. That's a testament to the effectiveness of the case that Bernie Sanders and Senator Warren have made about what ails the country. We worry about ideological rigidity and overreach, and we'd certainly push back on specific policy proposals, like nationalizing health insurance or decriminalizing the border. But we are also struck by how much more effectively their messages have matched the moment. Senator Sanders has spent nearly four decades advocating revolutionary change for a nation whose politics often move with glacial slowness. A career spent adjacent to the Democratic Party but not a part of it has allowed him to level trenchant criticism of a political party that often caters more to rich donors than to the middle class. Many of his ideas that were once labeled radical — like paid family leave, a higher minimum wage, universal health care and limits on military intervention — are now mainstream, and may attract voters who helped elect Mr. Trump in 2016. Mr. Sanders would be 79 when he assumed office, and after an October heart attack, his health is a serious concern. Then, there's how Mr. Sanders approaches politics. He boasts that compromise is anathema to him. Only his prescriptions can be the right ones, even though most are overly rigid, untested and divisive. He promises that once in office, a groundswell of support will emerge to push through his agenda. Three years into the Trump administration, we see little advantage to exchanging one over-promising, divisive figure in Washington for another. Good news, then, that Elizabeth Warren has emerged as a standard-bearer for the Democratic left. Senator Warren is a gifted storyteller. She speaks elegantly of how the economic system is rigged against all but the wealthiest Americans, and of "our chance to rewrite the rules of power in our country," as she put it in a speech last month. In her hands, that story has the passion of a convert, a longtime Republican from Oklahoma and a middle-class family, whose work studying economic realities left her increasingly worried about the future of the country. The word "rigged" feels less bombastic than rooted in an informed assessment of what the nation needs to do to reassert its historic ideals like fairness, generosity and equality. She is also committed to reforming the fundamental structures of government and the economy — her first commitment is to anti-corruption legislation, which is not only urgently needed but also has the potential to find bipartisan support. She speaks fluently about foreign policy, including how to improve NATO relations, something that will be badly needed after Mr. Trump leaves office. Her campaign's plans, in general, demonstrate a serious approach to policymaking that some of the other candidates lack. Ms. Warren accurately describes a lack of housing construction as the primary driver of the nation's housing crisis, and she has proposed both increases in government funding for housing construction, and changes in regulatory policy to encourage local governments to allow more construction. She has plans to sharply increase federal investment in clean energy research and to wean the American economy from fossil fuels. She has described how she would reduce the economic and political power of large corporations and give workers more ability to bargain collectively. And she has proposed a sweeping expansion of government support for Americans at every stage of life, from universal child care to free public college to expanded Social Security. At the same time, a conservative federal judiciary will be almost as significant a roadblock for progressive change. For Ms. Warren, that leaves open questions — ones she was unwilling to wrestle with in our interview. Ms. Warren has proposed to pay for an expanded social safety net by imposing a new tax on wealth. But even if she could push such a bill through the Senate, the idea is constitutionally suspect and would inevitably be bogged down for years in the courts. A conservative judiciary also could constrain a President Warren's regulatory powers, and roll back access to health care. Carrying out a progressive agenda through new laws will also be very hard for any Democratic president. In that light, voters could consider what a Democratic president might accomplish without new legislation and, in particular, they could focus on the presidency's wide-ranging powers to shape American society through the creation and enforcement of regulations. As an adviser to President Barack Obama, Ms. Warren was the person most responsible for the creation of a new regulatory agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In her interview with the editorial board, she demonstrated her sophisticated understanding of the different levers of power in an administration, particularly in the use of regulation in areas such as trade, antitrust and environmental policy. When she first arrived in Washington, amid the Great Recession, Senator Warren distinguished herself as a citizen-politician. She showed an admirable desire to shake off the entrapments of many Washington interests in favor of pragmatic problem-solving on behalf of regular people. In her primary campaign, however, she has shown some questionable political instincts. She sometimes sounds like a candidate who sees a universe of us-versus-thems, who, in the general election, would be going up against a president who has already divided America into his own version of them and us. This has been most obvious in her case for "Medicare for all," where she has already had to soften her message, as voters have expressed their lack of support for her plan. There are good, sound reasons for a public health care option — countries all over the world have demonstrated that. But Ms. Warren's version would require winning over a skeptical public, legislative trench warfare to pass bills in Congress, the dismantling of a private health care system. That system, through existing public-private programs like Medicare Advantage, has shown it is not nearly as flawed as she insists, and it is even lauded by health economists who now advocate a single-payer system. American capitalism is responsible for its share of sins. But Ms. Warren often casts the net far too wide, placing the blame for a host of maladies from climate change to gun violence at the feet of the business community when the onus is on society as a whole. The country needs a more unifying path. The senator talks more about bringing together Democrats, Republicans and independents behind her proposals, often leaning on anecdotes about her conservative brothers to do so. Ms. Warren has the power and conviction and credibility to make the case — especially given her past as a Republican — but she needs to draw on practicality and patience as much as her down-and-dirty critique of the system. Ms. Warren's path to the nomination is challenging, but not hard to envision. The four front-runners are bunched together both in national polls and surveys in states holding the first votes, so small shifts in voter sentiment can have an outsize influence this early in the campaign. There are plenty of progressives who are hungry for major change but may harbor lingering concerns about a messenger as divisive as Mr. Sanders. At the same time, some moderate Democratic primary voters see Ms. Warren as someone who speaks to their concerns about inequality and corruption. Her earlier leaps in the polls suggest she can attract more of both. The lack of a single, powerful moderate voice in this Democratic race is the strongest evidence of a divided party. Never mind the talented, honorable politicians who chose to sit this fight out; just stop and consider the talents who did throw their hat into the ring and never got more than a passing glance from voters — Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Steve Bullock, Michael Bennet, Deval Patrick, Jay Inslee, among others. Those candidates who remain all have a mix of strengths and weaknesses. Pete Buttigieg, who is 38 and who was elected mayor of South Bend, Ind., in 2011, has an all-star résumé — Harvard graduate, Rhodes scholar, Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan, the first serious openly gay presidential candidate. His showing in the lead-up to the primaries predicts a bright political future; we look forward to him working his way up. Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, is an engaging and enthusiastic candidate whose diagnoses are often thought-provoking. He points to new solutions to 21st-century challenges rather than retrofitting old ideas. Yet he has virtually no experience in government. We hope he decides to get involved in New York politics. Michael Bloomberg served three terms as New York's mayor (and was endorsed twice by this page). A multibillionaire who built his namesake company from scratch, he is many of the things Mr. Trump pretends to be and would be an effective contrast to the president in a campaign. Mr. Bloomberg is the candidate in the race with the clearest track record of governing, even if that record has its blemishes, beginning with his belated and convenient apology for stop-and-frisk policing. Still, Mr. Bloomberg's current campaign approach reveals more about America's broken system than his likelihood of fixing it. Rather than build support through his ideas and experience, Mr. Bloomberg has spent at least $217 million to date to circumvent the hard, uncomfortable work of actual campaigning. He's also avoided difficult questions — going so far as to bar his own news organization from investigating him, and declining to meet with The Times's editorial board under the pretext that he didn't yet have positions on enough issues. What's worse, Mr. Bloomberg refuses to allow several women with whom he has nondisclosure settlements to speak freely. Few men have given more of their time and experience to the conduct of the public's business than Joe Biden. The former vice president commands the greatest fluency on foreign policy and is a figure of great warmth and empathy. He's prone to verbal stumbles, yes, but social media has also made every gaffe a crisis when it clearly is not. Mr. Biden maintains a lead in national polls, but that may be a measure of familiarity as much as voter intention. His central pitch to voters is that he can beat Donald Trump. His agenda tinkers at the edges of issues like health care and climate, and he emphasizes returning the country to where things were before the Trump era. But merely restoring the status quo will not get America where it needs to go as a society. What's more, Mr. Biden is 77. It is time for him to pass the torch to a new generation of political leaders. Good news, then, that Amy Klobuchar has emerged as a standard-bearer for the Democratic center. Her vision goes beyond the incremental. Given the polarization in Washington and beyond, the best chance to enact many progressive plans could be under a Klobuchar administration. The senator from Minnesota is the very definition of Midwestern charisma, grit and sticktoitiveness. Her lengthy tenure in the Senate and bipartisan credentials would make her a deal maker (a real one) and uniter for the wings of the party — and perhaps the nation. She promises to put the country on the path — through huge investments in green infrastructure and legislation to lower emissions — to achieve 100 percent net-zero emissions no later than 2050. She pledges to cut childhood poverty in half in a decade by expanding the earned-income and child care tax credits. She also wants to expand food stamps and overhaul housing policy and has developed the field's most detailed plan for treating addiction and mental illness. And this is all in addition to pushing for a robust public option in health care, free community college and a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour. Ms. Klobuchar speaks about issues like climate change, the narrowing middle class, gun safety and trade with an empathy that connects to voters' lived experiences, especially in the middle of the country. The senator talks, often with self-deprecating humor, about growing up the daughter of two union workers, her Uncle Dick's deer stand, her father's struggles with alcoholism and her Christian faith. Ms. Klobuchar promises a foreign policy based on leading by example, instead of by threat-via-tweet. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, she serves on the subcommittees responsible for oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the nation's borders and its immigration, citizenship and refugee laws. In 13 years as a senator, she has sponsored and voted on dozens of national defense measures, including military action in Libya and Syria. Her record shows that she is confident and thoughtful, and she reacts to data — what you'd want in a crisis. All have helped Ms. Klobuchar to be the most productive senator among the Democratic field in terms of bills passed with bipartisan support, according to a recent study for the Center for Effective Lawmaking. When she arrived in the Senate in 2007, Ms. Klobuchar was part of a bipartisan group of lawmakers that proposed comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for 12 million undocumented immigrants, before conservative pundits made it political poison. Her more recent legislative accomplishments are narrower but meaningful to those affected, especially the legislation aimed at helping crime victims. This is not surprising given her background as the chief prosecutor in Minnesota's most populous county. For example, one measure she wrote helped provide funds to reduce a nationwide backlog of rape kits for investigating sexual assaults. Reports of how Senator Klobuchar treats her staff give us pause. They raise serious questions about her ability to attract and hire talented people. Surrounding the president with a team of seasoned, reasoned leaders is critical to the success of an administration, not doing so is often the downfall of presidencies. Ms. Klobuchar has acknowledged she's a tough boss and pledged to do better. (To be fair, Bill Clinton and Mr. Trump — not to mention former Vice President Biden — also have reputations for sometimes berating their staffs, and it is rarely mentioned as a political liability.) Ms. Klobuchar doesn't have the polished veneer and smooth delivery that comes from a lifetime spent in the national spotlight, and she has struggled to gain traction on the campaign trail. In Minnesota, however, she is enormously popular. She has won all three of her Senate elections by double digits. In 2016, Hillary Clinton carried nine of Minnesota's 87 counties. Ms. Klobuchar carried 51 in 2018. And it's far too early to count Ms. Klobuchar out — Senator John Kerry, the eventual Democrat nominee in 2004, was also polling in the single digits at this point in the race. There has been a wildfire burning in Australia larger than Switzerland. The Middle East is more unstable at this moment than at any other time in the past decade, with a nuclear arms race looking more when than if. Basket-case governments in several nations south of the Rio Grande have sent a historic flood of migrants to our southern border. Global technology companies exert more political influence than some national governments. White nationalists from Norway to New Zealand to El Paso use the internet to share ideas about racial superiority and which caliber of rifle works best for the next mass killing. The next president will shape the direction of America's prosperity and the future of the planet, perhaps irrevocably. The current president, meanwhile, is a threat to democracy. He was impeached for strong-arming Ukraine into tampering with the 2020 election. There is no reason patriotic Americans should not be open to every chance to replace him at the ballot box. Yet, Mr. Trump maintains near-universal approval from his party and will nearly certainly coast to the nomination. Democrats would be smart to recognize that Mr. Trump's vision for America's future is shared by many millions of Americans. Any hope of restoring unity in the country will require modesty, a willingness to compromise and the support of the many demographics that make up the Democratic coalition — young and old, in red states and blue, black and brown and white. For Senator Klobuchar, that's acknowledging the depth of the nation's dysfunction. For Senator Warren, it's understanding that the country is more diverse than her base. There will be those dissatisfied that this page is not throwing its weight behind a single candidate, favoring centrists or progressives. But it's a fight the party itself has been itching to have since Mrs. Clinton's defeat in 2016, and one that should be played out in the public arena and in the privacy of the voting booth. That's the very purpose of primaries, to test-market strategies and ideas that can galvanize and inspire the country. Ms. Klobuchar and Ms. Warren right now are the Democrats best equipped to lead that debate. May the best woman win. Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated the most votes Mayor Pete Buttigieg previously won. It is roughly 630,000 votes in his loss in the 2010 race to be Indiana state treasurer. He won roughly 11,000 votes to become mayor of South Bend, Ind. This interview was conducted , and published , 2020. Illustrations by Jules Julien;2020-01-20 04:00:00Z https://ift.tt/2TE0wHx CBMibmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm55dGltZXMuY29tL2ludGVyYWN0aXZlLzIwMjAvMDEvMTkvb3Bpbmlvbi9hbXkta2xvYnVjaGFyLWVsaXphYmV0aC13YXJyZW4tbnl0aW1lcy1lbmRvcnNlbWVudC5odG1s0gEA |
Sindir Istri Gus Dur, Luqman Hakim Kena 'Semprot' Felix Siauw Begini Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:03 PM PST Anggota DPR RI fraksi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Luqman Hakim menuding Ustaz Felix Siauw telah menyerang Sinta Nuriyah, istri Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). baca juga: Tengku Zul Sebut Subsidi Era Soeharto dan SBY Meringankan Beban Rakyat Hal ini disampaikan Luqman dalam cuitan yang dia unggah ke akun Twitter pribadinya @LuqmanBeeNKRI pada Minggu (19/1/2020). Beritaterheboh.com - Luqman mengaku awalnya ia tidak merespon apapun yang dilakukan Felix Siauw. "Sdr Felix Siauw, harap anda tahu, selama ini saya tidak respon apapun yang kau lakukan. Saya anggap semua itu sekedar kenakalan anda sebagai mualaf," tulis Luqman, seperti dikutip Suara.com, Senin (20/1/2020). Politisi PKB ini menyebut Felix Siauw sebagai agen HTI lantaran dianggap menyerang istri Gus Dur. "Nah, saat anda menyerang Ibu Shinta Nuriyah, kesimpulan saya bukan sekedar kegenitan mualaf. Anda nyata-nyata agen HTI yang sistematis mau merusak Islam," kata Luqman. Pantauan Suara.com, cuitan Luqman Hakim ini telah mendapatkan lebih dari 2.900 like dan 1.300 retweet pada Senin (20/1) pagi. Warganet meminta Luqman untuk bertindak, tidak hanya melalui cuitan di Twitter. Seperti komentar dari @princesastro yang menulis, "Lakukakan sesuatu pak, jangan cuma di twiter, sudah banyak generasi muda yang sekarang mudah mengharamkan musik, catur, drakor, bank, ucapan natal, tahun baru, bentar lagi valentine dll hanya karena pengaruh ustad-ustad karbitan yang dikasih panggung TV". "Ah udah biasa liat doi nyerang dan lagi dapat banyak panggung. Tapi belum pernah ada tindakan tegas buat doi. Semoga nantinya ada tindak lanjutnya," tulis @NFEffendi. suara.com from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2Rz4XAx via IFTTT |
Tengku Zul Sebut Subsidi Era Soeharto dan SBY Meringankan Beban Rakyat Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:03 PM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Tengku Zulkarnain menyebut subsidi di era Presiden Soeharto dan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) meringankan beban rakyat. Ia membandingkan subsidi di era pemerintahan sekarang. Menurutnya negara tidak bangkrut karena subsisdi. Hal ini disampaikan Tengku Zulkarnain dalam cuitan yang diunggah ke akun Twitter pribadinya @ustadtengkuzul pada Senin (20/1/2020). "Negara tidak bangkrut karena subsidi. Zaman Pak Harto subsidi meringankan beban rakyat. Zaman Pak SBY subsidi meringankan beban rakyat. Dan, negara tidak bangkrut," tulis Tengku Zulkarnain. Ia berpendapat bahwa di era pemerintahan sekarang meskipun subsidi dicabut tapi hutang dan korupsi meningkat. "Sekarang subsidi dicabut, hutang menggunung korupsi mengerikan. Negara bangkrut karena korupsi dan hutang tidak tepat guna," imbuh Tengku Zul. Pantauan Suara.com, cuitan Tengku Zulkarnain ini telah mendapatkan lebih dari 1.800 like dan 470 retweet. Namun rata-rata warganet yang berkomentar di cuitan itu, tidak setuju dengan pendapat Tengku Zulkarnain. Seperti komentar dari @kangrof, "Zaman Pak Harto subsidi memang meringankan beban rakyat. Tapi itu hanya berjalan sementara, setelah itu colaps. Goyang". "Zaman Pak Harto disubsidi, tapi Ibuk ku gak kuat beli beras, padahal katanya swasembada," tulis @azka_arifudin_z.(suara.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2udHfSw via IFTTT |
Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Siswi SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong Sragen, Z yang diteror karena tak berjilbab, akhirnya pindah sekolah. Berikut ini pernyataan ayah Z, Agung Purnomo tentang keputusan itu. "Saya pindahkan ke sekolah swasta di Solo," ujar orang tua Z, Agung Purnomo, dihubungi detikcom, Minggu (19/1/2020). Agung melanjutkan, Z sudah mulai masuk di sekolah barunya sejak Jumat (17/1). Dirinya mengungkapkan, setelah mendapatkan sekolah baru, Z langsung bisa berinteraksi baik dengan teman-teman sekelasnya. Kondisi psikologis Z pun diakuinya berangsur membaik. "Sudah berangsur-angsur baik, dia sudah merasa di tempat barunya dia menemukan teman-teman yang katanya seru. Kemarin kan sempat stres banget, sempat diare terus berat badannya sampai gering (kurus), turun lima kilogram," lanjutnya. Agung sendiri merasa lebih tenang usai anaknya pindah sekolah. Menurutnya, masih banyak faktor yang membuatnya memilih untuk memindahkan anaknya ke sekolah lain. Namun pihaknya tidak bisa mengutarakan hal ini ke publik. "Banyak hal yang saya nggak kemukakan di luaran, tapi sudah saya sampaikan waktu mediasi dengan bupati kemarin," tambah dia. Agung menuturkan, langkah yang dilakukannya selama ini semata-mata dalam kapasitas wali murid yang berhak dan berkewajiban mendukung anaknya untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang terbaik. Selain itu, dirinya sebagai warga negara juga merasa harus punya kepedulian dan fungsi kontrol terhadap sesuatu yang dianggapnya tidak benar."Saya sudah sampaikan (waktu mediasi), dan itu sudah bukan kapasitas saya lagi untuk menyelesaikannya. Saya sudah matur (bilang) ke semua pihak yang hadir, ini sudah harus negara yang menyelesaikan," imbuhnya. Agung meminta insiden teror yang menimpa anaknya menjadi pembelajaran semua pihak. Terutama dirinya menunggu tindakan nyata dari pemerintah, untuk memastikan institusi pendidikan bersih dari intoleransi. "Di sana (sekolah) itu ratusan orang tua mempercayakan anaknya untuk dididik menjadi generasi-generasi kita yang siap menyongsong masa depan, saya berpikirnya ke arah itu, bukan ke arah individual saya. Biar anak saya jadi martir, yang terpenting ke depannya harus lebih baik. Kalau tidak, harus ada tindakan tegas dari pemerintah. Paling tidak Pancasila itu adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa ditawar," jelasnya.(detik.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/38f6pyW via IFTTT |
Bayinya Disebut Tak Dapat Warisan dari Mendiang Lina, Ini Komentar Teddy Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Teddy Pardiyana, suami amarhum Lina Zubaedah mengaku tak takut mendengar kabar bahwa bayinya disebut tak mendapat hak warisan. Menurut Teddy Pardiyana, bayinya tersebut akan mendapat rezeki lain, sehingga ia dan bayinya tak perlu takut dengan kabar yang beredar itu. "Iya enggak apa-apa (dikabarkan enggak dapat warisan). Enggak usah takut si kecil pasti Allah kasih rezeki," kata Teddy kepada Tribunnews.com, Minggu (19/1/2020). Dikatakan Teddy, almarhumah istrinya sudah bersikap adil dan akan membagi rata seluruh aset yang dimiliki. Hal tersebut sudah sempat ia sampaikan di hadapan awak media, namun tak tersampaikan ke khalayak umum. "Almarhumah istri adil dan bijak semua kebahagian apa yang kita miliki, anak-anak harus merasakan, makanya saya pernah utarakan di media tapi sayang enggak tersampaikan malah di cut," ujarnya. "Sekarang ditambah ada laporan luka/memar di jenazah baru dihubungkan dengan warisan," bebernya. Bayi buah cinta pernikahan Teddy dan Lina dikabarkan tak berhak atas aset harta milik Lina, sebab bayi Teddy tak masuk ke dalam surat ahli waris yang dituliskan oleh Lina. Aset harta warisan Lina yang bernilai total 10 miliar itu kabarnya akan diserahkan seutuhnya pada empat anak hasil pernikahan Lina dan mantan suami Lina, Sule. Tribunwow.com from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2NIhjVV via IFTTT |
Dituding Plagiat Lagu Demeises Band, Ini Respon Al Ghazali Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Al Ghazali belum lama ini merilis lagu terbarunya yang berjudul Kesayanganku. Lagu yang menjadi soundtrack sinetron ini juga berhasil masuk ke dalam trending musik di YouTube Indonesia dan telah ditonton lebih dari 2 juta kali. Namun, seiring dengan populernya lagu tersebut, banyak netizen yang menyebut Kesayanganku itu sangat mirip dengan lagu Dengarlah Bintang Hatiku yang dipopulerkan Demeises Band. Dari situlah muncul dugaan kalau karya baru Al Ghazali itu hasil plagiat. Namun alih-alih kesal, Al Ghazali justru menyikapinya dengan santai. "Kalau aku sebagai penyanyi bukan pencipta, tanggapanku sendiri gimana ya, kan pencipta (lagu) nya sama jadi gimana dia mau bikin chordnya gimana juga," kata Al Ghazali di kantor Suara.com, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (17/1/2020). Menurut putra Sulung Ahmad Dhani ini, kedua lagu tersebut sama-sama dibuat oleh musisi Dodhy, eks gitaris Kangen Band. Karenanya, Al Ghazali tidak mau terlalu ambil pusing. "Kaya Dewa, chord ini mirip lagu Dewa yang ini. Ya penciptanya sama-sama Ahmad Dhani, ya hak dia. Kecuali kalau penciptanya beda baru aku ada perasaan malu, tapi ini penciptanya sama, mas Dodhy," jelas Al Ghazali.(suara.com) from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/36cmFPE via IFTTT |
Fakta Kecelakaan Bus di Subang yang Bawa Rombongan Posyandu Depok Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:33 PM PST Beritaterheboh.com - Sebuah bus pariwisata terlibat kecelakaan tunggal di Jalan Raya Palasari, Kecamatan Ciater, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (18/1) sore. Bus tersebut diketahui memuat rombongan kader Posyandu Kota Depok. Kecelakaan itu berawal saat bus berjalan dari arah Bandung ke Subang. Namun, karena sopir diduga tidak mampu mengendalikan kendaraannya di tikungan, bus tersebut justru menabrak pembatas dan terguling. Berikut fakta-fakta kecelakaan tersebut: Rombongan dari Tangkuban Parahu Salah satu keluarga korban menyebut, bus tersebut memuat rombongan kader Posyandu Kota Depok yang baru pulang berwisata di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu. Acara itu beragendakan perpisahan pengurus. "Jalan-jalan ke Tangkuban Parahu, PP (Pulang-Pergi). Acaranya mah kata dia perpisahan bidan di posyandu," ucap salah satu keluarga korban, Junaedi, di RSUD Kota Depok, Minggu (19/1). Sopir Bus Meninggal Dalam kecelakaan ini, sopir bus yang bernama Dede Purnama juga menjadi korban meninggal. Untuk mendalami penyebab kecelakaan tersebut, polisi akan memeriksa korban dan pemilik bus. "(Akan periksa pemilik bus). Nanti, (dari pemeriksaan tersebut) dilihat faktor terjadinya laka, apakah faktor manusia atau kendaraannya," kata Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Saptono Erlangga Waskitoroso saat dihubungi, Minggu (19/1). 8 Orang meninggal Selain sopir bus, kecelakaan tersebut juga menewaskan 7 penumpang. Berikut identitas korban tewas dalam insiden ini: 1) Nama : DEDE PURNAMA, laki-laki, umur 41 tahun, pekerjaan pengemudi, alamat Kp. Cikuda Rt. 35/16 Kec. Gunung Putri Kab. Bogor. (SOPIR Bus) 2) Nama : MARIA KHRISTINA KHRISNIATY, perempuan, umur 40 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Kp. Blok Citayam Ds. Bojong Pondok Terong Kec. Cipayung Kota Depok. 3) Nama : MAYA SUSILAWATI, perempuan, umur 43 tahun, pekerjaan Wiraswasta/kondektur, alamat Jl,. Bakung raya No. 129 Rt. 02/04 Kel. Depok Jaya Kec. Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. 4) Nama : FITRIYAH MAHRI, perempuan, umur 57 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Kp. Bojong bambon No. 72 Rt. 06/05 Kel. Bojong Pondok terong Kec. Cipayung Kota Depok. 5) Nama : RIRI APRIYANTI, perempuan, umur 37 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Kp. Pondok Tirta Mandala Blok Q-3 No. 13 Rt. 04/17 Kec. Cilodong Kota Depok. 6) Nama : DIAH LARASATI, perempuan, umur 51 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Pos Citayam No. 7 Rt. 04/12 Kel. Bojong Pondok Terong Kec. Cipayung Kota Depok. 7) Nama : NAHRUYATI, perempuan, umur 57 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Kp. Bojong No. 29 Rt. 05/02 Ds. Pondok Terong Kec. Cipayung Kota Depok. 8) Nama : ENI INDRIYANI, perempuan, umur 46 tahun, pekerjaan Ibu Rumah tangga, alamat Kp. Pala Bali No. 26 Rt. 07/06 Kel. Pondok Terong Kec. Cipayung Kota Depok. 30 Penumpang Terluka Akibat kecelakaan ini, 10 penumpang mengalami luka berat dan 20 lainnya luka ringan. Dari jumlah tersebut, 10 orang yang dirujuk ke RSUD Kota Depok sudah boleh pulang, sedangkan 3 lainnya masih dirawat. Sedangkan korban lainnya dirawat di RSUI. Wali Kota Depok Mohammad Idris memastikan, seluruh biaya perawatan korban akan ditanggung Pemkot Depok. Selain itu, korban yang memiliki BPJS Kesehatan bisa langsung menggunakannya. "Bagi korban yang dirawat di RSUD Kota Depok otomatis gratis, sedangkan yang dirawat RSUI jika memang pasien ada BPJS maka bisa digunakan, jika belum punya maka menggunakan biaya tak terduga (BTT) kesehatan untuk perawatan sampai mereka sembuh," kata Idris, seperti dikutip dari Antara, Minggu (19/1). from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2G6M5Ug via IFTTT |
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